13.79% SOLDIERs in Marvel's Hogwarts / Chapter 16: Chapter 18 & 19 - Harry Potter

章節 16: Chapter 18 & 19 - Harry Potter

[I messed the timeline a little so I had to do a bit of rewrite. The first half of the chapter is the same, but the second half is more than a little different. Fair warning. Had to skip the second year of their term, and we are moving onto the Third Year. 1991-1992.]

[Also I will be posting 4 chapters weekly (6000 words in total). 2 will be free available here, and 2 more can be accessed on my buy me a coffee or the patre-on.




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Enjoy! (Copyable link is in the Synopsis)


Hogwart's term ended on the 1st of July, and it started again on the 1st of September. That meant the children got a break of 60 days.

Although, that didn't matter much to Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. The thing with Hogwarts was that the dorms were private, and no one could enter without a password.

The chances of a teacher coming to check on them were minuscule, and even if they did, they could say that they went to wander around at night. It might give them a few minus points, but that was ok with them. If they wanted to earn plus points, there were many ways.

So, they could come and go anytime they wanted, though usually, they tried not to take such a risk unless needed.

To begin with, they now had an organization with thousands of operatives. But since most of them were a family, that cut down the locations they can be deployed to 250 to 300 at max.

Even if these operatives had to steal anything, they had to observe their target, know the security measures, and ensure they weren't seen. Even doing a single job took a week, and they had to lie low for the rest of the month.

Nevertheless, they had gotten more than enough resources to make a spaceship. But one wouldn't do it; the more significant the size, the more challenging it for them to make more.

Even after months of hard work from the operatives, they had barely managed to create one. And this was because it took nearly a year for the Skrulls to become a mundane part of the locations they were assigned. Things were different now; since the holidays, they had all the free time and could help the operatives.

"Sir Cloud, it's safe, but we don't have much time."

Cloud opened his eyes, glancing at the broad road filled with tanks, bullets, guns, and bodies, "Hm, that's enough then."

"Repello Muggletum," A magic wave spread out from him, covering the whole area, and he ordered, "Collect everything other than the bodies. You have time."

"Yes, Sir!"

Cloud watched the Skrulls, who looked no different from humans, collect the items, pick them up one after the another, putting them in the bag. He wanted to help, but the voices in his head had a point.

If they got used to the easy way, they'd know how much effort they put in. So, he stayed put, even when he could do it much faster.

He sighed, waiting, watching them put tanks in the bags they were given.

'Someone sharp enough might notice that. Not every country has a sack-like that.'

Cloud closed his eyes, 'I already know that.'

'Maybe we should try putting a charm on different things,' Cloud wondered when he had an idea, 'Maybe that one? No, it could be customizable.'

He opened the system screen, directly going to the organization chat window, and typed his message. If you wanted to type anything on the system screen, there were two ways: activating a virtual keyboard or speaking in your mind.

He sometimes felt that the system didn't decipher the language but the intent. He got tongue-tied when he wasn't used to speaking, but the System understood what he said and wrote that down before sending the message.

Every operative, at that moment, heard his voice in their head, and so did Tifa and Aerith, hearing the question he asked, 'If you could replace the sack with some other item, then what would you choose?'

'Really, we can replace these?'

'Finally, wearing a suit and carrying a sack was awkward.'

'Sir!! You heard my wish!!'

'I want a handbag with bright colors and a metallic finish. And from Louis Vuitton or Fendi perhaps.'

Cloud felt a question mark appear on the top of his head, scratching his cheek, but he had to continue to read more replies.

'I want a briefcase.'

'I wonder if Sir could arrange a hat with a secret compartment and expand that secret compartment? That way, it can be a hat, and that secret compartment can be the space where I keep things.'

'Oh!! Brilliant idea! Then I want a stick with a secret compartment! A hollow stick! Maybe something that snaps close!'

'You are too excited; something like my shirt pocket would do.'

'Wouldn't that mean you would have to wear the same shirt daily?'

'Oh, right.'

