73.91% Tensura : Reborn as a Satoru Mikami / Chapter 16: Aftermath & Veldora release

章節 16: Aftermath & Veldora release

I slept for 6 hrs as set earlier.

Summoned demons can't stay for a long time in spirit form but since they made bodies from the offering, it must be okay. With the thought, I went to meet them.

People in the town were now awake, happy and was in joy.

Demons prevented anyone from leaving the town as some of them may carry recording device to spread events happened here, how thoughtfull of them, and yes we caught a few eastern merchants. Used some memory manipulation magic and skill on all of the merchants so that each will give different accounts for previous day mayhem.

Besides me killing 20000 is not witnessed by anyone except king edmalis, Razen and Rayheim.

I ordered subordinates among the crowd to arrange strict checking for preventing anyone from leaving with recording orbs or similar Items upon exits.I spread universal sense to about 100kms in radius, now that I could innately use so much computation power, to search and cover anything and found some people and asked souei to check them while giving him coordinates.

Once everything is done Rigurdo now reborn is somehow even younger , kneeling and thanking me along with the rest of the citizens and even the merchants from outside Tempest were among them, for my blessings. Well I did show of a little, but getting praised like this made me embarassed but happy for them. I told them "remember this feeling of weakness you felt against war with humans and use it as a fuel for you to train yourselves to not be so weak anymore."

Noir, while doing his duty was paying attention to me and is noting down my statements somewhere.Weirdo.

I am sure in a couple of days Rimuru cult will form with diabolo and rigurdo backing them up behind the scenes.

Since the otherworlder teens are somewhat problematic, I may need to 'educate them'.

Who is more suitable than Shion herself with her new unique skill MasterChef.

So I ordered to put them near the captured King,Razen ( who I just restored back to a human body. I just randomly generated by using Raphael to analyse while healing humans before,came out much younger than he was originally) and Bishop Rayheims cell. Rayheim was the only one conscious among the three during the harvest festival.

He is stuttering God , God etc. well I may also need some mental treatment for him too, I think before sending to church otherwise he will spill out information here. I tasked the noir with this to do later. While I asked his subordinates to help benimaru with the checking process.


Commotions are over.

<Rimuru, you killed over 20000 humans, how will you keep up with your goal of human monster peace and cooperation?The western nations, and holy church won't sit idly by. Honestly, I know what the people did due to their greed and how the otherworlders enjoyed mortally injuring the weak and getting satisfaction from their suffering, but killing an entire army for this hurts me somewhat when I think about it.>

<I have been born a monster but was a human at heart, Shizue and you are a human through and through.

The fact that I killed 20000 people for my strength, not just strength, for my people also, is still looming in my mind. But I am a ruler now aren't I?. We can't expect human nations to believe what I say about falmuths greed but they will come back with all the support they can get, and I would be targetted for subjugation, may be unable to fight back also.They haven't even thought of as a Nation still yet.

what did a human friendly nation of monsters do to deserve such an elimination? I have given orders to increase security and yet this happened. Should I only intimidate them? I need to remove my way of human thinking or my monsters will more or less get into harm due to greed and jealousy of humanity and our enemies will trample us over.>

<..You are right.But now you are stepping into upperechelons of power in this world. Demon lords and Heroes.They will come for you, with friendship or for extermination.>

<Well shizue, now that I have evolved my computational capacity has increased, and during this conversation itself, I was able to obtain enough information about the seal of Veldora. Well he will be an ultimate weapon to stagger the movement of holy church. But east I don't know. They may be planning to subjugate the west for many years now. May be they will come.>

I ended the conversation and had a meeting of my subordinates, I proceed to ask noir, "Hey mr.demon, I only used a greater demon summoning magic and you are more powerful than an arch demon. What's your goal here? And why haven't you still gone back"

He falttered on his steps."..I only wish to serve you,Master. I volunteered to get my self summoned through your call and I still wishes to serve you my lord and be your sub ordinate".His heart shattered I think.

He is scared that I will send him back.

Moving on I asked him and his subordinates to meet me at the entrance of sealed cave later. I voiced my same thoughts I given to shizue and now we proceed on further human monster relations into the future. We decided to maintain peace after judging people for their intentions.3 beastketeers were there requesting their support. I heard their story about how yurazania got razed to the ground by milim's dragonova and frey kidnapping carrion and how they went towards milims direction. I told them it's probably some claymans manipulation judging by moving towards milims domain and further then, jistav, and assured them our help with refugees. I ordered myulan to come explain her part. Beastpeople agreed to serve me till karion returns.

But now I need to do an important task to finish and ordered the other people to not disturb me and went to sealed cave.

