1.95% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 4: Getting things going...

章節 4: Getting things going...

֍ Updated, Revised, and Edited: 11/08/2022 ֍




"Carter… I was wondering… when would we automate everything within the Spatial Ark Land?" Esmond asked Carter through their mental connection, so none of the staff in the tailors heard anything being said.

'I don't see why we can't do it now, but there has to be some reason why you are asking this now, right?'

"Well… my thought process is rather… hyperactive right now.

A part of me is struggling to figure out how we are going to find suitable people to keep within the Space or Hidden World, yet I believe we'll need complex machinery to aid part of the development of the immense landscape and resources.

What if I help design some androids, drones, and automated production line machinery to operate without human interference … well the least amount of human interference we can subject the equipment to.

Drones and other systems can be easily operated and managed by you, Carter, since it'll take a portion of your mental processing strength.

This will help train your mental fortitude and operational processing methods without it interfering with your daily life.

What do you think?"

'I don't oppose the idea; however, you'll need to organise a great number of drones…

*Sigh* Please tell me you won't ruin the beauty of the Spatial Ark Land just to turn it into a fucking factory?!'

Having experienced and seen plenty of planets turning into metropolises of steel and pollution, leaving nothing behind of the original beauty that was untouched by rapid progress.

As someone who'd seen world's changing overnight in plenty of lifetimes with Carter by his side, whining the entire time, Esmond knew his other half wouldn't easily accept the changes he wanted to bring.

Even if they were necessary so Esmond decided to include Carter in the construction and management of the Spatial Ark Land.

After all, Carter would be spending most of his time there and it was pretty much another home for the duo they could mould however they pleased.

"In a way… yes…

But I won't go overboard and utterly change the whole landscape.

I'll ask for your help, Carter, and focus on ecofriendly drones that won't affect the peace of the Spatial Ark Land."

Esmond's mind was drilled with knowledge about the Spatial Ark Land once he entered the Hidden World.

He'd unravelled the flood of information in his mind to understand some of the capabilities of the Spatial Ark Land, so Esmond best figured it was ideal for them to operate of there for now.

'Very well… I agree.

*Sigh* But you need to help with the programming of the drones and their design, especially if your creating androids.

That will require direct input from you.

Otherwise, I'll need to focus on drawing people into the Space.'

"I understand." Esmond said, before moving onto the next subject matter of a Private Military, just as one of the tailors accidently pricked Esmond's hand with their steel needle.

To the shock of the staff member, the needle didn't harm Esmond in a shape or form, further leaving her stunned and surprise if she should say something.

In the end she continued with her work because Esmond said nothing and remained calm and steady.

"I'll start some military projects too then, but they'll be focused on equipment, tools, and vehicles.

In time I think I'll be able to devote more time to developing a military, but most of it will rest on your shoulders for now Carter."

'Yeah, I already know, so I don't obviously mind… but the truth is, I'll be left dealing with far too much crap all alone.

It's best we gain some actual help from physical presences within the Space.' Carter argued back, which Esmond agreed with and decided to travel in due time.

He planned to go on a small journey to war-torn areas and those affected by corruption to source some great warriors tempered from the conflict.

Esmond thought those areas would be ideal to gather individuals to network information and create his own network to work in his favour, but to make the most of a private information network, Esmond knew he needed to find spies.

Without them and their connections it would be impossible to set up a decent information network without it being infiltrated by the United States of America, China, Russia, and even the British.


To ensure most of the big powers around the globe didn't interfere in their matters or plans, Carter came up with an ideal fighting ground to test the resilience of their private military, before going global.

'Once we have enough soldiers and qualified personnel who are trained in the equipment and tools we produce, I think the African continent as a whole will be the perfect battlefield to test their fighting prowess.

War on a global scale will require a statement to show the world we mean business, so repairing Africa is the best statement in my mind.' stated Carter, but Esmond felt he was hiding certain details.

"Why not just an African nation and not the whole continent?

Is there any reason your hell bent on alerting the global powers of our strength?"

'Nobody will know your directly involved in the matter.

