61% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 158: Holo-Girl Special: Deline D

章節 158: Holo-Girl Special: Deline D

I don't own star wars

"…Okay. So explain to me again. Why we're going to Nar Shaddaa?" I asked hesitantly as Hirani, my red-skinned tattooed twi'lek lover wormed her tongue gently into my ear as our private shuttlecraft flew to Nar Shadda. Zana, my green-skinned togruta lover, strode gently back to her seat on my other side and answered, considering Hirani was busy.

"Well Sweetie." Zana grinned as Hirani's tongue found a new place on my neck. "We, and by 'we' I mean Hirani and I, sort of won a contest." She stroked my leg, letting her head rest against my shoulder as Hirani hummed and giggled against my neck. "We're going to shoot a scene with One of Torga's holo-girls. Make a little money, and have a bit of fun."

"Okay…" I said trying to maintain control of my situation, because as usual, my lovers were doing whatever they wanted. Even in public. Granted the only other person in the shuttle were the pilot and his droid co-pilot and they were in a separate cab, but still. "But why am I going? I didn't enter any contest and I have tons of documents to go through."

"Okay. Switch." Hirani said suddenly and I shivered, Zana's talented tongue suddenly but slowly caressing up my neck to my other ear as Hirani continued the conversation. "Well Miles because you own us now. We thought it would be rude to have some random cock shoved into us." She cooed lovingly. "So we convinced the director to let us bring our own cock." Before adding abruptly in case I didn't understand. "Yours." Both of them slipped a hand each between my legs and began to encourage my little guy to life. Both giggled lovingly as their bodies rubbed against me through their clothes. At least they weren't wearing anything sexy, just casual everyday clothes. Shirts, pants, practical shoes. Of course, casual clothing for them was like a black-tie affair. Even off duty in our apartment they tended to dress like Nar Shaddaa street walkers, if they were dressed at all.

"He said it was okay?" I asked a little surprise.

"SHE believes in chemistry." Zana cooed as they switched again, "…And now you get to fuck your favorite holo-girl. So, it all works out." She added as they switch once more.

"We can't wait for you to blow your load inside her…" Hirani giggled, "She's going to suck out your seed like a black hole." They both giggled as they felt my sudden erection through my pants, I sighed in defeat.

…It was fascinating how in sync they were. It was like they were twins.

"…Wait." I said suddenly realizing what they said, "What about my favorite holo-girl? I don't have a favorite holo-girl." I denied. Pathetically.

They smirked knowingly at me, as if asking if I really wanted to try lying to them. "All the Holo-vids of Deline D beg to differ Miles." Hirani cooed, my cock throbbing against their hands. "Look he's all excited!" she smiled at Zana, referring to my dick. "Don't you worry." she added resting her head in my lap as she spoke to it, "She's going to love you."

"Now… since we can't have you walking around with that when you meet her." Zana grinned, gently caressing my hair as she rubbed her hand on the back of my head. "…Calm him down will you?" She added, eyeing Hirani as she unzipped my pants. I was about to object, but being engulfed by their lips above, and below quickly silenced me into submission. Zana's lips on mine, and Hirani's lips around my stubborn length. Zana took my hand and placed it firmly on Hirani's lekku, rubbing it absently as she cooed and hummed around my length. Her vibrating throat, pulsated around my cock as it twitched excitedly in her mouth. Eager to feed on her favorite treat, sometimes in the morning before we went to work, I would wake up to find her with my dick firmly planted between her lips. I think she enjoyed it a lot more than I did sometimes.

Zana took my other hand, wrapping it around her body and squeezing it on her rear. Silently telling me to caress her, to touch her, as her tongue slid between my lips, wrapping around mine and hungrily devouring my saliva as she pressed her breasts against my chest. Her other hand wrapped firmly around Hirani's left lekku, finding that my stroking of her right lekku satisfactory. Hirani suddenly moaned around my length, going as deep as she could go as her eyes rolled up into her skull. Her curvaceous rear shivered slightly as a small trace of fluid slid down her leg. Her sensitive lekku sent a pulsation of pleasure through her body and she came.

