37.14% STAR WARS: Galactic Sex Adventures / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Twist the Knife

章節 13: Chapter 13 - Twist the Knife

A/N: Leave some reviews if you can. Helps a lot.

I actually don't have anything clever to say this time…


So… the vibro-knife incident, I don't suppose you'd accept, 'I got stabbed, I got better' huh? Yeah I figured.

I knew I wasn't invincible and that fact couldn't have been more true than when I was stabbed by a vibro-knife. You ever carve a Nunas? With that utility vibrating knife for easier butchery after you roasted it? 

That sort of thing went into my leg. And I almost died because of it.

It was a simple smash and grab. A twi'lek named Griff 'Twist'- something or other. He had some sort of Twi'lek last name, not even Yura could pronounce. He had sold Torga some tainted moonshine that got a few of his clients sick. And by a few I mean a whole cantina full, the mess alone was enough to close it down for weeks. So naturally Torga sent me to grab him and I raided his still with Yura…

We were supposed to bring him alive, and he was a rat so I didn't really expect a fight. Yura held his buddies up as I entered his office. He held his hands high above his head, nervously fidgeting as I entered, blaster held in my hand.

"Hello Griff!" I smiled, "Torga wants to have words with you!"

"I'll… I'll come quietly!" he said, getting to his knees fearfully, "Just… just don't shoot me alright""

"Oh get up I'm not going to shoot you." I told him, approaching him to grab him. "Torga just wants to ta-…" it happened so quickly and suddenly that even now I don't know what really happened…

But suddenly there was a buzz in the air and my leg screamed in pain at me as my own voice displayed its concerned. I was on the ground, the buzzing vibro-knife carving itself down my leg and mindlessly slicing it open like a Nunas on Imperial Thanksgiving…

Griff had gone, he had stabbed my leg and ran out through a hidden door in the back of his office without a second thought.

I have never felt such pain before today. I have been beaten, shot at, drugged, mugged, kicked in the balls and I have been shot by blaster fire in the academy accidentally… what sad day that was for Rossev and right in front of Tolara and Kavilla...

But no pain inflicted on another sentient (I am not including childbirth that's cheating) can compare to being stabbed by a vibro-weapon. A lightsaber is a better choice to be stabbed with simply because it cauterizes the wound…

But as my blood pooled around me and Yura kicked the doorto the office open I knew that wanting to be stabbed with a lightsaber was the least of my worries. The vibro-knife had carved out of my leg as I screamed in agony, it buzzed and whirled in my blood as Yura quickly turned it off and keeled in my blood to look at the wound.

"Aiden!" she screamed horrified; clasping my leg, trying to stem the bleeding. "Hold on Aiden! Okay!?" the look of utter horror on her face, the sheer hurt she felt as she watched me squirm, unable to really do anything. She tore my pants away from my wound and cringed terrified at seeing how bad it was, "Hold on I need…" she quickly looked around the office and saw what she wanted, ripping a red curtain from the wall and grabbing a bottle of moonshine she came back tearing the curtain apart with the vibro-kinfe.

"I sorry but I need to do this." She said, the hurt at the fact she was about to cause me even more pain clear on her face as she went about uncorking the battle…

…Ah shit…

The alcohol in the moonshine burned like I had been tossed into one of the suns of tattooine, went through that sun and straight into the other.

"I'm sorry!" she wept as I let out a guttural roar of pain as she quickly wrapped the strips of curtain around my leg, "I'm sorry Aiden but we needed to sterilize the wound…" she tightened the makeshift bandage on my like leg and activated her com, "Milky! Milky bring the speeder around we need to get Aiden to the Kolto tanks!"

"What happened to Aiden!?" Milky's voice echoed over the com.

"Just bring the speeder!" Yura shouted, nervously fiddling with her lekku tips as she often did when she was worried. "I'm so sorry… it's my fault I should've been in here with you to watch him." She said placing her hands on my leg to stem what little bleeding she could, tears running down her blue cheeks as she didn't meet my eyes.

…I didn't want her to look so sad, it was my fuck up I should've been more careful. "I'm sorry… Yura…" I said… suddenly I was really exhausted. "I… fucked up…"

"No! No you're going to be fine okay?!" she said desperately. "I'm not losing you too!"