It won't be hard to hide the true influence behind the Private Military and their operations since we'll work with reputable organisations and firms.

The easiest one that comes to mind is the United Nations and NATO, who'll accept us with open arms until external pressure mounts enough to let us go.

By that point, we'll be accepted by the nations we are working in direction, giving us plenty of leeway, away from privy eyes.'

Rather ahead of the curve regarding the Private Military, Carter spoke of his plan to take over the African continent, only to stabilise the governments of each nation until a continental organisation could operation freely.

Esmond quickly deduced Carter was planning to make Africa into the true Cradle of Humanity, and well before 2025…

Just as the two discussed certain topics revolved around the Private Military, Esmond and Carter stopped after reaching a couple points of disagreement.

They didn't continue and find a resolution to the matter because they knew there was another who would solve the issue, while viewing both sides of the argument.



Esmond eventually left the tailors and made his way home with the hired private taxi taking him back.

But first, Esmond stopped by several nurseries and bought a vast range of plants and seeds to send into the Spatial Ark Land, yet it all needed to be sent home first, since it couldn't go with him in the private taxi.

It all costed Esmond a fair deal of money, yet it was nonconsequential since Carter sourced some wealth through his connection to the World Wide Web and sent it to Esmond.

All of the wealth was gathered from individuals Carter deemed corrupt, criminal, and outright scum, which came to be around one hundred million dollars so far.

Thankfully, around one million was deposited into Esmond's Personal Bank Account, while the rest was sent to various charities who genuinely helped the individuals there were established for.

Similarly, Esmond stopped by a couple hardware stores and purchased saws, drills, bulbs, and various other items to help the development of the Space and Carter.

As an Artificial Intelligence, Carter wanted to analyse the materials entering the Spatial Ark Land, especially if it was a substance like rubber.

Carter wanted to figure out his own method to improve the quality of the rubber produced within the Spatial Ark Land, even after the Space improved the fundamental makeup of the material source upon entry within the Hidden World.

After making his purchases, and requesting delivery to the house, Esmond left and arrived home with plenty of time to spare for his parents to arrive.

Both Carter and Esmond wanted Ruby and Daniel's thoughts regarding the creation of certain tools that could be used within warfare.

Fortunately for Carter and Esmond, the parents came home quite late in the evening, giving the squabbling duo plenty of time to talk through their conflicting thoughts and further intensify the divide of opinion.

It also gave Esmond plenty of time to move all the delivered items into the Spatial Ark Land which caused the Hidden World to twist and turn through its accelerated growth.

Carter appeared excited as well, yet for different reasons than the progress of the Space.

Rather he was looking forward to creating several 'basic' gadgets that could be of help to Esmond immediately and his family, but most of the design work would be resting with Esmond.


"Your saying… you need to become Emperor… of the goddamn planet! And so now, you're wanting to delve into business, all to have enough finances to fund your global 'project', right?"

Daniel genuinely felt troubled and tried to think of a way to dissuade his son from false grandeur to accomplish a task that would lead to his inevitable end.

Yet, as a loving father, he wanted to help his son accomplish his goals, even if they seemed outlandish and terrifying to achieve.

Thankfully Daniel's sane part and his wife were able to manage the situation from getting out of hand.

"Ignore your father for a moment, honey and tell me of this world you call, 'Spatial Ark Land'.

Can you be a little more in depth regarding the details about the place?"

Ruby asked, with her curiosity sky high and unable to rest without answers.

He knew better than to ignore his mother, so Esmond decided to instead show his parents the Spatial Ark Land as it would ease the truth of his words from earlier on in the day, as well as his plans for global domination.

Not waiting a moment longer, Esmond whisked away his parents to the Spatial Ark Land so they could see the vast landscape and beauty of the Hidden World for themselves.

With Carters approval, the three went over and were astonished by the magnificent sights before their eyes.

The two parents were left astonished by the visual beauty of the landscape in front of them, from the mountains in the distance, to the flowing river and treescape, it was like they entered the Garden of Eden, yet it was the size of Earth, if not larger.

Ruby was about to run away and further explore, but Carter caught her attention as she crashed straight into him as he arrived in front of the three who freshly appeared in the Spatial Ark Land.