Regardless of my fascination with Togruta, as Deline D implies. Twi'leks are the #1 pleasure slaves in the galaxy for a reason. I twitched slightly as her hand suddenly wrapped around my testicles, giving them a faint squeeze as if to encourage them to fire, and considering it had nowhere else to go, the results were obvious…

Deep in her throat my cock fired, and she hummed in delight as a thick stream of my seed filled her insides, her throat squeezing encouragingly as she eagerly swallowed my load. She giggled around my length, shaking her head as if trying to go deeper on my length. But it simply wasn't possible as she was already to the root.

"Hey. Share." Zana demanded childishly as Hirani finally slid off my flaccid length to kiss her co-lover on the lips, their tongues openly licking before my eyes as small traces of my cum slid between their connection. Hirani sat up straighter, hanging over an open mouth Zana as she caressed the beautiful togruta's cheeks, saliva dribbling between them.

"Y-you two need to stop." I said, already feeling my length harden at the sight of their extasy. Then as if a switch was suddenly turned off, they sat next to me, as if nothing had happened. Wiping their lips with their arms and a few tissues provided by the shuttle. I blinked at them in surprise, while Hirani inattentively put my cock back into my pants, before pulling the hand back to her lips and absently licking her fingers as she smiled.

Soon the shuttle landed, and they dragged/pushed me off the craft, laughing happily as if they were on a long-expected vacation. Until finally we came to a large studio like building where they abruptly entered. Gorgeous, beautiful holo-girls, some in costumes, others in lingerie and others just straight up naked strutted casually through the halls and rooms. Apparently, completely unconcerned with their states of nakedness, I imagine it just came naturally after a while. I could never be like that.

"Come on we got to go meet Bella'Dune." Zana grinned, taking my hand and leading me through the crowd of exotic bodies. Hirani waved absently to a few of the girls, either former jewels or acquaintances. I even saw Usila, who still danced at the jewel, pass by, lazily waving to the girls as a man collared her neck and led her onto a nearby set by a long leash as several other holo-stars slapped her rear fondly as if to say 'good luck'.

"Stay right here." Zana kissed my cheek and entered and office with Hirani as I stood perfectly still, trying not to stare as the holo-girls and guys kindly waved greetings to me. Everyone here was just too friendly.

"Le-a Rona to set 5. Le-a Rona." Came a voice like an air traffic controller as I looked up to try and find the source. Then suddenly another door nearby opened and an over seven-foot-tall pale Kaminoan woman ducked her head and slid gracefully out of a nearby room. She wore a very loose-fitting see-through white robe so I noticed immediately that she had serious holo-girl curves. Huge wide hips and jiggling posterior that would more than accommodate a wookiee sized co-star. She even had an average-sized pair of breasts resting comfortably on her chest, but thinking about it more logically, they would be considered HUGE on a Kaminoan.

Her head looked down on her tall slender neck and she tilted it slightly as if examining me. Then her tiny mouth stretched into a very friendly smile. "Hello." She said politely with a voice like honey. Strangely I blushed. Which was weird because… well it was just weird that she could make me do so with just her voice.

"…Hi…" I said feebly, looking up into her twinkling aqua blue eyes as they blinked almost motherly down at me.

"Are you waiting for Bella?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head the other way and continuing to smile.

"I'm… waiting for my girls. They're talking with her." I added, finding myself speaking to her casually.

"Well. Don't be nervous." She said kindly, her long slender arm raising to gently stroke my head comfortingly. It felt nice. "Bella's a sweetheart… if you're not an idiot." She said, gently walking by me. "The most important thing is to have fun." She said with a melodious giggle, her rear shaking hypnotizingly as she walked away.

…I didn't know there were Kaminoan holo-girls… I guess Torga really does cater to everybody.

The office I was standing next to suddenly opened and an older but still beautiful red skinned twi'lek stepped out examining me notedly as Zana and Hirani followed. "This one?" she asked jerking a thumb to me as my girls smiled and nodded, their eyes sparkling fondly as if they just met their favorite Holo-Star.

Its Circe Bessana by the way. I know things about them too.

