41.81% Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD / Chapter 19: New Materials For Krumdrum.

章節 19: New Materials For Krumdrum.

Vander and La Folia returned to Krumdrums' workshop and as they expected were met with an explosion. As such, Vander had placed some shields around them from the beginning for any explosions that could occur.

He was glad that he did that as a massive explosion erupted from within the workshop. Vander and La Folia looked at the shields which were covered in ash.

Krumdrum had to say that Krumdrum loved his explosions.

"Well that is one way to say hello."

La Folia thought the same thing.

"I am just glad your weapons did not explode. So much Infernity would have been great fuel for the mother of all explosions. It is honestly a miracle that they did not go boom."


Krumdrum's booming voice once again emerged from the workshop as he had great hearing. Vander and La Folia both entered inside where Krumdrum was holding the remains of the weapons he was working on.

He tossed it to the pile next to him as he turned around to look at Vander and La Folia. He reached into his pocket where he pulled out a vial of dark red dust. He tossed it to Vander who caught it.

"What is this?"

Vander looked at the dust inside that had a smell and aura like his. Krumdrum pointed at Vander as he got it from his blood.

"I got that from your blood. I used alchemy to bring out the metal and I then tested it to see what it was. Guess what?"

La Folia and Vander looked at each other and shrugged as they had no idea.


Krumdrum answer was unexpected.

"I got zero clue. In my life I have worked metals from the world over from Mythiral, Adamantium to Celestial Bronze. However, I can tell you that is is powerful. I made this with the rest I managed to get."

He reached for his waist and pulled out a dark dagger with a small red tint. He tossed it to Vander who caught it to get a look at it.

"Now, this looks sharp."

Vander ran his finger on the edge and found that it actually managed to cut him. He healed before he could bleed, but that was enough to understand how sharp it was.

"So, the metal in my blood did this?"

Krumdrum nodded.

"You got that right. If you want my honest opinion, whatever metal is in your blood is on similar level to Adamantium something that can be used to craft god level artifacts. If that was not weird enough, I found several diffrent chemicals in your blood that just do not belong in a living being."

Vander was confused as he still managed to cut off his arm with the adamantium sword. He handed the dagger back to Krumdrum as he asked about it.

"Then how did I manage to cut through my bones before?"

Krumdrum had found the answer to that as well.

"That sword was one of my better experimental weapons made with nearly pure adamantium. I don't think many weapons have any hope to cut through your bones especially now. Here."

He grabbed the same swod that cut his arm off just days ago which Vander caught. La Folia got ready to catch his arm while Naerdeath watched with curiosity. She already considered Vander great material and her dad was ready to craft him more god-level weapons.

Vander removed his shirt and rested it on a nearby table. He placed the sword under his armpit and channeled his Infernity into the blade causing it to glow dark red. He slashed up as hard as he could and with trouble slashed his arm off.

La Folia caught his arm, but more shocking was what happened to the sword. Along the edge appeared to be a few dents where it cut through the bone. Vander looked at the sword which was damaged.

"Guess you were right. The only reason I managed to cut through the bone this time around was that I used my Infernity to do this. Not a bad result for my bones are they."

As he talked his Infernity forced his body's regeneration to cause flesh and bone to emerge from his shoulder. Last time it took nearly a full minute for him to regrow an arm while this time it took 10 seconds.

Krumdrum took his sword and looked at the damage. It was dented and had suffered some scrapes when it went through the bone. Infernity had barely protected and strengthened it enough to cut through Vander.

"Boy, what did you do in just a few days to strengthen your bones this much?"

Vander shrugged.

"I drank some Dragon blood and became part dragon Watch."

Black scales began to emerge from his shoulders all the way down to his hands. Claws emerged from his fingers while two horns emerged from his temple. His large tail erupted from his tail bone while his massive wings spread out from his back.

Krumdrum, Naerdeath, and La Folia who had not seen it yet were shocked. La Folia got close to him as she touched his scales.


Just as she was going to ask questions Krumdrum and Naerdeath pushed past her as they began to poke and prod at Vander's scales, horns, and even his claws. They were assessing him as material which Vander was fine with.

As long as they would make more weapons for him he was fine with giving up even his heart. First, he had to figure out if he could grow that back though.

"Dad, do you think these scales will make some good armor?"

"I think they might. If we can get enough of them, melt them down with Adamantium, and add his blood we can make some god-level armor. I would need to do some more research as dragons are a very different breed of creatures. Vander, you ok with that?"

"I am showing you so you can determine the best use of my new body parts. You proved to me that your work is worth it."

Krumdrum and Naerdeath backed away as the dragon features retreated. He put on his shirt as Krumdrum grabbed his sword and tossed his sword into the pile. This shook Naerdeath who knew her father loved that sword.

"Dad, your sword."

Krumdrum scoffed at the sight of it.

"It's trash. Come on, give me that."

He snathed Vander's arm from La Folia who was giving Vander the stink eye. He turned to her with a raised eyebrow.


