65.62% RWBY : Ruby's Second chance / Chapter 21: 21

章節 21: 21

Chapter 21

General Ironwood had been about to say something else, but he stopped and stared at Pyrrha in shock. "What...?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What did you just say?"

Ozpin cut in. "James... what is she talking about?"

Ironwood turned to Ozpin looking a bit panicked. "About the girl... I can explain!"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "What exactly, do you feel you have the need to explain, James?" He sighed. "Please... please don't tell me you went ahead with your fool plan to try and create an... an artificial Maiden."

Pyrrha's eyes went wide. Was Penny a Maiden? Did she carry that great magic inside her as well? Did that explain her incredible power?

James glanced at Pyrrha then frowned back at Ozpin. "Oz, this really isn't the time or place."

Pyrrha spoke up softly. "I'm quite aware that Penny Polendina is a robot, General. You don't have to conceal that fact from me."

Ironwood turned to face her squarely and stared. "How did you...?"

"Your entire right side is made of metal." Pyrrha told the general softly. "My semblance... is Polarity. I can sense the metal around me if I try."

Ironwood blinked, astonished. "I... I see. So you realized what Penny was at the docks?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "I did not understand what I'd sensed until later." she lied smoothly. "But she had Aura, and she was... well, I thought she must be a robot, with so much metal, but couldn't understand how a robot could be as... lifelike as she is, with a soul... with such a sweet soul as she has." It was Ruby's words more than her own experiences that Pyrrha was drawing upon, but she believed her team leader. If she said Penny had a soul, then she had a soul. And if lying now could bring Penny and Ruby back together? She'd lie without a shred of doubt.

"So you went through with it after all. How did you plan for this... Penny, to receive the power?" Ozpin asked, mildly, although he was obviously more than a little agitated by the subject.

General Ironwood turned to Ozpin, both hands up placatingly. "Penny was a success, in many ways. But in the end, I didn't feel she was the right choice for becoming a Maiden. She still has much to learn. Perhaps in time..."

Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "In time, you feel your... robot, might become a worthy candidate?"

General Ironwood shrugged. "Penny will never grow old. She has the potential to live... as long as we can maintain and replace her parts. A maiden, loyal to us, who will never age, never pass on the powers to... unworthy candidates. It's worth considering, don't you think?"

"How loyal is loyal?" Ozpin questioned. "A robot is programmed... could she be... reprogrammed? Turned against us by a more skilled scientist?"

Ironwood blinked. "That's... extremely unlikely, Dr. Polendina is the best..."

Ozpin shook his head. "Out of the question, James. I'm sorry. There are too many unknowns as it is." He looked considering, and turned to Pyrrha. "You have become acquainted with this... Penny, then, Miss Nikos?"

Pyrrha nodded slowly. "Yes sir."

"And how do you find her?" Ozpin asked seriously.

Pyrrha considered that. "I find her... sweet, and caring, and... lonely, sir. Ruby and Penny became friends very quickly, and I believe Ruby to be quite an excellent judge of character. Ruby chose to ask Penny for help when she'd have relied on few others. I think... I think Penny has a good soul."

Ozpin blinked, taken aback. "I see." He nodded to her, seriously. "Well then. Thank you for your assessment."

General Ironwood sighed, then turned to Pyrrha with a genuine smile. "Well... thank you, Miss Nikos, for keeping her secret up till now."

Pyrrha nodded, then frowned. "General... now that you know that... that I know. Might... might Penny be allowed to see Ruby Rose again? Ruby misses her quite a lot, and I would suspect that Penny must feel much the same."

General Ironwood blinked, then tilted his head, as if considering. "I will... I will give the matter every consideration, Miss Nikos, although on Penny's behalf, I am grateful that she has you, and Miss Rose, as her friends."

Pyrrha nodded. "I'd never hurt Penny... if I could help it." she qualified. "I'll do my best to protect all my friends. And don't worry, I won't share her secret. I wouldn't want Penny to have to suffer the attention she might have to face if her origins became public knowledge."

Ironwood nodded once. "I appreciate that."


The ride up the elevator wasn't quite as uncomfortable as the ride down had been, and it was shorter, as they let Pyrrha off on the ground floor.

"Good night, Miss Nikos." Ozpin told her gently. "Take the time you need to consider everything you have learned tonight."

Pyrrha nodded. "Yes Professor." She told him somberly. "I... I'll try and let you know my decision soon."

"Thank you Miss Nikos." Ozpin said calmly. "Goodnight." The elevator closed on him and the other three adults, and Pyrrha sighed, turning to head back to the dorms. She had quite a bit to share with her team tonight, if she so chose.

She hesitated. SHOULD she tell them? Ozpin and the others had shared what was undoubtedly one of the most well guarded secrets on the planet with her tonight. And how would Yang, how would Blake and Ruby react to everything she had learned? Yang... would Yang want her to not accept the power of the Fall Maiden if it might change her? Pyrrha shivered, considering the... violation of having someone else's Aura... their very soul perhaps, stripped away and bound to her own somehow. It would change her. There seemed to be no other conclusion. How, exactly, Pyrrha couldn't begin to guess, and apparently Ozpin and company didn't know either. Naturally, it wouldn't be something you could casually test, as it would kill at least one person.

She shouldn't burden her friends with all of this, but at the same time, this seemed like such vital information. Pyrrha was certain now that Ruby had traveled back in time, at least in part because of some of the things she'd learned tonight. It almost had to be connected. She was more than a little convinced that Cinder Fall's true motive was to steal the powers of the Fall Maiden. What other prize could be more valuable? The location of her and Cinder's final fight in Ruby's story, Ozpin's office, must be connected somehow to the Vault that lay underneath it. It was possible, of course, that Ozpin had other mysterious treasures in his Vault. Other things valuable enough to fight and die for. But it didn't do her any good to assume that. If it was the Maiden's powers Cinder was after, she needed to tell Ruby about it.

And... if she was going to risk changing herself. To risk letting them add another person's aura to her own, could she really leave Yang in the dark? Would it be fair to her girlfriend to conceal that from her?