"Honey look! it's so lovely and smooth… and most of all its this unique blue…wow.


I wish we had a daughter with such pretty hair…"

Ruby pouted before she moved around Carter, and started playing with his long hair, until she decided it needed to be platted.

Carter wanted to stop Ruby, but he weirdly felt a bond with her, as if she were his mother in a way, and left Ruby to her vices.

In the end, Ruby started styling his hair to suit his own look and appearance that stood apart from Esmond's own.

As this went on, Esmond decided to introduce his sworn brother to Daniel and Ruby.

"Ahh, Mum, Dad, this is Carter… the same one I spoke of before, whose been with me from the start… through the curse." Esmond already spoke of Carter earlier on when he told Daniel and Ruby about his past lives.

Esmond was sure both of his parents had some doubts about his past lives, yet with Carter before them, and the Spatial Ark Land's reality, they both accepted all that happened to their son.

It was at this moment both parents burst out in tears, holding both Carter and Esmond, with the realisation hitting the two regarding the torture their son had gone through, including Carter.

Earlier, Esmond spoke of Carter's wish to have a body and that during their countless lifetimes, all of their projects and tricks to get him a body failed until now.

"Thank you for saving our son!" Daniel shouted through the tears while giving Carter a hug.

"Ahh, it's quite alright, sir…" replied Carter, not thinking much of it, but a part of him felt a little disappointed for some reason, only for it to disappear moments later.


You are OUR SON from now on!

What you did, what you both went through together, Carter, is only something brothers can experience and come of it laughing.

No matter what, there is nothing we can ever do to repay you for everything you've done, but the least we can do is accept you wholeheartedly as our child."

Shocked and utterly stunned, Carter displayed his emotions all over his face before noticing the disappointment was replaced with happiness and joy.

Smiling as the realisation hit him, Carter gently replied to Ruby at almost a whisper, "… Okay… mother…", before his body subconsciously fell into Ruby's embrace.



"Right, so the System Store has an Automated Drone Production Factory that are multipurpose.

Mind you they are horribly designed and eat through resources, yet we have plenty of resources available to us here within the Spatial Ark Land.

At most, we can purchase one factory and then we can go through it to improve its efficiency until the cost of materials is down to a minimum.

Honestly, I suspect we can add a new Drone Variant based off what the others cannot do.

What do you think?" Carter asked Esmond after laying out what he'd learnt from the System Interface.

Esmond decided it was a fair purchase, even if the factory costed 150 million System Credits for one building.

Since the System gave Carter and Esmond the option of immediately setting up the building within the Spatial Ark Land, completely constructed and ready for production or once the Host had edited the design of the facility.

It was optional and something Carter picked up on after making the purchase of the factory.

Before either started working on the blueprint of the factory, Esmond left for his home in Adelaide, where his mother prepared dinner for the four of them, which they brought over to the Spatial Ark Land to enjoy as a family.

Ruby and Daniel were adamant that all meals were to be enjoy as a family from now, so everyone caught up on the emotional theory having a healthy family life brought to a soul.

Neither Esmond or Carter refused, and happily accepted their parent's words, before moving onto building the drone factory.

Much to their surprise, the blueprints and layout of the factory showed plenty of problems to the duo.

The production line of the factory wasn't set up to flow without problems arising along the way with parts being damaged as half made drones moved through various automated workstations.

First, they fixed the production line to move in synchronisation with the nearest workstation to maintain the flow.

Each of the workstations were then checked to see what their new function would be according to the production line and its location along the chain.

Regardless, the workstations were improved, from a simple robotic arm that was restricted in its movements to humanoid like robot that was built waist high and above in correlation to its operations.

The humanoid production workstations could easily turn their hands into various precise tools and control all sorts of machines without causing themselves harm or the product.

Surprisingly, Carter found the introduction of the humanoid robots that became known as 'Gerty', had increased the efficiency of the factory by 400 percent.

Gerty Workstations improved the speed of production and the quality of the end product according to Carter's estimations and predictions he'd analysed.