Bella'Dune: Because this was obviously Bella'Dune, hummed softly to herself as she looked me up and down. "…He certainly looks the part. Scrawny, not very athletic, bit of a nerd."

"Hey." I said with sour indignation, I had enough of that shit back at the academy… and my family. I didn't need that here too.

"Perfect target for being picked on." She continued unabated waving a dismissive hand. Crossing her arms as I frowned… I didn't really like the implication. "Hey. How are you at being dominated?"

"Pardon?" I asked a little confused.

"He loves it." Hirani noted quickly as I coughed, clearing my throat and trying to ward of the blush.

"Oh yeah?" suddenly she reached out between my legs and gave my… well she pretty much got a good grip and squeezed. "Get hard for me you little shit…" she said coolly, and unfortunately, my cock hardened against her hand and she pulled away. "Okay. Good reaction." She said thoughtfully, the sudden aggressiveness completely gone.

"I'm… not comfortable with this." I said firmly, they watched me for a minute and I opened my mouth just as a new voice was added.

"Hello Bella. These the girls?"

My breath caught in my throat as my favorite holo-girl Deline D walked up behind me dressed as an academy student's wet dream. White blouse, black pencil skirt, stockings, garters, heels, the whole deal. Even fake glasses somehow rested comfortably on her beautiful face regardless of her togruta lekku.

"Yep. They brought their own dick too." Bella replied, gesturing to me. "He's being a little hesitant though."

I lost my words and had nothing to say, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to say 'hi' and failing. Seizing up in awe as Zana and Hirani giggled behind Bella'Dune. Knowing exactly why I was suddenly silent. Deline smiled beautifully at me and tapped my apparently gaping mouth shut. "Well… he's cute, so good enough for me. I think I'll have a lot of fun with him in my 'class'." She turned on her heels, popping her shapely rear towards me in the skirt. "…See you on the set…" she said, "…I'm sorry what was your name?" she asked a little coyly.

"…Miles." I mumbled as she slowly strutted away.

"See you soon Miles." She added as the other three women smirked.

Bella, seeing my occupied gaze. Turned to Zana and Hirani, tapping their chests. "Good girl." She said to Zana, "Bad Girl." She said to Hirani. "Go to make-up and get ready and we'll go start the scene." She said as my girls scampered off just as I recovered, and Bella taking me by surprise, grabbed me by the collar and dragged me away after Deline.

"Here's the scene." She said suddenly, shoving me onto the set as I stumbled onto a nearby desk. I looked around and found that it looked EXACTLY like my old academy classroom. Then again, most look alike with large studious desks big enough to lie on. But these seemed more like tables than the advanced built in computers they were supposed to have. "You are Deline's student, and your classmates have been picking on you."

…Well I could relate to that…

"Ms. Deline, your favorite teacher." At this Deline looked up from reading a script and smiled before returning her focus to the paper. "Is going to comfort you a little… and by that, I mean blowjob." She added as I turned red, gulping slightly. "Now. You HOLD it." she said firmly, "Don't you pop until we get through the opening we're on a time table."

"You hear that?" looking over my shoulder at Deline. "Don't pop him until I tell you."

"No promises." Deline smiled turning a page of her script. "Do I have to use all these lines?"

"Do your best." Bella added, snapping her fingers as a droid approached handing her an old-fashioned academy uniform. "Now after foreplay then your girls come in and I'll let you and Deline wing it from there. But you're eventually going to punish them. Alright? Spank, pull lekku, anal."

"I'm not-" I began, I didn't like treating them like that and I was about to tell her so, but she instantly put a finger on my lips to silence me.

She glared at me, and I shivered, then she rolled her eyes reluctantly. "Deline. You're domming the girls." She said Deline looked up, glanced briefly at me, then shrugged in acceptance. Crossing her long shapely legs as she bounced a foot in the air. "…I guess that works better, guys like the dominant teacher. Okay. While Deline is punishing one of the girls you're going to fill the other. I hope you recover quickly." She noted. Shoving the uniform into my arms, "Now go change. There's a small room right through there." She pointed to an opposite door past the cameras pointing to the front of the 'room'."

