37.25% SpiderGwen: I have a system?! / Chapter 55: Chapter 55: The Reveal

章節 55: Chapter 55: The Reveal

3rd POV] [Hall of Justice]

Within the Hall of Justice, the team watched in shock as Superman revealed the newest members of the Justice League. The first 5 members were normal, and was not what they were shocked by. No, it was the sight of Gwen standing alongside the 5 after swinging to their side.

"Did you know about this?" Kaldur asked Dick, causing him the shake his head.

"No, no I did not. What about you M'gann?" Dick asked, causing her to sheepishly smile.

"She may have mentioned it. But she wanted it to be a surprise"

""I knew about it too"" Raven and Artemis added, shrugging at the surprise on the rest of the teams face.

"So that's Ghost Spider? She's taller than I expected" A new voice sounded out, Within the Hall of Justice, the team watched with wide eyes as Gwen swung down besides the four members that were joining the Justice League.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised at how often she gets that" Dick said with a chuckle, as they watched Gwen get officially inaugurated into the League.

*Beep* *beep* *beep*

A soft beeping sounded from Robin's Wrist, in which he looked down with surprised eyes.


[3rd POV] [With Gwen]

"So, how much you wanna bet they left?" Gwen asked, walking into the Hall of Justice with her dad, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Icon, Atom, Plastic Man, and Roy.

"That is a bet I will lose, knowing you" Bruce said with a sigh, knowing that his daughter already knew they left.

"Any ideas where they went?" Dinah asked, as they walked into the waiting room, where the team should have been.

"More than likely going after Cheshire. I'm sure they'll be fine, it's best to let them deal with it for now. They should make it back to the Mountain after an hour or two" Gwen replied with a smile, knowing that was the case.

She knew about the ambush, but she also knew that most of the villains that would take part in it, were...not problems anymore.

Sighing, Bruce nodded "Well, you can return back to the Mountain to wait for them then. We both know you don't need this tour"

"Why wouldn't she?" Icon asked, blinking in surprise.

Bruce glanced at Red Tornado and then Dinah, before speaking "She has been a member of the League for some time now. But we kept her status as a member a secret, until now. A part of her being on that team, was to keep an eye on them, and keep them safe"

"...I see. I suppose that does make sense" Icon muttered, nodding in acceptance of his reasoning. As it did make sense, plus, Gwen was easily the best person for the job, and has proven it.

"Well, you guys have fun with the tour, I'll be off" Gwen said with a smile, before teleporting off.

"Is she always like that?" Icon asked.

Bruce deadpanned "You have no idea"


[3rd POV] [Mount Justice]

Reappearing in Mount Justice, Gwen walked into the kitchen as she watched a notification glow into her vision.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Reveal to the World

Details - Officially join/reveal your Justice League status to the world.

Reward - 1 UL Ticket

'Hmm, only one. But that's not surprising considering how easy the quest is. System, go ahead and use the ticket. No point in waiting to use it, with my soon to be fight with Vandal Savage and whatever other tricks he has up his sleeves' Gwen thought.

Khameleon | Mortal Kombat [SL]

Khameleon, aka the last female Saurian. Khameleon, like Chameleon, has the powers of every female ninja within MK up until her creation. Meaning she has the powers of: Kitana, Mileena, Jade, and Tanya. She has: Master Martial Arts, Master of the Bladed Fan, Minor Teleportation, Master Assassin, Master at Stealth, Master Sai Wielder, The ability to warp to Sai's she has thrown, Magically erupt ones she has already thrown, invisibility, Master with a staff, immunity to most projectile attacks (as they harmlessly fly through her when using "force rejection field"), master user of razorangs, Master Tonfa wielder, Master Naginata wielder, Superhuman Strength, Speed, etc.

Hath-Set | Vandal Savage | Arrowverse [SL]

Hath-Set, aka Vandal Savage. Being Thousands of years old, Savage has the following powers and abilities: Immortality, Regeneration, Immunity to any Earthly poisons and diseases, Enhanced Physical capabilities, Magic, Genius Level Intellect, Master Tactician, Master Investigator, Master Leader, Great Business Acumen, Master Scientist, Master Engineer, Eidetic Memory, Medical Knowledge, Master of Desception, Master Manipulator, Multilingual, Immense Occult Knowledge, Master Torturer, Master Martial Artist, Master in various weaponry (staffs, war fans, firearms, stick fighting, knives, bow and arrow), master marksman, culinary expertise, master in stealth, master escape artist, and a high tolerance for pain.

