85.71% SPECIAL CLASS: Classroom of the Elite / Chapter 12: CHAPTER 2-2: Azur Assassin's Knife

章節 12: CHAPTER 2-2: Azur Assassin's Knife

"The friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: 'What? You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - John Steinback


POV : Nagisa

Of course, I find myself wandering alone on the campus, lost in thought, observing everything around me. I'm searching, perhaps for objects to acquire or simply to soak in the atmosphere of the place. It's essential, after all, to be attentive to one's surroundings, isn't it?

After our session at the gym, Karma and I took separate paths. It was his initiative – he thinks that if we split up, we can "explore more efficiently" and, potentially, discover more about what our high school has to offer. He also believes this will help us socialize more, to broaden our horizons beyond our constant duo. It's strategic, in his way, and I respect that idea. After all, in the quest for new information or experiences, every detail counts, every observation can be crucial. And who knows, maybe in this momentary solitude, I will find something, or someone, unexpected.


Karma: Hey, Nagisa, we should split up, don't you think? It would make things much more exciting. We can't just stick to each other all the time, right? Let's take this opportunity to explore on our own... There's so much to discover in this high school, and I want to make the most of it. He chuckles softly. Alright, see you later. I hope you'll have some juicy stories to tell me the next time we meet, like finding a girlfriend, who knows~! Ahahahahahaha!!


I let out a sigh of resignation while displaying a wry smile. Typical of Karma, isn't it? Acting on impulse, uttering those words impulsively before dashing off in a totally unpredictable direction, plunging headfirst into who-knows-what adventure... I can't help but smile at the thought. Honestly, I hope he won't get into trouble. Ah, that Karma...

So here I am, wandering peacefully through the campus, which strangely resembles a vast shopping mall. I was almost in awe of everything around me. There was so much to see that I didn't really know where to go first or even what to do. I haven't often frequented such luxurious and prestigious places; it's a pretty new experience for me... I won't lie, it feels a bit strange. Nonetheless, I continued to stroll, simply taking everything in. And then, I also noticed... There are really a lot of people here! Maybe I should have chosen a less crowded place, right? I hope it will be okay... I don't feel very comfortable amid so many people, especially alone.

... ... ... ... ...

As I was wandering, my gaze was suddenly captured, even captivated, by something unexpected. I stopped dead, my eyes widening just a bit in surprise, before stepping back to get a better look through the store window that had captured my interest. I could feel my eyes lighting up, sparks of fascination igniting within them. Incredible, isn't it? Knives, here, before my eyes?

Inside this modest shop, I discovered an impressive collection of knives, each seeming to tell its own story, its own legacy of craftsmanship. True works of art. I could feel my heart beating faster, my assassin's soul awakening in the presence of these elegantly dangerous instruments.

So, even here, in the heart of this campus, such a shop existed? It was truly fascinating.

???: You're interested in knives too?

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, slightly monotone, coming from next to me. Surprised, I turned slightly to identify the source of the interruption. In front of me stood a young girl, whose delicately attractive appearance did not fail to capture my attention.

She was of average height, with a slender but visibly toned figure. Her skin was fair, contrasting with her long, dark brown hair that fell in a cascade down to her ankles, elegantly tied in two twintails held by voluminous red scrunchies. Her bangs, cut sharply and straight, framed her face, complemented by two strands that gracefully escaped on each side, the right strand being slightly longer than the left. Her accessories were discreet but elegant: a silver hairpin forming an infinity symbol and two small silver earrings. Her deep, crimson eyes, imbued with seriousness, captured attention, and a beauty mark delicately marked her skin below the left eye. Despite her beauty, her expression remained cold, distant, suggesting a complex personality and perhaps a mind as sharp as the knives that had captivated my attention moments earlier.

Ah, shoot, I feel like I made her uncomfortable and didn't give the best impression of myself... My curiosity and confusion must have been too apparent. So, her name is Maki Harukawa? Interesting. She seems a bit reluctant in social interactions, but that's not a problem. I should make amends; she seems nice and probably just wanted to strike up a conversation!

Harukawa: Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you while you were looking at that display, or to interrupt what you were doing... I'm Maki Harukawa. If I have to talk to someone, it might as well be you... You seem to find this store interesting too.

Ah, okay, she noticed my interest in this store... It's a bit embarrassing, indeed. After all, it's not every day that one shares such a specific and uncommon passion. Who knows? Maybe she's also interested in this kind of thing. It would be quite unusual but intriguing!

And then, who knows, she might even become the first friend I make here, in this new environment. And the fact that she's from another class even adds a bit of excitement to the idea. It's an unexpected but welcome opportunity to forge new connections.

Nagisa: Oh, uh, yeah, haha. Sorry, I got a bit surprised. Then, I give her a smile before continuing. Nice to meet you, Harukawa. I'm Nagisa Shiota!

Harukawa: She seemed a bit embarrassed after my introduction and smile. Oh, uh, hello... I guess. Then, she shook her head briefly before continuing. So, you still haven't answered. You're interested in knives?

