33.33% Roll of the Dice / Chapter 1: Roll of the Dice
Roll of the Dice Roll of the Dice original

Roll of the Dice

作者: JabberingJake

© WebNovel

章節 1: Roll of the Dice

Priestess strained to carry High Elf Archer to her rented room. The forest beauty was lighter than her, but that didn't make up for Priestess's low strength stat. High Elf Archer was red faced drunk again, losing another challenge to her eternal friend/enemy Dwarf Shaman.

Being one of the few sober adventurers thanks to being underage, and preferring Honey juice, Priestess elected to take High Elf Archer home. Normally she'd pester… encourage Goblin Slayer or Lizard Shaman to help, but the former returned home. Dragged home by Cowgirl, or maybe he was helping her home? Cowgirl drank a lot tonight as well.

Enough that their mutual friend, and Cowgirl's rival for Goblin Slayer's attention, Guild Girl, looked worried as they shuffled back to their isolated farm outside of town. The natural barrier to any hay rolling, Cowgirl's shyness, and her uncle were both missing tonight.

One was drowned out by alcohol, and the other was also drowned out by alcohol. Cowgirl's uncle, enjoying a rare once year drink fest with the other farmers who finished this year's harvest.

Back to Priestess and her underdeveloped arms struggling to carry the feather weight Elf up the third story stairs of her inn.

"I… (pant)… should… (Pant)… do more pushups!" Priestess made the final league of her journey, passing the last step and tripping. Both she and High Elf Archer were on the floor now. The green-haired girl snuggled up close and nibbled on her ear?

(Is this an Elf thing?) Priestess wondered, nuzzling her friend away. Using her legs, she lifted the Elf once more and proceeded into High Elf Archer's room. And tripped again!

"She needs a maid…" was all Priestess will say.

High Elf Archer's room was like the treasure room in a dungeon if random nick knacks could be considered treasure. She couldn't see the value in them, but they were still her friend's possessions, so Priestess was careful to avoid stepping on them while dragging High Elf Archer to her bed.

"There… we… go!" With a final huff, Priestess deposited the Elf safely to her bed. "I'll lock the door for you." She said to her sleeping friend, ready to take her leave, Priestess turned around and immediately tripped again! Something round on the floor tripped her.

Rubbing her hatless head, she felt around the dim room to make sure whatever she slipped on wasn't broken. Her hand touched something… soft.

"What is this?" She brought the object into the moonlight and gasped, her cheeks burning red like the sun.

The object was something a priestess should never touch… outside of marriage. It was long, both ends shaped after a particular part of a male. It was a tool or toy used for mostly women.

"Why does she have this? Does she even know what it is?"

It wouldn't surprise Priestess if High Elf Archer bought the phallic toy without knowing what it was for. That's a 2000-year-old virgin for you, though Priestess only knew about it because of the Sex Ed given to her by the temple.

They were worshipers of the Earth Mother, so they were expected to one day become Mothers. Or so her Big Sister assumed.

The double… eh… she didn't even want to say the word. She gripped it tightly in her dainty fingers. Looking for a place to put it. It had been on the floor, so should she leave it there? Before she could reach a conclusion, a shadow fell over her.

High Elf Archer stretched like a cat in the moonlight, her slender natural beauty sparkling against the night sky backdrop. Priestess's eyes adjusted to the darkness well enough to see the Elf's complexion improve, her face a lighter pink, instead of drunken red.

So, she was half sober.

With a finger pressed to her lips, High Elf Archer grinned, her bright green eyes glowing in the darkness. "Did you want to play with me, Tess?" The elf licked her lips in a way the Priestess only read about.

"Ah… no… I was…" She never finished the sentence, for High Elf Archer leaped like a lioness off the bed and landed with all the grace of a cat, stealing Priestess's first kiss. "HMMHMM!" came her muffled surprised, her mind a frantic mess as she gingerly pushed against the Elf.

Once more, she froze, her hands groping the supple but small chest of her Elven friend. She didn't know when the elf removed her shirt, but it was long gone. Another eep! Escaped her as the elf ground against her… flower garden, as her Big Sister described.

"Heia…" she whispered when the elf broke for air, her lips quivering. Though she couldn't process exactly what she was feeling at the moment.

High Elf Archer stopped her all-out assault, perhaps sober enough to analyze the situation. Her ears dropped slightly, her brain rebooting, yet that coy smile persisted.

"Are you sure you want to stop, Tess?" High Elf Archer said, pressing a dainty digit against the fabric of Priestess's black shorts. The Holy woman in training wore her chain mail underneath, but her habit and vestments were away in her room, leaving the blond in a loose black shirt and shorts. When the elf presented the evidence of her arousal in the soft glow of the moonlight, she about fainted!