Though it wasn't the only changes they'd brought to the factory blueprint and layout.

They worked on the tools beings used and the machines beyond the Workstation, though within its spoke of use.

Fortunately, they found plenty of areas that required attention immediately to continue the production line uninterrupted.

Using some of the materials they'd brought to the Spatial Ark Land already, the improvements to the factory once more brought up its efficiency, only for the duo to finally work on the drones.

Much to their dismay, the factory only produced two all purpose drones, which were rather poor in design and functionality.

Seeing this, Esmond focused on producing two new production lines for the new drones.

Carter did the same, and before they knew it, everyone returned back to Adelaide for the night to rest.

Leaving behind one of their children in the Spatial Ark Land, Ruby and Daniel found it unforgiveable, especially after taking calling him their own.

Esmond explained Carter couldn't leave the Spatial Ark Land right now, but in the future it might be possible.

Still, it wasn't enough to appease either parent, leading to the duo calling their workplaces to ask for time off.

Daniel called them late at night and said that he was ill.

His work didn't complain and gave him a week to rest, while Ruby called her work to find that her boss refused to give her a few days off.

In the end she threatened to quit right then and there, only for her boss to try and call her bluff.

Sadly for her employer, Ruby was more than happy to quit, since she knew her family would be fine without her income.

Esmond resisted arguing with his mother to keep her job, but he accepted it was for the best that she stayed at home.

She didn't need to work and wanted to spend time with Carter, so Esmond was happy to oblige his mother's choices, even if his father wasn't highly receptive of the rash decision.

He suggested that as a lawyer though, she was more than capable of helping assist her son's in managing and setting up their business, as a dutiful mother.

Daniel knew exactly what he said and how, as it supercharged his loving wife's motherly aura and attitude.

Without waiting a second longer, Ruby gathered some simple documents and a pen before sitting down with Esmond, as Daniel rushed over to the kitchen to prepare some tea for the three of them to enjoy.

"It's going to be a long night…" groaned Daniel, only to hear Ruby asking Esmond, "Honey, what is it you are planning to sell?"

Sighing heavily, Daniel repeated, "Yep… its going to be a long night…" only for a smile to creep across his face, while brewing a fresh cup of tea for everyone to enjoy with some desserts.



"Finally, it's done…" croaked Carter after submitting the new layout and blueprint of the Automated Drone Factory to the System Interface to begin to construction of the facility.

Esmond only nodded back, completely exhausted, and out of breath from working on the project of the factory after waking up the next day in the morning and working till night.

Ruby watched her boys on the ground, groaning and exhausted, while smiling herself, enjoying the fresh air of the Spatial Ark Land.

She cooked out in the open after Carter brought a basic outdoor kitchen from the System Store for next to nothing in System Credits.

Working in an outdoor kitchen was rather freeing and comfortable for Ruby while making dinner for the family.

She'd familiarised herself with the kitchen ever since breakfast when she first came across it and made everyone food to eat.

After everyone ate and got to work, Ruby decided to manage the meals for the day, leading to a productive day in the kitchen with various meals from around the globe.

Daniel chose not to help his wife out in the kitchen unless called upon, since he worked on building a cabin home for the family.

It had always been a dream project Daniel wanted to achieve for his family to enjoy, away from civilisation and out in the open nature of earth.

To help Daniel along, Carter bought several key pieces of knowledge regarding Logging, Architecture, Design, and Crafting, to pass onto his father.

The System Store offered various pieces of knowledge that could be bought for a fairly reasonable price, depending on the information and passed onto someone else besides the Host.

Carter wasn't overly fond of wasting money on such needless costs, even with the ridiculous number of System Credits.

He didn't want to waste them, but for Daniel it was fine, because the man was making his dream come true.

By the time it became the afternoon, Daniel had gone through a full body workout cutting down various trees of certain wood for the cabin home.

According to first design plans it was a simple place for the four with a few bedrooms, a bathroom, lounge, kitchen, and storage.

However, it changed vastly after input from everyone, especially the two boys who turned the cabin into a mansion of sorts, while maintaining the cabin vibe and construction layout.

