87.5% Searching for the Ending / Chapter 7: Father of your Mother

章節 7: Father of your Mother

"No, that's not it. You as the gentleman should take care of the ladies problem. Tell me if someone were to attack your spouse in an alley what would you do?"

"I wouldn't have an spouse"

"That's not what we are talking about. This is considering you have a spouse. You know this is not life right? Perhaps when you go out you will realize"

You need to liven up child

"Then first I would look at whether he has a weapon or not. If it is a knife I can -"

"No, no, no. You have to make sure your spouse is fine, a simple goon can easily be dealt with. Your spouse's life is way more important."

He seemed confused but every child from here was the same. This organization is really good at making emotionless child aren't they

"Now, get up we will check which color goes well with you"

As he got up I took his measures and looked through my set of suits

"Why are we learning Ethics?"

They all would ask the same question. Did you kids think you learn ethics because this organization wishes for you to? No, I'm doing this secretly of course. Just so when you kids go out to normal life, if that somehow happens, these will help you to adapt faster.

"Assassins are not simple emotionless killers. You also need to be able to adapt to your situation, like if you were sent to kill a high ranking member of society in an party then you will need to be able to reach your target without any suspicion"

He stayed quiet after that

Let's see.. blue looks okay.

"What color do you prefer?"


Black is classic, we can skip that. Red doesn't fit

"Everybody likes something. Just pick one"

Wow, yellow looks really bad. Hmm oh this one is great!


Green! Ah, I thought we would say green at the same time

"Purple huh? Why?"

I gave give the green suit for him to wear

"Because you said pick one"

"No, I'm asking why purple among others. Did you pick randomly?"

He seemed to think as he wore the suit


"I don't know."

So he likes purple.

"Okay you can change back now. Take this suit with you, when you ever go out wear this"

Silently he changed and took his suit

"Good, now our lessons end today. So consider that suit present"

He was the last student and he had a tracking chip on his clothing. I took it out when I noticed it but it was too late. It seems the organization noticed my existence and found me.

"Now close your eyes, I will send you back."

He closed and I teleported him back. This super secret place of mine has been found huh, I guess I shouldn't have made it on top of a mountain

Anyways, a true gentleman would probably show them their place or something

I was not a true gentleman.

I am just a Ethics teacher with a blade sticking form his abdomen

As I looked back I saw an emotionless face looking at me. Bummer, I even knew this child

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,785,529]


A child was crying. His body riddles with tattoos

"Why.. Why do this to me?"

I entered the cave and slowly approached him

"Are you here to torture me as well?"

He looked weak, his whole body was thin. It seems he wasn't fed anything. His voice was course too

As I moved closer I touched his body

His whole body was bleeding


I did not want him to feel pain even for a moment. Pitiful child

Healing his whole body I stayed

I was surely to be killed as well because of this but who cares

Caressing his head I looked at him and whispered

"They call you the evil that threatened them but we all know you are not"

I pushed a bit of mana and his tattoos slowly turned blue but then I stopped. His body couldn't handle it

"You are the only good of this village. One who took on the evil just so others could live"

Chosen as a sacrifice or not, it doesn't matter

"They curse you, they blame you but at the same time they thank you. Thank you for being the chosen sacrifice"

"Who is there!?"

Another man entered inside with a spear on his hand

"This is not much but I hope it will suffice"

His hair was long, blocking his vision. I cut it down and tied a bandage so it wouldn't bother him

"What are you doing!?"

The man charged at me with his spear, considering me a threat

I didn't stop him or moved

"Please accept this flower. I buried one to the other side as well. Perhaps you will find it"

I hid the hortensia under the bandages so it wouldn't be found and taken


As the spear entered my body my blood fell on his body

I hope you will eventually forgive them child and find someone

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,815,627]


"She is just like you when you were young"

"Ah, don't bring up the past! But I do agree, she is just like me when I was younger"

She hit my waist as a small tear ran down her cheek

What did I do? It really hurt

"Ah sorry, I always forget you are weak"

You don't have to bring that up always!

"You cheeky bastard."

With my cane I followed her around but failed to catch her

"Hah.. haa…"

She turned around after realizing and helped me

"Gramps come, let's lie you down"

With her help she lied to me on the grass under us.

"Hah, now I envy you fairies"

In this life I had a sickness which prevented me from using magic. I could not live for longer or heal myself this time

My heart was beating extremely fast after trying to catch that girl

"Haaa.. I'm fine. I just want to lay down a little"

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I could see the tears coming out, she really didn't change at all

"Your daughter… both of you are cry babies"

She seemed hurt but smiled

"We are"


"Here, take this."