Nagisa: I was quite surprised by her cold and distant tone, as if she wasn't just asking a question but conducting an interrogation, haha. Oh, well, yes, you could say that. I scratch the back of my head, smiling. Anything to do with the art of assassination, knives and all... it's always fascinated me, I can't really explain why. Tilting my head slightly, I offer her another smile. And you, are you interested in knives for any particular reason?

Harukawa: She seemed slightly surprised by my answer, or rather, engrossed... And remained silent for a moment... Before finally speaking. Ah, yes... It's somewhat like that... Assassination arts have always... intrigued me as well. It's rare to find someone who shares this kind of interest, you know? I was just a bit surprised to find you have the same thoughts as me, that's all.

I observed her for a moment, somewhat surprised, while feeling a twinge of excitement. Oh, she's also interested in this? Incredible! This means that my first friend in this establishment could share a common interest with me, what a coincidence! Ah, I must admit that this makes me quite happy. It looks like I'm lucky, right?

Harukawa: They have a nice collection of knives, don't they? All kinds, for every possible use. When she said that, her tone gave me chills, oddly.

Nagisa: Yes, it's true... There are so many varieties, it's really impressive, isn't it?

Harukawa: Yes... What's surprising is that they leave these things freely accessible to all students... I didn't think I'd find a store like this here, honestly... But I guess this isn't an ordinary high school, is it?

Nagisa: I take a moment to reflect on what she just said, and yeah... She's right, after all. Well, I suppose it must be pretty secure, right? I mean, they wouldn't take the risk of leaving so many dangerous weapons within reach of high school students, haha.

Harukawa: Yes, I suppose... This school must really have the resources if they can afford to give each student 100,000 yen as pocket money. They must have a substantial budget...

Yes, that's an interesting thought, ha ha... Especially considering the amount of 100,000 yen per month, as suggested by the analysis of that intriguing Furudo. There are really a lot of mysterious elements at play here. And I think that, given how Harukawa talks about it, without explicitly saying "per month," she must have her own ideas or information, right?

This prompts me to think more... Furudo mentioned other intriguing details. I'm curious about what class Harukawa is in.

Nagisa: Ah, yes, that reminds me, I haven't asked you yet... Which class are you in--

???: Hey, isn't that you, Shiota-kun, from our class, right? Hello~!

While I was ready to question Harukawa, an unexpected voice rang out from behind. Surprised, I noticed that Harukawa was looking at something, or rather someone, behind me. I turned around to identify the newcomers.

There, I saw two of my classmates approaching us: a girl and a boy. Oh, wait, they are Asuna and Kirigaya, right? Yes, I believe I remember their names correctly. I wondered what they could want.

As they got closer, I noticed the smiles on their faces, a truly pleasant sight. Naturally, their good mood infected me, and I returned their smiles. What could they want from us to approach so enthusiastically?

Asuna: Oh, I'm sorry if we were disturbing you, we just noticed you here during our walk, and I thought it would be nice to come and say hello, as classmates, don't you think?

Kirigaya: Yeah, we're in the same class after all, it would be weird to just ignore you without saying hi, right?

Oh, they seem really nice, ha ha! They just wanted to come and say hello; that's really polite of them. This prompted me to return their kindness with another smile, of course, they were not bothering at all!

Nagisa: Oh, uh no, don't worry, you're not bothering, haha! Then I return a smile to them.

Harukawa: She watched the others with her usual indifferent gaze before turning to me. Are these friends of yours?

Harukawa addressed me with the same tone she had used before, which made me tilt my head slightly, thinking about how to respond... but before I could articulate my thoughts, Asuna intervened, her face lit up with a warm and welcoming smile.

Asuna: Ah, well, not really, at least not right now, ah ah! We're just getting to know each other!

Kirigaya: Yes, we're classmates.

Harukawa: Oh, I see... I won't disturb you any longer, then. Maybe it's better if I leave.

Ah, she fears we're bothering her... But of course, that's not the case! A bit surprised by her concern, I let out a small exclamation of surprise before giving her a reassuring smile and assuring her that she wasn't disturbing us in any way.

Nagisa: Huh? Oh no, don't worry! You can stay with us if you want, there's no problem!

Asuna: Asuna then gives her a warm smile. Yes, of course, after all, we were the ones who came over to you. She laughs softly before continuing. We wouldn't want you to leave just because of our intrusion, so don't worry about it!

Just when Harukawa seemed ready to slip away, she paused, casting her gaze over each of us in turn before finally speaking. Despite her usually reserved expression, one could swear a slight smile was beginning to form at the corners of her lips.

Harukawa: I understand, so, if everyone agrees... I'll stay with you, if it doesn't bother anyone.

Even though she doesn't express it openly, one can guess she feels quite happy, which makes me quite happy too, haha!

Kirigaya: Hmm? Since we're already here and it seems to captivate you... Why don't we take a look inside? I must admit, I'm a bit curious to see what they have too.

Asuna: Oh yes, I'm very curious too! It looks like there are some beautiful collector's items in there, and all these colors are gorgeous too. So, let's all go in together, shall we? She finishes with another warm smile.

Oh, wait... They're also interested in all this? Well, maybe not in exactly the same way. I think they're just curious to see what's inside the store, but it's still wonderful. I didn't expect to find myself in a small group so quickly, but it's really great to be able to explore together. And all three of them seem really nice, which is very reassuring.