She looked away and refused to look at him. He walked around her as she kept avoiding his gaze.

"I am mad at you."

'Is this our first lover's spat?'

"Why? I don't think I did anything wrong."

She nodded.

"Your right that you didn't do anything wrong to me, however, I don't like to see you mutilate yourself. I would be a bad future girlfriend if I did."

He walked behind her and leaned down to rest his head on her chin. He was so tall that it was not easy to do.

"Future? I thought you already were."

She looked up with a wink.

"Nope. Not yet. You got to take me on a few more dates and maybe stop cutting off your arms. Then maybe I will consider it."

He sighed in disappointment.

"You hurt me La Folia."

"Good. Maybe now you won't harm yourself so much."

Krumdrum shook his head as he cut apart the arm again like a skilled butcher.

"Sheesh, just marry already. You two have so much tension that it is gross to listen in on. Naerdeath, why are you just looking?"

She shrugged as her purple eyes were shining.

"I think it is funny."

Krumdrum sighed as he used the dagger that he used some of Vander's blood dust and Adamantium. This time around it was much harder as Vander had evolved again. Once he got all of the veins, tendons, blood, and flesh off of the bone he noticed it had changed.

He began to store all the material he had in preserving jars as through alchemy he could use them as good material. However, he was looking at the bone of his arm which was It was now tinted red as the Infernity that began to strengthen his body.

"Hey brat, come here."

Vander walked over as he looked at the bone of his arm. The bone itself was still dark grey, but it had red tints in it.

"I see that me consuming Dragon blood had its perks."

Krumdrum nodded.

"I will say. Can you explain how that ability of yours works? Can you drink my blood and gain my powers?"

Vander looked down at the dwarf as he focused on the new bloodline he had not even named. He felt it had a desire to simulate dwarf blood.

"No, not at all. Not even a tiny bit of desire for some reason."

Krumdrum nodded.

"Is that so? Well not like I wanted you to drink my blood, just curious."

While the dwarf thought about Vander, he explained why he was here.

"Oh yeah, I leave for the human world tomorrow. I plan on coming here often to give you more material for you to experiment with. I want you to craft me a third god-level artifact."

Krumdrum grinned more than happy to do that.

"You bet your ass I will. However, I am running very low on Adamantium. I will have to pressure old wine hair to get more. I won't put a dent in the Gremory family reserves anyway."

La Folia shook her head.

"You are right about that, however, my grandfather's personal wealth is not infinite. Even he cannot infinitely drain the reserves of the clan as head of the clan."

Krumdrum shrugged.

"Too bad. I will have him buy me another Muspelheim core and a few extra goodies. I plan to make the best armor to match my Duskborne Gauntlets and my Dawnbreaker. Naerdeath, you better start packing. You leave tomorrow."

Vander decided to give him the good news.

"You know that I can bring her every day right?"

Krumdrum shook his head.

"No, she is already a teenager. She needs to go out on her own for a time."

Naerdeath's purple eyes began to fill with tears.

"Dad, am I ready?"

"Yeah. It is dwarf tradition to let our kids leave when they are little to experience the world. As you were my only family in the Underworld I kept you around for longer. Stay in the human world for a while. Make a name for yourself as a blacksmith and warrior."

"I will dad."

She wiped her tears as she gave him the highest hug he had ever received. He patted her on the back as she went to pack her things. Including her clothes, blacksmithing tools, her suit of armor, and her massive dual axes. Even her dad's special whiskey.

While she did that, Krumdrum looked at Vander.

"Alright, leave me a few hundred of those scales. Your horns, claws, and especially a lot of your blood."

Vander was starting to regret it, but he trusted Krumdrum's work. La Folia went to look for Naerdeath to help her back while Vader ripped out his scales, claws, and even his horns a few times. All for his future armor which Krumdrum swore on his dwarven pride to make.

That took about 30 minutes when he was forced to stop as his Infernity was running low. His body began to use up Demonic Mana and Dragon Aura to help him recover. He fell to the ground exhausted.

"No more."

Krumdrum looked at the pile of scales, horns, claws, and jars full of blood with a big smile.

"Give me a month or two and I will be ready to make you your armor. I am so excited."

Vander passed out while La Folia and Naerdeath returned as she packed everything she could need. La Folia walked to Vander and picked him up in her arms.

"You crazy lovable fool."

Naerdeath's eyes shined as she looked at La Folia.

"You love him already?"

La Folia smiled a little.

"Maybe just a tiny bit."

She opened a teleport circle under her as she was going to leave alone.

"Wait for me."

Naerdeath placed her hand on her arm as she deiced to leave today. La Folia did not expect her to leave with her, but she had no issue with it.

"Alright, goodbye sir."

Krumdrum waved them goodbye.

"Naerdeath, I want you to be an even better blacksmith than me. That also means you can't be weak, we dwarves are warriors. I have trained you myself in the art of combat and you are even a great mage thanks to your mom. Use all that for when Vander becomes a High-Class Devil and be the best rook."