…I didn't really hear her… I probably imagined it… my brain hardly registered as Milky physically smashed through the back wall and carried me to the speeder.

"Stay awake Aiden!" Yura shouted, slapping me with a hand covered in my blood in the back of the speeder as she put more pressure on my leg, "Hold on until the kolto!"

'How could she be so close…' I thought, her words echoing distantly in my head, '…And yet so far, far away…'

I don't remember much after that. You'll have to ask Yura for what happened next




I cried… I'm not ashamed… I watched as Aiden floated aimlessly in the tank. His thick, red blood slowly being absolved in the kolto as a rough scar began to form over the monstrous and horrific wound. It looked like a dark comet streaking across his leg... A large round explosion and a long trail down his thigh…

I chuckled despite myself as I realized he'd probably think it was cool looking…

Milky was with me, wearing a plated bodysuit that she wore when out on the job and not being set as the distraction. It compressed her breasts firmly to keep them from getting in the way as she worked… she paced nervously, occasionally she'd glance at the tank as if expecting him to suddenly wake up, smile and asked if we could go to bed…

But the doctor, a Cathar male, was highly against it.

"Well you did a good job getting him here quickly." He said, reading the charts, "…But this isn't a hospital grade tank. It'll take time before he'll fully heal and even then I recommend a week of rest at least. He then eyed Milky with some interest; he worked for Torga so he knew in passing who we were. "And by that I mean nothing strenuous; no running, no working, no exercising and he'll probably shoot me for saying this…" he looked at Milky specifically as he added, "No intercourse. We don't want him to pull anything open or apart"

Milky looked as horrified as Aiden would have at the implication of being celibate for a week. So far the record was two days and that was only because he was on a solo job on a planet where Milky and I would have been raped to death on sight…

"You better reconsider that right now…" I said pointedly, not turning away from Aiden. "Or provide her with an alternate solution quickly…"

Suddenly terrified at the look of utter primal rage Milky showed him quickly got his mind working, "Um… no penetration!" he said suddenly, and Milky's fur bristled just a little less, "So um, so…" he was a little uncomfortable, apparently recommending sexual acts haven't really come up often for the doctor. "No vaginal or anal, nothing that would require consistent strenuous movement including if you did it yourself you need to stay off the leg. Now maybe, If you wished to…" he groaned faintly as Milky stared him angrily down, "…Um pleasure him orally? That might be alright… you just want him to move as little as possible."

Milky sniffed angrily and went back to pacing, apparently that had been satisfactory enough. The doctor seeing his opportunity and finished with his examination he quickly left. Milky grabbed a nearby steel tray and crumpled it like it was paper and let it drop to the floor in an attempt to lessen her bubbling rage.

It was easy to forget that regardless of the fact that she was once a highly desired holo-girl, a submissive, and generally preferred fucking with Aiden to eating, (which was kind of funny because she was the ship's cook) She was still a cathar, a race of proud warriors, and you couldn't tell by looking at her but she's monstrously strong.

"This… Griff guy…" she said angrily, turning to me, "Do we know any of his hangouts?"

"I'm sure Short-round has a few friends he could talk to." I said, not looking away from Aiden's tank. I couldn't. I needed to make sure… I wanted to be here this time incase… incase…

Milky grabbed me and turned me around to stare blankly at her furious warrior face.

"…Are you going to just let him piss off after this? After stabbing Aiden? Because I'm fucking not…"

"Torga wants him alive…" I said, not intimidated in the least by her anger. I didn't care… it didn't matter. Aiden needed me, he needed us… who cared about Griff?

"FUCK Torga." Milky said fiercely just as Torga entered, she glared at him as if to hear him try to contradict her and he froze rather comically.

"…Well… I would not mind… yes?" he said hesitantly slow, he knew Milky was as dangerous as she was beautiful and she was very beautiful, he had technically worked with her for much longer and that was when she was a full time holo-girl. "How is he doing?"

"…He'll recover." I said flatly, I didn't want to talk to Torga… I wanted to be looking after Aiden.

