12.5% Sacred Gear Creator (English) / Chapter 4: Yan vs Rise and Harem

章節 4: Yan vs Rise and Harem

The perfect reproduction of a human city, some commercial buildings in harmony with residences, a light mist permeated all corners of the city.

"Divide yourselves, whoever succeeds and finds and defeats the hybrid first wins a reward!", Rise spoke in an arrogant tone as she sat in a chair with his queen Yubelluna on her lap.

"Rise-sama are you sure I don't need to go help them? Serafall-Sama was very confident in the boy, "said the 16-year-old girl, wearing a blue tunic and purple skirt with an opening on her right leg.

"It is not necessary and even if he defeats them, it will never pass from us," said the blonde as he stroked his queen's purple hair.

"Let's show how blind this bat is!", Said Rise, laughing at his opponent's stupidity.

On the other side of the city was a boy meditating, sitting on the roof of a commercial building, in a one-to-many war if the smaller side makes reckless moves the defeat is certain, but standing still doing nothing is also not advisable. "It looks like I was right, you guys have a good sense of smell, don't you?", The boy opened his eyes and found two nekomata looking at him as prey.

"Rise promised a prize, nya!", Answered nekomatas with blue eyes and pink hair.

"We are going to share the prize, nya!", Said the other girl with the opposite characteristics of her sister, both wearing a children's sailor uniform.

"Besides, you are the only different smell in this city, nya!", They answered at the same time.

Soon afterward they advanced in pincer movements aiming at the fists in Yan's face, who had no time to react and was hit, only to disappear in the fog.

"You trust your noses too much Nya!" Said the boy, appearing behind them both holding their heads and sinking them into the apartment below.

Yan watched for a few seconds until small glowing eyes could be seen in the darkness, "I wanted to play with you more, but I have to get this over with before the others arrive," he finished speaking and snapped his fingers. Multiple swords appeared at his side and stabbed the girls. "That's not fair nya!" Shouted one of them before disappearing.

"Two Rise pawns were defeated!" Announced Grayfia and the audience was astonished at how easily two pawns were defeated.

"Is it possible to make clones that speak and smell with the mist of vampires?" Asked one of the nobles, impressed by the boy's technique.

"Impossible, my daughter has some vampires in her nobility, they are very strong, but they can only create small illusions or confuse the target's senses!", Commented the other elder. The same conversation was taking place among other big shots while watching the match.

"There have already been two, there are 11 left," he said as he jumped between buildings, as a Dhampir he could fly into a bat, but it was not advisable against surprise attacks.

Ting! "Just think of a sneak attack that happens!", Yan shouted as he parried a large sword that was coming at his neck.

"You know it's rude to attack while people are distracted!" He was angry this young woman in front of him was a knight and where was his honor?

"Siris, dome," said the girl with a strange bun on her head. "Siris, I'm Yan and I'm sorry." Siris didn't understand the apology until it was too late, five blades went through her back making her disappear in a cloud of dust.

"Maybe I should take it easy? It's very easy ", murmured the boy," decided, I'll take it easy! ".

"Knight of Rise Phoenix was eliminated", this time the announcement was not so shocking, but how did the boy project swords into the opponent's accounts? Sword Birth should not have such an ability, these are the thoughts of the many presents.

After another 2 minutes of hiding, Yan found his next challengers. "At least you are polite, different from Siris, my name is Yan," he introduced himself and waited for answers from his enemies.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Karlamine and I want a duel with you," said the girl with light brown hair, wearing silver armor with gray details and a white headband.

"I accept, but aren't you going to introduce yourself?" He asked the other girls who had been silent until now.

"There is no need for an introduction, you will lose even if you win against Kalarmine now," said a girl with golden brown hair, dressed as a maid.

"Yes, we are in greater numbers, so your defeat is certain," said another light-haired red-haired employee.

Yan materialized a sword in his hand, he was unable to create more complex swords, something prevented him from making a sword that releases flames or one made of ice, but the swords he makes are capable of cutting steel easily.

"So, let's go!" He shouted, running over the boy who also advanced and started exchanging blows with him. "Your sword techniques are very good, but two things are still missing, strength, "said the girl, making a vertical cut from top to bottom, which Yan trimmed with his sword and was sent flying to a nearby wall and began to spit blood. "It seems that this is real, and the second thing that is missing is speed", the girl crossed 5 meters in less than 1 second and crossed the sword in his chest.

All we're waiting for the announcement of the end of the game, after the fatal blow that the boy received, but Grayfia did not meet anyone's expectations, be it Kalarmine and the rest of Rise nobility or the spectators.

"You know, it was an interesting fight, but it ended", said the young man sitting far away looking at all those present who had astonished eyes alternating between the two Yans, one tattered and the other completely defeated on the ground.

"How is this possible? Did I fight a clone all the time? ", Karlamine was incredulous, for praising the fencing of a simple clone. "Yes, it was a pity that this is the only one I can make of this type for now", he snapped his fingers and the clone turned and evaporated.