'Hmm, Khameleon is pretty decent, since she has all those powers and knowledge. While Vandal Savage basically just gives me even more immortality. As the only thing that can kill him, was Hawkgirl and stabbing him with a blade made of the same meteorite he got his powers from' Gwen thought with a hum, not really impressed, but also not too disappointed.

'Go ahead and assimilate' Gwen thought, before she felt knowledge pour into her head, causing her to twitch slightly before it stopped almost instantly.

She could feel the slight influx of power, and increase in aura. As well as the strengthening of her body even more.

'Not bad...not bad at all' Gwen thought with a small smile, happy with the new knowledge and power.

'Now, let's get these other Super Soldier serums ready' Gwen thought, deciding to finish up the last super soldier serums for the League members.


[Some time later]

Walking into the mission room, Gwen blinked at the sight of Bruce, Dinah, Icon, and Red Tornado, alongside the team.

"Oh, you guys are back" Gwen said, smiling as M'gann walked over and pecked her on the lips.

"So, when were you going to tell us you're a member of the League?" Dick asked, raising an eyebrow at his sister.

"I thought it'd be a fun surprise, so I hid it. I've actually been a member for a while now. Since I became Doctor Fate" Gwen replied with a shrug .

Gwen stopped as she stared at the open briefcase that was sitting in front of her dad. "Oh? Aren't those advanced" Gwen said as she walked forward to the briefcase.

"You know what they are?" Bruce asked.

"Hmm, a combination of a Alien bio-organism, nano-technology and some rather advanced magic. Not something any normal scientist could ever make. You'd need an expert in magic to help make these things..." Gwen said, before realization set in.

'Klarion couldn't have made these so...Circe. Of course it was her. Must be what she promised them in return for aid in combating me' Gwen thought.

"And what do they do?" Kaldur asked, causing Gwen to turn to him before smiling.

Grabbing one, she allowed her symbiote to roll off her, absorbing it into itself. 'Hmm? Now that is a good improvement. Seems that it gave me the ability to mind control others through touch, as the nanites that are within my symbiote, now have all the traits of these things, except stronger, and much harder to combat. I wonder what would happen if I absorbed more of them?'

"What was that?" Dinah asked, frowning.

"Hmm? Oh that, my symbiote - the thing you just saw - can absorb technology into itself, improving it, and giving me knowledge on what it's absorbed" Gwen said with a smile.

"It's a rather advanced mind control device that would enthrall anyone who has it placed on them, into slaves for whoever created them. I can counter them pretty easily with my symbiote, but I can also create a counter to it, should we need it" Gwen said, as she turned to the other 35 or so pieces of "Starro-tech".

"Hmm, and this absorption of yours. It stops them from being used, correct?" Batman asked, causing her to nod.

"Absorb the rest, but leave one. I still wish to study it, see if it has any hidden uses within it" Her dad said, causing her to smile and nod, as her symbiote rolled off her and promptly absorbed all of them except one.

'Hmm, seems it drastically strengthened the mind control affect, while also increasing the range, and control over it. Sadly these things probably won't work against someone like Savage, but it should be useful in future worlds' Gwen decided.

"We'll take this last piece to the Watchtower, for further study" Bruce said.

"Be careful, alright? I'm pretty sure they were going to use this on you guys" Gwen said, inwardly knowing what they were planning on trying.

She was hoping she could still get Savage to come out into the light, so she could take care of him easier. But that was riding on him mind controlling the League. Something that she didn't really want to do, but it was the easiest way of taking care of him.

She already planned on stopping him before he made the League attack any other planets or any of that crap.

As she watched the group zeta-tube out, Gwen sighed "They are so getting mind controlled later"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because Roy is more than likely the mole, and is now an official member of the League. Meaning he has easy access to mind controlling them, if he has access to more of those things" Gwen replied, causing most the team to groan in realization.

"And why did we not stop them, then?"

"Because it'll bring the leader of whatever organization this is, right out into the open. Making them easy pickings" Gwen replied, causing Kaldur to blink.