I changed to my gender neutral form and

I met with noir and group. And ask him once again. " Do you truly stand by your words you said earlier?" "Yes" they collectively replied. " Well then, your name will be Diablo and for them Nyx, and Erebus; For you to be worthy of that name, be of service to me"

Diabolo took 35% of magicule capacity to become demon duke while those greater demons took 5% each to become arch demons

" Hi Rimuru sama, my name is diabolo I will be your most loyal subordinate. Masters name has a nice ring to it ..."

He went on with it while I told him" Your first order is to not let anyone enter the cave for a day or two into the cave after I enter".The demons nodded and I went in, met gabiru,made him an executive and ordered him and his men to leave the cave.

Me and Raphael/great sage has been reviewing veldora's training at the end of each week and that guy thinks I am the one training him and always complain about it.His unique skill has upgraded to ultimate skill Lord of investigation Faust after my harvest festival with the help from Raphael.

I let his soul out and "he he he I the mighty storm dragon is out finally" he echoed in the cave. "Hey velodora", he replied to me "yes sir" .

Well all that training made him stiff.

"Velodora call me Rimuru I am your sworn brother aren't I, all that training was for your goodness, haven't you received my gifts"

" Yes kuhaha my sworn brother indeed but Rimuru you have a habit of turning into women sometimes..yes,my unique skill has upgraded to ultimate skill Lord of investigation Faust now I can satisfy my insatiable and inquiring mind to seek the ultimate truth..ha ha ha.."

" He he you know being born into genderless slime has its advantages"

<Master you are a male in your heart>

Raphael said something.

"Hmm anyway, let me get you a body"

I then proceed to let out my enhanced clone for him as a receptacle. He entered and changed into the handsome figure wait noo an incredible beauty???


The female form infront of me feature a striking, bright yellow hair— still blonde eye-catching color. She have sharp, intense eyes reflecting her bold and rebellious spirit. and an athletic build, emphasizing strength and agility that speaks of her strength as a dragon.

She is clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, which is adorned with a golden dragon motif. The kimono's black fabric is complemented by gold and yellow accents, highlighting the intricate design and her draconic heritage.

Her hair is styled in an elegant updo, with some strands gracefully framing her face and shoulders. The blonde color of her hair shines like the sun, adding to her majestic appearance.

... Me and shizue stared at him for a minute in stupor while he turns around and showing off his, no her majesty.

"...Veldora chan? Veldorana ? Velora what are you? give me back my veldora!" Rimuru yelled.

"What are you on about Rimuru san? You gave me this idea.

I wanted to experience life from a different perspective. Being a female might offer unique insights and advantages that I was curious to explore.

I've always been curious about how gender differences are perceived among humans and other races. This is a perfect opportunity to learn more firsthand." Veldora said enthusiastically admiring herself.

Oops look like I made a big influence on him

" Besides form is not fixed, I can change back to male form as I want" and changed to his relatable male form. He assured me looking at my stunned expression.

I told him veldora " Veldora I have been new to the world and I can conveniently switch forms and no one will care but you should first try to keep your previous majesty look , you had built up over the years and it's best follow male form for a few days meeting with Tempest citizens. Later on you can do whatever with your appearance. Besides you are too beautiful in female form contradicting your previous outbursts. So the male form is handsome and good for people to adjust or otherwise people will accuse me saying that 300 years of loneliness and me breaking your seal made veldora their guardian deity switch genders."

" Well thank you for the complement and suggestion" Looking at his proud gaze, I am sure he only heard 'too beautiful and handsome part '.

"Adjust your aura anyway.I will give you a hint: imagine it as piling inside you.Oh you can may check the Mangas and novels in my mind for inspiration" That got him excited and to contemplate.

While I have connected a soul corridor to veldora from which I obtained with the help of Raphael,

<<Ultimate skill Storm king Veldora is obtained.

The evolution of monsters in geneology completed and proceeding with ability alteration for skills delivered by Food chain.

Unique skill infinite prison is evolved into Ultimate skill covenant skill Uriel.>>

<< Unique skill master chef , unique skill desired fate , ultimate skill Harmonyscisison have been combined to create Ultimate skill Architect of Fate's design Fortuna.

Skill involves desired outcome generation from chef skill and fate alteration once a day and ability to merge and degenerate any concepts>>

Wow that's a Fine skill. Well is ultimate skills are like cabbages forming this easily.? Well great sage and Raphael are really someskills that I don't want to release outside. This is too OP. How am I even able to accomodate this skills, is it skill bank?

<<Skill bank also helps but mainly masters double evolution to Manas life form and self evolving soul from Ultimate skill Osiris allows master to contain multiple ultimate skills. Raphael skills evolution will help converge these ultimate skill into god series skills in future>>

<Oh and Raphael you have permission to my sealed memories fully. I want you to learn from ciel existence's good side and not her mischiefs ok.> Rimuru conveyed.