"Before you attack me or ask me a question, here's a riddle," he said, pointing down, "what can't be missing in a building that has an underground car park?" Then he disappeared.

"Girls run!", Someone shouted, before the building collapses and everyone is buried alive, "damn, I got excited!". After he promised to take it easy he used a perfect clone and destroyed a building with the rest of the nobility together, is that taking it easy?

The perfect clone is a technique based on Naruto Kage Bushin, who shares memories, but also, they are more resistant and the cost is too high leaving them unable to use the mist for other strategies.

"Four pawns, a knight and a bishop from Rise nobility were eliminated!" The devils who was watching everything finally agreed that the boy was worth 9 points, but his fighting style would not classify him as a queen piece.

"One-Chan, I think Yan-Kun is perfect for the knight piece, he is fast, calm, calculating, and very stealthy," said Sona, evaluating all the data so far.

"You are right So-tan, but the fight is not over yet, and these tricks and fighting style will not work with Rise, remember that he is a Phoenix," said the girl's sister without taking her eyes off the monitor.

At this moment Yan was surrounded by two girls covered with dust and some abrasions on his body. "Do you mind telling how you survived?", He was sure it was impossible to survive the collapse.

"It was easy for two Rooks with the help of the bishop to do this," said one of the girls who appear to be 14 years old with a mask covering half her face, wearing a black jacket with a bare belly, black pants, and brown boots.

"You are a cheater! Can't you honestly fight like a real man? "Said Chun Li's ongoing project.

"Let's see if you're worth it!" Yan shouted and ran towards the masked girl while creating two swords in his hands and using the fog to distort the light and hide their length.

"You and these tricks!", The girl dodged the blows that came towards her face, observing Yan's posture and the position of his hands.

Yan started to get excited, finally, he was fighting to his full potential, not just using pure fencing, contrary to what usually happens with his trainer. "This is fun!" Said the boy while smiling at the girl, who was on the defensive.

"Don't forget about me!", Chun Li gave Yan a flying face, but the boy dodged at the last second and cut off her qipao skirt. "I didn't know that Rise's nobility liked not to wear panties," the boy murmured what he saw briefly.

"You! You'll pay for it! ", Chun Li's arms and legs began to shine, projecting flames. "Are you the exhibitionist and I take the blame? What an unfair world! "Shouted the young man, but the people watching were unable to hear what was happening.

Chun Li was red with shame and anger, advanced towards the boy much faster than usual, and managed to hit a sequence of blows on him, burning his clothes and leaving him naked on his upper body.

"Fiu Fiu...", the masked girl can't help whistling when she sees the boy's lean muscles, which despite being younger than she seemed to have a very good exercise routine. "One-Chan can teach you many things when we leave here," she said with a blush on her cheek, but with a serious look.

"Isabela! We are from Master Rise, this is betrayal! ", Said Chun li looking at the masquerade that just looked away. "An opening!" Yan stood up quickly and slid the sword through the girl's stomach. "Xuelan!" Shouted Isabela when she saw her friend fall into dust.

"Let's get this over with! I'm getting tired, "said the boy as he advanced towards Isabela.

"Two Rooks of the Rise Phoenix nobility were eliminated!", the words of the strongest Queen of the Underworld made Rise finally act.

"Yubelluna he is coming, can you do this alone or will you disappoint me too?", Rise held the queen's face while waiting for her answer.

"Rise-Sama does not need to do anything, I will eliminate this plague myself!", With such a pleasant response Rise did not resist and kissed his Queen, but a sword in his head interrupted him.

"It is not polite to do this in front of a guest." The two watched the owner of the voice over a nearby building. "And what does a piece of trash know about education?", Yubelluna was bloody in her eyes for having her moment of intimacy interrupted by this invader.

The Queen of Rise left her lap, freeing her wings and flying towards the little mouse that was supposed to be exterminated. "You know, I have a very special magic," commented the purple-haired queen.

"And what would that magic be?", He entered the game, interested in the girl's explanation. "It is a complicated magic, but the effect is very simple and useful, Sealing!", The queen got Yan's attention long enough to prepare the spell and use it.

The sealing spell has several uses, one being the ability to seal souls in Sacred gears as a source of power, or to seal abilities and immobilize enemies, some forms of stronger sealing can create barriers capable of sealing a large area.

Yan was in a critical situation, his Gear and mobility were sealed and beyond that, there is only the use of fog, but that doesn't help him much in that situation. "I'm going to give you credit for beating almost all my nobility, alone, but I'm not going to let you touch my sister's hair!", Rise spoke as flames flew out of his hands briefly.

Yubelluna flew over Yan, that's when a great magic circuit appeared over him. "Checkmate," said Yubelluna when a torrent of flame descended on the young man.

This was the most powerful magic that Yubelluna could currently cast and she would not use it if it were not for the audacity of the little plague to interrupt her masters kiss.