I gave her my cane. It was simple cane with nothing going it for her expect the red orb on top of it and the star shape

She clenched her hand holding it

"Don't do that, you are going to break it you gorilla of a woman"

Heh, look at her. But am I wrong? I don't think so

I looked at her daughter again. She was currently using the armor of her mother she is known for other than her strength

"She wears it well"

"She inherited well from me after all"

"Indeed. Now go, I will sleep for a bit. Don't disturb me"

As I slowly closed my eyes I could see she was crying

I didn't grew you to be like this but oh well

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,849,529]


The man kept going up and up again

We tried to kill him countless times but he stood once again

His body filled with arrows and scars he did not give and


This time I was the one who fell

But I wasn't like him, I couldn't get up

With my last breath I watched as another set of arrow flew towards him and he took them face on

There I saw him standing still once again but this time he did not move

Such a hard to kill monk he was

[User died]

[Mystery: 1,864,563]


"My King"

In a land of grass I faced our king, the emperor of our lands

"You arrived"

"Of course, how can I not when you wish for it my king"

I bent my back and showed respect

"Get up and don't call me King no longer"

He turned around and faced me

"Both of us are currently Roma and nothing else"

He smiled and so did I

A farmer was coming but we didn't look at it.

I clicked my finger and a thunder rain started

"It's time for my children to take Roma further"

Under the lighting I once again respected the man in front of me

My King who couldn't live with his regret came to me, his friend

"Your brother would surely forgive you, my… friend"

His smiling face was all I saw before the a lighting strikes me

There we both disappeared.

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,923,062]


The girl in front of me was coming at with with the intention of killing me

Her eyes reeking of nothing but my end I could only respond in kind

As her lance and my sword clashed I realized she was not alone but I did not mind



Our strikes continued on

I held back my strength against her

The fire coming from my sword did not consume her but separated us from rest of the world

My body covered by nothing but battered clothes stood on top of the fire

Her scarred body with broken armor still stood in front of me

"This is the end"

One last strike

She charged at me and I tried to block it


As her lance whistles on the air my sword broke, not being able to handle the magic on the lance

The lance entered my body as blood came out from my mouth

Losing my strength I dropped my sword on the ground

No sound were heard

"Heh, that idiots magic was useful in the end"

She looked at me confused so I showed her

With a finger of my I tapped the lance and a sound of something breaking filled the air

The magic on the lance was gone

Shattered to thousand pieces the spell disappeared

She looked at me with a shock

"You win"

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,952,682]


On a field of nothing I kept walking

With no clear goal in mind, before dying I walked

5 minutes

That's how long I could keep on 

As I walked the skulls on the are increased

Soon they made a hill out of themself

The area was simply reeked of death but on this place a single thing was alive

A man or woman on a horse was standing on top of a hill, staying still

3 minutes

It looked towards me and I realized, that was not alive as well

It was neither dead, nor alive. It was simply there

2 minutes

"Who are you?"

"I'm the sword that cuts your neck, I'm the spear that brings out your heart, I'm the arrow that took your life, I'm death"

It was a lifeless voice, like it didn't think or had any thought back on his mind

1 minute

I made a simple flower and extended it towards him

"Pleased to meet you. Please take this as a gift"

30 seconds

He slowly took it and went back to his position.

15 seconds

Looking at the flower he did not move

5 seconds

Perhaps it would bring life to those empty eyes

[User died]

[Mystery: 1,984,692]


"So, you finally did it"

Sitting on a rock I was looking at the armored man in front of me

He didn't have any weapon in his hand, afterall his sword was on my chest

"Do you accept it?"

Many years passed. I tried to stop him, I rejected him, I beat the shit out of him but he always came and asked again, never giving up.

"Hahaha, fine. I won't stop you kids anymore"

I won't be able to anyways

His legs gave up as he sat on the ground, tired from the fight.

"Do look after her alright? She is a bit stupid"

"Heh, I know but that's why I love her"

I took out my helmet and threw it towards him. He catched it in the air and placed next to him

"Show this to her, she will understand it."

He looked at the sword on my chest

"You didn't have to go this far"

"Hahaha, how can I not. I wouldn't be able to face anyone if I gave the daughter of my brother to a knight belonging to the enemy. Don't worry about it"

This all happened because he wanted to get together with that stupid girl and I refused it

"It's quite funny, you know. When I think about it, it feels like she fought to get you more than you did"

He got magically seduced by a witch, he got abducted by another mage and many more. In all of these cases the girl foolishly went ahead and saved him, for what? Because she loved him. All he did compared to that was to fight me

"But I was the one who passed the biggest wall wasn't I?"

