0.77% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 2: The First Hunt

章節 2: The First Hunt

I do not own the star wars universe

So… I had a ship… and I had no fucking idea how to pilot it… luckily I had a survivor to help me guide the darn thing to Tattooine. Apparently, if you threaten an idiot long enough, offer to spare his life and get him the medical help he needs he'll agree to anything.

Who fucking knew?

I'd honestly rather not go to Tattooine… but it was honestly one of the best places to start over, move on… or hide… honestly whatever the hell I wanted to do, of which I wasn't quite sure of myself yet. Again I was acting on hormones so… what the fuck do I know.

What I did know is that I wanted three things: money, power, and women. Not necessarily in that order, and over time I realized that I'd really settle for two of those things. Wrinkles; the name I called the weequay whose survival I apparently blame 'stormtrooper' training on… told me that I should be a bounty hunter. I wasn't going to take the advice of a dying man just quite yet but the idea seemed solid. So I patched him up and continued to ponder the idea…

I was in my opinion a fairly good shot, a little more observant than the average trooper (not a far stretch sure but bare with me I was young) and just a little more clever than your average Dromund Kaas blueblood. I know I'm blowing my own horn but honestly, your head would be as big as mine if you trained with the screw-ups at the academy…

Wrinkles, and if you haven't figured it out yet this was not his name. Told me that all I had to do to be a decent bounty hunter is get a bounty. Simple enough right? Find some low-level hutt and break a few kneecaps. Well, I had no delusional intention of being muscle, I didn't have the intimidating physique for it. But I was young and stupid and high on my victory of shooting five weequay who had me dead to rights…

I was a fucking dumbass!

One warp later and there we were on Tattooine… I wasn't impressed when I was there with my family and I wasn't impressed now. I got Wrinkles to the kolto tanks and got the ship registered in my name, it took a little under-the-table credits but I also got a name change….

And I know. Fuck me, I was feeling sentimental.

I called it The Scarlet Rebel.

…Fuck me…

So. Now all I needed was a job, so where do new bounty hunters go? the wretched hive of scum and villainy itself: Mos Eisley. Well, that was after I got rid of the water filters on the ship, strangely enough, you get a damn good price for them when you sell them at market value. Then again considering I 'stole' them and had no intention of going back to Dromund Kaas I was going to make a profit regardless.

So I had a ship I couldn't fly, a goal I couldn't quite set, and a pocketful of credits I didn't quite earn. I was asking for fucking trouble…

And it found me in the form of an aqualish thug and a devaronian. I didn't even see it coming as a headed toward one of the nearest cantinas. Fun fact; don't count your credits in the open if you have no one to watch your back.

Honestly? I was lucky to be alive at the end of it… and regardless another fun fact, don't break a Devonian's horn. The aqualish thug got me from behind with something sharp, probably a drug once I thought about it. He obviously was new at this too because he didn't do a good job. Personally, this was also the only time I missed my trooper helmet… The devaronian held a blaster on me, like a prick… but I managed to knock it away before he could put hot blaster fire into my stomach. Turns out bashing him in the head was a bad idea because the aforementioned broken horn…

He was pretty pissed and I was still pretty dazed as he started opening fire in the alleyway… man he must have been off-center without that horn or his blaster needed calibrating because he could hit anything… I tried to return fire with my rifle but my own vision needed some calibration, everything was blurry and weird and… fuck… I don't remember…

I passed out… and I was robbed… I was lucky to be alive. They took my money, my guns and not going to lie, my dignity.

There are no 'peacekeepers' in Mos Eisley just an unspoken rule when the current troopers in charge aren't around. "Don't fuck with the hutts and they won't fuck you…" so as you can tell, at the time I didn't fall under that category.