Pyrrha grimaced, her pace back to their shared room slowing. How could she put such a burden on Yang? Would Yang be angry with her for considering it? Would her relationship with the fiery blond survive the change? Would Yang forgive her for NOT telling her until afterwards? Could she try and conceal whatever effects the Aura transfer might cause?

Pyrrha sighed. No. She couldn't... wouldn't lie to Yang about this. Yang knew her so well now. If the Aura transfer did change her significantly, Yang would know. Worse, perhaps she wouldn't feel the same way about her love... and how could that be fair to Yang. Pyrrha stopped dead. The idea that, after accepting the Fall Maiden's powers... through Amber's Aura, she might not feel the same way for Yang was very nearly enough to cause her to reconsider her earlier decision. She forced herself to weigh the pros and cons of the choice. The powers of the Fall Maiden might very well help her save Yang, Ruby, Blake, and everyone in Beacon and Vale from Cinder's plans. NOT accepting them might allow Cinder to win the day, steal the powers for herself and cause... unimaginable devastation in her wake. No matter the personal cost to herself, letting that happen, was it not utterly selfish of her to even consider turning aside?

Pyrrha realized with a start that, if she refused, they'd surely be forced to offer the powers to someone else. Yang... or more likely, Ruby! Pyrrha's eyes went wide. "NO!" She said with a snarl. "Not Ruby!" Pyrrha's hands clenched and unclenched in rage. Ruby would accept the powers, regardless of the risk to herself. Pyrrha knew it instantly. Ruby wouldn't hesitate if it'd help people. Ruby had already suffered so much... it wasn't fair to ask this of her. And it would be Ruby next, Pyrrha thought. In fact, it was surprising that Ruby hadn't been their first choice. The girl was obviously so incredibly talented. Perhaps she wasn't Pyrrha's match in the arena. Not yet. But Ruby's growth was astonishing, especially from the perspective of an outsider who didn't know that the girl had lived this particular year twice. Perhaps it was simply Ruby's age. She was too young to even be at Beacon, realistically, while most Beacon students were legally adults, or at least about to become so.

Pyrrha shook her head. It didn't matter. If she had her way, Ruby would never be offered the option, regardless. She started walking again. She needed to talk to them. Yang needed to know what Pyrrha was contemplating doing to herself. Ruby needed to know about the Maidens, and what Cinder's true goal might be, and Blake would certainly have insights on the matter as well. After Ruby's own revelations earlier in the week, Pyrrha couldn't bring herself to keep the truth from any of them. As much as she would have liked to, they deserved more. They'd proved they could be trusted with secrets even more insane, had they not?


When Pyrrha entered their dorm for the night, her teammates were already in their pajamas, and all three of them looked up as she entered, each of them favoring her with a smile at seeing her.

Yang held up a paperback book. "Hey Babe, I thought we could read together tonight? Let off some steam, you know? Like Ozpin said, we might as well relax while we have a chance."

Pyrrha smiled sadly at her girlfriend. "That sounds lovely, Yang, but... I'm afraid I really need to talk to you all first."

Ruby looked interested, and a bit worried. "Was this about what Professor Ozpin wanted to talk to you about, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha nodded solemnly. "It is. And... it's a tale that I'd be afraid you'd find difficult to believe, if not for what Ruby already shared with us."

Yang's eyes went wide. "What happened, Babe? What did Ozpin want?"

Pyrrha sighed. "Well, it's a bit of an extended story." She began, walking over to sit on her bed next to Yang. "But it wasn't just Professor Ozpin. Qrow, and Professor Goodwitch were there, as well as General Ironwood."

"General Ironwood?" Blake questioned suspiciously. "What was he doing there?"

Pyrrha blew out a breath. "Well, I probably shouldn't tell you all of this, but..." she shook her head. "Apparently Professor Ozpin and the others are part of some sort of... secret society. They call themselves the defenders of Remnant."

Yang's eyes grew large. "What, Uncle Qrow's part of this?"

Pyrrha nodded. "They have been hiding a rather... large secret for hundreds, if not thousands of years."

Ruby spoke up, sounding worried. "Should you really be telling us all this?"

Pyrrha smiled softly. "Probably not. And yet, they did not tell me not to tell any of you, although I did say I would keep their secret... or, at least one of their secrets. Still, the secret I promised to keep, you four already know... and I didn't say anything about the other things they told me."

Yang snorted. "Pyrrha Nikos, being all devious. Who'd have thunk?"

Pyrrha smiled. "Certainly not me."

Blake broke in. "Well, we're not going to go telling anyone, Pyrrha. You can trust us."

Pyrrha nodded. "I know I can. I'm just... not certain where to begin."

"Just begin at the beginning." Ruby encouraged. "That's usually a good place to start."

Pyrrha sighed, nodded, and began to explain everything that had happened from the moment she'd stepped into Ozpin's office. "Well, to start, Ozpin asked me about fairy tales... he was interested in one story in particular. The story of the Seasons."

Ruby spoke up. "You mean about the four girls that helped the old wizard?"

Pyrrha nodded. "The four Maidens. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall." Pyrrha sighed. "He then told me that the story was true. That there were in fact four women with magical powers. Powers beyond dust or semblances. Qrow called it 'unimaginable' power. He confirmed Ozpin's words. And then Professor Goodwitch and the General showed up, and they explained that they were all working together to keep that a secret."

Blake's eyes were wide, astonished as well. "That's..."

"Crazy!" Yang cut in. "They tried to tell you that Magic is real? That some old wizard gave four girls super powers or something? I mean... we've already been talking about this, right? That some semblances can do really insane stuff?"

Ruby cut in. "I don't think Professor Ozpin would have explained it that way if he thought it was just a weird semblance, Yang."

Pyrrha nodded. "There's more. You see... apparently this all started thousands of years ago. The Maidens aren't immortal, but when they die, their power transfers to another girl. Someone who's the last person in their thoughts, usually. And it keeps repeating, the powers transferring from person to person throughout time. There have always been four Maidens, and as far as it seems, there always will be."

Blake cut in. "That kind of sounds like the Schnee semblance though. That's hereditary, right?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "No... the Maiden powers aren't a hereditary semblance. The powers transfer to any woman that is in the Maiden's last thoughts. Even... or especially, if she's killed by that person. Apparently some rather... unscrupulous women in the past killed previous Maidens in order to gain their powers."

