52.94% Rise Of The Blood Valkyrie / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: An Extreme Annoyance

章節 7: Chapter 7: An Extreme Annoyance

Okami sighed in a slight annoyance as she continued waiting by the manors main entrance, she had been standing there for about fifteen to twenty minutes and had to set a barrier around the building in order to keep the annoying bugs of the kingdom at bay

"Maybe I should check my stats while I wait"

"I went up around a hundred Levels that easily? If that's the case why has everyone I've encountered so far been so weak?"

A multitude of different questions began flooding Okamis head as she continued scrolling through the menus peacefully


Name: Okami

Race: Blood Valkyrie (Elder)

Level:423 <(Stored Exp Drained]

Title:[Evil Creature], [Dark Lord], [Master Of Corruption]

Class: Sanguimancer (Calamity)

[HP: 45,000,000/90,000,000]

[MP: 27,000,000/74,932,425]







Unassigned Points: 0

Balance: 2,800 C~ (C~ = Universal Credits)

[Equipment: (Tap To Veiw)]

[Current Effects:

- Dark Lord: +50% Total Mp, +50% Total Hp

- Evil creature: Stats Are Worth Triple

- Elder Monster: Stats Are Worth Triple

- Blessing Of The Ancients: +100% Luck

- Sanguimancer Lord: Blood And Death Magic Are Now Easier To Control

- Master Of Corruption: +50% Efficiency To Any "Evil" Magic, Corruption Can No Longer Harm You, You Are Able To Freely Corrupt Others And Control How Much Corruption They Receive


"This is kind of ridiculous how did I even get this powerful? Come to think of it on my last respwan I was only Lvl20 like usual and yet I easily beat a group of adventures who were around the same level without taking a single hit.. There has to be something behind that.. or am I just over thinking things?"

Okami voiced her thoughts outloud not necessarily concerning herself with who might be listening

"Okami! Sorry I took so long I was held up by father, he refuses to let me go" Lilith offered a wry smile along with a polite bow of her head

'Why is she addressing me like some noble or royalty? Its annoying'

"Drop the act, what happened this time?" Okamis clear and enchanting voice sounded out with a hint of aggression that made Lilith shiver for a moment

"Nothing, it has been take. care of now can wel quickly leave?" Okami frowned she was obviously trying to hide something, however Okami didn't bother finding it out as she too just wanted to leave

Opening the large wooden doors the ladies stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air

However Okamis now relatively good mood was immediately soiled as she spotted a huge group of knights all standing behind a handsome fellow dressed in a set of gold plate mail

Due to Okami being a monster her vision was better then most and could make out the details of the mans face, her was a red-head who had a sharp jawline that was lined with scarlet hair that peaked down into a clean point, his emerald eyes narrowed as a few orange locks fell I front of his face

His glare wasn't nearly as intense as Okamis but it was still enough to make any man shake in there boots, holding his armored hand up he placed his palm onto Okamis barrier whe directing his mana flow Into a single point on its surface

"Clever, but in the end it is just a waist of mana" Lilith raised an eyebrow as she glanced over at the towering woman next to her

Okami was around 6'3 while Lilith only stood at a casual 5,10

She wasn't to much shorter then Okami but she still felt inadequate standing by this girls side, a feeling that had never once occurred in her life

"What makes you say that?"

Okami let a small grin escape onto her cold face as she watched the man struggle against her barrier

"Just watch and you'll see.. "

Just as Okami finished her sentence the scene before her changed in an instance

before everything was rather calm with only a few sparks flying out from beneath the mans palm but now the entire area was lit up with arching bolts of blue electricity that seemed to strike out at everything around them

Even after being struck a few times and having his gauntlet completely disintegrated he continued to stand strong as multiple fissures began forming and spread out before completely shattering creating a hole large enough to fit to elephants side by side

"Hmm, hes stronger then I gave him credit for"

The mans breathing became labored and heavy as his nostrils flared, however the prideful look upon his mug never once faded as he strode through into the paved courtyard along with two squadrons of knights

"Unknown calamity we know you have regained your sanity, as the lords champion I demand you reveal yourself for questioning!"

Okami frowned she had no Idea what this man was talking about, though she did recall the system refer to her as such

"Lilith what exactly is calamity clas?" Lilith blinked a few times wide eyes as she looked Okami up and down

she had almost forgotten about the systems warning from before

"Calamity class entities are regarded as the most powerful beings in this world and the most dangerous, however only seven of these calamities can exist at any given time we dont know much else about them other then they are born from places we call Dead-Zones in these dead zones the calamities power over takes the entire area while he or see matures"

"I see, then that is why I stepped out a weird blood cocoon when I awoke.."

Cold sweat dripped down Liliths cheek as she examined Okamis completely serious face

"Wait, you really are the calamity from the northern Dead-Zone?! I thought father was just being hysterical!"

