11.11% Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension / Chapter 3: Butterfly Effect

章節 3: Butterfly Effect

Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador, raced to Helgen with a single, cold purpose—she would not miss the chance to see Ulfric Stormcloak, the rebellious leader she had so fervently opposed, meet his end. The urgency of the moment pushed her to leave behind even her closest guards, her robes billowing as she hastened her pace. As Helgen's imposing walls came into view, a smirk touched her lips, imagining the sweet victory of witnessing Ulfric's final moments.

However, as she approached the fortress, the air trembled with an ominous roar. The ground shook, and her heart raced—not with excitement, but a sudden, gripping fear. A dragon, immense and furious, swooped down, its scales glistening like night against the sunlit sky. Elenwen's eyes widened in disbelief; dragons were the stuff of legends, not flesh and fire.

Reacting swiftly, Elenwen chanted in the ancient tongue of her people, weaving a complex spell of protection. A shimmering dome of magical energy enveloped her just as the dragon's fiery breath descended upon Helgen, turning stone to slag and flesh to ash. The heat was unbearable, even behind her magical shield. The spell drained her energy, drawing deeply from her reserves of strength and will.

As the dragon continued its assault, Elenwen staggered through the chaos, her shield flickering with each blast of fiery breath. Buildings crumbled around her, screams echoed in the smoky air, and the scent of charred death filled the atmosphere. Her mind raced—not only was Ulfric's execution thwarted, but now she was trapped in a maelstrom of destruction, her life hanging by the thread of her waning magic.

When the initial fury of the attack subsided, Elenwen lowered her shield. Her robes were singed, and her face smeared with soot. She leaned against a scorched wall, catching her breath, her heart raced as she stood amidst the ruin of Helgen, her body trembling not only from the exertion of sustaining her protective spells but also from the raw fear incited by the dragon's attack. Exhaustion clung heavily to her bones, the drain of her magical defenses leaving her acutely vulnerable for the first time in years.

As the dust and ash settled around her, her senses dulled by fatigue and her eyes half-closed, she contemplated the irony of the situation. She, a Thalmor Ambassador, had survived a dragon's wrath only to find herself weakened and stranded in the very place she had come to gloat. In her pursuit to savor Ulfric's fall, she had exposed herself to dangers she hadn't imagined.

The sound of her own labored breathing filled her ears, the silence around her unnaturally heavy. It was then, in that vulnerable stillness, that death approached—silent and unseen.

Sarah, skilled in the arts of stealth and archery, moved through the smoky ruins like a shadow. Her Boots of Silence masked her footsteps completely, her form blurred by the cloak of stealth she wore. The chaotic aftermath of the dragon's attack provided the perfect cover, allowing her to close the distance between herself and Elenwen without detection.

It wasn't until the cold steel of a dagger pressed lightly against her throat that Elenwen realized her end was near. She opened her eyes, catching the briefest glimpse of Sarah—her face a mask of determination and vengeance. In that fleeting moment, Elenwen understood the fatal error of her ways. Her obsession with witnessing Ulfric's execution, her disregard for the reports of growing unrest and the underestimation of those she deemed as mere pawns in the Thalmor's grand scheme had led her here.

"Too late," Sarah whispered, almost regretfully. The dagger slid across Elenwen's throat with a swift, sure motion, her lifeblood spilling out as quickly as her ambitions.

As Elenwen slumped to the ground, her life ebbing away, her mind was awash with clarity. Her last thoughts were of her own folly, of how her arrogance had not only led her into the jaws of death but had also blinded her to the real powers at play—the resilience of Skyrim's people and the forces that would shape its destiny.

In her final breath, Elenwen realized the depth of her miscalculations. The Thalmor might have had plans for Skyrim, but so too did its people, and as she faded from the world, she regretted not seeing the true enemy for what it was—her own pride.