Blake frowned. "That... why doesn't anyone know about this?"

Pyrrha shrugged. "Apparently that's what Ozpin's group has been doing. They've been keeping the Maiden powers secret to keep people from fighting over the powers... to keep those who would choose to kill for such power from gaining it. That's the whole point behind their group, as far as I can tell."

Yang shook her head. "OK... wow. That's... I'm not sure how to even describe what's going through my head, but that's pretty intense, Pyr."

Blake spoke up, still looking suspicious. "But why tell you, Pyrrha? What did they want?"

Pyrrha sighed. "Because... because they want me to take on the powers of the Fall Maiden."

There was a long silence, then Yang grinned. "Whoa. That's AWESOME, Babe! They're going to give you super magical powers?" She leaned over quickly to press her shoulder against Pyrrha's. "If they were going to pick someone to get magic powers, they couldn't have picked better!"

Pyrrha sighed. "Yes... well... I'm afraid that things aren't quite... that simple."

Ruby frowned, looking worried. "Why? What haven't you told us, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "Well, I'm afraid that apparently, someone attacked the current Fall Maiden, Amber. They nearly killed her, and somehow... somehow that person stole half of the power from her."

Ruby blinked. "Wait... how does that work?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "I have no idea, and Ozpin and the others don't seem to know how it was done either. They have... they have Amber in some sort of life support capsule under the school. They're keeping her alive, but... they think she'll die soon, and that, it's very likely that the rest of the powers will then go to the person who attacked her, and that will mean that someone very dangerous will have a great deal of power."

"Cinder..." Ruby gasped. "It must be Cinder!"

Yang looked unconvinced. "Bit of a stretch there, Sis... I mean, how would Cinder know about any of this?"

Pyrrha was nodding, however. "I think it very well might be. The elevator that goes down to the Vault where they are keeping Amber connects to Ozpin's office. I think that Cinder may well have been there that night... in Ruby's previous timeline, to get to Amber and steal her powers. What else could motivate her to do so much, to destroy so much? Gaining... unimaginably powerful magical powers would be motive enough for even everything we know she'll do."

Ruby nodded firmly. "It's got to be. And Cinder... she was powerful. Really, really powerful. All the things she could do? Making glass weapons, AND fire? And being able to..." she trailed off. "She incinerated... she incinerated Pyrrha with just a touch. I can believe she's got magical powers. Maybe the glass is her semblance, or the fire. I could have believed both were, but... if we take the fact that someone attacked this... this Fall Maiden, and she's under Ozpin's office, then everything makes sense!"

Blake was nodding. "We certainly shouldn't assume it's a coincidence. And we obviously can't let anyone, especially not Cinder, gain some sort of magical super powers."

Yang was nodding. "Well, that won't be a problem, right? Pyrrha will get the powers, and then she can kick this Cinder's ass!"

Ruby frowned. "What I don't understand is... why now? Pyrrha didn't have magical super powers in the previous timeline. She wouldn't have lost to Cinder if she'd had."

Pyrrha smiled sadly. "I wouldn't be so sure. If I'd been asked to keep the powers secret... which must be part of the responsibility for having them, or else the secret would have become common knowledge long ago, then there is no reason for you to have known I had them. And if I was using them like I do my polarity in your previous timeline... concealing them, only using the power as subtly as possible, then it's possible I underestimated Cinder and was defeated because of that."

Ruby wrinkled her nose. "I... I don't know. I guess you could have hid the powers. And we don't even know what these Maiden powers actually can do, anyway. But I'd think that you'd have told somebody. Your team at the least..." Ruby chuckled. "OK, maybe not Nora... she's not the best with secrets."

Yang shrugged. "Well... whatever happened the last time, we're not going to let it happen again. If you fight Cinder, Babe, you won't be holding back, and you won't be alone either. It won't end the same way this time."

Ruby nodded firmly. "That's for sure!"

Pyrrha smiled faintly. "I know you'll all stand by me when the time comes."

"We all will." Blake agreed quickly. "And Cinder and her group don't know we know about them. This time we're the ones who have the element of surprise."

Yang pumped a fist. "Hell yeah. We're going to kick their butts." She turned to Pyrrha. "Seriously though, Babe, you should go for it. Magical powers sound awesome... and I won't complain about being Magical Girl Pyrrha's girlfriend..." She winked.

Pyrrha winced, and turned her head away. "It... it's not quite that simple, Yang. There's an... issue with transferring the powers to me."

Yang looked confused. "Why? What's the problem?"

Pyrrha hesitated before continuing. "Amber isn't conscious. I don't know if she'll ever regain consciousness before she dies. As it is, the last person in her thoughts will be the person who attacked her, most likely... and she doesn't know me."

Ruby frowned. "Then... how would they give you her powers?"

Pyrrha sighed. "General... Ironwood apparently came up with a solution. Atlas has come up with the technology to manipulate Aura. To transfer it from one place to another. To take it from one person, and put it in another person. They can't make the Fall Maiden's powers go to me naturally, but they could transfer her Aura to me, and the powers with them... in theory."

"What?!" Blake gasped. "They'd be... what, pulling her soul out and pushing it into you?"

"Penny..." Ruby gasped in horror. "Is that how they made Penny?"

Pyrrha nodded to Ruby. "I thought the same. In fact, I asked General Ironwood about it."

Ruby's eyes went wide. "You... you told them that we knew about Penny?"

Pyrrha hesitated. "I implied that I'd sensed her with my Polarity, and that we'd kept her secret regardless. General Ironwood said that, since we already knew, he'd seriously consider letting her talk to you again, Ruby." she flushed, embarrassed. "I hope... I hope that's alright?"

Ruby blinked in surprise, then her eyes softened. "Yeah... I... thanks Pyrrha. I'd really like to be able to be friends with Penny again."

Yang interrupted. "That... that's great, sis, but... Pyrrha..." She turned to Pyrrha, her face already pale. "Was what Blake said true? They'd take the Maiden's Aura and put it into you? How... how does that work? Would you be alright?"