Heh, it was true. Compared to all those cases, defeating me was even more impressive than all of them combined.

"Don't get cocky, I still have some energy left in me."

I jokingly threatened him



Laughing our hearts out I was reminisced of our past.

The boy really had grown huh. I still can't believe how she fell in love with him but it's long past that now.

I should give him a gift at least

Grasping the handle of the sword that was stuck on my chest I slowly started to pull it out. The boy tried to get up but


I stopped him. There was no pain as I pulled the sword out, I'm too accustomed to such wounds.

Looking at the sword it was just a basic one. It was known as a demonic sword but just by name, it was not really a basic sword. In truth it was a sword given to him as a gift.

I wondered what I should do with it. I can't make it as durable as Durandall or as sharp as it but I don't think he needs them anyways. I got it.

With my other hand I covered it with my blood and started to write on the sword. Each time I wrote it started to glow and disappear

"What is this.."

He was confused but I didn't answer him right away. I needed to finish this first

Soon the whole sword was covered by my blood and a final light erupted. It was done. The sword looked the same and nothing much really has changed.

I threw it towards him

"Take it, you will find it useful"

"You are a Mage?"

He had the right to be confused. I never showed this side to others.

"Yeah you could say that but that doesn't matter does it? It's almost time for me to go."

Staying quiet he accepted it and looked over the sword.

"From now on whenever you use that sword, use it for her. That sword will help you reach her"

Its function was similar to Excalibur. Excalibur was the sword of the promised victory but this one was now the sword of the promised… date? I don't know, I'm not good with names. In essence it would allow him to pass any obstacle till he reaches his loved one and takes her hand.

"Now go"

He sheathed the sword and left.

Making sure he had left the area I remembered the other function I put into the sword.

It would shock his own owner if he ever cheats. The power of the shock would get stronger each second to a degree of it being stronger than Thor's lighting. Well that would use all the magic inside it but at that point there would be nothing left of him.

"Heh, good luck"

Tired I closed my eyes

[Used Died]

[Mystery: 1,992,482]

This year was a peaceful once again

The threat of the giant was long gone so everyone was living their life happily.

However, contrary to others who threw parties, the festival was staying in my hut quietly by myself.

I didn't not want to serve any of the kings as they were quite frustrating to stay with.

*Knock Knock*

A guest?

Approaching the door I opened it. I wonder who it was, the last guest was almost a hundred years ago.

There stood a middle aged man. His most striking features were his yellow hair and beard with wounds all over his body.

He was not wearing much clothing, just pants. His hands and foot were bandaged but that was it.

"Are you the Wizard of Oz?"

I… do people still remember me as that? That was way too long ago

"That is not my name but yes I was known as that at some point."

He looked tired, there was motivation missing behind those eyes.

"First, why don't you come inside"

I turned back and entered the sitting room. He followed after me after closing the door and sat next to me.

"Now, I wonder what this guest of mine came to visit me for?"

He didn't look around the house and just looked at the ground. Was he ashamed of something?

"I'm tired. Tired of people ridiculing me just because of my disinterest. I just want peace and quiet.. is it too much to ask?"

Oh, I see now

"You are worried about silly things"

He lifted his head and looked at me

"People will ridicule you no matter what. You can't be perfect, because that's human nature."

I took out a book and gave it to him

"Keep this book with you and when you go back read it. It may help you"

He picked up the book and looked at the cover but there was nothing on it.

Staying quiet for a while

"Remember that if you're annoyed by something you should work to change it. If you're tired of being ridiculed then prove them wrong. Prove them how good of a man you're."

He nodded his head and got up

"Thank you"

I just smiled and sent him away.

Over the years as I got older and older I was on my last leg.

*Knock Knock*

After many years another guest has arrived. Forcing my body I went ahead and opened it

There stood a man with a book on his hand

"Hello, Wizard of Oz?"

Now.. still?


He smiled and gave me the book on his hand

"Someone sent this to you"

He then went away. I was confused a little so I went inside and sat down

Looking at the book there was no cover so I opened the first page

'Day 1

I visited the legendary Wizard of Oz who was said to bring great calamities but also provided many to greatness.

The legends were not wrong.

First seeing the man even though he was old I could feel that he was far stronger than any beast I had fought with. Compared to him Grendel was nothing. But he was kind, he invited me inside.

Talking with him he provided help, a few words and this book. Going back I thought this book would explain a story, a way for me to follow but instead there was nothing. Only empty pages and a pen.

I understood what he meant, no one could help me except myself.

Day 28

I was going to be the king, even if the people doubted me, ridiculed me I would prove them wrong. I was already known throughout the whole kingdom.