'Maybe a coat?'

'In summers?'

'Clothes are a bad idea, period.'

'How about a secret compartment in a ring?'


"Maybe this was a bad idea," Cloud watched as the chat continued.

'Need help?'

"Do you have a brilliant idea?" He whispered under his breath.

'Just make a reward system.'

"Hm, right," Cloud typed a new message.

'Each month, top ten teams with the most haul would be rewarded with customized items.'

The next moment felt like a truck had hit his brain with all the messages, so much that he had to put the chat on silent with their wishes.

The way this chat worked wasn't that they had the whole digital window thing; instead, the connection worked through one of the three as the core.

Be it him, Tifa, or Aerith, as long as they didn't close it; the others could hear and talk, even somehow remember, but they didn't see anything extra.

Some of them knew it was magic; the others wondered but couldn't come to an answer.

Cloud felt a shadow on top of him, raising his eyes to look up at a woman wearing a business suit and a flattering smile on her lips, shining in her eyes, "Sir Cloud. Isn't it possible to get me a handbag? Mine could be a trial version."

Cloud confusedly looked at him, "Aren't you a guy? Why are you transformed into a girl?"

"Ugh," The Skrull scratched their cheek, "It's more fun. But sir, if possible. Can I get an accessory?! A bag?!"

Cloud sighed; he couldn't reject on his face, "Maybe… write down what you want, where it could be bought from. I'd ask another operative to buy before enhancing it."

"Thank you so much! Sir!" The woman (Guy) ran off, grinning happily, but when he thought more might come running over, the woman didn't tell anyone and kept to herself.

'That one is cunning. Good for you.'

Cloud scratched his head, turning towards the last tank in the sack.

Everyone got their sack; usually, they had another meeting place where they would put all these items in a much larger sack. Since they didn't have to hurry, they already put it all in a much larger sack, which they presented to him.

He decided against it and let them have their celebration.


"I wonder how Cloud is doing?"

"Hm?" Aerith gently opened her eyes, enjoying the mid-day sun on her face, "All I know is that he forgot to close the chat window after putting it on mute."

"True…though the ideas they are coming up with are good."

"I know. I like the idea of a necklace that could open, and there is expanded space inside. Maybe, we should try it?"

"Maybe…" Tifa's gaze looked distant when she muttered.

Aerith giggled, turning over her stomach, looking up, "Or could it be that you want Cloud to do it? Gift you with something nice?"

"Not really; I doubt Cloud would even think about that stuff," She sighed, "Most of the voices in his head being of SOLDIERS doesn't help either."

Aerith giggled, putting her forehead on her forearm, laughing, "That's so true."

Tifa chuckled with her, taking a deep breath and relief, "Moreover, I don't think I want a ring or any accessory, maybe gloves? But then he would have to buy a lot of gloves for me."

She looked over her shoulder, wondering, "I wonder how's Wendy doing."

"Too busy probably, after all, even with the Skrulls that came to live here, to help her with things, and even with all our help. It doesn't change the fact that she is making a Spaceship."

"It's a good thing that we learned the Golemancy. Or we would have been in trouble. We should have thought of that when we asked her to create a spaceship," Tifa scratched her cheek.

"Yup, yup. Professor McGonagall saved our life!"

"That much is true."

"Look, whose back. Would you mind closing the chat window?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," Cloud closed the chat window, sitting beside them.

Tifa placed her palm on his, leaning forward to kiss his lips, "Welcome home."

Cloud gently held the palm of her hand, kissing her back, until Aerith stopped them.

"I often tell you not to do that in front of me! I get jealous!" Aerith pushed them away from each other.

Cloud pulled away, turning his eyes towards Aerith, sharing a smile with her.

"It's my turn…I should go help them."

Cloud held the palm of her hand, stopping her, "Don't…the battlefield is littered with bodies."

Tifa hesitated, kneeling before him, "I understand where I am going. I can handle this, Cloud."

"Ok," Cloud took away his hand, nodding, "I'll believe in you."