One of the new plans was a grand library, but Daniel quickly interrupted the thought and refused to build it because of his poor ability in the crafting fielding.

He'd yet to get started with the house and didn't want to build something as a grand and beauty as a library in the first build of the cabin home.

But this didn't stop Esmond and Carter from adding other parts to the house they deemed necessary, worrying Daniel to no end.

Thankfully, his worries would be over soon once the drone factory came to life.




[Automated Drone Factory]

[Grade – Common]

[Price – 150,000,000 Credits]



[Due to improvements in design and layout of the Automated Drone Factory, System has re-evaluated value, price, grade, and potential of System Item!]

[Host is rewarded 1,000 System Credits!]



[Automated Drone Factory Has Upgraded & Updated into {Automated Formidable Drone Factory}]

[Grade: Common → Epic]


[Six Drone Production Lines have been established and set up throughout the factory]

[Each of the Production Lines will create a different Drone capable of various feats, similar yet different from the other Drones]

[Drone One is called the Transport Drone.

Capable of carrying several hundred kilos per Drone with ease, and able to move speeds upwards of 50 kilometres per hour, the Drones are best utilised moving large objects or containers when working with other Transport Drones

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, have allowed the Transport Drones to operate at twice their original speed, while able to move half a dozen each.

They can be best utilised when directed to move large containers with materials or goods already within]

[Drone Two is called the Farming Drone.

Able to assist in spraying crops with various chemicals, or fertilisers, the Farming Drone can oversee the maturity of crops and health.

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, have added harvesting capabilities to the Farming Drones.

With a small storage, the Farming Drones are assisted by Storage Drones, capable of carrying several tons of mined, and harvested materials.

They can operate in tandem with the other Drones]

[Drone Three is called the Mining Drone.

Designed to harvest minerals and metals, the Drone can manage the minding of various resources according to the tools built naturally into the machine.

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, have allowed the Drones to scan the landscape to search for mineral and metal deposits]

[Drone Four is called the Construction/Landscape Drone.

Their main purpose is to manage construction sites and build the necessary structures based on the available materials and design blueprints with intricate layout of the project.

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, has increased the speed of construction including the necessary functions to hasten the production of structures.

Drones can hasten through reshaping of the landscape with ease and move soil in mass amounts]

[Drone Five is called the Security & Battery Drone.

Able to move and charge other Drones while moving around, the Battery and Security Drones can manage people in high density zones without interrupting the change of command of the Drones network.

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, will improve the recharging speed, and capability to swap batteries of Drones while on the move.

Security functions of the Drone allow it to connect with hardware external to the established network]

[Drone Six is called the Management/Repair Drone.

Designed to maintain processing power of the Drones across various zones of space.

Capable of repairing damaged drones while on the move, though it is easier and faster to have it all done at the Drone Factory or Mobile Workstation (Producible by Drone Factory)

Additional adjustments made by Host – Esmond & Artificial System Spirit Core – Carter, will also the Management Drones to oversee the allocation of Drones where needed than required

Repairing of Drones can happen on the move, including specified customisations or improvements]

[Price: 500,000,000 System Credits] [Price has increased due to factory improvements]



Carter and Esmond were shocked by the price but understood the System re-evaluated their updated plans for the factory and figured it was best to increase the cost for a ready-made building.

To begin the production process for the drones, Carter started drawing a minimum number of resources from the Spatial Ark Land, through its natural ability as an Artificial System Spirit Core.

His connection with the Spatial Ark Land enabled the mining of resources through an automated and restricted amount per day.

Thankfully it was enough to kick start the production of a dozen or so Mining and Transport Drones to increase the pool of resources.

A few Drones were sent to aid Daniel in his creation of the Cabin Home, much to the surprise and astonishment of both parents when the Drones started laying down the foundation for the family home.

It included a large basement with plenty of room to expand, while keeping with the architecture style of wood cabin homes.

Funnily enough, when Carter took over the management of the Drone Factory, leaving Esmond to help out Daniel with the house, he found the simple plans for their home were far grander than he imagined.

As it turned out, Daniel gained some inspiration while working and learnt some extra skills, leading to various changes while working.