Pyrrha flinched. "I... I don't know. It's never actually been done before... or at least, not exactly this. They're... not sure what would happen to me, exactly."

Yang's eyes were wide. "What? How...?" Her eyes flashed over to red. "They can't do that!" She shouted. "How can they expect you to...?!"

Pyrrha sighed heavily. "I'm afraid that the situation appears to be quite... quite desperate. Amber is dying... they think that she won't live very much longer. If she dies, then Amber's attacker... whomever it is, will gain the powers, and that would be very bad."

Yang was practically growling. "That shouldn't matter! They can't ask you to... to... risk yourself like that!"

Pyrrha tried to say something, but nothing came out. She couldn't find any words to defend Ozpin's request, not that Yang would be likely to accept. "I'm sure it's not... dangerous. My life won't be at risk. After all, they're not... they're not taking my Aura away. I'd be receiving more..." she sighed. "I think... I think the worry is that they're not sure how Amber's Aura would effect me. If Aura is the expression of the soul, what would it mean to have another person's soul added to your own?"

Ruby frowned. "Who..." She shook her head, as if reconsidering her words, and started again. "Do you think Penny's Aura came from a person? Maybe... maybe we could ask her about it?"

Pyrrha frowned. "I don't know... although I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask."

Yang snorted. "Well, all I know is that you're not doing this. There's no way I'd let them use some untested... crazy science experiment to jam another person's soul down your throat... or however it works. No way."

Pyrrha couldn't help but frown slightly. "Yang... that's... that's not your choice to make."

Yang's eyes went to Pyrrha, then widened. "Babe... I... don't tell me you want to do this?"

Pyrrha's frown deepened, although it wasn't directed at her girlfriend anymore. "I have to at least consider it. I can't deny that the procedure as they describe it seems... monstrous. At the same time, they were right about one thing. These are very desperate circumstances."

Yang put a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder hesitantly. "Yeah... but... YOU don't have to be the one to do it. Why can't they... I don't know, why can't Miss Goodwitch do it?"

Pyrrha sighed. "I expect Professor Goodwitch is too old to receive the powers. Apparently the new Maiden is always someone young, as well as female." She sighed. "And the other reason... they will pick someone, Yang. They have no choice if they wish to ensure that Amber's attacker does not get the full powers. So they will pick someone. If... if someone must bear this burden... is it... is it purely ego to think it might as well be me?"

Yang shook her head. "No... Babe... I get why they'd pick you. I mean... you'd be on my top ten list of people who I'd pick to get super powers if... if it were up to me, but... Pyr... Babe... I don't want anything to happen to you."

Pyrrha looked at Yang sadly. "And who else, do you think, might be on Professor Ozpin's top ten?" Blake looked at Ruby immediately, eyes widening. Yang caught her look, and her own eyes went to her sister, then went even wider.

Ruby herself looked confused for several long moments, then she blinked. "Me?"

Pyrrha shrugged helplessly. "I was honestly surprised they did not choose you instead of me. Although perhaps it was because your Uncle is among those doing the choosing? He was obviously distressed over what the transfer might do."

Yang growled. "You think he was distressed before... wait till I get a hold of him!"

Pyrrha smiled softly. "Your Uncle means well, Yang. I believe he is a good man, under his gruff demeanor. And I don't think any of them were happy about being forced to this."

Yang frowned stubbornly. "Doesn't mean I can't be angry at him."

Pyrrha sighed. "Yang... please don't..."

Yang pushed away from Pyrrha, standing up abruptly. "No! Pyrrha, who knows what could happen to you? What if this Amber girl's Aura possesses you or something? What if it changes you completely? You say you're not in any real danger, but you don't know that! Even if you don't die... you might not be you anymore! You might... not... not be..." Her face fell and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Pyrrha stood and gently wrapped Yang into a hug. "I'll still love you. Yang, my love. I know I'll still hold you in my heart. That won't change."

Yang shoved Pyrrha back, breaking free of her grasp. "You don't KNOW that! We don't know anything about this!" Pyrrha stepped away from her, looking hurt, and Yang grimaced. "Babe... I... I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm just so scared that I'll lose you."

Ruby spoke up softly. "It doesn't have to be Pyrrha though, right? It could be any girl, couldn't it?"

Yang spun on her younger sister. "No! Ruby, you are not considering volunteering for this... stupid..."

Blake looked at Ruby with a frightened expression. "Ruby...?"

Ruby sighed. "I... I don't want to become someone different. But... we don't know if anything will even happen. And... if somebody has to do it, then...?"

Yang thrust a hand to the side as if pushing away the possibility. "Let someone else do it! Nora! Or... Weiss! Weiss would love to have a bunch of magical powers, you know she would!"

Pyrrha spoke up. "I don't think they would appreciate us mentioning this to anyone. I probably shouldn't have even told you three. This is all supposed to be a huge secret. One that they've kept for thousands of years. We can't tell... everyone. The more people we tell, the greater the risk that the secret gets out."

Yang grimaced. "You think their stupid secret is more important than you?"

Pyrrha wrinkled her nose. "Yang... this secret saves lives. If people knew... they'd come for the Maidens. People would die."

Yang snorted. "Apparently they're already dying."

Blake sighed. "I think I have to agree with Pyrrha here. If people knew... if Adam knew, he'd break into Beacon himself, and take the powers."

Yang raised an eyebrow. "I don't think your ex exactly qualifies, Blake."

Blake shrugged tiredly. "He'd make sure that someone loyal to him got the powers... probably would have been me a year ago. Trust me, there would be plenty of faunus who'd jump at the chance. And who knows what kind of damage they'd do with the powers." She turned to Pyrrha. "Although... what do these powers do, exactly? You never said."

Pyrrha hesitated. "Ozpin never said, exactly. From the story... I would imagine some sort of... elemental powers? Fire, wind... frost, that sort of thing?"

Ruby looked curious. "So... like using Dust?"

Pyrrha shrugged. "I suppose, although Ozpin did say that their powers didn't use Dust."

Blake spoke up. "So, like Dust manipulation without Dust? That sounds pretty useful."

