79.92% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 207: Amateur Archaeology, Amateur Genealogy

章節 207: Amateur Archaeology, Amateur Genealogy

I don't own Star Wars.

"Are we going to fight her?" Nerri asked her spear at the ready as I growled quietly at her.

"Can that spear stop a lightsaber?" Nerri got a cute look on her face a she contemplated my question before finally she answered.


"Then no. we are not going to fight her."

"I can hear you. You know that, right?" Master Lidia noted as Lala pouted, blowing a raspberry between her lips.

"Sorry we're sort of new at this." I said, flinching angrily to myself. "Can I put my hands down now?"

"I don't see why not, I have a lightsaber, not a blaster." Lidia said politely as I lowered my arms and Nerri's spear tapped the floor of the ship. "You killed my escort." She said plainly as I glanced into the room of mostly dead men.

"…I think that fat one's still alive." I said, hearing a slight groaning whimper from him as Lidia rubbed the bridge of her nose in irritation.

"That is not remotely the point." She said, "I needed them to fly the ship."

I frowned at that, "Can't you fly?"

"Kal, Baby. Could we maybe talk about this with me nowhere near the plasma rod of death?" Lala pointed as I ignored her for the moment.

"I… can… but not something large like this ship." Lidia waved her hand around, "Smaller vessels like a fighter, yes. But not freighters or transports." Seeing as I myself didn't really know the difference I didn't push the matter. I was a soldier, I knew how to kill people, to fight. I had OTHER people who know about interstellar travel.

"Wait what do you need a large ship for?" Lala asked and flinched as a few smoking hairs were trimmed off her purple hair, "Ah! Hey! Not the hair!"

"That's classified information for the Jedi Order. And YOU killed my escort." She repeated, "But since I have you at a disadvantage… simply return the credits you obviously stole from them and I'll acquire a new crew."

"…We don't have their money." I said, pointedly. Tilting my head towards Nerri. "We had a bit of a personal matter to violently discuss with them."

"What are you-"

"The captain sold me to Crazy Candi of Juggalo II." Nerri growled, "He lied to me, used me and sold me like cattle." Lidia's gaze softened slightly, and she stared into Nerri's eyes.

"…You're not lying to me." She said plainly.

"No. I'm not." Nerri confirmed, not asking how Lidia knew that. Some Jedi trick probably.

Lidia hesitated, then the green glow vanished. "…Then I imagine he is no great loss to the galaxy." She stared at us, lightsaber off but still held at the ready. "But what happened to the credits I paid him?"

"Wine and women probably…" Lala said, quickly stepping away and standing beside me. Obviously hoping for protection. "Guy ordered some girls from a local club."

Lidia cursed some creative expletives and finally settled on a classic. "Bastard." She then watched us. "Do you have a ship?"

"…Sort of." I answered as both Lala and Nerri elbowed my side and stomped my foot respectively. I flinched but stayed passive.

"Is it big?"

"Bigger than this." Lala answered before grumbling to herself, "…Shouldn't have told her that…"

"Then perhaps we can come to a bargain?" Lidia said approaching us as the girls took a step back. I however stood firm. If I can grab that arm, the lightsaber wouldn't be a problem, but I'll hear her out. Queenie likes her after all.


"How did you manage to come back WITH A JEDI?!" Oriana hissed at me as she immediately dragged me off into a quiet corner as Master Lidia curiously explored the ship. Merely glancing at Rattletrap as he pushed a cart full of mechanical parts, happily humming to himself. Lala had informed him about a recent 'scrap heap' he could strip for parts. Quickly. Before the local 'authorities' decided that they wanted to impound it.

"It's complicated" I noted as Lala and Nerri led Lidia to the second floor of the ship to the nav-computer. That I hoped Rattletrap had time to fix.

"No. Not complicated." Oriana gripped my arm and dragged me as far from the Jedi as we could get without leaving the ship. "Need I remind you, you are Imperial Nobility and I'm not to far from that!" she hissed.

"She thinks I'm a shistavanan." I noted, the holo-mask still on, "She didn't even register my name when I told her it was Kallus."

Oriana frowned, glancing up at the Jedi as she began to explore rooms. "What does she want?"

"She wants us to take her to a nearby planet. She just needs a big ship." I noted as Oriana sighed again.

"Did you happen to ask why?" she asked as Rattletrap pushed some mechanical parts in a floating wheelbarrow onto the ship. I shrugged in reply.