He smiled as he was truly proud of her.

"Go already, I got some work to do."

He was going to make himself a better hammer as things were harder than last time. He even considered leaving Zeoticus for Vander once Vander was able. La Folia and Naerdeath teleported away in a flash leaving the dwarf alone.

He shook his head as he went to look for his special whiskey. When he went toward his freezer he noticed it was gone. He grabbed the note left in its place with twitching eyes.

'Sorry, dad. I owe you one.'



La Folia and Naerdeath appeared in Vander's room so that she could lay him down. She put him on his bed as he snored recovering from his self mutilation. La Folia sat down next to him as she looked at his sleeping face.


Naerdeath smiled as she looked at La Folia.

"You like his foolishness right?"

La Folia chuckled and nodded.

"I think I do."

Vander awoke when she said that, but pretend to still sleep.


They both talked about their experiences in life to get to know each other a little better. While Naerdeath was older, in terms of total lifespan they were around the same age. They did this until Vander 'woke up' in an hour.

They were still talking so he simply let them.

"How long have I been out?"

"Only an hour."

He looked at Naerdeath with a nod.

"I see."

He yawned as he was going to go back to sleep.

"We leave tomorrow so get ready for that."

La Folia got up as it was time for her to leave.

"I see. Make sure you eat before you go to bed Vander."

Naerdeath nodded.

"She is right. I will make you some dwarven roasted meat. A hearty meal is what you need."

"A cooked meal from a cute girl like you will surely help me."

Naerdeath smiled at being called cute.

"Now I got to make it good."

She rushed to do that while La Folia looked him in the eyes.

"I think you are harming yourself too much?"

Vander was about to repeat his explanation about why it was not that big a deal for him, but she stopped him.

"I know how it does not hurt that much for you, but you should care more for yourself. Your not just material you know?"

"Fine, I will limit how much I do it. At the very least I won't do it very often."

She smiled at his words.

"Thank you. I am fully prepared to leave so I will see you tomorrow. I will tell the chefs to make you something to eat."


She waved him goodbye as she left the room leaving Vander alone. He summoned Ripper who got up on the bed and rested his head on his lap like a dog. Vander began to rub his hand down the raptor's head like he was a dog.

"You finally like me."

Ripper refused to respond, but Vander did not care.

"Be like that."

He smiled as he was liking this world very much. He was actually glad he forgot almost everything about what will happen as that made it feel more real. He did not have to wait very long for Naerdeath to return with a cart covered in large meat roasts.

"One Dwarven meal ready. I even raided the whiskey of Zeoticus. I got this 10,000-year-old bottle of magic whiskey."

Vander and Ripper were both sniffing the delicious smell coming from the meat. Vander got up as he walked toward the meat to devour it.

"You can eat what is left, Ripper? As for the whiskey, is it not expensive?"

Naerdeath nodded.

"It is, but time magic reduced that 10,000 years to more like a few hundred. Try some."

Vander poured some into a drinking glass with some magic ice. He swirled it around and drank some of it.

"That is good whiskey?"

Naerdeath nodded with a smile.

"I know."

He took a bite of the meat and it exploded with flavor. He began to devour it in gusto feeling his body begin to recover faster than before.

"It's delicious."

She was happy he liked it as she learned it from her dad. Everything she knew was learned from him as she never even met her mom.

"I am glad you like it."

She grabbed a piece and tossed it to Ripper.

"Here you go."

The raptor caught it and began to devour it with just as much gusto as Vander. In no time at all, they both had devoured the entire thing. Vander stood up as he drank the whiskey in his glass.

"I think it was worth it becoming part Devil?"

Naerdeath was curious about something.

"Why did you become a Devil?"

Vander shrugged.

"It was actually because of my constitution. I felt my body desire for the power contained in the mutation Queen piece and I decided to accept. Are you excited to go to the human world?"

She went quiet as she drank some of the whiskey in her glass.

"A little, but I am also nervous. My dad hired tutors for me so I would not be illiterate and dumb so I know enough, but it is something new. What about your family Vander?"

He did not even remember their names or faces only that they existed.

"I don't remember. The bits of information I do is not enough for me to be sad or happy about it. The closest thing to a family is my pets."

"I see."

He noticed her sad look which made him read out and pat her head.

"Don't be sad for me. I am not so don't be. Be ready for tomorrow."

She nodded and began to leave.

"Thank you Vander for speaking to me."

"Any time."

Just as she was about to leave La Folia returned with a cart full of food.

"Vander, get ready to eat."

He was not going to say no to food.

"Sure. Thanks for the food."

Once he finished eating and the girls left he and Ripper laid back down to sleep. Tomorrow was his return to the human world to his new mansion.

'I am glad to have died.'

After he thought that Ripper and Vander fell asleep.

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

Someone's comment made sense and I will rename the Gauntlets to Duskborne to match Dawnbreaker's name. I will also be editing the chapter before this and then write another one. Coffee for the win.

next chapter
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