"It sounded like a LOT of power, however." Pyrrha said. "They spoke of the power as if it was something very great. Your uncle called it 'unimaginable' power. They must be formidable abilities indeed if they've gone to such lengths to protect and conceal them." She hesitated. "Which is... well, one reason why it seems foolish NOT to accept. Besides the fact that even if I refuse them, they will choose someone... with such powers, then... the dangers Ruby has warned us about, wouldn't such power be of help?"

Yang opened her mouth, closed it, then her whole body shivered once as she came to a decision. "Then I'll do it. It doesn't matter who the powers go to, does it? So long as it's someone we can trust?" She hesitated. "I mean... I know I'm not as strong as you, Babe, but..."

Pyrrha put a hand on Yang's shoulder. "I have no doubt you'd be a fine Maiden, my love." She said reassuringly. "But do you think I would be any less upset by you risking being changed? Either way... we risk... much." She sighed. "In any case, they asked me. If it must be one of us, I would choose to take the risk myself."

Yang frowned. "Pyr! That's not..." She trailed off, not able or not wanting to finish the thought.

Pyrrha shook her head. "No, Yang. It's not especially fair. And I know you'd take my place if you could, but... if someone must do this, then I would choose myself. And... while it might not be terribly fair, it is my choice to make."

Yang looked pained. "You're determined to do this, then?"

Pyrrha hesitated. "I... I believe that I am. As much as I do fear losing part of myself... I cannot step aside to let someone else take the risk in my place."

Yang looked like she wanted to argue, but something in Pyrrha's face stopped her. "Babe..." she moved in and hugged her. "Damn it. I hate this."

Pyrrha hugged her back. "I know."

Everyone went silent for a time after that. Yang and Pyrrha settled down on Pyrrha's bed, while Ruby and Blake sat on Blake's. Yang leaned against Pyrrha, wrapping an arm around her back while leaning into her, while Blake and Ruby both sat cross legged across from them, mirrored concern on their faces. Pyrrha sat frowning, looking away from Yang, but she had a hand on Yang's leg to try and reassure her.

Ruby spoke up finally, wanting to try and cheer everyone up. "So... what about Penny? Did they tell you anything about her? You said that they gave her Aura. Maybe she'd know something that would help?"

Pyrrha shook her head slowly. "They didn't actually tell me anything about Penny, although General Ironwood didn't deny that her Aura had been transferred from another person. He didn't say anything specific, however."

Blake frowned. "How could they do that? To take the Aura from someone and put it into a... a robot?"

"Blake!" Ruby protested. "Penny's not just a robot. She's a person!"

Blake glanced at Ruby apologetically. "I'm not blaming Penny, of course. And... I believe you when you say she's a real person. I... if they did transfer someone's Aura to her, then maybe she's even..." she trailed off. "I don't know... maybe the Aura came from... from another girl. Another Penny? Maybe someone who was dying, and they saved her... soul? I don't want to think that they deliberately... killed someone to make Penny. I don't want to believe that. And... and there are always people who are on the verge of death... who can't be saved. Maybe it was from someone like that. Probably... probably they even got permission. I... I don't want to think that anyone our Professors are working with would do things... like that."

Yang looked at Blake with a frown. "But you're not sure?"

Blake shook her head. "I don't know! I mean... the SDC is responsible for a lot of the technology that Atlas uses... and they're not exactly known for their ethics. We don't really know anything right now."

Pyrrha sighed. "It is a very uncomfortable idea. And Professor Ozpin did not sound very happy with the General when he found out about it." She frowned then. "I believe that Penny was deliberately created, however. An attempt to create an immortal Maiden, in essence. One that would not die of old age, and therefore wouldn't risk the powers going to someone they didn't know. It seemed to be something they'd discussed. Ozpin had been against the idea, but for some reason the General created Penny anyway, without telling the Professor. The General seemed quite chagrined to have her existence revealed."

"So Professor Ozpin didn't know about Penny?" Ruby asked quietly. "Do... do you think he would... do anything?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "I... I honestly don't know what to think. I don't think they'd harm Penny, certainly. I told Professor Ozpin what I thought about her... that she's a sweet girl, that I believed she has a soul." She looked up at Ruby. "I know I don't know Penny at all well, of course, but, I do trust your judgement, Ruby. I think... I think Professor Ozpin believed me, in any case, for what that's worth."

"The more I hear about all this, the less I like it." Blake muttered. "Especially what I'm hearing about General Ironwood. And... the way they want to keep this all secret. How will they react to us all knowing about it?"

Pyrrha frowned. "I... I don't know." She looked upset all of a sudden. "Oh... I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I've put you all in danger now!"

Yang squeezed her tightly from the side. "Don't be stupid." She glared into Pyrrha's startled face. "I don't care about that. Telling us was exactly what you needed to do. Even if you and I weren't... if we weren't together, we're still your friends, and your teammates. We'd have had your back regardless. If one of us has a problem, we're all in it together."

Pyrrha smiled softly at her girlfriend. "Yang... you don't have to..."

Yang rolled her eyes. "Pyr, I love you, but you can be dense sometimes. Yes I have to. Of course I have to. I care about you... I love you for crying out loud. As a friend, as a member of team RPBY, or as your girlfriend, I want to face any danger at your side." She sighed, lowering her head and resting it on Pyrrha's shoulder. "I won't... I won't tell you that you can't do this, as much as I'd like to. I know I can't stop you." She looked up at Pyrrha's face again. "I was serious when I said I'd take this in your place..."

Pyrrha interrupted softly. "I know you would, Yang."

"And you'll act the hero and take this on to keep the rest of us from having to take the risk." Yang continued. "And you're the one they want." She sighed. "Let's just... try and find out as much as we can before you take that final step, alright? I know it probably won't make a difference, but... it can't hurt to find out a bit more, can it?"

Pyrrha sighed. "It can't hurt to find out more. We have time... a little, at least." She looked at Ruby. "Do you think you'll be able to contact Penny?"

Ruby shrugged helplessly. "I've texted her a bunch of times! She never answers. I think General Ironwood's been keeping her from answering."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "Well... maybe you should try again? If the General knows we know about Penny, maybe he'll let her talk to you now?"

Ruby wrinkled her nose. "Well... I guess it couldn't hurt." She went and got her scroll, then started to text.