Only one good thing came out of that day and that was Short-round… My new jawa buddy. He pulled me out of the sun and got me an antidote for whatever the hell that bastard put in me. He lived in this… old, run-down storage shed behind one of the cantinas… it was a bad one. Apparently, he found a severed arm in the dumpster once. I kinda felt sorry for him, and I just got mugged…

But Short-round… real name of a… well it's something I can't pronounce but he's fucking brilliant. He made a droid out of scrap from a cantina… it freaking flew for force sakes. So I figured… I owed him one. And I needed someone brilliant like him to help me with my new ship… and to catch those assholes who robbed me. Honestly, I could've cared less about them stealing my credits, as I've learned in this job there are always more credits. But they took my rifle, and my sister Tolara gave me that rifle for my birthday. My sister Kavilla modded it for me… I was going to be damned than to let some butt-faced thug and a half-assed devil prick take it like a trophy…

Another thing Short-round was good for? Knowing his way around that womp-rat town Mos Eisley: every back alley, every nook and cranny, and for a brief moment every sewer. Didn't know Mos Eisley even had a sewer? Lucky you. Did you ever hear the rumors of trash monsters like they talk about in the academy? It's fucking worse in Mos Eisley sewers…

But those two were easier to find than I thought with Short-round guiding me… but like a young idiot I didn't think it through. I was unarmed, outgunned, with only a jawa to help me against two thugs spending my money in the cantina like they owned the place. Although later it turned out that was only partly right…

The thing about being served in a dingy cantina like this; the waitresses will do more than smile if you treat them nicely enough… it only took me half a minute as the devoranian slapped the ass of a busty, azure blue-skinned twi'lek for a plan to slowly form in my mind. Granted I needed to borrow a little more money from my newfound friend.

She approached our table, clearly annoyed at the ass slap and still quite frustrated. in her anger. She demanded, more than asked, for our orders. "What do you two want?" She wore a tight short skirt and tank top showing offer her flat stomach and accentuating her curves and bust…

I fucking love Twi'leks. They are literally the force given gifts to all men in the galaxy and I don't care what you say.

I looked at the laughing devaronian, his arm wrapped possessively around a human girl clearly paid to be there. "…Guys kind of an ass isn't he?" I asked her, wanting to get her attention on the devaronian.

She eyed them for a moment, choosing her words carefully, "Bassier and his buddy Assface? Yeah…"

I laughed at that, I couldn't help it. "The devaronian's name is assface?"

She gave me a beautiful smile, a legitimate one. The kind of smile a waitress saves for that one group of people who treat her like a person instead of a servant, the kind of smile that literally lights up a room and makes you admire just how beautiful her face is or how golden her eyes shine. "No, that's Bassier… 'Assface' is what we call his buddy because we can't pronounce his name."

We laughed together at that but then… it seems she got a good look at me. "…You look like you got into a fight with a krayt dragon…" she seemed like she cared, and for me at that age that was just about everything.

"Don't give them the credit." I grumbled, turning to look at Short-round who seemed to be more interested in the house band than the girls… "Listen… do you actually like those guys?"

She eyed Bassier and Assface as the girl Bassier was caressing let her mask of delight slip into disgust at his touch. "…Fuck no. but what can I do? They pay off security so they won't interfere and the owner never hears about it. Any girl who complains about then gets fired or worse…"

I eyed their table, and found that my blaster rifle was hanging ever so carefully behind Bassier's head on the booth by its shoulder strap. "See that rifle?"

She nervously eyed the rifle, in question"…Yeah?"

"… It's mine and I want it back…" I told her coolly, sliding towards her a handful of Short-round credits, "…They can keep my money… but I want my rifle."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "…You want me to get the blaster? Seriously?!"

"I can't get near them without them noticing…" I told her, very calm, "…You get my rifle and everyone is happy but those two…" I smiled charmingly at her, and regardless of the black eye and partially bleeding gums, I convinced her. "…Besides… he won't be looking at the gun, he'll be looking at you and honestly I can't blame him…"

She gave me a small, 'don't push it' sort of smile as she slid the credits onto her trey. But her mouth quickly formed into a determined line as she approached the bar just as Bassier called rudely for her to get him his drinks.

