"Fireball!" Lucian shouted, letting his magic suddenly burst to life.
The lizardman commander was shocked, being forced to cross his large arms over his body in defence.
The blast of fire hit dead centre, causing a shock wave big enough to summon everyone's attention.
"Was that magic?" Someone said, not be living his eyes.
"I didn't know we had a mage with us!" Another said.
Lucian waited for the smoke to clear, not sure how much damage his attack had done just yet.
Soon the Lizard commander came into view, still standing with its arms crossed over its body.
Lucian could see the damage, noting the scorch marks on the lizard's arms and legs.
"You are full of surprises, human." The lizard said as it slowly uncrossed its arms.
"Took that hit pretty well. How about the next one?" Lucian said, letting his hand ignite with more flame magic.
The large lizard was certainly a tough customer, but even if he could survive the fire magic, his troops could not.
"Ha!" Lucian shouted as he blasted a group of lizard men soldiers, standing not far away from their leader.
Unlike their commander, their scale armour was no way near as thick, and Lucians fire magic burnt them to a crisp.
The lizard commander growled, knowing that with Lucians magic, and the rest of the humans having gained their moral back, they didn't stand a chance now.
"Retreat!" The lizard roared, giving his troops the signal.
"Until we meet again, human!" He then shouted to Lucian before he and the others retreated into the large grass, disappearing from the battle.
"It's over... We did it!" Someone shouted.
"Yeah! We did it!!!" Another roared, vetting cheers from the rest of the men scattered around the battlefield.
Lucian sighed a breath of relief as he lowered his sword, knowing that the day was won.
His only concern now was how the others would take to him being able to use magic.
"Holy shit, Lucian!" Bal suddenly shouted as he ran over to him.
"I had no idea you were so strong!" He then said in amazement.
The drill instructor was also coming round now, having watched the whole thing with his very eyes.
"That's enough men! Get your sorry arses back into gear, we still have a war to win!" The drill sergeant shouted, getting his men's undying attention.
"You, report to the commander's tent at once upon our return." He then said pointing at Lucian.
Time passed as the men did their best to collect what they could from the dead, with only those who could still be recognised being taken back for a proper funeral.
As instructed, Lucian had reported to the commander's tent. It wasn't hard to find, with it being the largest tent slap centre of the camp.
Two guards who were stationed at the only entrance nodded to Lucian, opening the large covering for him to enter.
Once inside Lucian could see a group of men standing around a large table with a map on it. They were clearly talking strategy as they pointed and squabbled about the details.
Lucian stood upright and cleared his throat to get their attention. It worked and the group quieted down, all looking at him standing there.
"And who is this?" What looked like the main general of the war effort said, eyeing Lucian up and down.
"Sir." Lucian's drill instructor said.
He had been with the group as they shattered over whatever they were talking about before his arrival.
"This here is the man I was telling you about." He proceeded to explain.
"Ah yes. The one who used magic to defeat one of the lizardmen leaders and saved your life." The general said.
"That is certainly impressive." He then said, taking a scroll of paper from a lower-ranking officer as he proceeded to read it.
"Lucian... Former member of the adventurers guild. Arrested for crimes against a noble and transferred to his lord Dukes army to help fight the Lizardmen. Signed by Lord Zachery Lovell himself." He read aloud.
"My, my. You certainly are a special case aren't you?" The general then said.
"Sargent Caval here says not only did you save his life, but if not for your efforts, the whole unit would have fallen thanks to that ambush." He said looking Lucian dead in his eyes.
Lucian remained silent, not really sure what to say, deciding to wait and see what would happen.
Both the drill sergeant and commander of the unit, the one who had run away the first chance he got. Were both present, also watched Lucian.
"It's not very often we get a solder who can use magic the way you have displayed. Honestly, it's downright impressive." The general suddenly said as a smile came to his face.
"In any case, you are to be promoted to the rank of Optio. Serving as second in command under sergeant Caval here. Keep up the good work." He then said, giving a wave of his hand before dismissing Lucian.
"Thank you, sir," Lucian said as he bowed and then turned on his heel to exit the tent, feeling a strange sense of pride having been rewarded for his actions.
"Here." The drill sergeant said as he stopped him quickly, handing him a new helmet that had the marking of his new rank on the side of it.
"Good work put their kid, with someone like you fighting by my side, those overgrown reptiles won't stand a chance." He said, slapping Lucian on the shoulder.
Lucian nodded, giving him a salute before he bid them farewell.
Still, it meant little to him in the long run. His only goal is still to obtain his revenge and rescue, Hestia.
Lucian headed back to his tent, making his way through the campgrounds. He could hear the whispers of the men as he walked by, the word of what he had done already spreading.
Once back he walked through into the large tent that was currently his home.
"Hey look who's back!" Bal shouted, getting everyone's attention as Lucian stood still.
The other men came running over, glad to see him.
"What happened man, what did the general want with you?" Bal asked.
Lucian didn't have a chance to say anything before one of them noticed the new helmet he was holding against his hip.
"Holy shit lads, he got promoted!" Somebody blurred out.
Bal and the others were very impressed, after all it was almost unheard of for a new recruit to be promoted in such a short amount of time.
"You're telling me you got promoted?" Leo suddenly said, pushing his way through the other men.
"After we, almost all died, and you show a little fire magic and you get promoted!" He snarled, clearly jealous about the fact.
"Shut it, Leo, it's not like you did anything to help," Bal said cutting him off.
Leo turned back to Lucian and gripped his collar, pulling him to his face.
"I don't accept it. I don't accept a low born like you to be promoted before someone like me!"
Lucian was getting sick of him now.
"Let go of me, or ill kill you." He said, letting a killer aura spill out of him.
Leo could feel the killer instinct coming from him. it was so strong in fact that he could hardly move.
Lucian stared into Leos's eyes, giving him a look so intense that he almost stopped breathing.
Leo wasn't the only one to feel his killer aura either as they all held their breath as they waited to see what would happen.
"Now, now you guys, better to leave this all be," Bal said as he gripped Leo on the shoulders and pulled him away, saving his life unknown to him.
"How about we all just get some rest. It's been a long day." He said, getting the atmosphere to settle down and putting everyone at ease.
Lucian also calmed down, thinking there had been enough death for one day.
Everyone went off back to their beds, Leo included as he shrugged Bal off of him.
"This isn't over." He muttered under his breath as he walked off.
Bal sighed.
"I wouldn't worry about him Lucian, we are all a little stressed after that battle," Bal said.
"It's fine," Lucian said also turning away.
"Get some rest Bal, you did well today." Lucian then said before he retired to his sleeping spot.
Bal smiled.
"Thanks, sir."
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