Victor's POV

Victor, perched high upon the remnants of Helgen's battered wall, watched as Sarah moved like a ghost through the ruins below. He was torn between admiration for her stealth and the stark reminder of the seriousness of their mission. As Sarah neared Elenwen, Victor's strategic mind kicked into gear. He realized that the Thalmor Ambassador, alive or dead, could be of immense value, particularly to Ulfric Stormcloak.

Deciding to gather more information, Victor focused his gaze on Elenwen and activated his Analyse skill, a tool that had proven invaluable since his arrival in Skyrim. The skill provided not just a physical or skill assessment but could delve deeper into the current state of the target. As he initiated the analysis, a detailed overlay appeared before his eyes:

Elenwen - Thalmor Ambassador

Political Influence: Exceptional - Commands extensive influence within the Thalmor hierarchy and over Imperial affairs in Skyrim, shaping major strategic decisions.

Magical Proficiency: Master - Possesses masterful control over a wide range of powerful spells, with a specialization in defensive magics and illusions that typically make her nearly invulnerable.

Physical Condition: Critically Weakened - Currently suffering from extreme exhaustion due to the overuse of powerful magics during the dragon attack.

Strategic Value: Extremely High - Holds top-level secrets and insights into Thalmor strategies and plans.

Loyalty: Absolute - Her commitment to the Thalmor cause is unwavering, with a profound belief in their right to rule and a disdain for all opposition.

Emotional State: Desperate yet Defiant - Although currently overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events and her physical debilitation, her resolve to maintain her dignity and authority remains strong.

With this information at hand, Victor weighed the implications. Capturing Elenwen could indeed turn the tide in many ways for the Stormcloak rebellion, yet the immediate danger she posed was minimal, leaving them with options.

Victor's contemplation was cut short as he watched Sarah pause, her figure tensing as if she sensed the weight of the decision she was about to make. Knowing her skill and the element of surprise were on their side, Victor understood this was a critical moment. Should he intervene, call her off and suggest taking Elenwen prisoner? Or should he trust Sarah's judgment, knowing her instincts had been reliable so far?

He hesitated, his hand hovering near the signal whistle that would call her back. But as he saw Sarah's resolve harden, and Elenwen's obliviousness to her approaching doom, Victor decided. This was not a game of politics or prisoners for Sarah, it seemed personal and she, with her lethal quietude, was already in motion, and there was no going back.

Sarah's approach was silent, her steps muffled by the enchanted boots, her presence nearly invisible thanks to the stealth cloak. As she drew her dagger, a reflection from the fire glinting off the blade was the only sign of her movement. Elenwen, lost in her own exhausted turmoil, sensed something only a moment too late.

As Victor watched, ready to intervene if necessary, he saw Sarah strike—a swift, clean movement, a silent execution that was over before it truly began. Elenwen collapsed, her secrets and plans falling with her. Victor felt a chill as he realized the weight of what had transpired; Sarah had not just killed a high-ranking Thalmor, she had shifted the dynamics of all of Skyrim.

From his vantage point, Victor took a deep breath and examined the scene below. The fires had begun to die down, casting long, flickering shadows over the ruins of Helgen. Sarah was still for a moment, standing over Elenwen's body, then she knelt down and began to search the Thalmor Ambassador's person.

Victor knew she was not searching for valuables or coin. No, Sarah was a woman of purpose and foresight. She was searching for something much more valuable - information. Letters, orders, any sort of document that might give them further insight into the Thalmor's plans.

He saw her pull out a roll of parchment and unroll it quickly, her brows furrowing as she scanned its contents. He wished he could see what was on it; he wished he could be at her side to decipher its meaning together. But he will do that later, for the moment it seemed that Sarah had forgotten that he could store anything in his inventory including bodies. He will present the ambassador's body to Ulfric after all he had said that he will reword them handsomely and this should count for a lot.

Sarah rose fluidly and disappeared back into the shadows from whence she came. She would find him soon enough, Victor knew, and share whatever she had found. Until then, he would keep watch.

