/ Video Games / Steel Waste
A teenager had just purchased a bundle of all of the new and old Fallout games, Fallout 76 had just been released and he'd been badgered by his friends to play it... As a diligent person he decided that the best way to get acquainted with the series was to play ALL OF THEM!
It'd taken him three days to complete Fallout 3, doing most of the side quests and exploring the Capital Wasteland. It'd been an extremely fun experience, even if the graphics were dated at the time...
He didn't wait a moment after completing it, immediately putting in the Fallout Newvegas disk into his console... When the exhaustion finally caught up to him.
Opening his eyes again and realising he was now a baby had him regretting ever laying hands on the series. Thus begins the story of his adventure through the Mojave wasteland.
This is my new Fanfic after finishing https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105
The schedule will be at least two a day unless extraneous circumstances hold it up.
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寫檢討I love your last novel by the way though many hated it. But who cares right. I know this is a bit early but I'm gonna give your new novel a full 5 star hehehehe
Quit after chapter 15. MC is a fucking juvenile beta. Moreover, this author's obsession with underage beta MCs can be traced in the fanfic about the witcher. What is the point in the presence of an MC if he cannot and does not want to change anything in the canonical sequences of events? He had two girlfriends, he could well influence their character so that they did not become lesbians, but were normal girls of the post-apocalypse world. But no, MC does not change anything, does nothing, he is busy with self-praise about how brilliant, handsome and strong he is in comparison with his peers. Although what to expect from a degenerate who, being in the womb, kicked her for entertainment, thereby causing pain and discomfort to the poor woman. Conclusion: a vile MC with low intelligence and a subdued psyche.
I really like it, I have a soft spot for books that try to give true depth and such to them. This book even had me get close to tears at a few points. It's also nice to not see a Gary Stu and the very profound character development of the main character. Good job author, you've made a good book, keep it up and my stones are yours.
In Portuguese . Eu não consigo engolir a mania dos autores de fazer um bebê ser incrível ,sinceramente é só dar uma pesquisada que você encontra o que um bebê pode ou não fazer antes dos 3~4 anos . Acho que a mínima idade que o corpo de um bebê aguentaria fazer exercícios mesmo que supérfluos seria 6 anos antes disso seria prejudicial. Agora eu sei que a história é ficcional sem um pingo de realidade mas isso realmente estava a experiência que poderia ter sido ótima para muitos . Aliás como o protagonista consegue pensar e raciocinar daquele jeito mesmo no útero ? Não seria impossível ? Acho que a idade mínima para ele ter pensamentos fluídos e raciocínios seria entre 3~4 ou seja é nessa idade que o cérebro humano como a trabalhar efetivamente . Claro essa é a opinião de alguém que não é médico nem formado em algum tipo de medicina ou seja eu posso estar errado ,se estiver por favor me corrijam.
going to give this story the old college try.Giving this story 5 stars just to make it more appealing to those that haven’t read your stories yet.I look forward to another lengthy and time consuming tale.My favorite kind.
The author killed everyone and destroy everything. so the Whole freaking story doesn't matter, the whole kingdom building arc where he transformed Big mountain doesn't matter. everyone died!!! the end.
Since there are reapeding 5 star from 1 person I balance it with 1 star. And yeah I read this novel, did not real liked the Mc thats why I dropped it and for those that ask me why can she the answer in the 3,... star Rewiew with many likes
I just can't stomach the whole perfect 0-10 year old kid and how cool and handsome he is ... Oh well, all these things is just about preference.
this shit had me shaking. the way it flows by makes sense as it should. your writing has gotten so much better. good job on the fic and good luck to any future ones.
I really like the way you’ve been developping your story. The MC doesn’t just see this as a game world, people pretty much react how they would when stuff happens, there’s constant progress instead of insta-op, and it’s cool that he still has some interactions with the Courier. The way the system is used works really well, keeping the classic fallout upgrades and adding some nifty add-ons. Keep up the good work and i am still hoping he can find some kind of love in the hell hole he finds himself in.
hey first review I've done and I never really planned to do one because I'm lazy, but this fanfic was just way too good. this author has done an amazing job with coming up with reasons for things that I have wondered about from the series of fallout games that I haven't really even thought about which I think makes the story a lot more enjoyable. keep up the great work
Bad ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm about to drop this book and honestly feel it deserves a review, this book got me into the fallout franchise as a whole and was a pretty fun read. I stopper at 268, some things happened in the story that slowly made me lose interest or maybe it's just me because I have mood swings sometimes. Honestly I loved this book and feel everyone should give it a chance. Thank you author for giving me a good time
Nobody is interested in the life of a baby. The authors should know that it is annoying to read the life of a baby, so it would be best to write about the protagonist when he is 13 years old (beginning of the story). MC ruins the story. MC ruins the story. MC ruins the story.
I just finished catching up, and i can honestly say that i love this fic, i won’t lie, the first volume before he really started his adventure was a bit boring, but when you push through, not only do you see that it was necessary, but you also get to see some really fun shenanigans, theres so much character development and world background, and while the world already has an established background, the author definitely expands on it, its a genuinely good fic, and i could not stop laughing, I highly recommend to anyone that you read Steel Waste
author please do not drop this somewhere down the line like others. i love this story i mean come on who wouldn't like a story about fallout. What does Fallout 76 and gold plated velcro have in common? They’re both $70 rip off’s. Knock, Knock Who’s there? Will Will who? Will you please let me back into the fallout shelter? I promise I’ll stop doing lines from Rick & Morty
作者 Niggross
I can not anymore, the truth is, I do not know how they give 5 stars, the mc is the typical Asian mc beta, I do not know why the authors describe the childhood of the mc when he is not even 1 year old, nobody cares about a baby that can speak at 8 months, the MC is also progressive so he is in favor of lesbians in a post apocalyptic world, MC is the typical Gary Stu who at 10 years old can easily defeat 13 children and is also very Handsome.