9.09% Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD / Chapter 1: Dinasours are Badass and They Hurt.

章節 1: Dinasours are Badass and They Hurt.

Vander hummed a small toon as he walked to his car after he got off from college. It was not that far anyway, but his focus was on his phone. He clicked on the dinosaurs in his park from one of the many mobile games he found fun.

Everything was maxed level as there was nothing for him to level up, evolve or hybridize.

The whole point was to collect dinosaurs and make a super park which could get a little annoying. Like most mobile games it was hard to be free to play which he was not. He spent on average a couple thousand on many mobile games.

He was rather well off as his parents both made 6 figures and he was on his way to becoming a lawyer. Still, he needed a hobby, and dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures were his. He had a second hobby which was much intensive and fun, but that was for another time.

He stopped at the red light as the Parking Lot was just a few minutes walking distances. He glanced at his phone to get take it all in. His Indominous Rex, Pritrodon, Yudon, Indoraptor Ostoposaourous, he had them all.

He sighed as he wishes he could buy the whole game, but he was not that rich. He put his phone in his pocket. He noticed that the light red hand turned into the walking man so he started to cross the street.

He had done this so many times that he did not suspect even a bit of danger. However, for some reason, he was the only person that crossed as they had all stopped moving. He did not take notice of this as he was in his own little world thinking about his life.

He heard a loud blaring of a truck making him look to his right where something froze him to the core. A giant truck rushed toward him, but there was no driver at all. Instead, the window had the words 'Isekai Truck Service.'


As soon as he said that his body was hit by the truck crushing him and killing him in an instant. He did not even feel a thing as he was dead before he could even feel the pain of every bone in his body broken.

When he awoke he was sitting in front of a desk where a very attractive woman was holding a file with his name on it. He did not say a thing as he thought there must be a reason why there was a Truck-kun business.

"Alright, Mr. Vander, everything seems in order. You may ask your questions and then we will decide what your Isekai will be. You may start."

"Alright, is running people over the best way to do it?"

She shrugged.

"Don't question it, your head will hurt less. The big guy came about because of you humans and your wish to be sent away from your mundane lives to be heroes, villains or whatever. Lucky for us gods as we can use it as an excuse to have fun and give you some missions.

Eternity can be quite boring you know?"

"So, Truck-Kun and gods come about because of human thought?"

"In a way yes, some gods are simply mortals who rose to godhood through their efforts, some are created from mortal worship. Not just humans and Truck-Kun is just the newest of the bunch."

Vander nodded understanding, business was everything.

"Well, them, can I pick any wish?"

She nodded.

"Yup, Even if you were an evil dictator or a Saint that could heal, you would still be served the same. After all, there is always an Evil God that needs a chosen one and a Good God that needs to stop him. We gods are more interested in having fun after all.

You are in the middle so it does not matter. Take your pick."

Vander did think of something.

"Can I have the magical power to summon the Dinasours from my game to real life?"

She opened her hand and Vander's phone which had been destroyed when he was run over appeared in it. She checked the game he wanted and looked through it.

"Sure, this is one of the more normal wishes. I have heard of a lustful gut who wanted to be able to turn everything he touched into a hot girl. Even men into woman, don't know why?"

Vander was confused about that.

"Did they get the wish?"

She nodded.

"Aphrodite summoned him so yes. He was killed when he turned a King into a hot milf so he was burned at the stake. Weird as shit?"

Vander shook his head to get the image out of his head.

"Ok, so can I get them all?"

She shook her head.

"You would not be able to handle it. They would be kind of like familiars and too many will overload your mind. I think you can handle about 10 or 12 of these as they will be magical, You are getting sent to a magical world after all and the strain will be heavy at the start.

They will be real and all connected to your soul. Otherwise,"

He did not need to be told twice what would happen if he could not have such control over them.

"Alright, will they be strong at the start or do I have to train to."

She pointed at him.

"There might come from you. Learn how to be a better tamer as they won't just be slaves. A soul connection should be one of the partners, but you do you."

Vander held his hand out for his phone. The goddess handed him the phone as he looked over his massive collection.

"Alright, I want these the Indoraptor, Yudon, Metriphodon, Erliphosaurus, Indominous Rex, Ostoposaurous, Rajestega, Pritrodon, Monostegotops, and for safe measure Chromospinus."

She calculated some information as she took a glance at Vander's soul.

"You are pushing it really, you will suffer greatly as your soul will be connected to 10 hybrid creatures. They will no longer be mere dates and will be real. Their desires, instincts, pain, and pleasure will be shared with you. The burden will be heavy and you might go mad.