'Whatever let the skill evolve.' Raphael and Uriel may be within Michael's domination capacity but my other skills are synthesized skills not part of angelic or demonic skills??

How many do I got?

<<Manas Rimuru

Ultimate skill Raphael

Ultimate skill Beelzebuth

Ultimate skill Omnidominion

Ultimate skill Osiris

Ultimate Skill Fortuna

Ultimate skill Veldora>>

My conversation and skill editing happened within billionth of a second considering I maintained thought acceleration.

Well I had a sudden inspiration about time went a little farther away from Veldora and activated Omnidominion over my immediate 2 metre surrounding and thrown a rock upward and when it start to retrace it's path I slowed time with elemental manipulation and I kept on slowing it down until a point everything turned black around me even beyond 2m limit I set.

Energy consumption when time turned from Super slow to nill is huge like 10% of my capacity for a single stoppage.

But maintaining doesn't cause any energy usage. After fully utlizing my thought acceleration and giving Raphael access to it since Raphael is not at the level of Manas in thought acceleration it's a 100 billion x. Compared to raphaels 1 billion x.

So we doing calculation within ourselves we were able to interfere with information particle to send messages I sent a message to veldora but nothing received back. I then tried to fully use case a digital life forms capacity and tried to move and it's done. I can now freely move and can interfere but if I need use this ability in combat, I need to attack in timestop and release time stop the moment it reaches enemy to get an instant effect.

My body also evolved using Osiris on myself and I can change my position now faster than it would take if I try to evolve myself by adjusting.

I can't lower time to reverse anymore.It felt like it reaches a wall ,with this skill. May be it needs further complication like warp or parallel timeline creation etc.

After I reduced my perception to 10s of millions X, I moved near veldora and I intercepted information particle from him " Saying " Rimuru... I can't move.."

" I just tried to stop time Veldora.This is timestop ability. People who can move in timestop has an absolute advantage against those who don't. Now that you have managed to message means you could move. You need adjustment. Fully usecase your Faust ability. You are a True dragon a concept of nature itself. You can achieve it."

Well my encouragement seems to work and Veldora was able to move when I slowed thought acceleration to 1 millionthx. Well actually it took veldora a very long 'concept time' to move in time stop.

After then he moved around and muttered that he now understood why once he challenged guy crimson to a fight he got killed the next instant.

Veldora's computation skill works more optimally and fastly using female form somehow according to Raphael since she could analyse veldora through soul corridor.

I released time stop and Raphael added skill timestop to Omnidominion to access it in an instant.

Well veldora proceeded with aura training while I asked shizue

< you ready? Shizue Tempest?>

She replied

Well Raphael suggested it.

I once again created an enhanced clone and used shizue body data obtained previously and using Raphael and creationX to recreate her own body by altering my enhanced clone since she can't possess it herself and change it's shape as she wished.

As she is a mortal life form as of now.

After optimising it's vessel and memory device transferred shizue soul and used Fortuna to merge them perfectly.

Her soul has been passively blessed myself so it's strong enough facilitating evolution it's just that her body is new.

She has great sage, fire manipulation, abnormal condition nullification, pain resistance and flame nullification, extra skill evolving body

Ultimate skill Lord of Flames Agni

Ultimate skill HarmonyScission.

Raphael says that this combination will facilitate her to evolve to enlightened very soon by little training and possibly saint or hero if he got any such chances.

I could see why.

Then she opened her eyes slowly moving her body limbs while lying down.

I created some changes in dress for her different from mine, and made her clothed.Since she can't actually respond instantly I left her to adjust and she is back to walking again in 10 minutes.

She was happy and hugging me. Meanwhile Veldora came to us and said "you finished checking your skills Rimuru? And hmm Shizue san, you got revived. Rimuru is in love with you, I know" teased veldora

" It's a pleasure to meet you veldora chan". She smiled at female veldora.

"We can go outside, my absence and your presence will alert the people so let's go outside quickly." I said and Veldora turned to male form.

" By the way, Veldora, me activating timestop and your presence slowly disappearing since you learnt to control your aura will not go unnoticed by your sisters okay. May be you could show them your new form. Don't worry my friend either way ,even if you get killed I can instantly recreate you with all your previous memory with my new skill. You can do that too me also right?"

Veldora flinched and went stiff.

" Rimuru don't scare me like this ok. Yep I have an ultimate skill Rimuru, which restore , summon and use variety of elemental magic you are familiar with.It may be since you are a digital life form you could also become a concept like skill"

next chapter
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