My fighting spirit may not be the same but I now have a path I can see'

The book was basically a diary. It was the diary of the man who visited me previously. He talked about many things he had done, his progress and more

'Day 379

I become the king

People cheered for me but there were still people that didn't trust me. That was okay, even if they doubted me I would still be their king and I would try to be good nonetheless.

As the crown was put on my head I looked over the kingdom

It was beautiful

I didn't realize it before but life was not just fighting. 

Day 549

More and more people were coming to the kingdom

We were hardly managing to provide a house for everybody. There was no war in the near future so I cut the money going to the military for the better of my people

Everyday people cheering for me increased

Today I also felt something different, something I had never felt before

I fell in love with a woman

Day 729

She accepted!

After many weeks I finally asked her hand for marriage and she happily accepted it. There was a tear of joy in her eyes

Our wedding would be one of the biggest though the kingdom

Day 924

The kingdom was growing each day

Villages around the kingdom were entering by their own will to serve under us

Everybody was happy

Our economy is getting ever greater and the military has been strengthened once again. Currently there was nothing that could stop our growth'

He had found another path. He turned everything around and became a great king. I didn't know what to feel, even though I didn't see him for much I was still proud of him

Not many could do what he did, people feared change.


Blood came out. My eyes were tired but before going out I wanted to finish it

'Day 1423

My daughter wanted to become a monster hunter

I did not want to stop him so I got out from the throne and personally started to train her. She showed a promising future but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her.

Today I also learned my wife was pregnant again

I needed to make some rules on who would get it, I don't want to see bloodshed among my children

Day 1927

My daughter kept getting stronger as she was adamant on becoming a monster hunter while my boy showed great intelligence even at this age.

I couldn't help but be proud of them

Day 2584

My friend died this day

I was sad but I couldn't abandon my work as a King. I couldn't hunt the beast.

Nothing was perfect

Day 2849

A massage came

It talked about a dragon that was going and destroying the kingdoms

I readied up the military as it could strike any moment and I too started to train

My girl wanted to help as well but I didn't allow her to do so. She was still young and she couldn't fight against the dragon

I would protect them. My fighting spirit that had gone long dormant fired up again.

Day X

This is the last page

Perhaps that wizard knew this would happen or perhaps it was a coincidence. I didn't know

Nothenless I would do what I promised to do so

I will keep my people, my family, our future safe even if it meant the cost was me

Today I would hunt a dragon'

The book finished there. That was the last page and closing it I layed down

As I closed my eyes I imagined the man

He was smiling

[User died]

[Mystery: 1,995,582]

With the sun above I was traveling with no real aim

I visited many villages that were still using mud as housings, met many humans, phantasmal creatures and now I met a god.

One that was about to die

"Child of man, I have but one request"

The goddess in front of me was known as one that creates life, known through the whole village as their mother but the village was now gone destroyed over time

She was going to meet with her follower but before that she encountered me who happened to bypass near her village

"Take care of this child, give her the love I won't be able to give her."

She gave me a ball of light as her body was slowly disappearing

Inside the ball of light I could see endless sea crashing each other with a single life form in the middle of it

It's hair taking the color of the sea her body was still growing

"Of course, mother"

I respected her wishes

Her face slowly disappearing she spat out her last words before finally meeting her followers

"Thank you Child of Man"

Now being alone with the child inside the ball of light, for one last time looked at it

There was a name inside, probably the child's name

"Nammu.. a good name"


Together we traveled to many places

The ball of light now called egg by me stayed by myself quietly

Sun was scorching on the sky but the breeze was keeping us cool

The egg started to shake. Taking it out I was confused a little

"You want to stay?"

The egg continued to shake. Perhaps it was not what it wanted

There was nothing around us except sand and.. ocean. Oh!

Approaching the ocean I took her out and she was staying still. Now I was certain. Making a area so she would just go away I put her under the ocean

I kept watch as many days passed

I built a house and started farming. I was getting old but the egg didn't show any intentions of hatching. Perhaps a humans lifetime was far too short for it

Years have passed but there was no change.

I needed to find someone

Approaching the egg I saw that it had grown a little bigger but I still feared that I wouldn't be able to see it hatching. If I died before she hatched she would be alone and I didn't want that

"Sorry little one but we will be going around for a while"

It stayed still as I pulled her out but then she started to absorb my mana.

"Child! No!"

It was dangerous, not for me but for it. My mana was not so stable.

As the mana entered something unexpected happened

It gotten calmer to a degree where it was able to absorb it without any problems

Seeing there was no problem I stayed still, allowing it to absorb without a stop

Staying still it felt like few hours passed but eventually something happened


The light started to dim out together with a cracking noise

Eventually when it all went away on my hand I found a little girl with blue hair and horns laying down, wet.