I fucking love Twi'leks… with the grace of an uncaught pickpocket, she returned to their table and with a hardly noticeable forced smile she leaned low giving Bassier a good long look at the curve of her tightly pressed breasts. Not even realizing that her free hand lifted my rifle from behind his head… and held it tightly behind her, striking a 'look at me, I'm so sexy' pose. Pouting playfully at him…

Bassier's dander got up at them, licking his lips lustfully at her as she walked back towards my table holding my rifle in front of her to block Bassier's vision of it, making sure to sway her bountiful hips just a little more, to keep his eyes on her rear…

The look on his face as she passed me my gun was fucking priceless…

My blaster looks like a standard trooper rifle… not much to look at. But I can adjust it to sacrifice fire rate for range and accuracy, essentially turning it into a semi-automaticic sniper rifle... But he didn't fucking know that…

Shoving the girl out of the way and drawing my blaster pistol from his waist holster, he and Assface drew their blasters… I pulled the twi'lek girl behind me. Because I'm a noble mother-fucker, shielding her with my body as the blasters started firing. I felt one of the plasma bolts slide past my cheek, leaving a vicious burned line upon it but I ignored that completely and aimed right between Assface's ass face... he went down quickly as my blaster fire melted the insides of his head… he wasn't even halfway down before Bassier decided that he was at a disadvantage… he tried to run…

I didn't fucking let him…

He started screaming as his left leg gave out, a big melting hole where his knee used to be. He lost the grip on my pistol and it skidded towards a human waitress who quickly made a run for it. I got to tell you in my own opinion, I thought I looked pretty badass… granted I also looked like a nerfherder fresh off the farm. But you know… a badass one.

I stepped on his hand as he vainly tried to reach for my blaster pistol. It didn't have nearly the amount of sentimental value as my rifle but you know; it was still mine. I put it back in my holster and stared down at him coldly, aiming my rifle at his head… he cringed and closed his eyes, expecting me to fire.

"Where's my money?" I asked, "…I really just wanted my gun back but since I have your attention…"

"Left! Left pocket!" he cried horrified, feeling the hot barrel of my rifle on his forehead. "It's in-" he said something I didn't quite understand, I think it was Assface's real name. "- left Pocket!"

"Oh." I said, and made my way towards the smoldering corpse of Assface, quickly checking his pockets. And I learned yet another lesson, always check for holdout pistols.

"Look out!" the twi'lek woman shouted and I dropped instantly, landing on Assface's corpse and turning as a blaster bolt singed past where my head used to be. In half a second I aimed, I targeted the tiny pistol in Bassier's hand, and I fired…

The screaming was horrendous… turns out blasting a hold-out blaster makes it explode… noted for later. I almost felt sorry for him as he cradled his smoldering hand now missing a few fingers. I quickly found my credits from Assface's pockets and kicked Bassier hard in the forehead, breaking his other horn I'll add, and knocking him out.

I whistled and shouted for Short-round. Apparently completely oblivious to the violence away from the band on stage and quickly ran towards me. I looked at the twi'lek girl. She stared at me, a little scared and… dare I say a little aroused? It was probably hormones again honestly… but you know what? I did owe her. I approached her, calmly, with my rifle now over slung my shoulder and measured out a few credits… those bastards had apparently used more than half of what I had left; at least 7000 left from my remaining 15…

I wasn't happy about it. But I pay my dues. "Here…" I said, and I gave her 4000 of it. "For my rifle…" then looking at the smoking corpse of Assface and the unconscious Bassier I added, "…And for the mess… come on." I said to disinterested Short-round and limped away.

Turns out Short-round really likes ships, and my recently re-named Scarlet Rebel was apparently a dream for him. He made himself home fairly quickly claiming a room near the warp drive engine. I had claimed the captain's room at first but it sort of smelled like burnt flesh and blood at the moment so I wasn't in a hurry to spend time in it... so I made myself comfortable in the cockpit and made stock of my day.

Got mugged, met a friend, got shot at, killed a man, and brutally injured another and collected a large sum of money… sounds like a bounty hunt to me… now if only I had made an actual profit it would've been a good day. Short-round chattering madly had spent the remainder of it tinkering with this and that all over the ship, discovering along the way several smuggler holes… unfortunately with nothing in them but noted for later. I certainly didn't know what he was doing so I just let him continue, it worked out fine enough. He also found an old translator so I could actually understand him, along with other species like wookies… Wahoo…

That day fucking sucked... but that night got significantly better…

I was probably asleep when Short-round popped some sort of vent above the cockpit and poked his head out. "Hey boss! We got visitors!"