Penny? It's Ruby, can we talk? Much to her surprise, she got a reply almost immediately.

NormalAtlasGirl28: Friend Ruby! It is very pleasant to hear from you!

Ruby blinked. "She answered!"

Blake looked over curiously. "What is she saying?"

Ruby shook her head and typed a reply. Penny! I missed you! Can we talk?

NormalAtlasGirl28: I would be most happy to talk! Shall I call you at your scroll now?

Ruby texted back. It's kind of private stuff. Maybe we should talk in person?

NormalAtlasGirl28: I am not sure if I can come in person at this moment, Friend Ruby. Is it very important?

It is kind of important, Penny. Could you ask if you could come visit us? Ruby replied.

NormalAtlasGirl28: I will ask! There was a long pause, and Ruby exchanged looks with her team, but it was less than a minute later when Penny replied. NormalAtlasGirl28: I am told that it is too late tonight. Would tomorrow be acceptable?

Ruby texted back. Could you come by our dorms tomorrow after dinner?

NormalAtlasGirl28: That should be most acceptable! I will see you then, Friend Ruby!

Ruby sighed and put her scroll down. "Penny says she can come to our dorm tomorrow after dinner."

Pyrrha nodded. "Thank you for asking, Ruby. I hope she'll have some answers for us."

Yang sighed. "I'm never going to be able to get to sleep tonight. This whole thing is going to keep me tossing and turning all night long."

Pyrrha hesitated. "Perhaps... I might..." she glanced at Ruby and Blake and blushed lightly, then turned back to Yang. "Perhaps I might hold you tonight? If that would help you sleep?"

Yang looked slightly more cheerful at the thought, but turned to Ruby. "Rubes, would that be OK?"

Ruby blinked. Except for their time on Patch, the four girls had been sleeping in their separate beds each night. She'd actually been tempted to sneak into bed with Blake on more than one occasion, but she hadn't been brave enough to try it... or even to bring up the idea, now that they were all back in their dorm room again. It wasn't like they hadn't made time to be... intimate, but that had been with one pair or the other leaving the room to give the other couple space. And it certainly hadn't been overnight.

Blake looked at Ruby hesitantly. "Maybe we could share my bed at the same time?" She suggested with a light blush.

Ruby hesitated. "I'd like that... but..." she glanced over at Yang and Pyrrha.

"We paired off in my room back home, sis." Yang pointed out reasonably. "It's not a big deal, is it?"

Ruby shrugged sheepishly. "I guess it feels a bit different back at school..." then she smiled. "But sure. I don't mind. Just... you know... no... getting up to stuff."

Yang laughed. "No stuff. Got it."

Ruby nodded seriously. "OK then."

Blake's eyes were warm. "OK then." She repeated, looking quite pleased.


The four girls got ready for bed and paired off, Yang and Pyrrha getting into Pyrrha's bed, while Blake and Ruby took Blake's.

Pyrrha had gotten into bed first, Yang climbing in after, Pyrrha holding the blond brawler from behind. Yang leaned away from Pyrrha for a second, noting that she could peer over the edge of the bed without too much trouble.

"Of course, the beds at home were bigger..." She commented slightly sourly.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Pyrrha said encouragingly.

Yang snuggled back into Pyrrha's arms. "Hey, it's always better with you, Babe." She told the tall redhead. "Just... maybe if we make a habit of this, we might want bigger beds?"

Blake was backed almost into the wall on her side of her own bed in order to give Ruby enough room to fit in beside her, and she looked up over Ruby's shoulders to catch Yang's gaze. "Bigger might be good." She agreed.

Ruby glanced across the room at her own bed, hung suspended by ropes from the ceiling and dangling above Pyrrha and Yang, and got a thoughtful frown. "Maybe we should take down the bunk beds? We could push the beds together?"

Pyrrha looked at the stacks of books holding up the bed above Ruby and Blake, then nodded. "Something to think about." She agreed.

"Tomorrow..." Yang said with a yawn. "I just want to sleep tonight."

Pyrrha smiled and held Yang a little tighter. "Sleep sounds lovely."

"Goodnight." Blake said softly.

"Goodnight." Everyone chorused back.


Ruby was having a lot of difficulty sleeping. She was supremely conscious of Blake's body pressed against her back. While she'd gotten somewhat used to sleeping with Blake back on Patch, the beds there HAD been a bit larger, so in order for neither one of them to fall out they had to be entwined pretty closely. She was used to having a bit more room to stretch out. Here, she could barely move without threatening to fall out of bed. At the same time, the closer proximity was making it get almost... uncomfortably warm. She wanted to get cool, and that meant either pushing the covers off, which would expose Blake's arms and legs to the air, or taking some clothes off. If she and Blake had been alone in the room, they'd have both stripped down to their panties before even getting into bed, but with Yang and Pyrrha only feet away, they'd stayed in their regular pajamas.

Ruby felt a flush coming over her face as she remembered, rather vividly, how it felt to lay with Blake, skin to skin. How usually doing so led to more. Blake had taken things slow, but she'd willingly done whatever Ruby had been up for, and in the last few days of their stay on Patch, Ruby had wanted to do quite a bit. She wanted to be able to do that again, in fact, but with Yang and Pyrrha just feet away, she didn't dare. Did she?

Ruby's face flushed hotter. Yang was facing her. Sure, her older sister's eyes were closed. Ruby squinted to make sure, and yes, Yang's eyes were closed... but she could wake up any moment. Or maybe she was pretending to sleep, like Ruby was?

Minutes passed, and Ruby felt a bead of sweat run across her forehead. She was getting overheated, and in more ways than one!

Ruby shifted slightly, tucking her fingers under the bottom of her tank top, and slowly pulled it upwards under the blanket.

Behind her, Blake's even breathing stopped dead, and Blake's hands wandered down to discover the bare skin of Ruby's stomach that Ruby had just revealed.

Ruby froze, and for a long moment neither girl did anything. Then, slowly, Ruby started to pull her top up further.

Blake's hands followed Ruby's up, but before Ruby could get her top over her head, Blake grabbed Ruby's hands and held them back, keeping the smaller girl from completing the motion.