"…Hmmm." He scowled and watched Aiden floating listless in the tank as his red and blue mandalorian bodyguards entered and stood guard at the door. Even in his own properties Torga was constantly protected. "…I suddenly have no desire to ever see Griff again…" he turned to the blue mandalorian, "…Rescind retrieval contract."

"Yes sir." He replied with his voice modulated tone.

"And wait…" he stared at me and Milky calculatingly and added with a knowing air before watching Aiden float again, "…hour and a half before posting termination contract." Milky and I exchanged a look as he added "…It take hour to get to Mos Espa, and find Oasis cantina next to transport hanger three… if use ship." He added thoughtfully.

The implication of what he was saying was not lost on us, he was giving us a head start to find Griff ourselves before every other bounty hunter knew about the contract.

"…I like Aiden." He said turned to us with his good eye, "…He is good people… good worker." then in galactic basic, what he usually tended to do when furiously serious, "Griff is Shit…. I want him put down."

We couldn't agree more.


We arrived at the Oasis; there were a few people inside waiting for their flights… And we saw Griff. He was wearing much baggier clothing making him look like a desert nomad but it was him. I entered the bar determinedly; the looks of the patrons on my ass did nothing to distract me. Griff hadn't seen me in the raid so I was able to approach him without resistance but he saw me now.

I sat next to him, took his drink and quickly downed it as he started pointedly at my cleavage as the liquid sloppily dripped temptingly down upon it. But I wasn't here to seduce him, get him outside to Aiden and take him to Torga.

Fuck no.

"Well hel-…" he stopped as he felt Aiden's blaster pistol against his side, and he sighed. "…Determined bunch aren't you? Torga must really want to talk…

He hadn't heard, of course he hadn't, the contract wasn't up yet there was still ten minutes.

"Everyone out." I said, when nobody moved I drew and raised my blaster pistol with my other hand to the ceiling and fired twice. "OUT!" I demanded firmly, not looking away from Griff. "You" I said as the bartender tried to pass me, "Dormund Blaast." I said firmly and he quickly gave me a glass and ran off.

Griff smiled just a little smugly, "What?" he asked, "What are you waiting for? aren't you going to take me to Torga?" he laughed and tried to reach for my drink but I pressed Aiden's blaster his side. "You know that's the problem with him. He doesn't have the balls to be a real gangster like his brother…"

"Was that why you tainted Torga's moonshine?" I asked as if interested, what I was really doing was calculating how much pain I could inflict on him with my bare hands. An awful lot by the way.

Eight minutes.

"Oh yeah." He said as if the whole thing was his idea, "Tuuba wanted all of Torga's cantina's shut down but you got to take the opportunities you get." He reached over the bar and grabbed a bottle, "Speaking of…" he poured himself a drink. "You know…" he began again, still smug. Seven minutes. "…I'm going to go to Torga… get a stern talking to…" he said pretending to quiver, "And probably get fired…" he had no idea

Six minutes.

"And then you know what? I'm going to Nal Hutta. Meeting up with his brother, and getting a very lucrative new post for what I did…" he laughed, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"And then… I'm going to find me a blue skinned Twi'lek slut like you and fuck her ass as hard as I can… unless of course you want a go? Do you still take credits when you're off the clock on your hunter's dick?"

Five minutes.

"I know after all that you're his slave you know. Torga's little 'down payment'. Hey is it true you took a gamorrean dick in all your holes?"

"No." I said bluntly honest

He laughed, not believing me, "Sure… hey is this doing anything for you?" he asked, obviously smug, "I mean I don't really want to get shot… but I'm fairly sure you won't get shit if I do…"


His com suddenly rang, "You don't mind do you?" he asked mockingly.

I didn't answer him but I didn't stop him.

"Hey." He said to the com, and then he smiled and laughed. "That's great! Thanks for telling me!"

He hung up and grinned lecherously at me, "Contracts gone whore…" he said knowingly and drinking directly from the bottle.


"Gonna murder me now?" he asked, chuckling, "What would your partner say?"

…keep talking… it'll be fucking funny…

"Everyone knows he's too soft like his dick. He wouldn't shoot first if he wanted to. He doesn't have the balls."