Silently I walked back there. Entering the tiny closet, I leaned against the door and sighed… being back in an academy classroom, even a fake one brought back bad memories. Memories I tried extremely hard to suppress. Abusive classmates, uncaring teachers, oppressive parents… I ran away to Tattooine to get away from all that… and now I had to go back and relive a part of that. I stared at the suit and tie that made up the uniform, I remember leaving mine back at the academy when I left without notice. I wonder how long it took before anyone actually did?

The door suddenly knocked, and I jumped away, "I'm coming in." I blushed as Deline opened the door, grinning at me as she shut it. "Hey. You nervous? It's okay to be nervous." She said, "Don't mind Bella, she's a little stiff when on the job but she's a sweetheart. Heck of a lot better than some of the older directors."

"Yes! Y-yes I'm fine." I said immediately but she was staring at me. Frowning, looking right at my face.

"…You okay?" she asked, full of concern. It was actually surprising to me, I know it makes me sound awful but I always imagined that Holo-girls were uncaring credits scroungers. Only in it for the money, but so far everyone I've met seemed friendly and normal.

"I'm fine." I repeated with a sheepish smile as she reached forward, and wiped the corner of my eye with her thumb. "O-oh..." I said realizing that small tears had leaked out and I absently wiped them away, I stared at them a little surprised by my hand. "T-That's a little weird." I said confused.

"…Look nobody's forcing you to do anything…" she began but I found myself interrupting her immediately.

"No! No, you are my dream girl!" I said coughing slightly as I realize what I said, and she gave me a sweet cheeky smile. "It uh… just… bad memories of school…" I said, hoping I wouldn't have to dive deeper into it.

She watched me for a moment, her eyes widening in realization, then she nodded understandingly. "… It's okay, I get it. When I was in the lower academy, I developed these at an early age." She squeezed her chest lightly, "The teasing was relentless." She said, "Amazing how a few years later half those boys were subtly trying to get me naked to look at them." She said coolly, "And the other half were BLATENTLY trying to get me naked to look at my ass. But…" she gently rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me. "…Fuck those guys." She said softly, with a smile. "Granted now they can look at me naked whenever they want…" she said with a dismissive eye roll as we laughed together, "But they only get to fucking look. I remember every boy who teased me and I'm sure you have a few burned into your mind."

…She wasn't wrong.

"But now I want you to focus on ONE thing…" she pressed her chest to mine, her heavy soft breasts pushing up against me. "Not one of them is going to have sex with me." She said, her lips pressing gently against mine as I melted in her embrace. She pulled away as I drooled a little, coughing as I cleared my thought, my mind becoming clearer. "…Make sure you tell me the names of those guys who teased you." She added as an afterthought, "Just in case."

"O-Okay…" I said breathlessly as she pulled away, she briefly licked her lips, brushing a lipstick smear away as she smiled.

"Now. I came in here to psych you up. Now that that's done." She brushed my arm again comfortingly, "You just let me lead alright? If anyone's having fun today it's going to be you. Teacher is going to take care of everything." She blew me a gentle kiss and left me alone to change.

…It was a little difficult to get the pants over my raging erection.

I stepped out of the closet, hunched over slightly as I straightened my tie. Hirani and Zana had arrived on set and they looked beautiful… and excessively slutty. Wearing twin uniforms with opened jackets, tied half-shirts knotted in the middle and exposing their stripper-toned stomachs, and what could only be described as a skirt for toddlers: several sizes too small, their underwear was clearly on display. Zana was wearing classic lace panties while Hirani was wearing an obvious G-string thong… was that the only difference between 'good girl' and 'bad girl'?.

They giggled excitedly as they spoke with a rather moody-looking Bella'Dune, resting silently in her director's chair as an amused Rhodian camera woman watched. She suddenly waved her hands, "Alright! Alright that's enough! Get behind the door and wait for your cue…" she mumbled, "Deline. You ready?"

Deline sultrily sat on the desk again, crossing her arms across her chest as she winked at me, "Already Bella."

"New Guy, Miles, You good?"

"Yes Ma'am." I replied almost automatically.