"Ruby..." Blake snarled very quietly into Ruby's ear. "Please stop taking your clothes off." Ruby tugged lightly upwards but Blake continued to restrain her hands. "Ruby!" Blake hissed in quiet panic. "Yang is RIGHT THERE." Ruby was actually kind of impressed at how good Blake was at sounding panicked while still being so quiet she could barely be overheard even by Ruby herself.

"I'm hot." Ruby complained back, trying to be just as quiet, knowing that Blake's superior hearing would pick up her voice even with Ruby facing away from her.

Blake said nothing for several long moments. "Yang... will... kill... me." She whispered into Ruby's ear one word at a time, her warm breath on Ruby's skin doing nothing to cool the heat Ruby was feeling. Rather the opposite. Ruby was starting to feel rather flushed, and she pushed her rear into Blake's front, wiggling her butt a little and feeling rather pleased at how Blake froze again, the cat faunus's breathing cutting off in an obvious reaction.

Ruby tugged her top up towards her head again, and was pleased to find Blake's hands no longer resisted the movement, but instead the other girl gently helped her pull her top off. Blake shifted the blankets so that Ruby's head was covered and took Ruby's top, slipping it under their shared pillow. She then wrapped her arms around Ruby's now nicely bare torso and sighed into Ruby's bare shoulder.

Ruby sighed as well. This was better. Still... it could be even better yet, couldn't it? She reached down and took a hold of her sleep pants, and started slowly working them down her legs.

Blake let out a tiny laugh. "Ruby... you're going to get me killed." She muttered very softly into the smaller girl's ear as she felt Ruby carefully slipping out of her pants. Ruby got her pants down to her knees and carefully pushed them off completely using her feet, and Blake's eyes closed at the sensation of her own bare legs under her yukata against Ruby's now fully exposed ones.

Blake kept her eyes closed, and kept her chin on top of Ruby's head, and did her best to try and settle down so she could sleep, but after less than a minute, she felt Ruby shift, and Ruby's arm came over top of their bodies to tug lightly at the soft silk belt holding her yukata closed.

Blake froze. Ruby wasn't... was she? Ruby's hand tugged some more, pulling at the belt till the knot that held it closed came into Ruby's grasp. She forced herself to keep breathing, shallowly and quietly as she could as she felt Ruby tugging on the knot, very softly, as if she was teasing at it with just a couple fingers, trying to work it loose with as little motion as possible. Blake did nothing. A part of her told her she should stop Ruby. Yang and Pyrrha... but especially Yang was only feet away. Obviously it wasn't much of a secret that she and Ruby had gotten up to more than just holding hands in the last few weeks, but never with Ruby's older sister in the same room! Blake felt the belt come undone, and Ruby's hand slip between their bodies, slipping a couple fingers through the front of her yukata to graze Blake's stomach, then curling around to grip and slowly pull it open in front wider and wider.

Then Ruby started to slowly and quietly shift, turning first onto her back, then turning entirely around in Blake's arms to come face to face with her under the blankets. Ruby ducked her head slightly so that she was entirely hidden under them, and Blake had to grit her teeth to keep from gasping as she felt the smaller girl gently kiss her collarbone. The smaller girl's hands slipped inside her yukata, pushing it open so that no fabric save her panties remained between their skin. Ruby's bare legs slowly entwined with Blake's own, and Blake just about lost it when Ruby started forcing her legs open with one of hers, pushing her upper thigh between Blake's own legs slowly but surely.

She gasped, her spine bowing slightly as Ruby started doing other things that Blake had greatly enjoyed showing her how to do, but which were likely to get her killed... especially if Yang...

"Rubes." Yang's voice was soft, but held just a hint of a growl. "We're not deaf." Ruby went absolutely still with a squeak.

Blake's eyes shot open and she found herself looking into Yang's own from across the room. Her nightvision could plainly make out the unamused expression on the older sister's face, but at least, it didn't seem like Yang's eyes had gone to red. Not yet.

Ruby stayed frozen, trying to pretend to be asleep. Over Yang's shoulder, Blake could see Pyrrha burying her face into the blond brawler's shoulder, and Blake was pretty sure that the Mistralian was mortified, and not wanting to get involved.

Yang sighed. "Ruby... come on."

Ruby sniffed into Blake's bare chest, the warm air causing the cat faunus to shiver. "I'm sorry." She said softly.

Yang snorted. "Sorry you got caught, you mean."

Ruby slowly lay on her back, and pulled the blanket down enough to show her face, and rather more of Blake's now mostly bare shoulders and upper chest than Blake really wanted to be showing Yang. Blake tugged her side of the blanket up to cover her upper body a bit better, but from the look on Yang's face, she was pretty sure Yang had gotten enough of a view.

Ruby turned her head to look at her sister. "Sorry Yang... I just..." she trailed off. "I was hot?" She said it like it was a question.

Yang sighed. "OK, yeah. It's warmer in the room than we had it on Patch. I'll open the window, OK?" She slipped out of the bed to do exactly that. "Just... make out with Blake another time, OK?"

Ruby's cheeks turned pink, although probably only Blake had clear enough vision to make out the change. "Sorry sis." She hesitated, then added. "Sorry Pyrrha."

Pyrrha's head came up just slightly. "It... it's fine." She said softly, although by now all three of her roommates knew that tone of voice.

"It's not." Yang disagreed softly. "You're just too nice to say so, Babe."

"No." Pyrrha said back, still quietly. "No." Her voice grew warmer. "It was... actually, it didn't bother me."

Yang knelt by their shared bed to look at Pyrrha curiously. "It didn't?"

Pyrrha blushed, although again, Blake was pretty sure she was the only one who could see it. "It was... kind of sweet, actually. A bit embarrassing, but..."

Yang sighed and dropped down to sit on the floor, leaning her back against the bed Pyrrha still laid in. "Gah." She shook her head. "OK, yeah, I get what you're saying, Pyr... but damn it... we're talking about my baby sister." She waved a hand in Ruby's general direction, although her eyes were now firmly on the ceiling. "I'm not supposed to be hearing my baby sister making out with her girlfriend a couple feet away."

"Yang..." Ruby said with a wince. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I just..."