Nagisa: Yes, of course, let's go in together! I'm also eager to see everything inside!

Harukawa: Once more, Harukawa looked at each of us in turn, then swept her hair back slightly, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. Okay, in that case, I'll come with you too.

On this positive note, we headed together toward the small shop of luxurious, truly beautiful knives, chatting about this and that. It was a moment of shared discovery and enjoyment.


Wow, it's absolutely incredible!

My eyes sparkled as I explored the place. The shop was filled with stunning collectibles of all sorts and colors... It was truly extraordinary; I had never seen anything like it before. What incredible luck to have been accepted into this high school, right? I'm genuinely happy, to be honest! And to top it all off, everyone around me seems really kind and considerate.

Asuna: Oh, look over there... Isn't that... Oh, I think it's Hayasaka, right? Yes, she's in our class too, isn't she?!

At one point, while we were all amazed by the displayed items, we heard Asuna's voice, who apparently had recognized someone. We all turned to the person she was looking at, and indeed, it was another classmate of ours!

What a surprise, I really didn't expect to meet so many people sharing this interest, let alone three from my own class, haha! It was indeed another girl from my class whom I recognized. She had introduced herself earlier: a pretty young girl with blonde hair tied on the left side of her head with a blue scrunchie and blue eyes. Her name was Ai Hayasaka.

Nagisa: Oh? Ah yes, I think that was indeed her name, that sounds right to me too!

After confirming it was indeed her, Asuna hurried to greet her... She's really sociable, isn't she? And she seems so sweet and kind, the type of person who makes an excellent friend.

Seeing her go, Kirigaya, Harukawa, and I decided to follow her to also greet Hayasaka, who appeared absorbed in examining a particular knife with great attention.

When Asuna approached her, Hayasaka carefully placed the knife back on its stand before turning towards us calmly, her expression somewhat similar to Harukawa's.

Asuna: Hey, Hayasaka, it's you, isn't it? Hello!

She observed us for a moment, probably trying to remember who we were and why we were approaching her as a group... Yes, haha, it must indeed seem a bit strange to her, I think.

Hayasaka: Oh... We're in the same class? Do you need something?

Asuna: She gives her another warm smile. Oh, no, we just saw you here, so we decided to come and say hello!

Kirigaya: Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but we at least wanted to greet you since you're our classmate... And besides, you're all alone here.

Just as they had done earlier with me and Harukawa, they simply approached Hayasaka and invited her to join us... It's genuinely a kind gesture that many wouldn't have the spontaneity to do, I'm sure.

Hayasaka seemed slightly surprised, though her expression only subtly betrayed her emotions before she finally responded with a voice a little softer, yet still somewhat reserved.

Hayasaka: Oh, okay, I understand... Actually, I was planning to visit some clothing stores, but this little establishment caught my attention, and out of curiosity, I decided to take a look.

Nagisa: Yeah, it's really nice here, don't you think? I offer one of my friendly smiles.

Hayasaka: She looked at me for a moment... I noticed she averted her gaze slightly and blushed when I smiled at her, before quickly composing herself. Yes, it's true, I didn't really expect to find this kind of thing in a high school, but it is indeed quite pleasant.

Oh, has the store captivated her as well? It's surprising and rather nice to meet so many people sharing this interest, especially on the first day!

She looked even more charming when she blushed slightly... Anyway, I'm really happy that another person decided to join our little group!

Asuna: Now that I think about it, it's really fate doing its thing, don't you think? It seems we all ended up here at the same time, and we're all curious about this particular store, which is quite peculiar, isn't it? She laughs lightly, her laughter tinged with irony.

Kirigaya: Yeah, it's pretty ironic, huh? Haha. But it's the nice kind of irony, don't you think?

Absolutely, it's a rather unusual and special situation, but it's precisely this kind of pleasant coincidence that makes things interesting. And it seems we're all on the same wavelength about it.

Nagisa: Absolutely!! It's a funny coincidence, but it's pretty cool, don't you think? I give another smile to Hayasaka.

Hayasaka: She gave me another look, then replied. Yes, I suppose... Meeting people who share the same interests is always positive.

Exactly, that's what's great about friends: being able to share and discuss our common interests, everything that excites us! Of course, friendship encompasses much more than that, but it's undoubtedly an essential aspect. And hey, this makes me think of something, actually...

Nagisa: Speaking of which, that reminds me... You're not with, uh... What's her name again, ah yes, Shinomiya? I thought you two were quite close in class, and that you referred to her by her first name as well.

Hayasaka: Well, we just decided to split up for a bit, we can't stay together all the time, can we? She tilted her head slightly to the side while looking at me. And it's the same for you and... Akabane, isn't it? We just chose to take a break and do our own things separately. I think Kaguya-sama can handle herself just fine.

Nagisa: Ah, yes, I see, haha. It's true, Karma and I also separated to explore on our own, so... Sorry for asking. I scratch my cheek slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Harukawa: Sometimes, it's good to separate and be alone... Solitude can be preferable, at least, that's what I think personally...

Kirigaya: Yeah, I agree... A bit of solitude is nice from time to time, right? Haha.