"Alright then. Get close to Deline and don't say a word." She said as I approached Deline, as she smiled warmly at me. "Annnnnd… Go." She said pointing to Deline as the Camera Rhodian aimed down at our feet, before slowly rising up.

A sudden and amazing change crossed Deline's face as her eyes became sultrily lidded, her hand gently caressing my chest. "Mr. Miles. Thank you for telling me about your troubles…" she said softly, "I assure you that those girls will be thoroughly punished." She said softly, slowly sliding off the table, "…It must have been awful, how they treated you." Her lips gently brushed my cheeks as she gave me butterfly kisses. Bella frowned, but only for a minute, circling her hand in the air to the rhodian, obviously to keep rolling. "…Don't worry." She said, her hands slowly unbuttoning her blouse, her large orange breasts slowly being revealed in a dark black bra as I could only stare, her shirt fully open now as my length hardened firmly against my tight trousers. "Let me comfort you."

Gently she pulled my head to her cleavage, letting me hear her heartbeat as she pushed her breasts together against my face, stroking my hair gently as she cooed like a mother to her babe. I took in her sweet scent, some sort of alien flower I didn't recognize, but it made me feel… calm. She pulled the cup of her breast against my face, letting it bounce free as her hardened nipple brushed against my cheek.

"Its okay, I want you to feel good." She encouraged, holding her nipple to my mouth as I began to rub her hips reactively, my mouth opening to gently suckle he nipple, my tongue doing laps around it as she giggled. Whispering gently in my ear, "…You can feel more." She cooed lovingly, "Touch me." She demanded, my hands lowering to her round, soft ass that molded into my hands beneath the skirt. "I'll like whatever you do to me…" she whispered, more to me than the camera.

My eyes opened wide at the implication, and then I spotted the fake door that Hirani and Zana were behind. And they looked annoyed. However, before I could think more on the matter, Deline suddenly moaned loudly, throwing her lekku head back and gasping in pleasure, "Yes…" she hissed softly, "Hah… hah… touch me more." She moaned.

"Hey!" the 'door' suddenly burst open as Hirani stomped, "What do you think you're doing?!" she hissed softly as Zana reluctantly followed our twi'lek onto the set. I was pulled suddenly away from Deline, her leg slightly damp with her own arousal dripping down it as she suddenly lashed out, gripping Hirani by her red lekku and yanking her towards the table. "Ow! Hey!!" she tried to push away from the teacher's desk but Deline pushed her back down roughly. Gripping Hirani's left lekku from behind and lifting her skirt, a loud audible SMACK! Echoing out as Deline spanked Hirani's supple ass cheeks hard. "Ow!" SMACK! "OW!!"

"Bad girl!"


"You were told to wait!" she shouted, firmly, not breaking character and even building on it as the girls came in before their cue. Bella however signaled the rhodian to zoom in on the spanking. "BAD! GIRL!" she emphasized each word with a pointed slap to Hirani's ass. Hirani suddenly whimpered, her legs shaking as Deline wildly rubbed her crotch with her fingers. Her eyes, closed with pain, suddenly opened as she suppressed an orgasmic scream. Her body shook with a sudden, mind blowing orgasm. Her crotch was stained with pussy juice as Deline lightly slapped each cheek.

"Naughty girl…" Deline scolded coolly, "You didn't deserve to feel good after what you did to Mr. Miles. She smacked Hirani's ass again, loudly and painfully as she shrieked, trying to get away from Deline's abuse. "You." She glared at Zana who, taken aback, jumped slightly in place. "Go over there and apologize to Mr. Miles." She ordered, smacking Hirani again as if to show Zana what would happen if she didn't.

Zana scampered towards me, and amazingly she looked exactly like an apologetic schoolgirl, not meeting my eyes as she mumbled a sheepish apology. "…I'm sorry." She said, barely loud enough for the camera.

"What?!" Deline shouted, slapping Hirani again as she cried out in pleasure and pain.

"I'm sorry Miles!" she cried, flinching at Deline's sudden aggression.