"What?" I asked blearily, rubbing my eyes and pressing as many buttons on the console as I could to get a view outside.

"It's the big green one boss. Press it twice…" Short-round pointed out. Far more familiar with the ship after a few hours then I was in a day.

"Thanks buddy…" I pushed the big green button twice and on the screen where the map of the quadrant was a view outside the ship.

Two gamorreans armed with axes, two clearly distinguishable Mandalorians, one blue skinned twi'lek girl I recognized in what could only be described as a jedi robe. And one large bulbous hutt with only one eye and a large heated scar across the other. One thick-warted hand was wrapped around the twi'lek woman guiding her along, if she was uncomfortable at the contact she didn't show it…

"Boy! Open up! I want words!" the hutt said in his native tongue of huttese, blissfully translated by my translator. Good thing to, my huttese was atrocious…

"…Well... fuck…" I managed out, pulling my rifle from the chair and heading towards the hanger door.

"What should I do boss?" Short-round asked upside down.

"If it looks like I'm about to die take off!" I replied as I opened the door.

"Got it boss!" the jawa replied before eyeing the console curiously, "…Now how do I fly this thing?"

The ramp descended, landing easily in front of the hutt's party. He held up his free hand to the Mandalorians who had trained their rifles on me. I was pointing my own at the hutt so it was only fair. "Now now… not here to fight boy, here to talk…" he snapped his fingers and the right gamorrean tossed one of Bassier's broken horns at my feet… I lower my blaster slowly and the Mandalorians seemed to ease as well.

"You shoot yes?" the hutt asked, gesturing to the horn.

I knew what he meant, but I couldn't resist. "I kicked…" I replied flatly.

The hutt seemed to think that was hilarious and began laughing, the gamorreans began to laugh stupidly while the Mandalorians seemed far too stoic to humor a chuckle. "Yes! You kick!" he chuckled, "I, Torga the Hutt, have job offer…"

I stared at him, he couldn't be serious. I haven't even made a name for myself and he was offering me a job? "Okay what's the catch." I shook my head, "Where's the joke?"

"No joke…" the hutt gave me a smile, at least I hope it was. It was disturbing but seemed friendly enough. "Bassier and-" he made the noise that was Assface's name and continued, "-were no longer profitable… they work as bounty hunters for me." he grimaced angrily, "They bribe my men, insult my workings, abuse my property…" his hand tightened around the twi'lek girl from the cantina shoulder, "But I could not deal with them…" he shrugged dismissively, "They were gift from sister Tulba… couldn't throw them away, but you!" he smiled happily, "They were dangerous bounty hunters and you shoot them dead!"

"I shot one of them dead." I corrected him, becoming more and more curious about what he was getting at. Although to be fair I was more interested in why the woman was here… Torga seemed to notice my interest and grinned lecherously.

"Well Bassier as good as…" he then eyed the Mandalorian, dressed in red armor to his left. "He 'As good as'… yes?" The Mandalorian nodded slowly under the helmet, but clearly not taking his eyes off me. Torga's smile, which was beginning to annoy me slightly seemed to broadened. "So! I need new bounty hunter and I put you on trial run yes?"

I don't think his words fully registered in my brain at first, but as his smile began to lessen unsurely I finally answered him, "…You're hiring me as a bounty hunter?"

"Yes!" laughed Torga, "Trial run! We see how you do!"

I looked between the two Mandalorians, they were clearly tough and intimidating. Hell, they were fucking Mandalorians, the empire pays them an exuberant amount of money to stay as far away from imperial space as possible. "Then what are they for?" I asked gesturing to them, "…Aren't they bounty hunters?"

Torga frowned thoughtfully, "They personal guards… need them all the time. Tuuba, other brother. He is how you say…" he seemed to search for the word and said a distinctly human word, "Asshole…" he shook his bulbous head and traced a hand down the scar over his eye, "Sent assassin with vibroblade…" he continued in huttese, "now spend fortune on bodyguards…" he smiled at me again, trying to remain on task. "So! Hire you, yes? Lots of benefits working for Torga!" as if on cue his gamorreans nodded obediently.