I instantly took her inside the house but remembered she liked water more… I will think about it later

Not drying her out I just made simple clothes for her to wear. It was a bit big wear but it would do for now.

Staying near her for the whole night I waited making sure nothing was wrong. When morning came I sensed she started to move

Her eyes previously shut down slowly opened revealing a pair of red, pink mix with an white X in the middle of them. She blinked a few times and her eyes focused on me. She smiled as she spoke her first words


"Father, Father!"

"Yes, what is it"

Sitting outside of the house I watched as my daughter rushed towards me. She often played on water so I kept watch here for the most part

"Look, look!"

She bringed her upwards and water appeared. Because of the pressure all the water hit my face as he laughed

Some even got into my mouth. Salty.

"Urgh, you joker. Come here!"

Getting up I followed after her as she started to run away.

While I was following her she hit her leg and fell down. Quickly I teleported next to her and catched her

"Carefull. Be slower next time"

She looked at me still smiling. Her smile grew up to be my weak point


"Now, now. Don't go around creating lifes like they are your toys"

I was scolding her because she kept on making lifeforms and killing them.

"Hmph Father doesn't love me anymore"

She sulked down and turned around crossing her arms. Perhaps I spoiled her a bit too much

Hugging her from behind I slowly spoke

"Father always loves you but you should not break fathers hearth"

I extended one of my hands and a mud appeared on top of it. It soon took the shape of a woman and a child

"Look, when you create a life form you become their parent, a mother in your case. A mother is someone that loves their children, not one to kill them. Those are bad mothers"

I went in front of her and sat. Looking into her eyes I asked

"Do you want to be a bad mother?"


"Then you should cheer for them, not give them pain."

I hugged her once again. This girl was growing too fast but there were parts that were left behind.

"Father, I found a friend!"


"Hello, estimated Father"


"I'm Abzu, a god born around this place"

What was going on?

"Father, are you okay?"

I held my head as I went deep into imagination. Everything was going too fast.. she was just a child the other day and now she was coming back with a male to home.

"Estimated Father?"

"Wait give me a second"

She was what.. 60 years now? I mean yes ı did say I at least want to see her get married before I went out but it's a bit early isn't it. I still had 4 years to live..

No, this was serious. If she loves him I can't stop her… oh wait a second


"Yes Father! Friend"

I was feeling embarrassed now. So it is a friend.. but who is to say when she comes next day they had already been married. No, stop

I looked at the man next to her. He looked handsome, I could feel the divine power. Hmm

"So, that's it?"

He looked towards me, confused. I just extended my hand as if asking for a handshake. He responded and grabbed my hand. I put all my force but he didn't seem to even notice it


He rather seemed interested in the act of handshaking. I stopped and pulled my hand back, as expected from a god. He was quite durable

I will allow you for now

Laying on my bed I was listening to my daughter

Just two years and she got together with the man. Apparently they compliment each other with salty water and seawater things. Over those two years I watched him closely and I can say that he seems to be a good guy

"Father, we are making land here!"

My daughter was deemed as the creation. Her job was to create, give life to people around her and more. It was fitting for her. She had grown to be a beautiful woman and kind one. She was a bit too stuck on the mother thing I told her back then but that was fine. If she feels happy that's fine with me

"That's good"

I did want to see the place they were going to create but my time ran out quicker than I had expected. I guess it was due to stress caused by her 'friend'

She looked at me with a weak smile on her face. She knew my time was coming but she did not fully understand it. Whenever she wanted to heal me I always refused.


Now that I think about it I had never gave them a gift like I usually do. My last gift was what? A sword? Considering the situation I had to give something far better.

"Nammu, my little girl. Help me a bit"

With her help I changed my position to sit on the bed

Opening my hand I started to pour all my mana

"This will be your Father's last lesson and his gift to you"

I will show you what you can create

I was not controlling the mana now, I was practically just pouring all of it till it took a shape

At first water started to appear but fixed with mud it soon created what looked to be a black mud. I had seen this mud many times before but it was surprising to see I created this.

It kept pouring down but finally taking control I turned it into a ball shape and gave it to her

"Take it"

This ball contained every mana I had, compressed with knowledge that doesn't exist currently, the mystery inside it was far above anything else. Finally I gave it the shape of a sea because that was her favorite

"This is.."

"I call it the Sea of Life"

Your favorite place created by my very own life.

As she took it my eyes got blurry

My body was turning into particles as I had pushed my body too much

"Father.. don't go"

I could only smile

[User died]

[Mystery: 2,085,428]

next chapter
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