The deathly silence returned after Sarah's departure; an eerie calm settling once again over the ravaged town of Helgen. Victor surveyed his surroundings with an experienced eye - there were no other immediate threats that he could discern.

Yet he remained alert, his senses tuned to detect any danger that might approach. They had achieved a significant victory tonight with the elimination of Elenwen, but Victor knew better than to relax prematurely. The Thalmor were not an enemy to be underestimated; they were cunning and ruthless, and they would not take Elenwen's demise lightly. They would be looking for revenge, and the Stormcloaks would be their first presumed suspect.

Victor's gaze swept over the ruins again, but his mind was elsewhere. He was thinking of Ulfric Stormcloak, the Jarl of Windhelm and leader of the rebellion. Victor knew that with Elenwen dead and her secrets in their hands, their cause had just gained significant momentum. Still, Ulfric was a man driven by honor and pride, perhaps too much like Elenwen herself. This victory could make him complacent or worse reckless; it was crucial to ensure the man did not let this newfound advantage cloud his judgement.

Suddenly, Victor heard a familiar soft rustling sound—the stealthy footsteps of Sarah returning from her successful mission. He didn't need to look back to know she had arrived; his heightened senses alerted him just in time before she spoke.

"Found something," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper yet clearly audible in the silent ruins. Her figure emerged from the shadows, a solitary silhouette against the dying flames.

She produced a rolled-up parchment—probably the one Victor had seen earlier—and handed it to him. As he took it from her, his fingers brushed against hers and he felt an unexpected jolt of warmth. It was a small thing, an insignificant touch amid all that had happened tonight, yet it somehow anchored him in this chaotic world.

Victor unrolled the parchment carefully and began to read while Sarah watched on silently.

The document was highly encrypted with Thalmor ciphers; of course it was. Nothing less to be expected from Elenwen, the Thalmor's walking vault of secrets. As Sarah's steady presence warmed his side, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. Victor, intrigued and ever the strategist, decided to apply his Analyze skill to the documents, curious about any hidden codes or encryption that might shield their true value.

Activating the skill, Victor expected a challenge—a puzzle that would require time and patience to decode. Instead, the text before him shifted, rearranged, and clarified into perfect, comprehensible language. His Analyze skill had not only identified any obfuscation but had effortlessly translated everything. The unexpected ease of it struck him, and a burst of laughter escaped him, echoing off the charred stone walls around him. The absurdity of such power, to lay bare secrets so guarded, amused him deeply in the grim setting of their surroundings.

Without delving too deeply into the contents, knowing their potential value and that every second could count, Victor quickly decided to secure all possible assets from Elenwen. He leaped down from the wall, a decisiveness in his step fueled by the realization of what he now possessed. He approached Elenwen's body, his mind set on claiming not just the documents but all items of value she carried—her enchanted robes, her staff, the rings, and amulets that might further strengthen their position against the Thalmor and aid in their quest.

Sarah followed silently, her presence a steady constant behind him. She watched as Victor swiftly gathered the high-level loot, understanding the importance of their find but saying nothing. Her thoughts, while hidden, aligned with the pragmatism of their survival and the broader implications of their fight for Skyrim's future.

Victor, now laden with the spoils of their grim victory, looked over the items with a strategist's eye, recognizing each as a piece of a larger puzzle in their ongoing struggle. With the documents that could potentially shift the power dynamics in Skyrim, the magical items that would enhance their abilities, and the physical reminders of their victory over a high-ranking Thalmor official, Victor felt a surge of proactive determination.

Victor and Sarah made their way into the keep, the sound of their footsteps bouncing off the walls of the once towering fortress. Elenwen's body and possessions were safely stowed away in Victor's inventory, allowing them to continue on their journey through the ruins. As they ventured further, Victor relied on his past experiences in the game to guide them through the maze-like corridors. The air was filled with debris and a tangible sense of destruction, a haunting reminder of the dragon's devastating attack.