One of the new additions was a major piece of the backyard, especially through the extra attachments made to enhance the elegance of the yard.

"Hey Dad, when did you expend the plans to make a pool?"… With a waterfall feature?"

Daniel blushed as he looked over to meet Ruby's flustered gaze, leading to a flirt moment between the two.

Thankfully Esmond's loud coughs held the parents back from behaving haughtily in front of their son.

"Right… I get it." Esmond said, close to a whisper after realising the cold hard truth his mind had long supressed.

His parents were rather 'active' as a couple, which bothered Esmond deeply if he was to see or hear either of them in the backyard of the cabin home in the future.

Choosing to keep his thoughts far away from his parents fornicating, Esmond dove into his work, building the cabin home until a swarm of Construction Drones arrived alongside Transport Drones, carrying all sorts of materials.

Those who transported materials, quickly moved onto retrieving more materials to use for the creation of the cabin home.

Daniel watched one of the Construction Drones gathering some of the materials carefully stationed on the ground, only to refine certain resources to create necessary items.

Sealed pipping, enhanced to not break or tear over time, was produced by the Construction Drone through its internal facilities, allowing it to set up the underlying water and sewage system.

The wiring for electricity wasn't far behind, since the layout of the Cabin Home specified the pipping needed to be set up first.

Watching the drones closely, Daniel couldn't help but feel amazed at the pace of their work, constructing the Cabin Home within no time.

He along with Ruby saw the Construction Drones building appliances to work with the functional power ports around the home.

From basic items like toasters, kettle, and microwave were managed by the Construction Drones, but some other items needed to be brought in from the outside.

Esmond and Carter didn't want to solely rely on their own knowledge and wanted to see what was on offer in the market.

Carter wanted to see what would happen once the items entered the Spatial Ark Land, after improving through its natural System functions.

So far, the home was more than ready for the family of four to move in after shopping for certain items around Adelaide markets.

Daniel and Ruby went ahead and toured the Cabin Home, while Esmond left for Carter's side after being called on.

Neither of his parents knew he'd left, with their eyes on the Cabin Home, wandering through the various rooms.

From the large bedrooms with their own bathroom, balcony, and a small kitchen for tea, and coffee, to the grand family and lounge room, the Cabin Home felt more like a mansion with traits of Old English manors.



I just found some bad news…"

Carter started to discuss the American banking and financial sector he'd infiltrated through various networks, and found some cold hard truth related to the future of the global market.

"As it turns out, Esy, the banks of America and beyond have guaranteed false valuation of fairly poor loans that'll end up crashing under the pressure of the market.

The evaluation will lead to a market crash around September this year, but we'll see some of the earlier effects by the end of this month.

*Sigh* Honestly this is a serious problem, yet… I see immense value in the market collapse and our rise through the crash."

"… What are you planning Carter?"

"I'm thinking of purchasing up a whole lot of financial institutions across the globe.

A large number of them will be from America, but it'll do nicely with several banks I've already identified that'll end up going under.

Surprisingly, one of them is leading several European countries to go bankrupt.

Greece is one of them, along with Spain, which means a large number of properties going up on the market.

Ideal to purchase a string of islands in the Mediterranean.

That'll stop the global market from completely crushing the lives of the mass public.

We can introduce our own Processed Materials and Resources Supermarket from goods we've produced within the Spatial Ark Land.

This might cause more businesses to fall under, but we can move those into our sphere of influence, if not purchasing them outright.

The way I see it, we can operate globally while keeping our influence away from the governments who'd interfere immediately to shut us down."

Carter's plans were sound, and fair in Esmond's mind, though some adjustments needed to be made and certain purchases had to happen as soon as possible.

"Alright… but we can't enter the global market without some standing before hand in world politics.

Similarly, we need a miliary presence.

The Security Drones can be turned completely into a Military variant that is capable of firing missiles at tanks with precision accuracy."

While neither focused on creating the new Drone Variant of the Security Drone right away, Carter and Esmond started working together to construct another Automated Drone Factory.

With the need for resources increasing no matter what in the coming future, Carter decided several dozen more Automated Drone Factories needed to be constructed.