If not they will betray you if you cannot rein them in. I would think of names for them, but now we have some more business out of the way. You will be required to complete some missions for me as I am your patron. My name is Persephone and depending on what you accomplish you will gain more power and rewards.

Of course, if you die you will simply be reincarnated as normal without a single one of your new pets. Any questions?"

"Yes, what missions would I have to do? Killing someone?"

She nodded.

"That is part of it as sometimes other gods mess with the worlds we send our chess piece to. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes the world is engaged by our interference so you will have to stop it. Even rarer is that we have a mission that we need you to do away from your world. That kind of mission."

Vander felt it was fine.

"How will I reincarnate, as a baby, an adult, or what?"

Persephone looked at his file and decided.

"If I reincarnate you as a baby your brain would melt from the minds of your familiars so not that. A child will not work either as your immature brain will still barely be able to contain all that power so the best is for you as a teenager. 17 should suffice so you will be in High School. You will be human, but a High human so your talent will be higher than humans.

If you want to change race you can decide what you want when you get down to the world. Any requests?"

He thought about it and a few came to mind. He did not want to be sent somewhere where everything was dangerous like in Warlock of the Mangus world. That would be hard to be in, but it would be interesting. Death Mage doesn't want a Forth Time is a decent choice, but maybe he can go there later.

He thought of DxD which one of his friends showed him.

'It is doable, I can build up power until I decide it is time to leave.'

"Can I leave the world or am I required to stay?"

She waved him off.

"Leave it, destroy it, do what you want with it. As long as you do as I ask you will be rewarded and that world is not a bad one. Most pick it because they are perverts, but you want it as it will allow you to build up power in a relatively safe place. Sure, granted."

Persephone looked at Vander a little as she decided to help him a little.

"Alright, as you are in soul form this is the best time to get this done. If your pets die, they can come back to life as long as you are alive, but don't use them as disposable pawns. They might just kill you before your enemies do. Also, if you get stronger they get stronger, and the same in reverse. Learn some magic when you get a chance."

She touched Vander's phone and from it emerged 10 multi-colored lights that made Vander excited.

"Don't get too happy, here comes the pain as I will have to rip out 10 pieces of your soul. When your body is rebuilt, you will have terrible mirage, get tired easily and your mana will regenerate slowly. Your soul will repair over time so train and get your new pet's approval.

I think you will only be able to safely control one of them at a time. Are you ready?"

He nodded as he braced for pain.

"Do it."

She pointed at his body and just as she promised 10 chunks of his soul were ripped out which caused his mind to want to collapse. Her power prevented that and the worst part was that he could not even scream.

She fused his soul fragments with the 10 glowing lights which rushed toward him. They filled in the holes of his soul, so she gave him a warning.

"The moment you wake up they will wake up and their combined instincts will probably overwhelm you. Try not to go insane."

He was too much in pain to respond as she snapped her fingers sending him barrelling toward the body she crafted for him. The moment his soul took hold of the body the first thing he did was scream his lungs out.


He rolled on the ground holding his head as he heard the enraged roars of his 10 new Soul Bound familiars. Each one had different thoughts, desires, and urges which made it so hard to think. Both the Indoraptor and the Indominous were the absolute worst with how aggressive they were.

He began to hit his head against the ground and ground his teeth to try to keep it together. He could feel their desire to come out and murder everything in their sight. As they were hybrids, they were each in unstable mental states.

'So much pain.'

He felt them attack the walls of his mind to escape as they were in full panic mode. They had been nothing more than data so they had nothing but their instincts to go on.


The only thing keeping him together was that he was a High Human which meant that his affinity for mana was greater than normal. It began to rush toward his mind and soul to heal the pain he felt which seemed to have relaxed his familiars.

He took the moment that they called down to force some control over his own thoughts. He opened his eyes and gasped as he finally called down. He took deep breaths to relax the pain he was feeling as his mind felt like it was split in 10.

"I know this is odd, but you need to trust me. For now."

He did not dare summon them yet as they did not respect or want to obey. He took Persephone's advice to first get some control over himself and them."

He got up and started to fix his head while the dinosaurs each were contained in a familiar space. For now, it was barren and white as he had just gotten some hold. They were panicking so he needed to fix their spaces soon.

"I promise to fix your homes, just be patient with me."

