"I swear you 2 are insepritable." Sayu pouted, watching as the 2 worked on their homework together.
"Of course, I even belive we were supposed to be conjoined- but somthing went wrong in the prosses." Hikaru ballanced a pencil on his lip. "don't we have telepathy?"
"I belive so." Light agreed, sighing.
"Come on! Stop teasing me!" Sayu pouted, but she looked over to the side. "Is that the Kira investigation websight?"
"Yea, I'm looking into the case." Light shrugged.
"Oh, that's right! you're going to be a detective someday!" She chipped in. "So, you have to study this too?"
"Not really, however it's an interesting case that'll take more than a few pieces of evidence to piece together." Light sighed.
"If anyone can do it, you can!" She cheered.
Ding dong!
"Oh? Dad's home?" Hikaru yawned and slowly got up.
"Looks like he's early!" Sayu got up and rushed out of the room.
"Kids! Dinner! Come on down!" Mom yelled from the stairway.
"Coming! Welcome back dad!" Sayu cheered as she rushed to the kitchen.
"Your back?" Hikaru asked.
"Ya, I'm back." He sighed.
"Welcome Back." Light greeted.
Hikaru walked to the kitchen with the other 2 in tow, happily seated next to light.
"Light, how's school?" he asked as they ate.
"Oh? not bad, same as always." Light droned.
"That's right, same old top of the class!" Hikaru teased. Sayu joined in with a giggle.
"Our same old pride and joy!" Mother teased.
"What about you Hikaru? Sayu?" He asked.
"32 in the nation." He sighed. "I shall curse History till the end of time, I swear."
"Oh M-me? Uh well same as always I guess haha..." Sayu avoided the topic as fast as she could.
"I see." He put down his plate. "..."
"Dad, you seem tired..." Light asked.
"Yea, I'm working on a tough case, that's why..." he sighed. "It's like trying to chase a ghost... only... today the big boss suggested that based on the times of death we may be looking for a student."
"Let's not talk about this at the dinner table." Mother looked at her husband.
"Lights helped me with cases before..." He defended.
"Thanks for dinner." Light said.
"Hey!" Hikaru jumped and quickly finished the rest of his dinner.
"Fast!" Sayu looked at her brother guzzle the food. He followed his brother upstairs.
"Hey, you just left me down there you know!" He pouted as he jumped on his bed.
"If Kira's really a student... I'm betting he'd be a teenager to a young adult..." light Sighed. "It makes sense, the timings of the deaths and the obviously impulsive behavior. It's even more likely he's someone that hates to lose, and hates people jugging his beliefs... someone like that..."
"And dad's working on his case... will he be in danger?" he asked.
"We can't say he won't be." Light gave an honest answer.
"As much as I dislike him, I really don't want him to die..." Hikaru shivered. "What would mom or Sayu do without him?"
"They'd have us, or at least you." he said firmly.
"No, you can't be seriously thinking on going on this dangerous case without me!" Hikaru quietly roared. "If you die, I die. So, you might as well let me tag around and help you!"
"How can you say that?!" Light looked at his brother in horror.
"I can say it because it's true! Light you know I'm serious." He starred right into his brother's brown eyes. Light took a deep, shaky breath and looked closer at his younger twin.
"Hikaru... I'll let you follow me... but if anything happens to me... Please... Please don't do anything I wouldn't want you doing." He hugged his little brother. "I'll let you come, so if anything happens to me... don't give up."
"But... Nii-chan..." Hikaru teared... curse that Kira. When he thought he could stop Light from becoming kira and save them from the future pain... They ended up becoming vulnerable under kira's rain. "I-I don't know what I'd do without you... I'm scared..."
"It'll be okay I promise." light's hands messed up the light brown locks.
"I hope so..." he took a deep breath, thinking of everything that happened to the task force... maybe he'd be able to save L...
<warning! Suspicious Male has been spotted following host for about 4 hours.>
Hikaru flinched and fell forward. Light immediately reacted and caught him.
'Aru-chan, send one of your small drones to Analize the stalker.' light messaged.
'Got it.' A small dime sized disk flew out of the hem of his pants and stuck to the wall. with his focus on the small drone, Light had to lead him forward without looking to out of place to the stalker.
Finally the stalker passed by the disk, allowing him to float the disk to give the man a full body scan.
He sent the results to Light.
'Ray Penber? And FBI agent?' Light inquired.
'I think we may be part of the suspects...' Hikaru pouted.
'We both fit the profile, me more so than you.' - light
'You think I'm incapable of mass murder?' - Hikaru
'How can I expect a Disney princess to be capable of murder?' - light
'Just because animals love me doesn't make me any less evil!' -Hikaru
'Okay okay, I believe you.' light
'So, what do we do? just ignore the guy?' -hikaru
'Yes, we may as well keep a normal profile- as normal as we can be anyway.'- light
'We are using twin telepathy right now.'- hikaru
It took every bit of his willpower not to roll his eyes at this chinobo brother of his. Well, in a right, his brother was allowed to act like this since most of the inventions he made where very... chinobu.
"Ice cream! Nii-chan we need that!" He hurriedly gripped his arm and pointed to a gelato place.
"That's a gelato, not ice-cream." Light grimaced. "And I don't like sweet things."
"Come on! Please?" He begged.
"Fine, but I swear your sweets addiction is getting out of hand recently." Light grumbled.
"Yes!" he happily dragged his brother to get a blueberry gelato. He watched his younger brother happily dig into the sweet treat, trying to get away from the mess he was making.
"Thats... disturbing..." Hikaru looked at the experiments that Kira held in the prisons. Light also looked at them with mild interest.
"If he can control what they do before death... could he change the way they die?" he asked.
"I don't understand why he didn't just make them all commit suicide if he could do that." He shivered.
"He wouldn't get publicity if he did that." Light looked "Wait, the note... L... do... you... know?"
"Ah! He's taunting L? That bastered!" He angerly sat in his L position and glared at the note. "Hey, do you think any of his experiments failed?"
"Experimen- how did I not think of that!" Light groaned. "of course, this is an experiment, to see what a person can do before they die... That means he doesn't know the extent of his powers..."
"Ah, so it's a newbie of the dark arts." He swiped the pictures away and went back to designing new equipment. "He needs a face and a name right... Light we went to so many competitions, it'd be strange if they couldn't find out names..."
"If we get into the investigation, we can sensor our names." he Swiped to look at the note once again.
"Ah, I guess I can get the nasoids to mess up our names a little. Should I start now?" Hikaru asked.
"Make sure it isn't noticeable, wait here." Light wrote down 2 names, both meaning the same thing with the same pronunciation only with different kanji.
"Ha." he simply got his main AI on it.
It didn't take long for all digital records to change.
'The stalker dude is gone.' - light
'Does that mean they don't suspect us anymore?'- Hikaru
'Most likely.'- light
'I'll check the police database just to be sure'- light
'I should have planted a tracker on the dude, it would have been a million times easier.' -hikaru
'It's not like it's our problem.'- light
'True. it's just irritating not knowing anything.'- hikaru
'I know the feeling.'- light
'Wait- the FBI... was killed.'- light
'What? Was it just our agent?' -hikaru
'No, apparently it was all of them'- light
'God... that means we really are in danger if...'- hikaru
'It's a good think we changed the names before hand, if kira really found out at desisted to take a low blow on the chief of police- it'd be disastrous.'- light
'Kira is proving to be worse than he makes himself out to be...'- hikaru
'It's only natural that someone with such power becomes power hungry, even if they start with rather innocent goals.'- light
'... I pity anyone who gets such powers.'- Hikaru
'As do I.' light