"That...is not a bad plan. But are you certain you can counteract the mind control?"

"I'm the smartest person in the Universe, Kaldur. Even without my symbiote, I could whip up the counter within a few minutes" Gwen replied with a chuckle, knowing it was the truth.

"Anyyways, moving on from that...Cheshire and Riddler knew we were coming, meaning...Roy, or whoever he truly is, is probably the Mole" Dick said, causing Kaldur to nod.

"Mole thing?" Rocket asked, having not been told about this before.

"We had intel that there was a traitor on the team" Wally answered.

"Which originally was Artemis, M'gann, or me. Before Gwen revealed the fact that Roy is most likely a Clone, and mole" Superboy said with a small scowl, moody because of the patches he had been using, that tended to make him angrier, but also allow him to use all the powers of a normal kryptonian.

"It is more complicated than that. But your recent behavior concerns me. Your attack on mammoth nearly got Artemis killed" Kaldur said, causing Gwen to frown slightly at that piece of information.

"Didn't you use the proto-tool?" Gwen asked, glancing at Artemis, who blushed slightly, embarrassed.

"I-um might have forgot it" Artemis said, looking to the side as Gwen chuckled.

Glancing at Superboy, Gwen noticed him holding his head in pain, causing her to sigh.


"There's something I need to do" Superboy responded, turning back to the team.

"Something I need to tell you. Last month, on Thanksgiving I went back to Cadmus and found a few things out. When I was cloned, only half the DNA was supermans. The other half was human. That's why I don't have, will never have full Kryptonian powers" Superboy began.

"You sure? Cause you sure seemed to have them today" Dick asked, raising an eyebrow, while Gwen kept silent.

"I've been using these" Superboy said, lifting his sleeve to reveal a shield like sticker like item attached to his arm.

"Shields. They suppress my human DNA. I get the flight, the heat vision but I think I also get angry. Well, angrier. I'm sorry"

"Where did you get those?" Kaldur asked, staring down Superboy.

"From my human father, Lex Luthor" Superboy responded, causing the teams eyes to widen, while Gwen sighed.

"Not surprising. He's had ties to Cadmus for a long time" Gwen said, with a shrug.

"Lex Luthor...is your dad?" Dick asked, shocked.

"He summoned me to Santa Prisca" Superboy said.

Hearing all of this, Artemis let out a groan "Ahh, listen. Superboys not the only one suffering from bad DNA" Artemis said, before walking forward and typing onto a holographic keyboard, bringing up a picture of her mother in her suit, her father Sportsmaster, and Chesire, her sister.

"My mother is Huntress, an ex-con. The rest of my family aren't even ex. My dad's Sportsmaster. And he's sending my sister, Cheshire to fly me to Santa Prisca, too" Artemis said, looking away from Gwen in particular, afraid of the reaction it may get.

"That's why-" "Yeah. I was so desperate to make sure none of you found out"

"I knew" Dick said, shrugging with a smile.

"I did too" Gwen added, with a small smile.

"Wha-" "Artemis, I'm not only a detective, I'm also not blind. I also don't really care that you're related to them. So what if your sister and dad are bad? You yourself are not, so why should what they do reflect onto you?" Gwen said with a soft smile, while Artemis felt small tears spring into her eyes.

Before any of the team could say a word, Artemis marched forward, grabbed Gwen by the collar of her shirt, and slammed her lips against Gwen's.

"Called it!" Dick, Wally, and Zatanna all said at the same time. While M'gann smiled softly at the sight.

"Mmhm, I can't say I was expecting tha-MHP" Gwen couldn't even react as Raven walked over and did the same, causing the teams jaws to drop, while M'gann giggled.

"Wow...your sister has game" Wally muttered to Dick, who nodded.

"I need her to teach me her ways" Dick whispered.

"I'm not letting you be the only one to kiss her" Raven said, glancing at a smiling Artemis.

"So...what exactly is...this?" Wally asked, motioning at Gwen and the three girls surrounding her.

"Hm? I suppose it would be polygamy? It was rather common on mars, for one individual to have multiple wives at the same time. I don't see why Gwen cannot? For well all love her, and we all trust in her to love us as as equally as possible" M'gann said, shrugging at the shock.

