Late into the week, Jason had decided to take a break from his usual duties and have some time by himself. He decided to go to the Godswood, having gotten permission despite his last argument with Ned. It was good at least that Eddard wasn't a vindictive man since Jason felt if he had acted in such a way to any ruler back home, he'd be thrown out or tossed in a jail cell…that is if they could force him into one. If anything he wanted to go to the clearing he and Eddard had talked at to examine the Weirwood tree. Finding it, he'd walk closer to the red-leafed tree, one hand touched the ancient white bark. Being up close, his medallion did lightly pulse, yet it was very weak.
"Not much of spark left in you." He muttered as he'd look at the carved face on the tree, which had a peaceful if otherworldly look to it. "Reminds me of a source of power." At this point he'd move to clear the spot before the tree before shifting down onto his knees, taking the meditative pose before it. He wasn't sure if he could tap into whatever power the tree had, yet at the least, the surroundings would be relaxing for meditation. Closing his eyes, he'd take a deep breath and exhale as he focused, slowing his heartbeat and opening his senses to his surroundings. Yet he tapped into a sixth sense that most Surgebinder inclined develop, even though his skill was very basic.
He could sense it…a faint shiver of power about the tree. It was old and so distant, a great power that was being deeply suppressed. He'd try to tap into it like other sources, yet reaching for it stretch his willpower further and further. It was hard to keep focus, making his body tense during meditation.
"Jason?" A soft voice spoke, making the Surgebinder snap out of his trance. He was panting, realizing he had gotten lost in his meditation. Hours had passed by the looks of it, yet his attention focused on the voice.
It was Arya who looked at him with a concerned look, seeing a hint of surprise in the Surgebinder's eyes. Beside her was her dire wolf Nymeria, who gave a curious glance at Jason before moving over to him. "Are you alright you seem shaken?" Arya remarked while Jason moved to stand up, brushing the dirt off his knees.
"Was meditating." He simply said.
"Is that some trick?" Arya asked curiously while her direwolf moved up close, sniffing at Jason before moving up close. The Surgebinder couldn't help but rub the canine's head, scratching behind her ears.
"Sort of. It's a bit complicated to explain." He answered back, making the girl shrugged. "So why are you out here? Taking Nymeria for a walk?"
"Heh, can't exactly go beyond the walls." Arya chuckled as she'd pick up a stone, lightly skipping it along the tranquil pond. "I like coming here often. The Godswood is so much like the stories I read or the ones you share."
Jason paused as he looks around the beautiful forest, nodding in agreement. "It does. Reminds me a bit of old woodland, just with a more northerner touch to it." He explained.
"Is that another one of your land's kingdoms?" Arya asked, making Jason nod.
"Said to be one of the happiest places in the Empire. I visited there a long time ago for work and it felt like a land out of a fairytale." He described.
By this point, Arya sat on a large smooth rock and had Nymeria tugged close as she'd listened intently. "I do have some questions about what you do as a Surgebinder. I know that it is an order of warriors but what exactly they do!"
"Guess I've shared the most basic tales I have…alright then ask." He'd answer back.
"So…are there are good monsters in your world?" Arya asked. "I mean the tales say the Children were good before disappearing after all."
Jason nodded. "Most of the creatures I've told you are little more than mindless or primal, yet there are plenty that are sentient and act just like you and me." He explained. "Chasmfiends are massive crustacean-like creatures, that grow up to fifty feet tall. They are covered with a hard, protective exoskeleton of interlocking carapace the colour of dark, violet ink."
"Bleck...doesn't sound like the friendliest types to me," Arya muttered.
"Every creature is different, even the most monstrous ones can be unique. Some are just innocent beings who want to live peacefully among humans." He'd think for a moment. "Spren are creatures of nature. Except for one, where there are no spren, they have a common presence all over my home and tend to be ignored, or remain unseen. "
The name had Arya giggling, enough for even Jason to crack a smile. "Quite fascinating." She chuckled.
"I know one personally, he normally looks like a small humanoid," Jason explained.
"You mean like the Imp?" The young Stark remarked. "I heard the Lannister's have a family member who half the size of a man, has a pig's tail and a head twice as big as mine...with horns on top!"
Jason did remember hearing stories about the Lannister family. He has taken some time to read about the current family members. From his understanding, the 'Imp' as Arya called him was Tyrion, the youngest son of Tywin.
"Doubtful. No doubt was born with dwarfism." Jason simply stated, making Arya give a confused look at the term. "It a special and rare condition people can be born with that makes them shorter and have abnormal limbs at times. No pigtails or devil horns included."
Arya grumbled at his answer, expecting something more thrilling answer from the monster hunter. "I think rumours sound more exciting." She muttered before realizing they were shifting off-topic. "Alright…can you think of the scariest monster you've ever faced?"
"Scariest…huh…hard to say." He muttered. "Well, I can say there are voidbringers, way more dangerous than dragons."
"Wait you have dragons where you come from!?" Arya remarked excitedly. "I thought they were all dead…well I mean they are here in Westeros and Essos from what I've heard."
"I am saying by judging by their records in your books," Jason explained. "From what your books say the dragons here grew as big as the rarest types back home and seem more instinct-driven…although tamable." Yet looking at Arya she seemed bored with his examination, making him realize he babbling now. "Sorry…habit." He muttered, making Arya smirk at his apology.
"Anyway, you still haven't told me what monster scared you the most," Arya questioned.
Jason paused as he thought over on how to answer, his tone deepens. "Can't think of anything that scared me before…yet the most dangerous I can think of is a demon"
"Demon? You mean creatures residing in Hell?" Arya chuckled, yet when she saw Jason dead serious stare, she'd be quickly silent. That look even makes Nymeria give a small whine.
"Those demons don't live in Hell, they live among us. There are many types of demons in this world. Demons who will not show themselves and demons who cause trouble." Jason warned in a calm yet serious manner. His voice deepened. "Demons who abduct children, demons who devour dreams and souls, demons who feed on soul and blood, demons who always wear a mask... Masked demons are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters, they pose as men despite having no understanding of the soul, they eat even though they never experience hunger, they study even though they have no interest in academics, they seek kinship even though they don't know how to love, they are so good at wearing their masks that they sometimes even fool themselves. If I were to encounter such a monster; I would be devoured by it."
Arya held Nymeria closely during the story, especially hearing about the demons.
"S-So what about the last type of monster? I mean they are still out there." Arya muttered nervously.
"Well, they can't hurt you or anyone. They are pretty much a…well…world away." Jason remarked. "Besides, after I find Light and we return home, we're going to them down. Make sure they can't hurt and torment anyone else." His serious tone showed how he meant it, making Arya relax slightly. "Enough stories, for now, go back to your mother."
" Jason..." The girl pleaded with innocent eyes.
Jason gave a small sigh, since Arya really was acting like himself when he was young, always questioning and challenging. "How about this, I'll tell you when I come back with Light. Right now you've had enough horror stories for once." With that said, he'd get up and stretch a bit before moving towards the edge of the clearing. "Anyway, we should head back. Sun is getting low and I'd rather not have your mother worrying about you."
"Come on, no excuses! Just the way you looked was serious. I know what you were about to say was important!' She argued back.
Arya seemed disappointed she wouldn't learn what Jason was going to tell her, yet nodded as she'd let go of Nymeria to follow him while the dire wolf chased after them back to the main yard of the hold.
Jason looked at Arya leaving with her wolf, laughing. After she left he looked at his hands. A dark sinister aura emitted from them similar to smoke.
" I am that Masked Demon."