"I… um… well… this sort of thing… should be done… with a… someone you love?" She answered uncertainly. Being worldly enough to know sex was just sex sometimes, but young enough to fantasize about something more than animalistic instincts.

High Elf Archer did not share these contradictions and shot through them as easily as a goblin. "Well, I love you. Is that not enough?"

"I'm not sure we're talking about the same love…" Priestess trailed off, wondering if there was a difference. "Like as a friend… or… like your sister loves her husband?"

"Hmm… good question… but that doesn't change that I do like you! Besides, you human should be more open. I know you're a Priestess, but look at these!" High Elf Archer groped her ever-growing breasts, producing a cute squeal of surprise. "Come to think of it, that sword maiden woman had huge knockers… but she followed a different god… does that make a difference?"

"Could you not grope and question me at the same time?" Priestess yelled, feeling really embarrassed and… warm… like all over. There was an ache inside her body, but it wasn't a wound. Strange.

"Ok, ok, I'm done. If you really want to leave, you can, but before you do, I want a goodnight kiss! I gave you one, after all."

"I suppose…" Priestess's resistance was at an all-time low, so she indulged the elf and leaned in, pressing her lips against the green hair girl's. At first it was passive, then High Elf started pushing back, slipping her tongue through Priestess's meager resistance. When the need for air rolled a twenty, both girls broke away, a thin line of salvia connecting them.

"I… ah…" The blonde girl's brains were officially stunned, leaving her hot and flustered body to go with the flow when High Elf Archer tossed her on the bed. Even though the elf's arms were as thin as hers, she had centuries of pulling back her bow over Priestess seventeen years of life.

"Let's get rid of these, shall we?" High Elf Archer sang, undoing the buttons of her shorts and kicking them aside. She wore no underwear, as usual. "You human sure like to wear a lot of layers." The elf said, pulling Priestess's shirt and chain mail off in one go. Next came her black shorts. The last line of defense was Priestess's-soaked white string panties. "Guild Girl showed me how to undo these."

Tugging at the knots on Priestess sides, High Elf Archer removed the last obstacle to storming Priestess's castle. "Now let's have some fun, shall we?" The elf took the phallic object, admiring it in the moonlight. "I got this as a reward for a quest when I was only a bronze, from an amazon tribe… it had some special ability, but what does it matter?"

Climbing onto the bed, High Elf Archer set the phallic artifact aside, taking Priestess' perky bare breasts in her hands. "I'm always jealous of how big you humans get so fast." She playfully licked one of Priestess's nipples, earning a moan from the younger girl. Enjoying the sound, the High Elf wrapped her mouth around the nipple and began sucking like she was nursing from her mother.

"Stop… that feels… too good!" She squirmed under the Elf's assault, pressing her thighs tight together. Her blush deeper than a red dragon's scale as she squirted nectar from her garden.

"Wow… it's like your pussy's a fountain!"

"Please don't call it that!"

High Elf Archer grinned, snaking her fingers inside of her. "What is 'pussy' too vulgar a term for a priestess, Tess?"

"Its… um… embarrassing…"

"Then what about vulva or vagina?" The Elf buried her fingers up to the knuckle, curling her fingers like a cat's claw and slowly raking the inside of Priestess' inner sanctuary. "Maybe you prefer baby hole? Your cave? What do you want me to call it?" High Elf Archer inquired, whispering into Priestess's ear. "T.e.l.l me…" she encouraged, nibbling an ear.

"My Big Sister called it a garden…" Priestess said, realizing how childish the term sounded aloud.

"Garden, huh… perfect, I was kind of a forest gardener myself, I know the best way to pluck a flower!" Taking the toy in her hand High Elf Archer balanced on her knees, slipping the long snake-like object into her own garden. The phallic toy came to life when the ring in the middle pressed against the Elf's entrance, the other end curving towards the ceiling as if it were alive. "This thing sure is lively."

Priestess found herself face first in High Elf Archer's bedsheets. A flowery forest smell rose from the silk bedding, clearing Priestess's mind of her worries.

The warmth of the toy poked at her entrance, the Elf teasingly rubbing the tip between her folds.

"Last chance…"

Priestess clutched the bedsheets tight and nodded. All at once the ache inside her body was suddenly filled as the phallic artifact burrowed down to her core, kissing the entrance of her womb. It took Priestess a moment to realize her maiden hood was stolen in that instant. Conflict rose in her heart, as did the pain of being deflowered.

"Ergh.." She clenched her teeth, biting into the sheets to suppress her scream. She knew it would hurt, and Big Sister's description was spot on.

Priestess felt her friend's light touch on her thighs. High Elf Archer pulled back, slowly dragging the phallic toy out of her, only to ram it all the way back in again! An eep! Escaped her, as the Elf began vigorously moving her hips, the sound of slapping flesh filling the room.