"I don't believe you." She scolded, reaching into the desk drawer and removing a thick pink dildo that drew Hirani's eyes. "…Get on your knees and give him a good apology." She absently licked the dildo, pulling Hirani's thong panties aside, and pressing the lightly lubed dildo to her ass as she shivered, flinched and cried out in pleasure as Deline began moving it in and out. Her tight ass stretched around the thick dildo as she collapsed onto the desk. Clawing at the metal as her eyes rolled in her head.

"I'm sorry Miles." She said softly, watching me coyly for a second before getting on her knees. Her hands already unzipping my pants as my ready erection ripped free of its bindings to bounce against her cheek. Before anything else was said her mouth was open, "Ah…" and she slid down all the way to the root, slurping noisily as the camera zoomed in on her stretching lips. Her lekku wobbling as her head moved back and forth, up and down, her tongue lapping away at my shaft as she moaned around my cock. My hands reactively caressed her pointed lekku, fiddling the tips with my thumbs as I watched Deline kneel behind Hirani, her tongue gently lapping at her pussy as the dildo continued its relentless stretching assault on her ass.

"Hmmm!!" Zana suddenly whined, and I looked down into her bright eyes as she stared up pleadingly at me, begging me for forgiveness that I didn't have to give. She was so into character that I forgot we weren't actually in a classroom. I stroked her lekku up and down, she moaned delightedly at the feeling of my hands. Her own had lowered to her crotch, rubbing absently as she closed her eyes and continued to relentlessly sucking of my cock. Drool dripped from my length as she moved rapidly up and down. She slurped noisily, delighted at the taste of my pre-cum as her tongue worked magic in her mouth, slipping out of her lips to lap against my balls as she engulfed me to the root.

Hirani screamed again, shivering wildly on the table as her pussy spasmed around Deline's talented, experienced tongue. Deline shoved the dildo all the way into Hirani's ass, her whole body stiffed as Deline stood up, smacking the big round twi'lek ass before her so hard it was knocked aside. She then turned to me, and approached as Zana gagged on my length. She placed a soft hand on the back of Zana's head, pushing her roughly down my length as I slid deep into her throat. Then, rubbing the back of my head she pulled me gently to her lips, whispering before we met, "Let her drink."

"Hmm!!?... MMmnn…" Zana moaned softly, her hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me close as my cock drained into her stomach. Her head had nowhere to go and she didn't care, Deline didn't have to hold her down she eagerly drank my cum. She opened her eyes half-lidded, cooing in bliss around my length as she looked up at me, eager for praise as she continued to cradle my cock dangerously in her throat. I absently stroked her lekku, silently praising her as she hummed happily, sliding slowly off my length and gasping for air as Deline kissed my neck, raising to my cheek.

"Good. I love it when my students get along… now." She led me past the still kneeling Zana to Hirani, spreading her sensitive cheeks wide as she tugged gently on the dildo still planted firmly into her ass. It slid out and clattered on the floor into a pool of fluids, arousal, and saliva. Hirani's gaping ass twitched slightly at the sudden emptiness, and my cock hardened to rest against her slit. Gingerly rubbing towards her hole as it tried to grasp my cockhead. "This rude one still needs to apologize…" watching me, she leaned down over Hirani's rear and, to my amazement, her tongue gently slipped into Hirani's gaping hole for just a second.

"AhH!!" Hirani shrieked, shivering slightly and struggling beneath Deline's firm grip. SMACK! Deline's hand slapped patronizingly on Hirani's even redder cheeks. Hirani cooed apologetically, looking over her shoulder at me and moving her hips gently up and down, slicking my length with her wet pussy and inviting me inside her subtly.

Deline kissed Hirani's ass cheek as Zana crawled beside me. Undoing my pants and letting them drop to the floor in a heap. Watching excitedly as Deline smiled. "Make her sorry." She said and guided my length into Hirani's rear.

Hirani cried out in pleasure as I pushed my head into her rear. Then before she could adjust, Zana pushed me the rest of the way suddenly rooting out inside Hirani as she shrieked in an orgasmic scream. Shivering beneath me as her ass, previously gaping and loose looking, tightened like and airlock around my length. Instinctively I began to move, Hirani clawing at the desk as she squealed in pleasure. Her mouth open and tongue lolled on the table as I pushed in and out. Zana, not wanting to be left out, slipped behind me and began to lap against my slapping balls, clapping against Hirani's tight hole as Deline sat on the desk.