Asuna: Yes, but it's still nice to be surrounded, to have people you like, friends, right? Even though I agree with the principle, friendship is still a beautiful opportunity...

Yes, solitude has its moments of reflection, that's true... Anyway, I'm happy to share this moment with them.

Then, I turned to Asuna and Kirigaya... Now that I think about it, these two seemed to already know each other well, didn't they? They looked close. But I don't want to seem nosy by asking outright... I hope they'd take it well if I ever did ask. It's natural to wonder about the relationships between people, especially when you're looking to get to know your new friends better.

Nagisa: Oh, and... I apologize if this is a bit too... Intrusive or if it infringes on your privacy, but I was wondering, you two seem really close, are you by any chance a couple?

Hayasaka: Hayasaka seemed interested in my question, now turning her attention towards Asuna and Kirigaya. Yes, now that you mention it... You two do seem quite close; I was wondering too if you were a couple.

It seems my curiosity is shared, haha... I really hope they take it well.

Asuna and Kirigaya exchanged a surprised look at our collective question, while Hayasaka, Harukawa, and I watched them intently. Then, to our great surprise, Asuna and Kirigaya began to laugh, not mockingly, but warmly and amiably. Their reaction, filled with good humor, slightly surprised me but also reassured me.

Asuna: Oh, yes, of course, well, I didn't know it was that obvious, haha. She laughs softly, her laughter warm. Yes, we are a couple, have been for quite some time now, and we were both accepted into this high school!! Plus, finding ourselves in the same class was a pleasant surprise and very good news for us.

Kirigaya: It's been a while now, hasn't it? Haha.

So, they really are a couple, huh? I'm not really surprised... If we could guess it from the first day without really knowing them, then it was pretty obvious, ha ha.

Nagisa: Ah, okay, I get it, so that was it, haha.

Hayasaka: I understand, it's quite exceptional to see such a long-lasting relationship, especially among high school students... You must really care about each other. She said these words with a bit more expression, giving a slight smile to Asuna and Kirigaya.

Harukawa: Yes, it was quite obvious, I think. Just from the way you were holding hands when you approached us, me and Shiota.

Kirigaya: Kirito scratched his head, a bit embarrassed, blushing slightly at this revelation. Well, yeah, it's for sure... I didn't think it would show that much, haha.

Asuna: She gave us another smile, tinged with a hint of nostalgia, as if reminiscing about happy memories. Yes, we have shared so many moments together, and I wouldn't change that for the world!

Seeing them apparently so happy together, and perceiving the love they have for each other in their looks, is frankly inspiring. I couldn't help but return a sincere smile seeing all the affection they have for each other.

Nagisa: By the way, Hayasaka, is there a particular knife that interests you? I mean, you seemed to be staring at something specific when we approached you earlier... Are you thinking of buying one, or something like that?

Hayasaka: At that, she turned to me, our eyes meeting, and then she replied in that same cool voice. Oh, no, not really... It was just a bit intriguing, I found it quite pretty, that's all. But I don't really need it, so I wasn't thinking of buying it.

Nagisa: Intrigued, I leaned a bit more forward. Oh, really? It's that pretty? Show me?

Then, eventually, she picked up the knife she had on her when we approached. She handed it to us, and we showed it to everyone... At that moment, my eyes widened, stars filling them gradually as I was captivated by the beauty of this weapon... It might have been just a simple dagger, but... it was a magnificent knife in silver and azure colors, no, a simply sublime assassin's dagger of dazzling beauty. Its blade was slightly curved, shining brightly, just like the handle...

Asuna: Wow, it's absolutely stunning. It's rare to see something like this... It almost looks like a weapon straight out of a video game, it's that incredible.

Kirigaya: Kirito gazed at the knife with admiration. It really is a beautiful knife... I've never seen one like it before.

Harukawa: It looks like a knife that a professional assassin might have...

Hayasaka: Yes, that's what I was thinking too... But I don't really need it. I just wanted to browse and see if anything caught my attention.

Asuna: I think it would suit Nagisa really well, don't you think? That azure blue color and the knife's design would match them perfectly!

Kirigaya: Oh, now that you mention it, you're right! It really does remind me of Nagisa, haha.

Harukawa: I agree. Both the color and the shape, I think it would suit you too, Nagisa.

My eyes were completely captivated by this magnificent knife, unable to look away. I felt irresistibly drawn to it... It was so beautiful that it left me speechless. I don't think I've ever seen such a stunning and brilliant blade in my entire life... I could hear the others making flattering comments, some even comparing me positively to this weapon. It made me happy—it was definitely a compliment, right? But my embarrassment quickly faded in the face of my fascination with the knife's splendid blade. It was as if the voices of the others became a distant murmur, though I could still hear them clearly.

Hayasaka: Do you want it? It's pretty expensive, 200,000 yen, but we can split the cost if you really want it. We can each pay a portion.

After hearing that, I was stunned by the absolutely exorbitant price... Well, I kind of expected it, but why is she offering it to me? I don't even have the money to buy it! And even if I did, it would be a very bad idea. First, spending that much money on a knife is insane, and second, buying a literal knife on the first day of school, in front of everyone, is totally reckless!