"Me too," Aerith grinned, sitting up, leaning over Cloud, "I'll take care of Cloud till then."

Tifa tapped on her system screen, ignoring Aerith's provocations, disappearing.

"Do you have to tease her so much?"

Aerith leaned over Cloud, resting her head on his shoulder, "Why do you think I am teasing her?"

Cloud looked at the distant scenery, wondering, "Do you even like me? Sometimes I feel…I am someone you should hate."

"Why would you think that?" Aerith raised her head in surprise.

"I don't know," Cloud shook his head, just a feeling.

Aerith raised her head and planted her lips on his before he even realized what she was doing. She grinned, "Do you think I would do this to someone I hate?"

Cloud wiped his lips, pulling away, "You are…going to get me killed."

Aerith raised her body, wrapping her hands around his neck, leaning forward on him, whispering, "You know, Cloud…you don't have to worry. Tifa and I made a deal…about sharing you."

"Deal?" Cloud pulled away, pushing her face back, "I didn't make that kind of deal, and as much as I remember, there are two in this relationship."

Aerith chuckled, "So you agree that it's a relationship."

Cloud lay down on the grass, closing his eyes, "Aerith…do you enjoy it?"

Aerith lay beside him, resting her face on his upper arm and closing her eyes, "As much as you enjoy rejecting me."

Cloud felt his heart beat faster, whispering, "I am not sure…if the feelings I am feeling for you…are mine."

Aerith turned over, propping her body on her elbows and tilting her head, "Cloud…."

She rested her head on his chest, stroking his abdomen, "Ok. Take your time."

The vacations went by fast, and the necessary material they had collected was more than they did in the last year and six months. The month of September came, and the third year started as well.

The year passed peacefully; the only trouble was that wars in some places stopped because of the interference and disappearance of the weapons and tanks.

Though many provinces in the USSR desired to become a republic, they were adamant about fighting. The USA had a new president, supplying them with arms to help them become independent.

At first, the three of them wondered if they should take one or two of this consignment but then decided otherwise. After all, these weapons would be used for people who wholeheartedly wanted to be free.

Though they didn't plan to take these consignments or the consignments from Russia, they did plan to mark a few things. If these provinces succeeded, then USSR would break apart, and if a few things disappeared, no one would notice.

Right-back again, their third year started, and on the first day, they went to the train station like any other student rather than teleporting.

Cloud rushed in the pillar, coming to the remote station, weaving through the rowdy crowd on the other side. Most of the compartments were filled by now when he heard his name.

"Cloud! Over here!"

It wasn't Tifa or Aerith who went ahead of him, but Fred and George waved their hands. Their whole family was there, and so were Tifa and Aerith. He walked over, greeting them, "Hey."

He stood a few steps away, looking at Molly wipe Ron's nose as he tried to pull away, "Another one of you?"

"Hahahaha," Fred put his hand around Cloud, "Don't worry. He's isn't as handful as us."


Cloud gave a tiny smirk at what Fred said, nodding towards Percy, who had called out to him. He noticed that Percy was already in his black Hogwarts robes, unlike them who'd changed their dress in the train compartments.

"I must go. I am upfront; the prefects have got two compartments-"

George gasped in surprise, "Oh, are you perfect?"

Fred continued, "Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it."



"A minute?"

"All summer?"

"Oh, shut up," Percy rolled his eyes at his brother's, nodding towards Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, "I am a Prefect-"

This time he, too, bursts into laughter with everyone else. He was embarrassed; he shook his head, "I have to go up front."

"Hey, now that you are the Prefect, we want inside information," Aerith grinned.

Percy chuckled, "We'll see. Make sure you spend your nights inside the dorm room rather than roaming the halls. No one ever figured out how is it that you three manage to stay hidden."

"That's a trade secret," Tifa had her hands around Ginny's neck, who was enjoying it.

"How come Percy gets a new robe anyway?" Fred complained, only for Cloud to lean towards him, whispering under his breath.

"As far as I remember…."