As if on cue our coms rang simultaneously, he was about to reach for it again but I grabbed it. "Allow me…" I said and holding it up and displaying the contract…

…I took a picture of his face to show Aiden for later…

Through his entire 'reason you suck' speech I had been quietly angry, calling up everything within me to hold back, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I still could. And deep down I'm glad I wasn't going to shoot him, I just need to keep him here talking before the contract was up.

"…The man you stabbed." I said, cold and emotionless not betraying my true feelings. It brought back memories I had long ago thrown away especially after meeting Aiden. "…I love him very much… you stabbed him and left him bleeding in your office when all Torba wanted was to talk to you… That upset him, Aiden is his favorite."

He stared at me suddenly realizing the blaster barrel against his stomach and whimpering. All the bravado: gone. All the confidence: gone. All the hope… so fucking gone. I sniffed a bit dignified, "…If you met me years before Torga bought me I want you know, it wouldn't have bothered me so much… I would've forgiven you. In fact it was in my nature. Even before Torga bought me I was still a slave, just different… I leaned forward glaring at him.

"… Meeting Aiden however, changed me… he saved me, even though I didn't know I wanted to be… And you fucking stabbed him…" then to his surprise I put Aiden's blaster back in the holster… "…He wouldn't want me to shoot you in cold blood in some cantina… he has done it a couple of times but he wouldn't want me to..."

The look of relief on his face, was evident and he released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, "So… you'll let me go?"

"I said he wouldn't want me to shoot you…" I said knowingly, "But he would also find it hilarious for me to let Milky vent her anger first…"

"Who?" he briefly asked as Milky came from behind him, pressed a viciously clawed hand painfully around his head and slammed it against the counter.

"So you're the asshole who stabbed my Aiden!" she hissed horrifically at him, as he screamed in pain

The terror and agony she caused him before his body finally gave up and died was worthy of a sith lord…





Do you have any idea how long it took me to find bed sheets that felt just like Milky's fur? Forever. Torga had to special order it for me. So I knew when I woke up that I was in my bed, however I didn't quite remember how I got there… my eyes opened and looking down at my arm I saw an IV drip… well sort off, I imagined Short-round had jury-rigged it judging from the dismembered droid arm that held the bag. I pulled it out of my arm and sat up, I was about to twist out of my bed when a sharp tight pain shot up my leg.

Not enough for me to cry out, but enough to make me hesitate and stop moving. I flinched and lied back down, lifting my sheets I looked underneath… No pants, as expected. I didn't usually sleep in the nude but I was often forced to by my living arrangements. But the massive disfiguring scar on my right thigh and upper calf was new… hey it kind of looked like a comet if I looked at it at the right angle; that was pretty cool. I tried to bend my leg, but it simply wasn't cooperating without pain…

Well that's… distressing… I let the sheets drop and stared up at the ceiling. I wondered if I was crippled… I wondered what I would do, if I was. Probably cybernetics but that was expensive and took time. Maybe Torga would cover us but while he was a decent 'man' for a hutt he was still a hutt. And I didn't run from the Empire to indenture myself of to someone else especially with the girls…

Oh man the girls… what if they left me. I let that sink in for a moment… What would I do if I couldn't perform anymore? Couldn't work and forcefully celibate? I'd jump out the airlock. As I continued to stare up into the ceiling, I began to think in the silence…

I could go back to Tolara or Kavilla… but there was a very, very slim chance that they'd send me to mother. Like a tenth of a chance, well for Tolara it might be a twelfth, she always thought she was my favorite, (they were both their own separate women and I loved them both equally) and they definitely wouldn't let me stay with the girls…

Maybe go into smuggling? I had the ship for it so it was a possibility, and with Yura, Milky and Short-round to do the leg work it might be lucrative… Or maybe just retire, find a nice cabin on naboo or somewhere, I think dad has a hunting cabin on Alderaan, relaxing with Yura and Milky living out the rest of our lives trying to have crossbreed babies…

I sighed sadly… maybe it wasn't as bad as it looked. I sat up and waved my arms at the security/recording camera slowly, somebody was keeping an eye on me right? For half a second I wondered why there wasn't a com or something near my bed. Then I found the idea of Short-round calling me at all hours of the evening, slightly unfavorable…

The door to my room swished open and Yura and Milky quickly entered, Milky got to me first, she wrapped her arms tightly around me as she soft facial fur rubbed against my cheek and she purred.