She spread her legs, hiking up her skirt and pushing aside her underwear, roughly grabbing Hirani's lekku and guiding her to her crotch, "Come on. Apologize." She said softly, as Hirani eagerly lapped away at her smooth orange crotch.

Hirani drooled excitedly over Deline, as if she was the most delicious treat in the galaxy. Deline lied fully on the table, caressing her chest as she slipped out of her buttoned shirt. Squeezing her nipples as she thrust up against Hirani's hungry mouth. I couldn't help but watch, and thrust, as Deline writhed beneath Hirani's tongue. Our eyes met for half a second, and she flashed me a brief smile

"Ah. Ah. WHOO!" she suddenly shook, arching her back and worming on the table beneath Hirani's drooling mouth, thrashing slightly as she let her orgasm run through her body to her brain. "Hah…" she licked her lips, twitching slightly as she pushed me over the edge.

I shoved deep into Hirani as she squealed into Deline's crotch. My thick, well collected seed rushing into her ass as she twitched, tightening around me and keeping me inside her. Her hands suddenly lashed behind her, trying to find or even grab me. But I grabbed her wrists and pulled. Making sure I pumped her full. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as she incoherently drooled onto the table. Deline rolled in place, cupping Hirani's cheeks in her hands as they kissed. Moaning as I slowly slipped from Hirani's spasming hole. My cock barely touched the naked air before Zana hurriedly put me back into her mouth, as if worried it would get cold, and smiling around my length. She gently caressed me with her lips and tongue, trying to get me hard again as Deline slipped off the desk, watching me as she stroked Hirani's lekku, her body limp and exhausted on the desk.

"Mr. Miles." She said softly, caressing my cheeks gently and gently kissing my lips. "I want to make you feel good too." She pleaded as my cock slipped free of Zana's lips, bouncing against Deline's stomach as she lead me to the chair behind the desk, slowly letting me sit. She slipped her thumbs into her panties, shimmying as she pushed them down to the floor. She stroked me gently with one hand, and rubbed her dripping, aroused pussy, with the other.

She was hot. And I mean that in many ways. She looked aroused, and hungry. She climbed over me, spreading her legs and rubbing her crotch against the tip of my length as she thrusted her hips back and forth, stroking my hair as Zana watched in fascination. "Take me." She whispered to me, "Use my pussy…" she kissed me desperately, I could taste Zana and Hirani on her lips. "You need to do it." she whispered between kisses. "Do what you need to." She said, watching me intently as I grabbed her teasing hips, and pulled her down.

"Oh yes! You're so good!" she screamed delightedly in togruti, my cock hardening at her voice as she declared to the galaxy how good I felt. "You're the best." She praised sweetly, riding my length as her hips shook and gyrated. I gripped her hips, thrusting up into her as she cooed delightedly in response. "Oh! Hah! Ahhhh." She came, or at least I think she did. She didn't exactly feel the same as when Zana and Hirani came, although she did shiver and look the part, tightening slightly around me as she smiled. "Slap my ass." She whispered, "Own me." My hand clapped on her rear as it bounced on my lap. "Harder." She ordered, and my hands smacked harder, she moaned, "Let them hear it." she said, "More." She raised her hands behind her head, caressing her lekku as her breasts bounced in front of me.

But as I slapped her again… I found that I wasn't doing it for me… I frowned up at her as she watched me with a blank face. Waiting, bouncing, feeling me thrust inside her. I suddenly stood up, her legs wrapped around me as Zana and Hirani gasped slightly in surprise. Hirani rolled off the desk as I lay a smile Deline on the table. Splayed out as I viewed her beautiful body, caressing her wonderful breasts as she closed her eyes, moaning softly in a hum.