"She offered to pay a lot for little effort I figured it was a good trade." She stared at me for a moment before brushing past to head to the second floor, I followed her as she immediately went to confront the Jedi. Who had taken one of the small rooms for herself, depositing a small kit filled with a few tools I didn't recognize in a small drawer built under the foldout bed.

"My partner is a bit of an idiot." She said abruptly as I sighed, that was fair. "What exactly are you paying us to do?"

Master Lidia glanced at me first, then back to Oriana with a smile. "Are you officially in charge?" Oriana smacked my armored chest with the back of her hand without looking at me.

"Lala's the captain, he's the muscles, but I'm the brains."

"And the charming Miss Nerrisa?" she noted as Nerri stood just outside Master Lidia's selected room, watching us with a humored look on her canine face.

"She's whatever we need her to be." Oriana said firmly, "Now what are you here for?"

Master Lidia watched Oriana for a moment before reaching into the drawer and removing a datapad. "A few weeks ago a low-level smuggler told us he found this-" she showed us a holo image of a building covered with plant growth, it was almost unnoticeable underneath all the trees and foliage. "My former Master believes it might be a lost Jedi compound. It is my job to investigate and recover any sort of knowledge that I can. So. You will be taking me to Uevra V. And I will take it from there."

"That's it? We're giving you a ride?" Oriana looked skeptical but Master Lidia waved a placating hand.

"It's just a precaution. In case I find something bulky I need a freighter to haul it. Last time I found a lost statue of Master Rokuki-" she got a look of almost childish excitement on her face. "He developed hundreds of training techniques that were considered blasphemous at the time but eventually-" she paused, looked at our completely uninterested faces, and cleared her throat. "Ahem… well it had dozens of hieroglyphic designs that I needed to take back. Couldn't fit that on my fighter now could it?"

"So why not have a republic ship take you?" Oriana asked as Master Lidia shrugged.

"Normally I would, but my master was unable to convince the council of his theories. So they didn't commission one for me so I found the cheapest I could afford."

"Then you have poor taste." Nerri spat coolly as Master Lidia nodded toward her.

"So it seems. But to be fair I didn't hire them for their morality, I may have also promised them any monetary salvage they found in the duration of my search they could keep."

"Did someone pretty say 'salvage'?" Rattletrap slid into view, cheerfully watching a rather humored Master Lidia. "I like that word. AND pretty girls! Let's GOOO ALREADYYYYY!!" he suddenly cheered, scampering out of the room as Oriana followed him.

"Rattletrap what about repairs?!"

Nerri sniffed but followed stoically as Master Lidia's eyebrow rose. "Interesting Jawa you have there."

"Family friend." I noted, "…More like a crazy cousin."

"Regardless tell your handler that you are welcome to the same deal." She said, patting the bed in thought as she sat on it. "You may stay on the ship until I'm done, or follow me into the compound and look for something to compensate you."

I nodded and left her alone before joining the others in the cockpit as Nerri set the coordinates in the nav-map. "And you're sure they'll work?" Oriana said as I entered the cockpit, Lala sitting in the co-pilot's seat as Rattletrap nodded.

"Look who you're talking too!" he said proudly, "The engines are fine, I can even work on the way. They'll get us there and back, and SALVAGE! That's a good word…" he said, his eyes smiling as Oriana sighed.

"Fine. FINE!" she slid into the pilot's seat as the ship began to rumble to life. "Worst-case scenario we can ditch her on the planet."

I glanced at Rattletrap, "Can you leave your shop long term?"

"Oh yeah. Dolly's off for a shoot so it'll take her a while to get back, besides I sent her a message and she's got lots of friends to stay with." He opened a satchel on his waist and began to rummage around, "I'd like this to be quick too I have a long term project I need to work on."

"Well buckle in gentlemen we're about to see if Rattletrap is as good as he says he is." Lala noted as the ship rumbled into life. Rattletrap smiled confidently.

"I'm better…"

Smooth as silk the ship turned and left the port, and off we went.

"So… did anyone bring any cards?" Rattletrap asked as we sat around the ship, Lala and Oriana making sure the ship stayed on course as we hit light speed.

In a little less than an hour we slowed down over a brown/green planet, as Master Lidia joined us in the cock pit, "Yes that's it." she pointed noncommittedly at it. "Northern hemisphere, that large continent in the middle of the ocean."

"Could you perhaps be more specific?" Oriana asked as she headed towards it, our ship engulfing in atmosphere as we descended. Master Lidia checked her datapad,

"…There should be a tall mountain peak, covered in green…"

"Coordinates perhaps?" Oriana asked lazily as Master Lidia merely smiled and tapped something on her datapad before showing them to Oriana, who glanced at them and did a sharp turn, heading north east.