 "Good morning…" she said softly, trying to hold me as hard as she could without breaking me with her uncontrolled relief…

"How long was I out?" I asked as Yura, careful of my leg as she held me as well on my other side. I wrapped my arms around both of them, quite content to never let them go…

"8 hours in Kolto and 16 in this bed…" Yura said, eyes blissfully closed as she breathed me in, "…I'm glad you're too stubborn to bleed to death…" she said half joking half crying as I held her tighter

"Yeah I love you too…" I replied.

Milky squeezed me and knowing what she wanted I stroked the back of her head and kissed her forehead, "You too… I'm not bias…"

We simply held each other, glad to be over the horrific hours that led to it…

"So nurses…" I began smiling disarmingly as Yura sat on a nearby chair and I let Milky rest her head on my chest while I continued to pet her, drawing out more contented purrs from her core. "What's the prescription?

"A week of rest." Yura replied, "So no leaving the bed…"

I smiled, "Oh yeah? I can work with that…" I laughed and stoked Milky's cheek with my hand.

"…He also said no strenuous activity…" Yura added, electing a hiss from Milky in response. "No exercise, no running and you should of seen the look on his face when he said no fucking to Milky…"

"Oh force, is he still alive?" I asked looking at my cathar girlfriend.

"He's fine…" Yura laughed, "Are you going to be?" she asked, her golden eyes twinkling mischievously, "You're not allowed to have sex with us for a week. That will drive you mad. You can hardly go a whole day without pinning me or Milky to a wall…"

"In all fairness you two literally ask me to do it…" I replied pointedly. "Its fine! I'll sit here and watch holo-vids or something…"

Yura laughed, "Okay… no you won't, want to know why?" she asked making her way to the giant screen in front of us. She slammed her fist on the wall which opened a hidden cabinet stuffed with well organized holo-disks. "Because all the holo-vids you own are pornographic. Hell two thirds of them star Milky. Why do you even keep those when you have the real girl?"

"I know what I like…" I replied firmly as Milky laughed and kissed me.

"I'm sure Short-round has something else we can watch." Milky said smiling at Yura, "Why don't you go ask? I'll get us some treats and we can make a movie night out of it…"

"Not a bad idea…" Yura smiled quickly making her way out of the room to find Shout-round "Make some of that gourmet popcorn we got from Nar Shaddaa…

"Movie night sounds like a fun…" I began but Milky quickly made her way to my door and closed it, setting on the override lock so we couldn't be disturbed. "Milky what are you…"

"He said we can't fuck…" she said removing her shirt and letting her breasts bounce free. "He said oral was fine… throwing my sheets away she faced towards me as she stroked my rapidly hardening member. "I am going to suck out every drop of sperm in your balls so that you remember to be more careful" she looked at me sadly, "And give you a perfectly good reason to stay alive…

"Milky it's not like I want to- holy shit!" I groaned as she engulfed the head of my dick into her wet mouth, "By the force Milky take it easy! I am literally not going anywhere!"

But she only increased her pace, her hand stoking down as she dipped her head and pulling up as she pulled away. She moved so quickly it was like her life depended on it.

"Milky open this door!" Yura shouted as she banged on the dooe, "You better not be fucking him in there you nympho!"

Oh guess it kind did…

"M-milky slow down…" I said slowly feeling every part of my dick stimulated by her to raise to the occasion. "Shit I'm going to cum…"

But as usual she didn't slow done or pull away so I accepted it, i don't know why I keep suggesting it, reflexive manners I guess. Putting my hand on her head I shoved her down my dick and released a day's worth of build up. Milky groaned contentedly as I heard her gulp each and every shot of my load…

She slowly pulled away as I finished, her mouth opening to show that she had nothing left to swallow and slowly she licked my flaccid dick. Each prolonged loving caress caused my dick to twitch, she started at my balls and let her tongue climb up until the tip then she pulled away causing my dick to tremble excitedly… then she repeated. Slowly my member came back to life and she smiled lovingly up at me.

It was that time that Short-round overridden the override and Yura stormed in. "Thanks!" she shouted angrily at him before shutting the door. "The hell are you doing!?" she shouted at Milky who had embrace my dick in her mouth again, she pulled away and stared hard at Yura.