"Benefits?" I asked cautiously, I felt like I was talking to a salesman and Kavilla always told me to never trust one. But considering I was in a bit of a rut, I could really do nothing but hear him out. "…like what?"

I apparently walked right into his dealing trap. "Money! Fame! Fortune! Glory! I give you perks yes? Nice home, good food and…" he then gently shoved the twi'lek girl forward and pulled her hood down. She had been painted up with green makeup to accentuate her blue skin; the smile she had on her face certainly didn't look forced. "…Fun times, yes?"

I stared at her as the implication hit me and my fucking hormones overloaded my brain. She giggled like a well-priced holo-girl… I managed to compose myself, "So… a trail…" I cleared my throat as I was distracted by her eyes and corrected myself, "A trial run right?"

Yes!" he held out his hand to the left gamorrean who handed him a holo-disk. It erupted into life and revealed a rhodian. "Find Yuebba yes? Somewhere on tattooine. Bring back alive…"

He then smiled at the Twi'lek now standing at my side, "Yura down payment! Keep and enjoy!"

"Wait what?" I asked confused, "You're giving me your waitress?"

"I am a slave…" she said shrugging absently, "He's giving you my contract since I caused some trouble in the cantina…" then with a look that set my blood boiling she said, "…I'll look for your room now… master…"

Torga laughed loudly as Yura entered my ship. "Find Yuebba. I pay you lots and you keep Yura anyway! Good deal yes?" he held out his hand. Fuck yeah, it was a deal. But I didn't tell him that, I shook his hand with my own. Surprisingly it wasn't as slimy as I thought it would be.

"Good! Have good deal!" he laughed, gesturing to the left gamorrean who handed me a holo-disk that looked slightly different, "Contact me on this when you have Yuebba…" he said turning away and slithering out of the hanger. "I expect good things yes?"

The others members of his entourage left with him, the red armored Mandalorian however lingered on me for an uncomfortably long time before he too turned and followed Torga out of the hanger… I was about to dwell on it. And then I remembered I had a sexy Twi'lek on my ship so I dashed back up the ramp and slapped the door controls shut.

I am NOT fucking proud…

It took me a moment to find her in the captain's quarters, I knew they were originally the captains because A:I shot him in here. And B: the large double bed…

Yura looked around the room, and noticed quickly how empty it was, "…Not much in here… well I guess except for the essentials…" she added, eyeing the bed playfully.

"I uh… new ship." My hormones were taking over again. Fuck me right? "Just got it."

"Ah…" she said, smiling rather playfully at him. "And now new bounty hunter of Torga huh?" she sat on his bed and one long, smooth, and slender leg slowly rose over the other one as she crossed them. "…I suppose there are worst hutts on tattooine… Although most of his properties are on Nal Hutta so he's branching out.

"I…you…" I couldn't find the words, I could only stare at her fucking wonderful legs… "…Fuck…" I finally said, rubbing my hand through my hair in frustration. I could not fucking believe I couldn't keep a conversation with her. I practically dominated a rebel spy… or republic spy. Fuck I didn't know, it was hard to keep track of how many enemies the empire had and the propaganda.

"We can if you want…" she said coyly, knocking me out of my internal rant.

"I… what?" My stupid fucking teenaged brain… glad I'm over that. Now I have a stupid fucking adult brain but I'll get to that later.

She pressed her lips together, and said slowly, firmly and forced damn erotically… "FUCK… we can if you want… I'm your down payment remember?" she stood up and placed her hands on the collar of the robe. "And honestly? You're a lot more appealing than that horned fucker Bassier…" her robe dropped and my heart stopped…

She wasn't wearing anything underneath…

Her body, gloriously hairless and unmarred, or scarred, or anything she was just that fucking perfect… and from the look on her face she fucking knew it.