Okamis indifferent face tone remained as she spoke

"En, seems so though I have no clue how this came to be I've only just received my memories recently" As the two spike the man dressed in gold began to grow impatient as he spoke again

"I am here in my kings, the Earth Calamity, stead to challenge you!"


[Challenge Request Received]:

<Challenger: Robert Liosten>

- Decline Penalty: -15% to all attributes for 12hrs, challenger cannot issue another challenge or harm you for 4-days

- Lose Penalty: Calamity Class will be lost if death does not occur and a portion of all your power will be granted to challenger, they will not gain the right to the Calamity Class

- Win Rewards: You will gain Half of the challengers attributes, two of there skills and any compatible titles, if death does not occur you may return there attributes and skills and the challengers soul will be bound to you for the rest of there life and be unable to disobey


Okami sighed as she walked forward and stood directly infront of the golden knight with only a small gap of air separating them

"What's wrong, I am here just like you wanted.. why do you seem so frightened?" Okami's words truly didn't hold any malice, not at the moment anyway, but the man infront of her could only feel fear as the stench of fresh blood filled his nostrils

"Hm, maybe this is a blessing in disguise I was feeling quite famished as my dinner plans this evening were ruined"

Robert was confused by her words how was he going to possibly help with her hunger? He was here to kill her not cook, however his confusion immediately vanished as he remembered he was currently standing infront of an estate that was filled to the brim with vampires and other blood dieted creatures

Robert wanted nothing more but to flee at this very moment but he knew as soon as he returned to the castle empty handed his majesty would have him hanged that very day his could only hope Okami would refuse his challenge so he could have a proper excuse

Okamis girn soon vanished as quickly as it appeared, she knew that without a doubt she could kill the man infront her the problem was it would be extremely annoying as she had once again powered up so controlling herself would be quite the challenge

'Though I guess practice makes perfect, I'll just have to end this as quickly as possible... let's see what skill should I try?' Okami said while casually selecting the [Accept] icon infront of her

[Both Parties Have Consented]

< Challenge Approved >

Robert panicked a bit as he quickly drew his ruby red sword and pointed at Okami as he got into a fighting stance

However Okami was still trying to decide on a skill to use, 'Cry of the banshee seems good but it sounds like a AoE skill so maybe not, what about touch of Undeath?'

[Touch Of Undeath]: A spell that deals negative-type (Dark,death,soul, etc) damage to the anything touched, effect can be used to enhance equipped weapons or attack type spells, depending on resistances, power disparity, and etc may cause instant death or permanent paralysis, in order to take effect target must be touched with effect otherwise nothing will occur. May be turned off and on at will

'Perfect!' Okami thought as she immediately activated skill, witch only caused her finger nails to shift from completely clear to a deep black that seemed as if were painted on

Meanwhile Robert had finally calmed his racing hear and steadied his breathing as he prepared for combat breaking out into a full sprint Robert cracked the pavement under his foot as his body lept forward and closed the small gap between them faster then one could blink

However Okami didnt move infact she didnt even seem to realize this man was trying to cause harm to her body

"Okami mo- " Lilith instinctively went to warn her but stopped abruptly when Okami caught the golden knight by the head and slammed him into the paved walkway with a thunderous force that sent shockwaves through the courtyard

The stone beneath them cracked and gave way as Robert face came into contact with the brickwork luck for him he couldn't feel the impact as Okamis spell immediately took effect and sunt a torrent of negative energy into his brain stem paralyzing his entire body almost immediately

"Che, I didnt kill him did i?" Okami clicked her tounge as she released the mans fractured skull

"Lilith I dont have an inspection skill what level is he?" She said while casually walking back to Liliths side as she flexed her fingers a few times before turning off the spell, however to her surprise her fingernails didny change back and kept there black coloration

'Must be a side effect of the skill.. oh well it was worth it anyway though strangely it didnt take any of my mana or vitality what did it consume in order to activate then?'

"Lvl112, this is extremely impressive for a human considering there max is only lvl100"

Okami was once again confused, 'Max lvl? since when was that a thing?'