I climbed onto the desk, spreading her legs as I folded her in half, pinning her down as she grinned at me knowingly. "That a boy." She praised in a whisper as I pulled up, and pounded down. "Oh yes!!" she praised. And suddenly she felt like Zana and Hirani, "Ah! Uh! Oh!" her eyes rolled up as she looked into the camera zooming in on her orgasmic face. her hands clutched at the edge of the desk as her breasts bounced before me with each pounding thrust. Zana and Hirani watching hypnotized as they played with themselves absently… jealously watching me spread the tight wet pussy of Deline D. "Oh Yes! FORCE!"

She came, hard and for real, shivering on my length as her legs clenched straight in the air, her hands clutching desperately to the desk edge as she ground her teeth. "So fucking good…" she hissed slowly through her teeth as I grabbed her wrists, pulling them away from the edge as I pressed them flat to the desk. She recovered and watched my face… knowing what was coming. "You're supposed to come on me." She said, gazing up at me with bedroom eyes. "But I want you to do whatever feels right." She breathed huskily, biting her lower lips as she watched me patiently. Moaning suddenly as she felt me get close.

I kissed her, pushing my cock balls deep inside her as I moaned hungrily into her mouth. Clutching at her face to hold those wonderful lips in place as she reached up and hold me close, moaning as she pumped her hips up to match my surging seed as it rushed inside her. She pulled my blushing, heavily breathing face away and smiled. "Good boy." She praised.

"AND CUT!" shouted Bella as the rest of the crew clapped to a job well done.

I tried to pull out, but Deline suddenly grabbed my hips holding me in place. "Wait." She said softly, whispering in my ear. "You're not empty yet naughty boy." As if in response my cock released another torrent of seed into her as she hummed in delight. "That's it." she praised, rubbing my body, "Let me take all of it."

"Oh don't wear the boy out Deline." Bella'Dune grumbled, stepping onto the set and avoiding the puddles of mess as Zana and Hirani gave each other high-fives. "And off script much?" she added scoldingly as Deline shrugged.

"You wanted me to lead so I led. I don't hear any complaints." She said gently stroking my head as I could keep myself up, I was exhausted. I collapsed onto her, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Technically I AM complaining," Bella noted, but sighed reluctantly. "Fine. Whatever it was still damn good. Good work to all of you." Hirani and Zana got to their feet and gently extracted me from a dripping Deline, who spread her pussy almost as an afterthought and let my seed drip from her body onto the floor. Bella'Dune eyed the three of us for a moment, then added dismissively. "…If you guys want to do a repeat, I wouldn't be against it." she said, "But go home, drink some fluids." Deline absently licked her fingers of cum, pushing on her stomach as more of my seed flooded out. "Would you go hit the showers already?" Bella'Dune added. "You have an interview with Rona later and I don't want you dripping all over again."

Deline blew Bella a sloppy kiss as Bella'Dune walked away. She winked at me, "See you around Miles." And half-naked and proud she jiggled away off the set towards… where ever the showers were.

Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on mine and my eyes opened, Zana was kissing me. Then Hirani. "H-Hey! Come on I'm exhausted!" I pleaded as they rubbed up against me.

"We're getting our scent back on you!" Zana cooed rather aggressively, "That woman can do the work of both of us!"

"Oh come on-" but I was silenced by Hirani as she kissed me. Both of them clinging tightly to me. Our sweaty, sticky bodies mixed together as a few other holo-stars watched us absently off the set.

"We're not letting you jerk to her vids anymore." Hirani said firmly, pulling away and letting Zana kiss me again. "If you're ever backed up just take us wherever we are."

"…Are you two… jealous?" I asked in surprise as they scowled at the word. Not meeting my eyes… holy shit THAT'S never happened before. Suddenly, feeling incredibly confident I wrapped my arms around both of their waists, pulling them to me as I got a handful of their warm supple asses. I kissed them both quickly their eyes pleasantly wide in surprise as I slipped fingers inside them, Hirani admittedly looser than Zana right now. "I love you two." I smiled taking in their scent as I rubbed my face into their chests.

"Awe!!" they cooed happily. Holding me long after we were told to leave and head home.

A month later the vid came out, and after a bit of light teasing from the other mandalorians they quickly got over it. I did however eventually get a signed copy from Deline D herself. Her signature and a lipstick mark of her lips… The girls still won't let me watch it.


next chapter
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