"Torga has an eye for 'quality'…" she said sarcastically, but still smiling in good humor. "But no patience for trouble which is why you get me…"

Of course, this went right over my head as I stared at the vision of loveliness that she was. FUCKING TEENAGED BRAIN. But hormones won in the end and I approached her as she presented herself to me. I was just fascinated with her breasts, just as large as 'Scarlet's' maybe even bigger, with dark blue round nipples centered perfectly level on her body… I knew immediately what I wanted to do but…

But she was a slave… and I didn't want to do anything she didn't…

So once again listening to my forced damn moral compass… I had to ask. "…Do you really want to do this?"

She looked at me surprised, "…That's an odd thing to say with your hands on my tits…" and sure enough without me realizing it they were….

Fucking teenaged…. You get the idea by now…

"Sorry… I wasn't…" I wanted to say something, anything to justify my stupid moral character and my perverted nature but she beat me to it.

"It's FINE." She said finally, gripping my hands and letting me thoroughly enjoy her, forcing me to gently squeeze her breasts as if they were ripening fruit "… It's okay to enjoy yourself… that's what slaves are for you know."

"Look you don't have to be my slave okay, I…"

She actually rolled her eyes, "Oh for fucks sake what are you, a virgin?" however seeing as how I didn't answer, her frustration seemed to vanish. "Oh… huh…" she seemed to think on something then smiled lovingly down at me. (I was notoriously short around this time… I love taller women) "Alright different approach…"

She turned us around and shoved me onto the bed, spreading my legs apart and kneeling in front of me, smiling like a cat up into my eyes. "Virgins get the special treatment…" I was about to say something but she placed a finger on my lips. "I am perfectly content to be your slave… I get OFF on it… working as a waitress is fun and all, but my ass got pinched all the fucking time…" she fumbled with my belt, her golden eyes never leaving mine as she spoke. "Look… if someone paid him enough, Torga would've let anyone spend a good deal of private time with me or any other girl. And I still had my ass slapped for free… between working at that half-brothel and spending quality time on retainer with a handsome, dashing 'bounty hunter'?" she gently caressed my dick and pulled it out to stiffened attention, smiling with satisfied delight as she uncovered my arousal. "…I will take you ANY DAY…"

And she did… right down to the hilt…

Holy fucking shit is she talented… I wasn't even aware twi'lek's had tonsils until Yura. I could feel her breath tickling against my skin as it rushed out of her nose. After a few, heart pulsing moments she pulled way, making sure to keep the head of my dick firmly between her green lip-stick lips. She stared up at me and honest to the force smiled before diving once more to the hilt… I threw my head back at the warm and snug feeling… I couldn't even begin to have imagined that a blowjob felt that amazing… her wonderful talented tongue wrapped and swirled as best as she could around me. Her throat pulsed and tightened as her body naturally gasped for air that she repressed with practiced ease…

She pulled away again, opening her mouth just enough to allow me to see her tongue swirl lovingly around the tip rapidly. She moaned delightedly as if she adored the taste… and fuck at that point I didn't know that she actually DOES. Then again before I could say anything, before I could do anything... she was down again to the hilt then up just as quickly…

Then she moved her head like a forced-damn piston… up and down, up and down, she didn't even stop for a breath she just kept moving… then I felt it. I was coming, I tried to warn her, I placed my hand on her lekku to get her to stop but… fuck… she grabbed my other hand and placed it on her other lekku and to my absolute perverted delight… forced me to pull her to the hilt and hold her there…

I came. Hard and long, and straight down her throat and into her stomach… I could feel her throat trying to swallow and pull my seed down into her as if it was her very life source…

"Mmm…hmmm…" she moaned delightedly as I finally finished and slowly, deliberately, while maintaining eye contact… she pulled away. Again, leaving just the tip of my dick secured in her mouth… Her makeup was smeared now, and my dick had one massive green lipstick stain on it. She pulled away with an audible and satisfied POP. Before rubbing when slightly flaccid dick against her face, staring at me longingly. "…So… what do you think?"