Okami didnt ask this question directly however as that would just be displaying her ignorance and lack of knowledge witch could in turn end up being a extreme detriment

"LORD ROBERT!" The men who occupied the golden knight through the barrier shouted as many of them rushed over to his aid however before they could reach him a rose-gold energy enveloped the the mans body as he forced himself to his feet

Okamis ruby eyes locked onto the commotion in annoyance as she watched them rejoice and cheer on there champion

"Loud.. how annoying" glaring down the crowd of soldiers that were now standing behind Robert with faces of awe and determination

"I dont think there too noisy besides maybe your senses are just sharp?" Lilith offered in there defense trying to test were she stood with this person, they might be friends, although not very close as of yet, but Lilith wanted to test what she could and could not get away with

Okami stood silent in thought for a moment with her face completely unreadable

Lilith was becoming a bit worried until she finally spoke once more "Perhaps, that dosnt change the fact there annoying me"

Lilith let out a heavy breath she didnt know she was holding untill the last second

"I would love to leave them to there devices but the challenge hasn't ended yet" Okami said in a calm voice but Lilith could easily detect the extreme aggravation behind her words

Robert stood up straight after spitting up a mouthful of blood with all of his wounds seemingly being healed except for a few small scratches upon his face he was perfectly fine

"Impressive, but do not think it will be so easy this time!" Robert bellowed as the blade of his sword began to absorb the glow around his body

Lifting the blade into the air he swung down hard and fast sending a vertical wave of pure energy straight twords both Okami and Lilith

Okamis reaction time would have been enough to dodge the attack without to much effort, but her body acted on instinct and immediately pulled Lilith into a tight embrace to shield her from the blast

Lilith yelped at the sudden movement as her face became buried in between Okamis ample bosom meanwhile Okami winced in agonizing pain as the wave of pink energy slammed into the area just between her shoulder blades causing her wings to droop down for a moment

"Shit that stung.." Okami cursed to herself even she didnt understand why she felt the need to protect this vampire she had just met her a few days ago after all

Okamis body suddenly went limp as the pain shot through her body for a second time, then a third, fourth, and even a fifth

'Does this man have no shame? What a pathetic excuse for a knight' Okami sneered inside her mind as she continued shielding Lilith

"What's wrong? Arent you an all might calamity?" Robert's now confident filled voice sounded out as he swung his blade once more pelting Okami with another few waves of energy

By the time he was finished Okamis back was filled with severe burns and gashes, even a few of her feathers had been either singed or completely burnt

"Pathetic, you should pay attention to the battle instead of trying to protect that vampire"

"Okami stop! I can just use magic to shield myself you dont need to do this!" Lilith was stunned and grateful for Okamis actions but she didn't like seeing Okami in so much pain

"I'm fine." Her tone of voice was indifferent as usual but seemingly more laborious and horse then before

Taking a deep breath Okami finally let the girl go before rolling her shoulders trying to alleviate some of the pain

"Tsk, were did a pill bug like you learn such a annoying technique?"

Robert offered no answer as he raised his blade once more to strike the avian beauty infront of him

Okami was extremely agitated at this moment, not that anyone could tell. Turning her body to the side she activated her [Touch Of Undeath] once more before disappearing from her location without a trace

"You annoy me beyond belief" A cold and emotionles voice muttered in Robert's ear causing him to swivel his body around an attempt to cut down the person behind him

Even though her face bearly had any emotion one could seemingly see it darken with a sadistic intentions as she caught his blade with her right hand as the left reached for his throat in one swift motion

Robert gaged hard as her slender fingers wrapped around his neck

"I should pay you back for the potential scars you've caused me" Okamis perfectly sculpted eyes stared into the mans soul as her nails began digging into his tender flesh while she ripped the mans sword from his grasp the blade wasn't that broad or heavy and was rather slender with a well made grip making this a difficult feat for most however Okami made the process seem simple and effortless as she through the feminine looking blade to the floor

"Its hard to imagine a such a prideful man dressed completely in could using such a weapon.. though I wont bother asking how you obtained it it is no business of mine"

"Admit defeat and end this trivial challenge already before I devour you and your soul" Okamis didnt exactly know if she could actually preform the second part of her threat and only said it to scare the man, but if she killed him she would absolutely drain ever drop of blood she could

"I- Su-rrender ple-ase "

[Surrender Acknowledged ]

| < Victor: Okami > |

- [Enslave] - [Absorb]

Okami without hesitation selected [Enslave] as she dropped the knight letting him fall to the ground, Robert who fell straight onto his ass with a loud clank was now rolling around the ground shouting out in pain and agony

Around his neck a black tattoo with bold white out lining appeared appeared depicting a wreath of thorns as the pain in his throat finally died down Robert's breathing finally calmed down but his eyes seemed hollow and his body laid still on the broken stone ground

[Slave Binding Complete, Select A Name]

< New Name:________ >

Okami looked over the broken man satisfied

"Your new name will be Inu, stand up we are leaving as soon as possible" Okami while looking over the soldiers behind her

"Leave before I realise my thirst upon you lot instead" The squadron of men all flinched in fear but stood there ground as they readied there weapons

"What have you done to out lord you witch? Release him now or we will have to force you!"

After the first voiced there thoughts the rest soon followed suit and made various demands of Okami each one being relatively the same

"Che, rodents need to learn their place"

Asari_Arc Asari_Arc

Dang this Chapter is pretty long

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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