"I'm sucking his dick… want to help?"

"Strenous activity!" Yura shouted.

"Oral was okay!" Milky fired back.

"Give him some rest at least!" Yura shouted stomping towards Milky. "He just woke up!"

"He's been resting! It's time for physical therapy!"

"Okay that's enough!" I shouted angrily at both of them, "If you two cant behave get out…" they stared at me , looking hurt, finally I relented as my gaze moved between them.

"Milky. It feels good I want you to finish me up again…" Milky purred and stretched her great wondrous orbs around my dick and began titfucking me. "Yura…" I turned to her and held out my hand, "I promise if its starts to hurt I'll stop. Come on… we have nothing better to do."

Yura hesitated, she meant to do what she thought was best. But you know what? right now was time so celebrate being awake and alive. And I wanted to do that with my girls…

"You push, I'll pull…" Yura said briskly and hovered slightly over my dick head as Milky continued unabated.

"Okay." She replied as Yura's warm lips wrapped around the head of my dick between Milky's breasts. I placed my hand on her head as her tongue lapped tenderly at my dickhole. "Oh Force… you two are amazing."

Yura moaned her agreement as Milky giggled… they weren't stopping, they were relentless, once again I couldn't take it anymore and I shot my load into Yura's mouth. She blissfully took it, her eyes closed contentedly as Milky pouted.

"Hey come on share… I helped two." she whimpered as Yura pulled away with a pop. Then Yura, caressing Milky's cheek fur, kissed her fully on the lips. She shoved a portion of my fresh load into Milky's waiting and hungry mouth as they moaned together satisfied.

Savoring my taste as if it were some sort of dark ritual, they swished it around their mouths briefly and swallowed, before opening their mouths towards me to show that the had. Milky felt me harden once more between her breasts and giggled as she molded her tits even tighter around my dick. "Oh look at that!" she smiled at Yura, "Think he's got another one in him…"

"You can have it…" Yura replied, Lying next to me she rested her head against my shoulder, and I slowly stroke he lekku as she shut her eyes in content. "…I'm good for now."

Milky went to it with gusto, her blowjob/titjob combination equaling the one I had just had with both her and Yura. "Come on…" she said rapidly banging her tits against my hips as she tried to coax more cum. "I want more…"

"Cumming Milky…" I said grabbing her head and putting her mouth around my dick.

And I finished once more. Holding her head in place on the tip she rapidly stroked my length with her tits until every last drop was out… then she swallow. "Yummy…" she groaned, licking her fingers seductively as she watched me…

I just smiled and gestured for her to lie down on my other side like Yura, who was quietly snoring. She was apparently exhausted, "Come on Milky… I just want a hug." She rubbed her head against my shoulder as I gently caressed her ass through the shorts she wore.

I was content, and happy to be alive with two women I loved in my bed… if that was going to be the next week I could die happy at the end of it. We all lied there quietly as the sounds of the ship humming power echoed around the room. I was so used to it I found it relaxing, quickly off to dreamland with my girls right beside me…

…I should've known they wouldn't abandoned me… they would never leave me alone. We were stuck together no matter what. Even after Short-round entered holding a brand new homemade vibro-knife and matching sheath in his hand we weren't disturbed and continued sleeping comfortably. Carefully he placed the new sheath and vibro-knife quietly on the far table along with a handful of non-pornographic holo-vids and apparently the first four seasons of My Little Bantha. And he left silenttly, he knew if I needed him I would call… and he helped me by giving me the knife both as a reminder for my mistake and another tool to make sure it never happened again.

And he even joined us for the recently formed movie night…


Sorry for the upcoming interval chapters in advance lmao. I promise I'll upload extra to make up for it. Rn I'm doing 2 chapters daily but when my exams start I'll be shifting to 1 chapter/day . Sorry Bout that. Well that still has like 2 weeks.

200 power stones for 1 Bonus chapter and so on.

Sub to the patreon and help a man out. Motivates me to write more for you guys. If i can earn enough i might just drop out of college lmao. You also get up to 15-20 advance chapters.

Right now it is up to chapter 24 . I'll add 2 more in a few hours:

Love Y'all !


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