I collapsed onto the bed staring up at the ceiling, and spoke only the truth, "I never want you to leave…"

I couldn't see her but she smiled and climbed onto the bed, "Well lucky for you that has been arranged! Now then…" she straddled me, my flaccid dick slowly twitching back into life as she rubbed me against her wet pussy lips. "Let's break in the bed shall we? Congra-" she thrust herself onto me and tossed her head back in delight, "-dulations! On your virginity… Oh wow…" she smiled down at me, leaning forward and letting her lekku dangle in front of my face like oversized nipples just begging to be sucked, "…gotta be honest… you're a perfect fit…" she gyrated her hips, pulling a longing moan from me as I adjusted inside her. She giggled, "Oh… did that feel good? Don't pop yet we haven't had any fun…"

She rode me, gently at first... I think she was trying to adjust to me as much as I was adjusting to her… he leaned forward, placing her hands on my shoulders and doing all the work. Moaning loudly with each pelvic thrust, her lekku still dangling temptingly over my…

I realized… I didn't want her to control the whole session… so I reached and gently grabbed her lekku placing each of them in my mouth in turned. She screamed in orgasmic pleasure as her lekku, sensitive to touch, went wild with delight. At that moment they were like extra clitorises sending pleasure directly into her brain.

"Holy shit… holy shit… fuck… FUCK…FUCK!!!!" with one final thrust and a tremor along her whole body she collapsed onto me, twitching violently as she squeezed tightly against me. "Force, fuck me…" she moaned, "Fuck… too good too good…" she had came, and I had not… and as I rolled her however she laughed happily but slapped my shoulder hard.

"Wait wait! I'm… I'm not done… I'll… I'll finish you I promise, in just a…" she continued to twitch as I pulled back, "No, No, NO! Wait!" she began, still laughing but unable to physically stop me, I thrust.

"FUCK ME!!!" she screamed as she erupted in pleasure, her whole body had become ultra-sensitive.

And I just couldn't fucking resist… "If you insist…" I smiled evilly at her.

"Oh you asshole!" she laughed, unable to contain her delight or pleasure as I slammed myself into her as deeply as I could, each thrust causing her breasts to bounce rapidly "FUCK! SHIT! FUCK! SHIT!" she would alternate with each slam, finally… as I felt her cum once more I couldn't contain it myself…

"I'm cumming!" I growled out. Biting lightly into her shoulder in one last primal urge and slamming against her as hard as I could while burying myself as she screamed in orgasmic bliss. Rope after rope of my freshly farmed semen flowed into her waiting and pulsing womb eagerly accepting my seed…

She breathed heavily into my shoulder… she tickled me as I felt her gasp, and her laughter actually made my heart soar as she stroked my back and head. "…Okay… now I don't want you to leave…"

"Luckily that has been arranged…" I replied gently kissing her neck, elated at how happy it made her feel as she moaned delightedly.

"…So… do I get my own room?" she asked as I rolled over and lied on my back, she didn't even bother to cover herself, "…Or should I just make myself home here?"

"How about both? Maybe I'll be entertaining other guests… one day…" she shrugged and laid her head against my shoulder, making herself at home.

"…I can work with that. I'll help you…" she leaned close and kissed me before finishing, "…Entertain them sometimes…"

I know I made myself out to be this… badass bounty hunting lover of alien women but… Yura helped me realize… that I really liked to cuddle…

Judge all you want assholes we have blasters with your names on them.

There is just something satisfying about it, I pulled the covers over us and admittedly that was a mistake because of the mess… but I didn't care, I had a beautiful woman, a job, a ship and…

"Hey boss are you done?" Short-round's head popped another vent in my room sending it crashing to the floor and causing Yura to jump awake and cover herself. "Because I got a lead on that rodian guy we're going to be looking for."

"Short-round how long have you been there?" I asked staring indignantly up at him.

Short-round stared back at me before slowly descending back up into the hole like a reverse elevator, before holding up a holo-vid recorder with Yura's voice roaring from it. "Holy shit… holy shit… fuck… FUCK…FUCK!!!!"

Yura sighed, she seemed to take it in stride however and joined me back on the bed exhausted, "Just make sure I get a cut if you sell it on the net!"

"Sure boss lady!" Short-round's voice echoed out of the vent.

"Boss lady?" she mumbled, burying her head comfortably in my neck.

"It means he likes you…" I mumbled exhausted, taking in her natural vanilla-like smell, "…I think… I haven't known him for very long…"

End of Chapter

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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