Nagisa: H-Huh? But... I can't accept that, it's too expensive! I don't want to make you spend your money like that!

Hayasaka: It's not a problem, I can get by with very little money this month, no worries.

It's really kind of her, but I definitely can't let her waste her money on me! And then, splitting it in half means 100,000 points each, which would leave both of us with barely any money... It's clearly not a good idea. I mean, it's really nice, but why is she offering this? We all need a minimum amount of points to live this month, even if we're saving.

Nagisa: That much? The price is really too high for us right now... No, I definitely can't accept that!

Hayasaka: Like I said, I don't mind splitting the cost... It's up to you, anyway.

Nagisa: B-But it's way too much... How would we manage for the rest of the month after that?

It wasn't a decision to be taken lightly, that's for sure. If what we heard in class earlier is true, then we might find ourselves in trouble next month, or even the months after, if we spend all our money now. It would be much more prudent to be careful and save our points for what is really essential. After all, it's just a knife... As beautiful as it is, I doubt it's really indispensable in a place like this.

Asuna: So, in that case, why don't we all pitch in together? I'll contribute too, so no one has to spend all their money alone. What do you think? She smiled warmly again, then turned to Kirigaya. And you, dear, you're joining in too, right?

Kirigaya: He nodded without hesitation. Of course! And if I refuse, how would I look afterward? Haha! We should all pitch in, that way no one burns through all their money... We still have to be careful, especially after what happened in class.

I looked at them intently, both surprised and somewhat embarrassed... I didn't really know how to respond to all this. We barely know each other, why are they so eager to help me pay for something so expensive on the first day? Especially just for a knife? I was obviously grateful, but I didn't know how to respond to such kindness from them... As I stood there, speechless, Hayasaka spoke up again.

Hayasaka: Well, problem solved then. If everyone pitches in, the money won't be much of an issue anymore.

Nagisa: B-But are you really sure...? We barely know each other, and besides, it's just a knife, it's not something vital or necessary and...

As I was still trying to reason with them, telling them I didn't really need it and that it was too kind of them to do this for someone they barely know... Harukawa cut in, not giving me time to finish what I was saying.

Harukawa: If everyone's chipping in, I suppose I can't be the only one to refuse... We might as well split the cost to avoid losing too much. There are five of us, so it should be more than enough.

At that, I was even more unsure of how to react... Now everyone seemed eager to contribute for the knife, and all for me? But why? I don't understand. It's really kind of them, but... I feel like if I refuse, it would make things even worse...

Asuna: Huh? Are you sure, Harukawa? I mean, you're not even in our class... You're really not obligated to pitch in just because we're all doing it, you know.

Nagisa: Yes, of course, I don't want you to feel obligated... It's already very kind of you to offer, and that means a lot to me.

Harukawa: No, it's fine, I don't mind, it's just a few points. Like I said, sharing the cost between us greatly reduces the amount.

I looked at all of them, a bit shocked, my eyes widening in surprise. I didn't expect such an offer at all... After all, we just met, right? It was really unexpected, and it made me feel a mix of emotions. I was surprised, of course, but also deeply touched by their kindness. A gentle warmth spread through me, and despite myself, I felt my lips stretch into a sincere smile.

Nagisa: Thank you so much, everyone, really! It's so kind of all of you!

Asuna: And if you're not the cutest saying that, hahaha.

Hayasaka: Anyway, on your own, you wouldn't have had enough... And it's not like we're going to do this often. 50,000 is more than enough to live on this month, even if we don't get as much next month.

She was probably right. With 50,000 yen left, we could probably last two or three months, just in case things got tough... But deep down, it wasn't just a matter of caution. It was as if they wanted to give me a gift, a welcoming gesture, to mark our meeting. That thought made me a little uncomfortable, I have to admit. After all, we've just met, and here they are, ready to make a sacrifice for me, for a simple knife. It was both touching and embarrassing.

I couldn't help but feel a deep gratitude mixed with a certain confusion. Why were they going so far for me, someone they barely know? Yet, this unexpected kindness warmed my heart. As I pondered this mix of emotions, searching for the right words to express what I felt, I heard Kirigaya let out a light laugh. That simple sound, as subtle as it was, managed to ease some of the tension. They didn't seem to be doing this out of obligation or pity, but out of genuine camaraderie. And, to be honest, that made me really happy.

Kirigaya: Well, we just met and talked for the first time, and I feel like we're already getting along great. I didn't think I'd form a group like this on the first day.

Yeah, you could say I've been really lucky, right? Meeting such nice people on the first day is almost too good to be true. I can't help but feel really grateful for this day. Even though Harukawa isn't in our class, I'm sure there will always be a way to run into each other, to spend time together. It's comforting to think that, isn't it? A discreet smile crossed my lips at the thought, a mix of satisfaction and relief.

We all nodded in unison, sharing a moment of silent understanding. It was as if, in just a few short hours, a bond had formed between us, something fragile but sincere. Hayasaka was the first to break the silence. Her usually cold and distant demeanor seemed slightly softened now, as if she too was feeling the same impression. Her response, though still a bit reserved, carried a different nuance, almost imperceptible, but definitely there.