"Please… wait… not… like… this…" Images from her first adventure of Fighter's terrible fate flashed through her head. With nimble movements Priestess turned herself around, so she and High Elf Archer were face to face. In the Elf's clear green eyes, she could see her own tears. "Not from behind… not like a…"

High Elf Archer kissed her and gently resumed her thrusting. Moving from Priestess's lips to her ears, and then breasts.

"I'll erase those terrible memories for good tonight!"

Priestess appreciated the sentiment, but it was something she'd never forget. The gentle rocking of High Elf Archer's thrust was a stark contrast to the horror she'd witnessed so early in her adventuring career.

That said, she didn't say slow down.

"Harder…" Priestess whispered, moving her own hips, pushing the toy in the Elf's direction. "Faster…"

Both her and High Elf Archer's hips began moving on their own, moving faster and faster until they were both moaning, the pressure building in each of them. Priestess, in a bold move, latched onto High Elf Archer's long pointed ears, giving the elf a taste of her own medicine.

She hadn't expected it to be so effective, though.


High Elf Archer arched her back, her vaginal muscles tightening with her climax. The archer suddenly went limp, leaving her to pick up the slack. In another bold move, she lifted the Elf's leg over her shoulder and continued to thrust.

Then her own orgasm hit her, the pleasure so intense she couldn't bear to move anymore. Her own juices spilled out around the toy and mixed with High Elf Archer's on the sheets.

"That felt too good." Priestess moved to remove the phallic artifact from her deflowered garden, only to find it stuck inside her.

"Here, let me try," High Elf said, trying to dismount, but her end remained buried deep inside her as well. "Oh… oops…."

"Oops what?"

The High Elf laughed, scratching her cheek, "I suddenly remembered that this was a magical breeding tool for the amazon tribe I got this from… since they didn't have any men, they needed… alternatives…"

"What does that have to do with us being joined at the…" Priestess trailed off, feeling something thick and warm enter her deepest chambers. High Elf Archer was experiencing the same, as both of their slender bellies bulged slightly.

The sound of dice rolling echoed in both girls' heads. Their fate is in the roll of the dice.

— break

A few months later, Priestess sat in the Guild Hall staring hard at her vestments. They felt… tight… around the stomach and in the chest. It was becoming obvious that the artifact had done its job. She could feel it through her connection with the earth mother.

The life of her Half Elf Child growing inside her.

And the Child's sibling growing inside the elf beside her. The same Elf that impregnated her and was currently happily fondling her now B-cup breasts.

"Ha! That damn dwarf can't call me flat now!"

Priestess couldn't only look on dispassionately, this was the father of her child. Did she even know?


"I know, I know…" the elf said, entwining her fingers in Priestess's. "It'll be fine, we'll be fine."

"I wonder…" Priestess sighed.

Just then the doors opened and in walked Goblin Slayer, with Cowgirl tagging along. The red head quietly excused herself and sat down beside them. By the way she wore her overalls, it was clear as day.

She was pregnant, too.

"So… bacons out…" Cowgirl said, having most likely thrown up after smelling the usually non vomiting inducing food. "My Uncle went from suspicious too… staring vacantly off into the distance after that."

"I finally told my Big Sister at the church… she was… happier than I was expecting." Priestess looked to her Elven Lover. "Did you send a letter to your family yet?"

"Yes, I'm sure they'll reply in a few years. Elves view time differently, remember?"

"I guess so… what are we going to do about work?"

Guild Girl joined the group with a flyer for the board in her hand. "If you're looking for a change in career, the guild is hiring for receptionists." She informed them with her trademark smile.

Not long after, High Elf Receptionist and Guild Priestess started their much safer, stable careers.

In the years to come they would send off a new party of Adventurers with wary smiles, the red headed Goblina Slayer, and their own blonde and green-haired Half Elf Priestess, and Half Elf Ranger.

"Don't worry, we shall take good care of them," Lizard Priest made his weird hand gesture following the teens like a guardian deity.

"Beard Cutter, may be retired, but this old Dwarf still has a few more years of his prime. Rest easy lass, Anvil." He said with a grin.

High Elf Receptionist smiled, placing her hands on her hips, "Just you wait for my return Dwarf, and don't you dare touch either of my daughters."

Dwarf threw up his hands. "Hmph, not that I would. They both inherited your anvil genes. I worry about their prospects."

"Came back here and say that to my face!"

"Now, now," a much taller mature Guild Priestess said to her lover. Still, it's been long enough. Maybe it was time for another adventure.

JabberingJake JabberingJake

I wrote this so I could get it out of mind, and didn't actual plan to post it, but I did take the time to edit. So why not, I guess?

next chapter
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