Yang shook her head. "Nah... it's OK, Rubes. I get it. Seriously I do. I don't LIKE it, but I get it. I was feeling all hot and bothered myself, you know?" She looked down and met Ruby's eyes. "It just... it bothers the heck out of me, you know?"

It was Blake's turn to wince. "Sorry... I should have told her to stop."

Ruby groaned. "BLAKE... you did tell me to stop. I just... didn't."

Yang snorted a laugh, although it wasn't a particularly happy sound. "Well, I did tell you to let Rubes set the pace, I guess."

"And she has." Ruby said in a soft, but firm voice. "Blake's never..."

Yang nodded sharply. "I get that. I'd be a whole lot madder if this was the other way around..." she sighed. "But I don't wanna be mad at you. I'm... honestly, I'm glad you two have each other, and that... you know, you're... happy... and stuff." She waved a hand in the air. "I just don't wanna... hear you going at it, you know?"

Blake swallowed, and nodded quickly. "Of course. It won't happen again."

Yang nodded jerkily. "Yeah. Probably be best."

Ruby sighed, sounding disappointed but resigned. "Sorry, sis. I'll behave." She hesitated, sounding a bit reluctant. "Um... should I put my clothes back on?"

Yang grimaced. "Hah..." she breathed out. "I dunno." She answered a moment later. "Do you want to?"

Ruby hesitated. "I... not really?" She answered hesitantly. "I kind of got used to sleeping like this when I'm with Blake."

Yang sighed. "Yeah. Me too."

Blake grinned slightly. "I'm assuming you mean with Pyrrha, and not me?" Pyrrha giggled softly, hiding her face to conceal her blush.

Yang grinned at Blake. "You wish, Kitten." She turned slightly more serious, and looked at Ruby. "I'll leave it up to you then, Rubes. You're the youngest, so you get to set the boundaries. But if you're sleeping in the buff with your girlfriend, then I get to do the same."

Pyrrha coughed. "Yang..." She said with mild disapproval.

"If Pyrrha says it's OK." Yang amended.

"I've got panties on." Ruby protested.

Yang raised an eyebrow. "Good to know?" Ruby squeaked and hid her face again. Yang chuckled at her little sister's reaction, then glanced back at Pyrrha. "What do you think, Babe?"

Pyrrha hesitated. "Well..." she thought about it for a minute. "For sleeping... I would not be... opposed to you coming to bed in... um... less. So long as it doesn't disturb anyone else?"

Yang looked over at Blake. "What about you, Blakey?"

Blake shrugged. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind, as long as you don't mind me... being with your sister?"

Yang sighed. "One thing at a time." She looked at Ruby. "Rubes? It sounds like we'd be OK with you, so long as you're OK with us doing the same."

Ruby peeled the blanket down to reveal her face again. "OK." She said quietly. "It's... it's OK with me. At night... for sleeping."

Yang raised an eyebrow. "So... no wandering around the dorm naked the rest of the time?"

Ruby's shoulder's hunched. "No?"

Yang's eyebrow went up further. "Was that a question?"

Ruby blushed again. "No." She shook her head. "No... no naked Yang time, thank you."

Yang chuckled. "OK then. For sleeping only it is." She looked at Ruby again. "That's it though, OK? I don't mind... you know... relaxing the dress code for sleeping, or whatever. Just... don't make me listen to you and Blake... you know."

Ruby nodded quickly. "OK." She sighed. "Sorry... I should have... I don't know... talked to you first, huh?"

Yang shrugged. "Yeah... maybe? But how would that conversation have gone?" She shook her head. "Honestly... I was tempted to just let it go. You were trying to be quiet... and... well, privacy is not a thing right now, but it wouldn't have killed me to just ignore it. Guess it just weirded me out a bit."

Blake looked hesitantly at Yang. "Are we OK?"

Yang nodded. "Yeah, don't worry about it Blake. We're always going to be OK. Just... keep it down, I guess."

Blake glanced down at Ruby's face which she could clearly see, even in the dark, was blushing brightly. "No more tonight, at least." She promised.

Ruby nodded again. "Kay."

Yang glanced back at her own girlfriend. "I WAS getting kinda hot... and it's not exactly chilly in here, even with a breeze... ya wanna...?" she broke off, as Pyrrha finished unbuttoning her pajama top and tossing it at her.

"Put those in my drawer please, Yang?" Pyrrha said sweetly, shuffling under the covers and bringing her knees up to her chest. A moment later Pyrrha slipped her pajama bottoms out from under the covers and tossed them to Yang as well.

Yang grinned and took a moment to fold Pyrrha's pajamas, if not perfectly, with some care, then stuffed them in the appropriate drawer. Then, with a shrug, she pulled her own orange tank top off and tossed it into the drawer as well before shutting it. She stretched once, putting her arms over her head and causing Blake's eyes to boggle slightly at the fascinating sight, and Ruby to hide her face again in embarrassment. Yang then pulled the covers back enough to give Blake a pretty decent glimpse at Pyrrha's mostly unclad form as well before sliding under the covers herself again and covering them both up.

"Well..." Yang said with deliberate nonchalance. "Goodnight again."

"Goodnight Yang." Ruby mumbled, still hiding her head.

"Goodnight." Blake and Pyrrha acknowledged.

Under the blankets, Blake could feel Ruby turning to face her again. The smaller girl hugged her, then shifted again so that her back was to Blake so that Blake could once again take up the position of the big spoon, the position that seemed to work best for them when trying to actually sleep together. Blake wouldn't admit it, but she did sometimes have trouble sleeping like that. Her arm went numb sometimes, and Ruby sometimes woke her when the smaller girl moved unexpectedly. But regardless, it was completely worth it in her opinion. She might be a bit more tired after a night sleeping with Ruby in her arms, but she wasn't going to complain. Besides... that just meant she had an excuse to sleep in a little longer, and with Ruby cuddled up to her, that seemed like a fate she would be glad to face.

Blake closed her eyes, letting herself enjoy the feeling of Ruby's small, lithe form in her arms, and let herself be content with that. She listened as first Pyrrha, then Ruby, then finally Yang's breathing all settled into the rhythms of sleep. Moments later, she had drifted off as well.

next chapter
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