That seemed to have made them pause for the moment, but it would not last long. Vander did not even get a chance to collect himself perfectly as he heard a door open. He looked who it was and saw an average-looking male teacher.

They had black hair and seemed to look just like any teacher he had never seen. They rushed over to him as they could see that his eyes were bloodshot and he was sweating awful.


Vander took a deep breath as he fixed his hair.

"I had a panic attack. This happens from time to time, I am ok."

They seemed worried for him. but at that moment Vander held his head as he felt the rage and bloodlust of the hybrid carnivores in his head. Real dinosaurs would have been that aggressive, but the ones in his head were true monsters.

He fell to his knees as he felt them try to force their way out, but he forbid them.


The teacher rushed to his aid, but Vander regained control.

"I am ok."

They shook their head.

"Ok? You are far from ok, how often do you get these attacks?"

Vander got to his feet as he tried to leave.

"Since I was a kid and fairly often. It's why I am always careful usually."

Vander knocked on his head as he heard the annoying chirping of the Erliphosaourous, it was kind of cute in a way.

"Not now."

He heard the Indoraptors snarls and the Indominous Rex's mad roars.

"Just be patient and we will figure it out."

The teacher watched as Vander walked away and talked to himself.

'Does he also have schizophrenia?'

He followed Vander who kept talking to the creatures in his head. He was also thinking up names for them as if he wanted their trust and loyalty, he could not treat them like mindless beasts.

'Did she make me go to Kuoh Academy?'

He looked at the unfirm he was wearing which matched the one in the anime.

'I guess they did, wonder what I have to do in this world?'

At the same time, he wondered when it was safe to summon one of them. Definitely not on school grounds as it would be a repeat of Jurrasic World as now they had real power. He walked with a blank look on his face as he was busy communicating with each one of them.

He did not notice that he bumped into Issei who glanced his way and saw his blank look. He was mumbling to himself like a crazy person making Issei and his friends look at him with pity.

"Hey Issei, what up with him?"

Issei shook his head.

"That's Vander. People think he is a little crazy as he always talks to himself and collapses to the ground from time to time. I think he is just sick so don't bother him too much."

Matsuda shook his head.

"Poor guy, for someone so handsome he is crazy."

Motohama laughed at him.

"You got a crush on the guy now. Sure he is really tall and slightly good looking but-"

Issei shook his head at both of them with tears in his eyes.

"HE IS NOT JUST HANDSOME! HE IS REALLY FUCKING HANDSOME! If he were not kind of crazy the girls would be all over him. How lucky can someone be to be 6'5 and as good-looking as him?"

Vander had not even noticed his height as his mind was too damaged to focus on his appearance. He was moving toward the exit of the school, but he bumped into someone who stopped him in his tracks.

He looked down with hollow eyes and noticed a white-haired girl. With the kind of damage his soul received, he started to forget some things which was normal. He knew she was familiar, but he could not remember from where.


He wanted to go around, but she grabbed his hand. He glanced back with hollow eyes which made her feel odd. It was like something else was looking at her. Not just one either, but many beings were looking through his eyes.

"Class is about to start. I can take you to where you need to go."


Vander was so focused on his familiars that he forgot he was supposed to be in school.

"You know where my class is?"

She nodded.

"You are one of the few foreigners in this school and stand out. You just forget."

Everyone thought he was mentally ill so often people helped Vander or at least his body.

"I will appreciate it. I am Vander."


He thought about it, but he shook his head.

'I know that name is important, but I can't remember. Meh.'

She noticed how his eyes sharpened from their dead look to that of someone alive. She still felt something was odd about him and it was not a mental illness.

'Maybe he is possessed? I could get Akeno to help him if that is the case.'

She shook her head as she led him to his class. The same class that Issei was as he was on his way to class when he bumped into Vander. Koneko's class was in the same direction so it was not a bother to lead him to where he needed to go.

Vander was thankful as he finally got his familiars to shut up as he started to fix their familiar spaces to at least look like grasslands. He knew he had to fix it better, but it would need his full attention.

'I am sorry, just give me some time and I will give you homes that are made for you each.'

Koneko noticed how his gaze went hollow as he stopped moving so she pulled him along.

'Possessed for sure.'

She made mental note of it as they reached his class.

"Here is your class."

Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts making him nod.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

He went inside and sat down in the back. He closed his eyes as he now had to focus on the homes of his familiars. If he wanted their trust he had to give them nice homes. The class could wait.'

'Let's give you some homes shall we?'

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

Took me a second to realize Vander is the name of the guy from Arcane. Good series.

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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