Hayasaka: Well, yes, it's perfect. None of my friends from my old school came here, so this is a good start, I guess... I needed to make a new group of friends, so I'm glad I found you guys. Then she gave us a slight smile.

Harukawa: Yeah, I guess it's good... She said this while slightly averting her gaze, brushing her hair aside with a discreet motion before letting out a small smile that she seemed to want to hide.

Asuna: Asuna let out a soft laugh. Yes, it might be a bit cliché, but who's complaining? Spending a school year without friends would have been so sad. So, it's settled, let's form a little group between us and enjoy our free time together!

All these responses warmed my heart, like the first rays of sunlight after a long night. I felt a smile spread across my lips, almost involuntarily, a smile I couldn't hold back. It wasn't just a matter of politeness or convenience—it was a sincere, simple, but deep happiness that washed over me at that moment.

This moment, this unexpected connection between us, filled me with a gentle, soothing warmth. So, I spoke up too. My words were imbued with the sincerity I felt, expressing, perhaps clumsily but honestly, all the gratitude and joy that these exchanges had sparked in me.

Nagisa: Yes! I'm really grateful to all of you, my friends! I'm so happy to have met you first. Let's stick together, okay?

And so, we continued sharing this warm moment together, gradually strengthening the bonds within our small, newly-formed group. As we strolled through the aisles of this little shop, our voices mingled in light discussions, genuine laughter, talking about everything and nothing. It was pleasant, almost surprising, to feel so at ease with people I barely knew a few hours ago.

Time seemed to slip away, slipping through our fingers without us noticing, as if the outside world had paused to let us enjoy this moment. It's funny how quickly time passes when you're well surrounded, isn't it? This sense of camaraderie, however fragile it still was, had something precious about it. At that moment, I realized how this day, which had started so ordinarily, had turned into something special.

... ... ... ... ...

Harukawa: Well, I think it's time to go. I have things to do and people waiting for me.

Hayasaka: Yes, I almost forgot... I'll need to catch up with Miss Kaguya pretty soon after all this. She's probably waiting for me somewhere.

Asuna: Oh yes, that's true, it doesn't look like it, but we've been chatting here for quite a while!

Kirigaya: OK, so we buy the knife, and then exchange our contacts before we go. That way, it'll be easier to stay in touch.

Nagisa: Ah, yes, that's a good idea! I'll get out my phone and give you my contact info too.

OST ends.

With those cheerful words, we exchanged our contact information in a warm atmosphere, filled with laughter and sincere smiles. Finally, we went to buy the knife, all together. I think I must have thanked them at least a million times, to the point where Kirigaya and Asuna ended up teasing me about it. Their light-hearted teasing made me smile, easing some of the embarrassment I felt in the face of such generosity.

And then, the moment came when we had to say goodbye. It was a bit strange, this sense of camaraderie that had settled so quickly between us. We had barely met, yet I felt like I had known them for longer. As we were about to go our separate ways for the moment, I felt both grateful and... strangely at ease. It was as if this first day, despite its oddity, had planted the seeds of something precious.

... ... ... ... ...

As Asuna, Kirigaya, and Harukawa walked away, leaving behind this light and pleasant atmosphere, Hayasaka and I were also getting ready to go our separate ways. But just before we parted, something caught our attention. A familiar figure passed by us, walking at a leisurely pace, a plastic bag in hand. The bag seemed filled with various items, maybe groceries.

I frowned, trying to place the face that I knew I recognized. And then, it hit me all at once. Huh...? But she's in our class, isn't she? That's her... What was her name again? My mind searched for a moment, reconnecting the images and names. Yes, that's it...

Hayasaka: Furudo Erika.

Yes, it was her... I remembered the impression she left in class. She had this mix of presence and charisma that naturally drew attention. Her mannerisms, her confidence, and especially her boldness were admirable, even a bit intimidating. Erika Furudo exuded an aura that was both intriguing and intelligent, the kind of person you'd rather have as an ally than as an enemy, without a doubt. Just observing her for a moment made it clear that she wasn't playing in the same league as the others.

After hearing her name, I noticed her gaze land on us. She turned slightly, as if she had sensed our presence before even seeing us. Then, with a confident stride, she slowly approached. When she was close enough, she graced us with one of those enigmatic smiles she often displayed in class. That smile... It was a strange blend of smugness and pride, an expression that seemed to say she knew more than we did about something important, while also mocking our ignorance.

Furudo: Oh, what a surprise, Shiota-san, Hayasaka-san. What a coincidence to run into you here. So, tell me, how's your visit going so far?

Her smile... That slightly smug, almost condescending smile, suggested that she probably didn't care much about what we might say to her. I had the impression that she wasn't really interested in how our day had gone or even in us in general. It was as if, for her, all this was just a game, a formality devoid of any real significance. And this thinly veiled indifference made me a bit uneasy, I must admit.

Nagisa: Oh, well, yes, everything's going well. We're just exploring the place where we'll be spending the next three years. I gave her a small smile. And you also seem to be checking out the area, right?

Hayasaka: Indeed, everything is going well. We were just about to go our separate ways for now.