"Oni-chan! You know a guy shouldn't be saved by a little girl!", Yan closed his eyes when someone hugged him from behind and spoke into his ear.

Opening his eyes, he saw a girl with tanned skin, golden eyes with a slight red glow and pink hair almost white. "Chloe?" Asked the boy.

"This is no time to be surprised, now you have to survive this or you will never be a Demon King!", Chloe gave a smile that calmed and restructured the boy's mind. He would become a demon king, he could not give up just because of a stone in his path, although his Sacred Gear was sealed, his body could not move, he would still fight. "Thank you," said the boy and realized that a pink flower-shaped shield was protecting him, but he was reaching his limit.

That's it, he finally connected all the dots, his Sacred Gear mutated, the dreams he had lately, and finally Chloe and the shield that protected him. "Chloe, I'm going to need your help!" Yan closed his eyes and concentrated on his Sacred Gear.

Chloe, who was hugging them was absorbed into Yan's body, or more precisely his Sacred Gear, Sword Birth that was attached to his soul. "You can do it!" Said Chloe, he couldn't hear her.

Yan was focused inside, he knew what to look for, but he didn't find it, no matter how long he looked for it until finally, he had an idea. With his hand over his heart, he murmured. "Trace-On!", His hands shone in light blue, almost white, and began to spread all over his chest, until he completely covered his body.

Multiple information came to mind, but only one thing he needed, his Sacred Gear. "Oni-Chan!", When he managed to hear Chloe's voice briefly, his mind was clear and only what was needed was left.

Yubelluna and Rise were surprised that despite almost a minute having passed, there was no announcement of the end of the game, "Something is wrong!", Yubelluna felt that his seal was broken, the only way to do that is if there is a lot of power behind it.

"I am the bone of my sword", from the middle of the torrent of flames, an increasing pink glow appeared and the voice of two people resonated through the field.

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood", Yan's body was tanned and in his iris, a golden circle appeared.

The girl's voice sounded alone, "I have created over a Thousand Blades", and Yan continued, "I will create more than a thousand Gears". His black hair was now white with a slight bluish tinge.

"Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life", a slight chill went up Yubelluna and Rise spine, if they didn't stop Yan and whoever that second voice was going to lose. "Chosen by God, I will rise to the top", when Yan's verse came out Rise had a bad premonition, will he use sacred magic? How the hell could they have taught him that? The pink shield Rhos Aias began to change color, from pink to light blue, completely neutralizing the torrent of flames that fell from the sky. "Have withstood Pain to create many Weapons", Chloe's voice created a wave of magical power creating fissures in the sky. ", Yan finally opened his eyes and stretched his right arm towards the sky.

"Yet those Hands will never hold Anything", Yan and Choe spoke together again and his outfit changed, a red overcoat, Red Plain Mystic Code, and a black breastplate covered his body.

"So, as I Pray, Balance Breaker." the ground began to vibrate, rays coming out of the fissures and a fine mist took over the entire field.

"Unlimited Gears Works!", The world collapsed, buildings collapsed and a vast icy desert filled with swords appeared, the magic circle of flames was deactivated and the northern lights replaced it in the sky.

Yubelluna and Rise were shocked, a Balancer Breaker capable of changing reality, wasn't their Sacred gear just a Sword Birth? How could he have the power of a Longinus, a Sacred Gear capable of killing God?

"Rise, it's over, even if you're immortal here, I'm a god!", As soon as Yan finished speaking, Rise and Yubelluna were covered by a shower of blades. The queen of Rise no longer had the demonic power to create a barrier and was eliminated, but Rise persisted in regenerating herself with each blade that hit his body.

"I will never give my sister away!", Rise's body was covered with flames and transformed into a Phoenix flying towards Yan to deliver the final blow.

"You are weak, you lack hatred, Rhos Aias!", A blue flower-shaped shield appeared in front of Yan, neutralizing Rise's flames, while space was analyzing and absorbing some of the power dispersed by him.

Rise is an honorable nobleman who respects the strong and above all defends his home, whether the marriage was arranged when he was young or the few functions he had in his territory, everything is done perfectly, but don't touch your little sister!

Rise managed to destroy three of the seven layers of the Rhos Aias shield before passing out from the exhaustion of demonic power. "King Rise Phoenix has been eliminated! Victory goes to Yan from Clan Sitri! ", Grayfia was speaking cheerfully instead of the usual monotonous tone she has.

Yan passed out shortly thereafter. "You did it well boy, now your legend begins!", A familiar voice sounded in his mind before disappearing completely.

In the sky. "Gabriel! Make an appointment with all high-ranking Angels. The Sacred Gear Creator has been activated in the System! ", Michael said to his sister while thinking about what could happen if the power of God fell into the wrong hands. "Depending on what happens, we may have another war," murmured Serafim.



english is not my native language, i am using google translator to translate, any errors let me know to fix it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter
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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
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