#Chapter26 Didn’t expect that did ya?
/"Do your worst/" I said to him, my bangs slightly occupying the upper part of my eyes, the smirk on my face was evident. I was aching to fight this guy, he used that word too much, and I knew I wasn't the only one he used it on. Just imagine all the homosexual people he used that word on, abused them; just the thought of that made my blood boil. But as a boxer, I can't use my techniques without him initiating the fight; I know it's kinda stupid. But I swore, no, Melissa and I swore to our coach, and to ourselves that we won't fight people or a person without a good reason, and without them hitting us first. It may be stupid, but that's a rule I will always abide too, no matter what.
/"Or are you just all talk and no bite,/" I said to him. His face was showing fury, and his eyes were angry. He came towards me slowly, Adrien on the other hand was frozen from shock; it took the guy to pass him to let him understand the situation.