"And plus, she already gave us "the talk" a while ago. It just took us a while to stop being pussy's a kiss her already" Artemis said with a shrug, leaning slightly into Gwen, with Raven standing at Gwen's side, a small smile on her face.

While she hadn't gone on more than a couple of dates with Gwen, she was 100% certain she was the one for her. For she was the one who saved her from her father, and save her from herself.

"It isn't uncommon on Atlantis either, plus, it isn't out place to object to it" Kaldur said with a warm smile, happy for his friends.

"I don't see why it's a problem" "Neither do I" Superboy and Zatanna said, shrugging.

"Eh, if we can fight aliens and literal gods, why can't she have multiple girlfriends? They are all okay with it, so it ain't a problem to me" Rocket said with a shrug as well.

"So...moving on from that. Anyone else?" Wally asked, also not really against it. He was happy for Gwen, and he also saw no problem with it.

Breathing deeply, M'gann spoke "I am"

"I swear I was kidding" Wally said, holding his hands up.

"I don't have any involvement in Santa Prisca, or being summoned there. But...I have something else I have been hiding. The form I showed you, the bald one...is not my true martian form" M'gann said, while Gwen softly held her hand. Artemis and Raven watched their friend with soft eyes as she began to morph and change slightly.

The team blinked and grew surprised as her skin changed, as did her eyes. Revealing her white martian form, the one that she had shown M'gann a couple months prior.

"Is that it?" Dick asked with a blink.

"Did we truly seem so shallow?" Kaldur asked.

"I-I couldn't take the chance. Being a white martian among the green on Mars, and not having the same form as the rest of my people...I faced constant rejection. Gwen had accepted me, but-but I wasn't entirely sure about everyone else" M'gann said.

"M'gann, why would we reject you? You look practically the same as your green form, except you have white skin" Wally asked.

"Told you they wouldn't reject you" Gwen said with a chuckle, causing M'gann to crack a small smile, as the team smiled.

Glancing at the team, and the smiles on their faces. Gwen looked down, before breathing deeply.

"I have something to reveal too"

The team looked to Gwen in surprise.

Sighing, Gwen walked over to the keyboard, before rapidly bringing up every major villain she has ever killed. Including the Joker, Queen Bee, Klarion, Bane, and all the others.

"I lied when I said the villains ran away, or escaped" Gwen said, turning to the team. Raven's eyes widened as she realized what Gwen was about to reveal.

"There's a reason why no one ever ran across them after they "escaped"" Gwen said softly, as she sighed.

"Gwen?" Dick muttered, as he realized what she was saying.

Smiling at her little brother, she pressed a button on the keyboard, causing Red X's to appear over all of the villains "Because they didn't get away"

"Then..." Kaldur's eyes widened, causing Gwen to nod slowly.

"I killed them. Every villain that has ever "escaped", be it Bane, Joker, or all the others. I've killed every single one of them" Gwen said, causing the teams eyes to widen.

With only Raven, M'gann, and seemingly Artemis not being entirely surprise.

"I was so sick and tired of seeing villains escaping and killing, and causing harm to innocents. I realized that no matter what Batman, Superman, the League, or anyone else does, people like the joker would continue to escape. They'd continue to return, and continue to kill innocents, and cause chaos. So, I realized there was only one way to stop them...for good"

Pressing a button, a vague and blurry photo appeared.

"I took the vigilante name "The Dark Lady" as the media described me. I used this form to wipe out the more...hard to touch villains. Mostly Gotham villains, like Condiment King, after he drowned a group of children in ketchup" Gwen said, looking back to the team.

"But how? You two look completely different"

In response, Gwen just smiled as her form warped and changed, before forming into her Maki/Dark Lady form. "I have the ability to shapeshift, like M'gann. Except mine is more...powerful. My very dna, body structure, voice, etc, are all changed when I shift into another form. Meaning, no matter how hard anyone tried, they wouldn't be able to track it back to the real me" Gwen said, as she returned to her true form.

"And-And you've been doing this since Santa Prisca?"

"Roughly, yes" Gwen said with a nod.