The terrain of the area was rocky, dozens upon dozens of green mountain peaks stretched to the sky as we approached obviously the biggest one. It was thicker and taller than the rest, covered in green foliage. Master Lidia pointed to it, "Near the peak, there should be a cliff shelf big enough for the ship, there's a hidden cave there that the smuggler used to hide out in."

"Ooh I see it!" Lala said cheerfully, bouncing in her seat excitedly as she pointed to a flat area almost at the top of the mountain. Oriana slid the ship onto the shelf, the thrusters and engines blasting away loosened leaves as it rested on it.

"Ten-point landing!" Rattletrap cheered as Master Lidia headed towards the elevator.

"Well done." She added as Oriana snorted, but said nothing, getting out of her seat as we followed Master Lidia to the ramp. "So who will be joining me?" she asked as Rattletrap raised and waved his hand in the air.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me! Salvage!" he cheered as Master Lidia smirked.

"…I'll come." I said, as Oriana glanced at me and I shrugged, "Keep an eye on Rattletrap."

Oriana sighed and rolled her eyes, "We'll set up camp here then."

"We have a ship why set up camp?" Lala asked as Nerri shoved a small basket into her.

"Because we still need food. I think I saw some fruit trees nearby." She noted as Oriana added.

"And if this is a smuggler cache, maybe there's something we can use."

"Very well. We will return by nightfall in-" Master Lidia checked her datapad, "Three hours… only an 8 hour day-night cycle apparently."

"…That sounds awful." Oriana, Lala and I replied as Nerri shoved Lala out the door with the basket.

I followed Master Lidia outside as she quickly circled the ship. I noticed out of the corner of my eye a collection of steaming pools… hot springs?

"Are those hot springs?" I asked as she glanced at them briefly.

"Seems so…" she frowned thoughtfully, "…Quite a luxury… well, let's examine them later I want to get to the compound with some light." She almost immediately found a nearly completely grown-over trail, Rattletrap hauled a heavy empty knapsack on his back, stumbling slightly to keep up. "Woo!" he panted standing beside me, grinning cheerfully before he glanced at the 'hidden' trail as Master Lidia easily sliced a path open with her saber. "…That looks like a big hike." He mumbled as I glanced at him, reached down, and easily lifted him onto my back. "Whoa Kal!" he wrapped her arms around my neck, he was a little heavy but it was manageable.

"We'll move quicker this way." I noted as Master Lidia glanced at us and immediately began to hike on. Her saber danced almost reflexively along the path, quickly carving a trail as we climbed higher and higher, circling around the mountain until we seemed to level off.

…The view was pretty amazing… like looking over a forest of mountain peaks in the distance.

"That is quite a view…" Master Lidia noted with a smile as I lowered Rattletrap to the ground, already eyeing some of the durasteel in between the overgrowth. "…Well we can look at it later let's try and find an entrance."

She slashed away the growth, finding durasteel wall faded with age, she frowned as Rattletrap and I followed her, occasionally repeating her trimmings…. Then on the third try. "Ah! Here we go!" she grinned as the clear spinning door lock appeared as the growth collapsed away. She gripped it and turned, grunting with effort. "Come… on! Now!" her feet scrapped at the ground, but it didn't budge. "HMm… I'd rather not have to melt it open…" she said sadly, "Preserve the site and all."

"…Let me try." I said, cracking my fingers as I gripped the door lock, and twisted; age, rust, and lack of use were strong opponents, but using a bit of adrenaline the door screamed its defeat as I turned the lock and it spun, the door parting open as Master Lidia smiled prettily.

"Well done! You are indeed the muscles!" she praised, already stepping cautiously in. Rattletrap slapped my leg and followed behind her as I shook out the tingling feeling in my fingers.

"So should we be worried about traps?" Rattletrap asked nervously as she chuckled.

"This isn't a sith tomb it's a jedi compound. We don't do traps." She said kindly as she reached what seemed to be an ancient desk. She frowned and ran her hand over it. "…Odd." She mumbled thoughtfully. "Well… Mr. Rattletrap."

"Rattletrap is fine." He said cheerfully as she obliged.

"Rattletrap. I believe you may explore as you see fit. Along with Kal, if you like. I'm just going to have a look around."

"EEEEEEEE!!" Rattletrap was off, tearing through the building as I watched him go.

She watched him as well with a fond smile on her face. "He reminds me of eager younglings…"

"He's older than the both of us." I noted as I heard his cheerful cries echo throughout the compound.