As they moved through the keep, Victor was meticulous, pausing occasionally to gather anything of value that had survived the attack. From scattered weapons and armor to various alchemical ingredients left untouched by the fire, nothing escaped his notice. He even packed away some of the iron cages, thinking they might come in handy later. "Never know when you might need one of these," he remarked, a hint of humor in his voice despite the grim surroundings.

The journey through the keep was a quiet one, but as they entered the cavernous tunnels that would lead them out, Victor initiated conversation, aiming to lighten the mood and strengthen their burgeoning partnership.

"So, Sarah," he began, his voice echoing slightly off the cave walls, "before all this, what was your life like? What brought you to Skyrim?"

Sarah glanced at him, the flicker of torchlight casting shadows across her face. "It's a long story, really. I'm from Valenwood. Life there... it was different. Quieter, in some ways, but just as dangerous in others. I came looking for something new, a fresh start I suppose."

Victor nodded, understanding the allure of new beginnings. "Skyrim is certainly a place for that, though I'm not sure any of us expected dragons."

They shared a brief laugh, the sound mingling with the drip of water from the cave's ceiling. "What about you, Victor?" Sarah asked, stepping over a fallen beam. "What's your story?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out," Victor admitted, his tone light but sincere. "Let's just say I'm far from home, and every day here is something unexpected. But it's not without its thrills, right?"

Their conversation continued,the companionable banter echoing through the eeriness of the tunnel system, a thread of humanity spun through the cold stone and dark shadows. There was something about sharing stories that made this perilous journey feel less daunting, offering respite from the harsh realities of war and survival.

Sarah shared tales of Valenwood, her home; stories filled with lush forests, majestic cities in the trees and the feral beauty of her homeland. Victor felt his heart stir at her descriptions, resonating with the pull to return home. He remembered his own homeland, so different yet just as awe-inspiring. Her words painted a vivid picture in his mind, a testament to the enchanting beauty of her world.

Their conversation veered towards politics and ideologies eventually. She spoke about the Thalmor's encroachment on her homeland, their iron fist rule veiled in promises of elven supremacy. They had stripped away the culture and traditions of her people under the guise of progress and unity. Victor listened intently, understanding more than ever why Sarah was fighting alongside him against the same enemy.

He reciprocated by sharing his own experiences within Skyrim when it was still a game – of draugr-filled crypts and encounters with mythical creatures which sounded nearly fantastical up against Sarah's more grounded account. His anecdotes were woven with hints of mystery, occasionally punctuated by bursts of laughter from both as he recounted some of his more unusual adventures.

The camaraderie between them grew as they moved deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, their bond strengthening amidst shared laughter and somber reflections. The daunting weight of their task seemed lessened somehow through this connection – two warriors from different worlds bound on a singular quest. With every step they took, they left behind the eerie remnants of Elenwen's defeat and moved into the unknown depths of Skyrim, their path illuminated only by the flickering torchlight dancing against the uneven tunnel walls.

Sarah, once quiet and reserved, seemed to open up more as they journeyed, her words painting more vivid landscapes of Valenwood's untamed beauty. Victor found himself captivated not just by her stories but by Sarah herself - her strength, her spirit, and the fierce loyalty she harbored for her homeland. He felt increasingly fortunate to have her by his side in this unforgiving terrain.

Their trek continued through the dark tunnels until finally, a faint glow permeated the darkness ahead of them. The two companions exchanged a look – anticipation and relief reflected in each other's eyes. As they neared the tunnel's end, the glow brightened into a stunning vista of early morning light spilling over a limitless horizon. They had emerged, unscathed and victorious, onto a breathtaking view of Skyrim's vast expanse.

