‘Yohan’ is the 4th son of the Hellhound mafia leader. Yohan who holds an abnormal abilities due to an incident in a young age related to his ancestors, decide to reach his dream of becoming a doctor while hiding his identity as a Mafia member.
‘Rain’ is the only son of the red-circle Mafia leader, a rival/enemy to the Hellhound, who became emotionally interested in both yet the same person Yohan and 4th (Fourth)
寫檢討作者 Ai_Mon
I'm so glad I saw this book on daily recommendations and I was surprised since it was the first completed book I've read with all the chapters being free. It's a comparatively short novel though it was satisfactory since the chapters are long enough. It was a rough start with the punctuation and all but it got better with the writer continuously improving. I think english isn't their first language but I'm glad I could understand and follow the story well enough. The ending though, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE A SEQUEL, I NEED MY BOYS TO BE HAPPPPPPYYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭. I won't mind even if there are locked chapters in the sequel. And if you need an editor I'm willing to take time out of my studies to help. Aside from the characters, even the story's background has so much potential and intrigue and unanswered questions that it ABSOLUTELY CANNOT JUST END LIKE THIS. PRETTY PLEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE AUTHOR.🥺🥺🥺🥺 Anywho, ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE STORY, WOULD REREAD ANYDAY, ANYTIME. Good job Author.