George covered Cloud's moutsto not let their mother know they had been earning money through their side hustle, "Oh, guess who we saw!"


"Harry Potter!!"

Ginny's eyes shone, "Oh, Mom! Can I go on the train and see him? Mom, please…."

"You have already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isn't something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he Fred? How do you know?"

"Asked him, saw his scar. It's there…like lightning."

"Poor dear – no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was very polite when he asked how to get onto the platform."

Cloud exchanged a look with Tifa and Aerith, realizing that all three had no idea what they were talking about. Despite Fred and George's best effort, he effortlessly pulled their hands away from his mouth, "Who is…Harry Potter?"

His words caused the silence in the group, and he gestured in Tifa and Aerith's direction, "They don't know too."

"I know!" Aerith took offense at how he threw them under the bus. She looked away, not meeting the family's eyes.

"Harry Potter, the—" the sound of the whistle cut off Fred, and their mothers hurried them.

"Go, go, and don't talk about all this. Focus on your studies and your three this year; I do not hear any excuses. The winter vacations start, and you three are coming home with Fred and George."

"Really?! You are coming?" Ginny turned around, looking at Tifa and Aerith with hopeful eyes.

Tifa knelt before Ginny, kissing her cheek, "As long as you promise, you won't cry."

"I won't!" Ginny hadn't met Tifa and Aerith many times, maybe only four or five, but she wrote them a letter after meeting once.

Finding that cute, they started exchanging letters with her, and the little girl got attached to them; after all, she was the only girl in her family, and the only other person of her gender was her mother.

Ron, Fed, George, and Cloud had already climbed on the train, and it had already started moving, "Tifa, Aerith."

"Oh, sweet Ginny! I will write you a lot of letters! Bye!" Aerith kissed her cheek, waving her hands. Tifa jumped up on the train, and both she and Cloud put their hand out, taking hers, pulling her up.

Cloud put his hand around her waist, holding her, "Are you ok?"

Aerith put her palm together, grinning at him, "My Hero."

"Don't make me push you out of the train."

"You, my brother, are a waste of good looks and talent," Fred complained, pulling Cloud forward, "Let's go find a place to sit."

"Aerith, forget about him. How about I be your hero?"

Aerith thought, looking away in embarrassment, "Do I have to spell it out?"

Tifa chuckled, walking past a devastated George as Aerith followed right after, too embarrassed to stay.

The two of them for a moment, seeing Cloud standing in front of a compartment, having opened its door.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. I was getting a good look at Harry Potter."

Tifa raised her eyes, seeing him say that out loud in front of the boy, and she waved at Harry Potter, giving him a sweet, apologetic smile whilst she pushed Cloud forward. However, Harry was dazed and forgot to greet her back.

Only when Aerith greeted Harry Potter did he snap out of the daze and greet back, whereas they moved over to the next compartment.

"So, what is the story there?"

George rushed over from behind, having heard Tifa's question, "Right. The three of you are too good at magic, so much better than any so-called nobles. I forget you are not from around."

Tifa looked over her shoulder, "Did we…lose your little brother?"

"Oh, who cares about him? He must have found a place," Fred rubbed his hand, "Let's find a place to sit, and we will tell you all about Harry Potter."

The half of the trip was as one would expect, like any other year, and before Fred and George ran to play around, they did tell them about Harry Potter and You-Know-Who.

Since they had been so interested in magic, they didn't see much in the history of the magical world, something they had decided to read now, hearing the exciting story.

Although Tifa and Aerith were worried that it might have hit too close to home, "Cloud?"

"Hm," Cloud, gazing at the scenery outside the window, pulled his gaze away, turning towards Aerith.

"You, ok?"

"Yeah," Cloud kept gazing out the window, "I'll protect her, save her, the next time."

"And I will make sure there is a next time."

Aerith jumped on her feet, cupping his cheek to force him to look at her, "Cloud. You are being silly. It's not I…it's we. We are going to make sure there is a second time. Alright?"


next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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