Victor stepped forward, feeling the cool morning air against his skin. An overwhelming sense of freedom washed over him; it was as if he'd been reborn into this world anew. Gazing out at the never-ending landscape before him filled with towering mountains, sprawling forests and glistening rivers snaking their way across the valley, he felt an indescribable sense of awe.

Beside him, Sarah drew in a sharp breath at the sight. Victor found himself studying her expression more closely, her eyes held an unfamiliar light that he hadn't noticed before - perhaps it was wonder or perhaps it was simply relief at having survived their journey through to here. The sunlight softened her features, casting gentle shadows that hinted at a depth of character he'd only just begun to understand. Looking into her eyes, he saw a strength forged in adversity and a steadfast resolve that matched his own. Either way, it changed her in his eyes. She was no longer just a companion, but a friend.

"Well, Sarah," he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached for her hand. "We've made it through one hell of a journey."

"We have," she agreed, squeezing his hand in return. Her smile was brilliant - not just in its physical beauty but also in the warmth it exuded - and he felt something shift within him at the sight.

As they stood there, absorbing the expansive vista around them, Victor felt something else - an undeniable connection to this world and its struggles. Despite his origins outside this reality, he'd entwined himself within its history, its present, and, inevitably, its future.

Autor note: Hey there again, I'll have to recognize, this chapter was a lot easier to put together, a big part is that I didn't have to plan a convoluted fight or many strategies, also I intentionally left why they grab each others hands, maybe its a handshake , maybe they are holding hands and watching the beautiful nature of Skyrim who knows? You don't.

Does anyone remembers who Elenwen was? Normally you meet her during the mission Diplomatic Immunity, maybe Delphine will be interested in this as well.

Anyway here is the loot from Elenwen, he is already wearing the rings. 3 rings is not a lot but can you imagine him wearing 10 or more of them? I'll have to think of a solution for that. I also added everything he looted from Helgen keep lower.

Thalmor Robes of Supreme Warding

- Increases magic resistance by 30% and reduces physical damage by 15%.

Staff of Thalmor Authority

- Casts powerful illusion spells that can pacify, frighten, or control opponents.

Ring of Diplomatic Immunity

-Boosts Speech skills by 25%; grants immunity to paralysis and arrest effects.

Amulet of Articulate Argument

-Increases Speechcraft and Barter skills by 20%.

Thalmor Documents

Description: These are sealed documents bearing the official seal of the Thalmor. Their contents are dense with strategic insights and covert operations, crucial for understanding the Thalmor's plans in Skyrim.

Effects: Can be used to gain advantages in negotiations or quests involving political intrigue.

Elenwen's Personal Grimoire

Description: This ancient tome contains Elenwen's personal collection of spells and arcane knowledge. The pages hum with potent magic, awaiting a worthy reader.

Learning from the grimoire grants a permanent increase to Destruction and Alteration magic skills.

Potions of Supreme Arcane Power

-Enhances Magicka regeneration rate and increases maximum Magicka by 2x for a while.

Insignia of the Thalmor

Description: A meticulously crafted insignia, this badge features intricate designs and is made of gold and precious gems, symbolizing a high rank within the Thalmor hierarchy.


Iron Swords (x3)

Iron Daggers (x2)

Steel Shields (x1)


Stormcloak Cuirasses (x2)

Imperial Light Armor (x3)

Leather Bracers (x4)

Leather Boots (x4)


Potions of Minor Healing (x3)

Potions of Stamina (x2)

Supplies and Miscellaneous:

Torch (x12)

Rope (x2)

Lockpicks (x5)

Gold Coins (x50)

Silver Necklace

Scroll of Barrier(x2)

Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach

Spell Tome: Flames

Spell Tome: Healing

Hanging Cages (x2)

Skeletons (x4)

Iron Gate (x1)

Dead Bodies (x6)


Assortment of plants not yet identified



Old Iron Key (x1)

Ps. As always I would like it very much if you see any mistakes or inconsistencies you would let me know as that would help me create a much better story. Thank you very much.

next chapter
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