"I already knew" Raven said, causing the team to look to her in surprise. "Our first mission together. We were hunting a man named Brother Blood. He was attempting to summon my father...Trigon. A...demonic and evil being. Gwen killed him, so that he wouldn't have the ability to even try summoning him"

"I knew as well" M'gann said with a small smile. "It was pretty obvious after Queen Bee disappeared. I just didn't know how to bring the subject up"

"Yeah I figured it out as well. After the Injustice League just magically went missing" Artemis said, shrugging as she knew for a while now.

"I don't expect any of you to agree with what I do. But I do it because no one else will, and because quite frankly...it's what is right. People like the Joker were supposed to get a death sentence anyways, but someone had always gotten him out. One of them, I suspect, is Lex Luthor" Gwen said.

"I don't see any problem with it. You kill scum who deserve it. As long as it's not being done to petty criminals, it's fine by me. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't killed someone yet" Superboy said, shrugging, not really all that against it.

"You're my sister, Gwen. While I'm not entirely okay with killing, I understand why you do it. And as long as it's done to those that truly deserve it, I can't really complain" Dick said with a small smile, causing Wally, Rocket, and Zatanna to nod.

"""What he said"""

"In Atlantis, we are prepared and taught for war at young ages. War includes killing. These people that you have killed...are all monsters in human skin, one way or another. As Robin said, as long as it's done to those that truly deserve it, I can't complain" Kaldur said, a smile on his face.

Gwen just looked at the team, before a wide smile formed on her face "You guys really are the best, friends I could ask for you know that?"

"Duh! Everyone knows that" Wally said with a grin.

"Well...then I guess now is as good as time as any to reveal that I know about the group that is behind all of this" Gwen said, smiling as the screen changed once more.

"You know who made the Injustice League?"

"Yep! I did some digging, and I believe I've found everyone involved. Due to my...interference, a number of them are dead, but these are the major players still around" Gwen said, as the screen flashed, showing pictures of: Ra's Al Ghul, Lex Luthor, Ocean Master, Brain, and finally...Vandal Savage.

"Ra's Al Ghul, Lex Luthor, and Vandal Savage are the three most important members of "The Light" as they call themselves. They are also the ones with the most influence. There may be more members, but these are the ones I am certain of. Lex will be showing up at Santa Prisca, so if you give me the chance...I can "Take care of him"

"And won't that cause issues involving the public?"

"Good thing I'm not talking about killing him...yet. I'm talking about using the mind control tech I absorbed on him. My symbiote can replicate it, but at a stronger level. And with that, I can mind control the guy. Maybe even control his company to do some good with it" Gwen said, causing the team to nod.

"I believe that to be a good idea. While mind control is...not the most heroic action, we aren't truly heroes, are we? And plus, through this, you will be able to use that mind of yours, and the influence of Lex Corp, to improve the world. Until the time comes where you can truly take the company over" Kaldur said, nodding in agreeance.

"Ra's...is someone that won't be showing himself, not yet anyways. He's also someone I'll deal with later down the line" Gwen said, causing his picture to disappear from the screen, leaving only Vandal Savage.

"As for Savage...his immortality is a problem for most people. But I am quite certain I can get rid of him...permanently. And with his death, the Light, and all those who work with it, will slowly fall apart" Gwen said, causing the team to look at her.

"When would you have the chance to do such a thing?"

"Remember when I said that the League getting mind controlled would bring them out into the open? Well he's the one who will be brought out. And when that happens...he won't be a problem for anyone anymore" Gwen said with a grin, causing the team to reciprocate.

"Now, let's figure out how to take care of Luthor"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Sorry about the lack of uploads, but I'm out of state right now, on vacation, and internet is...nonexistent, so it was a bit hard. But I did manage to get one out, lol.

Did I make the descriptions on the characters short enough? I tried to make it shorter, but it was kind of hard with the characters I got. Both of them have a LOT of skills and abilities.

I think I've decided the next world. Which will house her next love interest. How many love interests should I limit it to? I was thinking 5, but I might be able to push it. As there is some love interests I am very interested in adding *cough* Luz, Amity, Korra *Cough* but I'm not entirely sure.

This chapter, as promised, has a LOT more happening, including the big reveal!

I plan on Gwen traveling to other universes/multiverses during the 5 years between season 1 and 2. She will of course do quite a bit in the YJ world during that time, but most of it will be spent in other universes, growing in power.

Next chapter is shorter, as I am on vacation at the moment.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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