"I stand by it." she replied, slipping around the counter and trying at a few drawers. "Hmm… I suppose I shouldn't expect these to go smoothly." She then glanced at me, "You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

I crossed my arms and glanced around… honestly, I was hoping from traps or ancient horrors but this place radiated a sort of calm I didn't expect. Perhaps some lingering Jedi quality? I sighed quietly before glancing at her, "…Keep an eye on Rattletrap? Try to get back before dark?"

She raised a hand as if swearing an oath, "Of course."

I then took my leave… a little annoyed that my life wasn't in danger…

However halfway down the path I quickly realized her calculations must be off because I noticed the sky getting darker… then hearing odd laughter in a strange place I hesitated and quickly ducked behind a nearby tree, but then I saw the girls in the hot spring, fully naked, it would've been rude to peak but I wasn't exactly the quietest of people… I was probably going to have to wait until they were done…

After a collective sigh and a momentary reprieve, Lala suddenly spoke. "You know Kal baby's a little different from when we first met." Lala noted as I continued lean against the tree. Letting them have some semblance of privacy as I unintentionally eavesdropped… "He used to be gloomy but now he's a little. I don't know. 'friendlier'?"

That sounds bad but my intentions are good. That sounds worse.

"I have kind of a theory about that." Oriana began with a relaxed sigh, "You see. Kal is kinda like a puppy." Lala giggled as I inwardly scowled but Oriana continued, "He needs stimulation…"

"Yeah he does." Oriana splashed Lala and continued.

"Back when we were at boot, he fought almost every day. Then he got shipped off and fought even more. Kal NEEDS to be doing something. All that time he sat around doing nothing made him a little… pent up."

"And now his sudden… friendliness, as you put it?"

"Well Kal also comes from a long line of…" she cleared her throat and smiled, "Well… let's call them 'sexual maniacs'. Kal originally had no interest and then… well. After a dry spell of doing nothing-"

"He's got a new favorite activity?" Lala grinned, letting her round pink breasts float lazily in the hot water.

"Exactly." Oriana noted, sliding lower into the water. "But I bet as soon as we get someone for him to hit he'll ease up a little."

"…But the question I now have." Nerri said, squeezing water out of her soaked hair as she smirked thoughtfully, "Is do you really want him too?"

Oriana blushed but Lala gave a proud smile, "Nope! He can be as big a 'sexual maniac' as he wants with me. And you said he comes from a long line?" she grinned at Oriana who sighed, not looking at her but off into the distance. The steam from the hot spring barely covered her view.

"Well… his grandfather, his uncle, his cousin…" Oriana cleared her throat, "They are, or in his grandfather's case were, very active."

"Hmm hmm…" Lala chuckled, "If they're all like Kal baby can you imagine…" she sighed, relaxing in the water. "How about three at once?"

"Ugh. No. They're like family." Oriana said disgusted, but Lala glanced at her as if to say 'seriously?' "My aunt is 'married' to his uncle."

"I… that…" Lala hesitated, thinking about it "…your 'family' is weird." Lala shook her head, trying to loosen the confusion now lodged in her brain. "You do realize that Kal baby is related to them right?"

"…It is not the same thing when its about Kal..." Oriana said flatly, as Lala and Nerri didn't press the issue. "Besides you're one to talk, your mother is his uncle's half-sister."

Somehow Lala did a spit take as I sat upright against the tree, now fully attentive. "What?" she said coolly. As Nerri noted.

"How did you get water in your mouth?"

"Your mother. Lacroix Lacine. It's a complicated matter but her father is also the father of Kallus' Uncle, Aiden." Looking into Lala's shocked face she then added, "But you're not related. You don't have to worry about it. I just thought you should know."

"Wait what?" Lala noted, "How are we not related?"

"Kallus' mother is the daughter of Sabiel Kane and Altora Kane. Your mother is the daughter of Tohmas Lacine and Huana Lacine. "Two separate lines So while you're not connected directly by genetics to Kal you are still technically cousins."

Nerri chuckled at the look of horror on Lala's face as she processed this, but then abruptly relaxed. "Oh. That's alright then." She then glanced at Oriana and noted smugly. "By the way, you should get your facts a little straighter… Technically I'm the daughter Tohmas and whoever…"

Oriana frowned looking disgusted. "Isn't your mother Lacroix Lacine?"

"Well. Yeah. But I'm a clone of her, I just call her mom." She added practically, completely straight faced as we all looked at her and said just as flatly.


End of Chapter

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