CH988: Vacating to save Life
{A.Q: Take good care of your reputation. It's going to live longer than you.}
Enjoy the Chapter!
These two were none other than Fatima and Mary who had to act rashly to prevent the cartel from kidnapping the Ocampo mother and daughter.
The two Alphas, with Will Armaments draw, proceeded to lay waste to the cartel Sicarios without holding back.
Bestial/ Primal Energy and True Aura fuel their physical attributes and attacks that the elite trained Sicarios stood no chance at all against them.
The Sicarios were soon dead on the ground in less than a minute.
Mrs Ocampo wrapped her arms protectively around her daughter, preventing her from seeing the violence and bloodshed around them.
<Are you okay?> Mary walked up to the mother and daughter.
Fatima kept her dagger out of sight and confirmed she didn't have any blood on her before getting close to the Ocampo's.