It seemed that Hayasaka also saw through Furudo's game, even though the latter didn't seem to be trying to hide it. Furudo didn't need to pretend; everything was deliberately transparent, almost like a performance. Hayasaka, always observant, probably picked up on these subtleties just as well as I did.

Furudo let out a small chuckle, feigning polite, almost mechanical interest. Despite everything, she maintained that noble and elegant demeanor, an impeccable politeness that, instead of being reassuring, made me feel more uncomfortable. It was as if, beneath that courteous facade, something remained out of reach, and that distance troubled me.

Furudo: Glad to hear it, truly. I hope you're keeping in mind everything I mentioned in class. Her gaze fell on the object in Shiota's hands. I notice you're holding something quite expensive, Shiota-san. Are you sure that was a wise decision? She chuckled lightly, her tone more mischievous than genuinely concerned.

Oh, I understood now where she was going with this, and I couldn't help but smile again, a bit embarrassed. It was clear that she was testing me, or rather trying to gauge me, to figure me out. It was a really unpleasant feeling, like she was weighing every word I said, every move I made, without me being able to guess her true intentions. I wasn't even sure what she was trying to achieve, but that uncertainty left me a bit uneasy.

Nagisa: Oh, well, yes, that's true, haha. But don't worry, we've thought about it and we'll be careful! And besides, I admit... I got a bit of help to buy it. I said this with a nervous smile, scratching the back of my head slightly.

Hayasaka: Hayasaka looked at me intently, with an unusual seriousness. Don't worry about it, we all agreed, it was a collective decision. She nodded, her cold expression giving her a certain charm, honestly... Then she turned back to Furudo. We've taken your advice into account, and many of us have probably already felt some doubts in class. Don't worry about us, we'll stay vigilant.

Furudo: Oh, I see, how considerate of you. It looks like a tight-knit group is already forming, isn't it? *Giggle* *giggle*. But alas, as pleasant as this encounter is, I must excuse myself. I'm actually quite busy.

Hayasaka had clearly noticed my discomfort. She seemed ready to intervene, her eyes fixed on Furudo with an intensity that suggested she was analyzing her deeply. It was as if she was trying to decipher Furudo's intentions, to uncover what was hidden behind her demeanor. Furudo is truly intriguing, isn't she?

Just before Furudo could take her leave, after giving a slight bow, something caught my attention. My gaze fell on her bag, and what I saw left me perplexed. The bag was filled with an absurd amount of adhesive tape. Huh? What could she possibly need all that tape for? The more I tried to understand, the more she became a mystery to me.

My mind was so absorbed by this sight that, without really thinking, I suddenly called out to her, my voice breaking the silence just before she could walk away completely.

Nagisa: Oh, wait, I just noticed something... Why did you buy so much tape? Don't you think that's a bit excessive?

My question seemed to stop Furudo in her tracks. She turned back with a smooth motion, as if she had been expecting this, and fixed me again with that enigmatic smile she had perfected. But this time, there was something different in that smile, something that sent a shiver down my spine. A strange shiver, almost indescribable, that left me uncertain about her true intentions.

At that moment, a doubt crossed my mind: maybe I shouldn't have questioned her. Maybe my curiosity should have stayed dormant instead of venturing onto such uncertain ground. I let out a slight nervous laugh as I thought about it, wondering if I hadn't stirred something that should have been left alone.

Furudo: Oh, well... isn't it a bit strange to invest in such an expensive knife on the very first day of school? *Giggle* *giggle*. It seems we both have a bit of an eccentric taste, don't we?

I stood there, stunned by her remark, surprised by the tone of her voice and her chuckle, this time a bit more pronounced. I looked back at her, trying to maintain a smile, though mine was much more embarrassed, almost awkward, accompanied by a slight nervous laugh.

Yeah, I probably should've kept quiet... What a stupid question. The last thing I want is to get on a classmate's bad side right from the start. And thinking about it, she's not entirely wrong... It's probably no stranger to carry around an absurd amount of adhesive tape than to walk around with a freshly bought knife on the first day of school, right? Haha...

Nagisa: Ah, yes, you're right, sorry, I didn't mean to be too curious. I gave her a somewhat embarrassed smile. We'll probably see each other in class, then. See you later!

In the end, to my words, Erika Furudo only responded with a light chuckle, followed by one of those enigmatic smiles she was so good at. Without another word, she made a small graceful bow, as if to seal this moment with an almost theatrical elegance. Then, she turned and walked away as mysteriously as she had appeared, leaving behind a faint air of mystery and perplexity.

Hayasaka and I stood there for a moment, a bit unsettled by the encounter. We exchanged a look, perhaps searching for an explanation or an echo of our own thoughts in each other's eyes. But what I found in Hayasaka's gaze was a mix of curiosity and disbelief that likely mirrored my own state of mind. A small embarrassed smile crept onto my lips, almost involuntarily.

There was definitely something intriguing about her, something I didn't understand yet, but that sparked a curiosity I couldn't ignore.

OST ends.

I think I've never had such a strange encounter in my life... Erika Furudo was a unique character, without a doubt. She had this singular aura, this extravagance that set her apart from others, as if she moved in a world of her own, a world where the rules we know didn't really apply. And even though I never want to suspect one of my classmates, I couldn't help but wonder about her behavior. Honestly, who walks around with such an excessive amount of adhesive tape for no apparent reason?

