Before I start this chapter I owe you all an apology for dropping the story without notice and bad grammar.Also for not interacting with the comments as I just found out how to interact with comments today.Anyways I'm sorry and enjoy.
It's been 2 years now and all Jaune mostly did was train, and now he can proudly say that he could probably beat Salem and her whole team by himself.Of course he didn't want to underestimate Salem, but he was just taking precaution.Jaune checked his stats before going out.
{Name:Jaune Arc (Y/N) (L/N)}
Level: 400,000
Stat points:400,352
Ok he takes back what he said he's way to strong to the point that flicking this finger can almost be enough to defeat Salem and Ozma or Ozpin if they were at full power.Anyways he had to go as today was the day.The main series was going to start soon and Summer Rose was about to be killed.Without waiting anytime he left a shadow clone to be him and disappeared, it looked like he teleported but in reality he can just run that fast.
(Summer's P.O.V)
I was heading home to see my daughters and husband when I heard a noise.I would've just ignored it if not for the person I saw next.
[Salem]I said and got in position.The Grim queen herself had come to me and I wasn't dumb enough to think she came without motive.Salem then began to talk.
[Summer Rose, the silver eyed warrior.I have a proposal for you Join me or die]She said.I didn't even have to think about it as I replied back without hesitation.
[Never!]I shouted.The expression on her face turned into a frown.
[Well, I guess you've picked your choice]She stated and rushed towards me.As soon as she attacked me I almost got hit, she was fast.I knew I barely stood any chance in front of her but the only thing I could do was fight.If I ran I had risk of leading her to my family, and if I'd have done that I would've never forgave myself.
I ran towards her and sent punches and kicks but she avoided them without effort.I then sent another kick but surprised her by sending my sword to her.I ended up slashing her check but that only proved to anger her.She then whipped the blood of from that slash and it healed.I was shocked that it healed and so fast and she used my shock to rush at me a punch me hard in the stomach.
Her hit sent me tumbling back as the force alone felt like it could destroy a bolder.I then got back up but I was surrounded by grim.I lost my weapon and Salem was standing over me.
[Goodbye Summer Rose]She said and was about to attack me when a figure suddenly came into view and hit her away.
[Jaune's P.O.V]
I was watching the fight go down and soon Summer was down.As Salem came up to her and was about to do the finishing blow, I jumped out of the tree I was hiding in and Kicked her in the head sending her flying.Of course I held back though, I wouldn't want this fight to be over to quickly.She then got back up and looked at me.
[You, your the one that messed up my plans years ago and beat one of my pawns, I've been trying to find you for a long time and good thing you cane because it means that I can kill you too]She said and rushed towards me.She also sent her grim that we're surrounding Summer to attack at me too.I easily avoided all of her grim and killed them in an Instant.She looked at me in shock before sending more Grim after me, but to her surprise they all stopped before stacking me.That's right I got a new skill.
{Skill:Grim Manipulation}
Yep.I now can also control Grim like Salem.The Grim turned to her and walked towards her, she then spoke.
[How is this possible! I'm the only one that can control Grim and yet you can also Control them!}She said in disbelief.Summer was also shocked hearing this.I then rushed to Salem so fast I was nothing but a blur and knocked her out.This fight was getting boring.
Anyway I went over to check on Summer who was a little scared seeing that someone stronger than Salem came and could kill her if he wanted too.I then spoke and said.
[Hello Summer Rose, I have come to save you and bring you back to your family.]I said.Summer was till on Guard but after hearing that I was going to bring her back to her family she calmed down a little.I then healed Summer and grabbed Salem and placed her on my shoulder.
[Come on let's go]I said as she followed me.I wasn't scared about Salem waking up on our Journey back as I had hit her hard enough to be knocked out for 4 hours and we only needed 2 to get to Summers house.
(Time Skip 2 hours)
After getting to summers house which was followed by a quiet walk, I spoke to her again.
[Report what happened today to Ozpin and tell him that me and him will meet soon]I said and started walking away.
[Wa.Wait!]She screamed out.
[Thank you for Saving me!]She said.I smiled under my mask and hood and replied.
[Your welcome, now go see your family.They almost lost you today]I said and continued waking away.While I was walking I saw a crow in the distance, it felt like it had maiden powers so I knew exactly who it was.
*Raven* I though.I quickly blitzed away after staring at her.I could fight her and take away her power, but I'll do that another time.Maybe I could even convince her to go back and see her daughter, but that wasn't likely.
After walking for a while the Grim queen I had been Carrying started to wake up.
[Morning Beautiful]I said.Even though she was a villain and paled skin she was attractive to me.She then looked at me, before jumping away and saying.
[You, this is the last time you will ruin any of my plans]I then rushed behind her and grabbed her in a huge and said.
[Now Now beautiful calm down, why don't we just talk like normal people]I said.I surprisingly got a blush from Salem before she sat down and waited silently.
*Maybe because I can control Grim she is being less hasty*I thought and sat next to her.I then spoke up and said.
[Do you want to talk, maybe about why you do all of this.I heard from somebody long ago that talking with someone can help a lot]She looked at me as if analyzing me before replying.
[The gods…They cursed me with immortality.After a fight with my husband our children died during our battle.I killed him but..but he]I interrupted we by saying.
[He reincarnated didn't he]She looked at me in shock before saying.
[How do you know that!]I looked at her and said
[I can bring you back to how you were before all of this happened]
[How!]She said confused on how a mortal can do what even she couldn't.
[I have an ability to do exactly as I said]I spoke to her in a reassuring voice.
[What do you want in return]She asked.I knew she wasn't someone that would ask for something and not expect that person to want something in return.
[What I want is…..You]I said.This statement clearly shocked her.
[W.W.Wh.What!]She screamed.Who knew she could be such a Tsundere.It's really cute.I then looked at her and spoke again.
[I want to take you as my own and make you my new lover, I know we don't know each other but I want to get to know you more…I want to love you]I said as I leaned closer to her.She again didn't expect any of that to come out of my mouth, but none the less she also leaned in closer and soon our lips connected.Her lips were surprising soft and warm, I felt like I could kiss her all day and not get tired.
We soon separated from our kids and a string of Saliva was left behind.I could tell that Salem didn't know why she did that but I leaned in again and spoke.
[I want to give you the family you wanted back to you]At those words she froze, she wouldn't expect someone to say all of those words to her, especially when she was in this state.I grabbed her and rushed to a place where we could be alone and no on would hear us.I then grabbed her and started making out with her.To my surprise she did the same.She was really surprising me as I wouldn't have expected her to do all of this with me.I grabbed her ass and fondled it a bit before breaking our kids and looking at her.
[I hope your ready because I'm going to pound you all night until you only want my D**K]I said and began taking off her clothing.Tonight was going to be a hot and steamy one.
You should have already guessed but I'm going to do an R-18 for the next Chapter.I'd also like to apologize for not posting and just warn you that I may not be able to post that often for next week as my Midterms are about to start.Anyways I hope you can forgive me.
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