It was almost as if she carried that tape with a kind of detached pride, aware that it attracted attention but indifferent to others' judgment. In reality, she wasn't even trying to hide anything; she was just letting a mysterious aura surround her, as if she knew something we didn't. And, in a way, that fascinated me as much as it unsettled me.

But one thing was clear: Furudo wasn't just eccentric, she was also incredibly intelligent. She had already demonstrated that in class, and I couldn't help but wonder what she might be planning with all that tape. Did she have a plan? An idea in mind that no one else could guess? Whatever it was, it probably wasn't really my business. After all, everyone has their reasons for acting the way they do, and it's not up to me to judge them.

Looking back, I realize that I probably shouldn't have questioned her about it. Curiosity pushed me to do it, but she was right about one thing: walking around with a knife on the first day of school isn't necessarily more reasonable. An embarrassed smile stretched across my lips at the thought. It was almost ironic, really. While I was internally mocking her for the tape, here I was, with a brand new knife in my bag. Deep down, maybe we were both a bit more alike than I wanted to admit.

Hayasaka: You can say she's intriguing, she's probably hiding a lot... But honestly, I don't care. As long as she's not a threat to me, Miss Kaguya, or you now, it's not my concern.

Nagisa: Haha, yeah, that's true. Better not to think too much about it.


Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I hope you haven't completely forgotten about me during all this time! I apologize for the long absence, but here I am, finally back after all this time! During this break, I had the chance to think through a lot of things and, most importantly, to refine the entire storyline I had in mind for the continuation. I truly hope you'll enjoy it!

That said, I must admit that this particular chapter isn't exactly groundbreaking. I know, it might not be extraordinary... In fact, you could even say it's kind of a summary of the formation of a group of friends, without much novelty. I didn't really know how to enrich this chapter further, so I apologize for its somewhat underwhelming quality.

But don't worry, the next chapter promises to be more engaging, or so I hope, hehe~. I hope it'll keep your attention! As always, feel free to leave a comment if you feel like it, it's always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you once again for your loyalty and patience!

??? : *Giggle* *giggle* *giggle*. Fascinating, I must admit, this way of doing things... Do you intend to then beg your readers to leave a review?

What? What the... Wait a second, I don't remember writing this dialogue... Who's messing with my account? I'm sure I haven't given my credentials to anyone, so what's going on >.<?! No, wait... I recognize that way of speaking perfectly... No, this can't be real... You're joking, right? I don't recall giving you permission to intrude on MY story!! How are you doing this? You're not supposed to be able to interact with me, let alone in this story that wasn't supposed to break the fourth wall so blatantly!! The readers are going to be completely lost after this!! And what's this about "begging"? I just asked for feedback, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?!

??? : Oh, how wicked you are, truly. *Giggle*  *giggle*  *giggle*. But wasn't it you who brought me here in the first place? You couldn't have possibly expected me to just remain a passive observer, could you? I'm always present when things get interesting! But I suppose you know me well enough to understand that, don't you?

Grrr... This is so unfair! Since when do you act like this? Usually, you just stay on the sidelines, right? Don't come interfering in my story!! I don't want this to turn into a bloodbath or a massacre! This is supposed to be a fanfiction based on Classroom of the Elite, not Umineko! So, get out, or at least stay quiet and watch silently!!

??? : *Giggle*  *giggle*  *giggle*  *giggle*. But rest assured, I have no intention of stepping out of my role as a mere spectator; that doesn't interest me. I much prefer savoring this story while observing what you're cooking up. I'll simply enjoy reading from within, so fear not, child of man. However, something is missing, isn't it? Perhaps a touch of detective work? After all, you've included several works involving murders...

Huh? What? What are you talking about? What kind of absurd poll is this?! I would never allow such a thing, and... ugh... I knew adding you to the story was a bad idea! There's no way I'm letting murders happen in MY story, never, you hear me? Never!!

If you want to write your own bloody drama, do it somewhere else! Why are you interfering with my story, huh? I'm the author here, not you, and I won't let any other witch trample on this world! Not even you, Featherine Augustus Aurora!

Featherine: *Giggle*  *giggle*. I really appreciate your attitude, you know. I could almost invite you to become one of my Miko! So, why not let your dear readers decide the fate of this work? For or against a few corpses and a touch of magic? I'm sure it would add an undeniable charm to this world!

What? Magic now? I clearly said from the beginning that I didn't want that in my story!! Get out, don't come corrupting this narrative, it's out of the question! And besides, the readers will be on my side, right? Right? Of course, they will!! So, get lost and leave my story alone!! Witches have no place here, they have no right to interfere!!

Featherine: Come now, trust me, you know very well how I am, don't you? Don't worry, I'll only offer a tiny bit of help and will intervene just a little when the mood strikes me to steer this story. After all, I really do want this tale to be truly captivating.

Tch, fine, I get it!! Do what you want, but I'll fix the mess afterward... At least the readers are warned now. If things go wrong, it won't be my fault!! So, please choose wisely... Do you really want there to be deaths every now and then? Or not at all?

next chapter
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