Of course, this would require plenty of resources just for the construction of the buildings, but after that, the number of materials piled up in storage would increase drastically.

Especially if each mining site had several hundred drones working to mine resources.

Neither Esmond and Carter had to wait long before the second factory was complete and operational, reducing the stress on a single factory for production.

After a week, Esmond returned in the afternoon to communicate with Carter about the progress of the Spatial Ark Land.

To his delight, Carter constructed another ten Automated Drone Factories, who'd produced several hundred thousand Drones of various sorts to aid in the development of the Spatial Ark Land.

The Mining Drones were rather productive over the week, sourcing close to half a million tons of materials, much of which was being used across various construction sites.

Certain materials like gold, silver, and graphite were stored momentarily by the Drones in various warehouses that Carter chose to set up for maintaining materials.

Gold and silver, for example, were stored in bricks with a numerical value engraved onto the front of the brick, ensuring Carter knew exactly where each item went through the supply chain of the Spatial Ark Land.

Carter made sure everything stored within the Space was catalogued for his own database and to ensure the effects of the System worked at their peak.

All of the materials they'd sourced so far were purer than items similarly on the market of Earth.

If released en mass to Earth and its markets, Carter figured people would riot to find the source to fulfil their own greed.

Therefore, Carter started mining various quality of materials, even from the crops, so they could be introduced to Earth without any issues.

Drawing nosy scientists and governments would cause unnecessary problems, so Carter made sure there was plenty of goods available from the Spatial Ark Land for sale.

Part of it was used by the first residents of Spatial Ark Land for their meals and various other experiments organised by Carter in tandem with Daniel and Ruby.

The parents spent most of their time living within the Spatial Ark Land, only ever leaving for the home in Adelaide when they went out to shop for certain items or products.

They also aided Esmond and Carter's business endeavours, especially in the field of agriculture and food produce.

This happened largely due to the health benefits brought upon the family of four through living in the Spatial Ark Land.

From their first meal with ingredients grown within the Spatial Ark Land, every single member of the family, excluding Carter because of his form, found their skin to be softer and clearer than ever before.

Not just that, they felt in shape and incredibly healthy for their age, especially considering the damage done to their bodies over the years of travelling.

The nutrition of the food ensured the whole family was at peak health and strength, much to Esmond surprise and delight as it helped deal with exhaustion throughout the day.

Daniel ended up creating a rather healthy, organic, and simple recipe for Cola, which Esmond became a fan of and started producing in greater quantity than he originally thought.

Esmond tasted it one afternoon when he returned to the Space, only to find his father introducing various new food concoctions, only to fall in love with it from the second he tasted a carbonated version.

The inspiration for Cola came to Daniel after spending long afternoon building the Barnhouse, which extended into a large Ranch to store all the herded animals.

For one reason or another, Daniel wished for Coca-Cola, but they didn't have any of the bottles within the Spatial Ark Land or back home in Adelaide, so with some help from Carter, who searched a recipe online for 'Homemade Cola', Daniel made his own version.

After discussing it with Carter and gaining Daniel's approval, which he willingly gave, Esmond started it mass production through aluminium cans and glass bottles.

Ruby had gone out one day during the past week and contacted several of her friends to expedite the approval for the Cola's distribution across South Australia and beyond.

So far, Carter introduction several new factories dedicated to the production of Daniel's Cola, including other recipes he'd researched and found to be fairly tasty and simple to produce.

After witnessing his father's drive to create, Esmond invested in the Virtual Lab from the System Store, which meant the Simulation Program's side effects wouldn't befall the user, unlike another version Esmond dealt with in another lifetime.

Through the information given to him by the System on purchase of the Virtual Lab Virtual Simulation Program, Esmond learnt the user needed a Virtual Reality Headgear or something similar.

Of course, the System provided him with a design blueprint for a Virtual Reality Headgear, for which a production line was set up by the Construction Drones.

Esmond prepared one for his father to use, as well one for himself, so he could rush through the development of various projects and education.

Carter had already turned part of the Space into an industrial zone, creating factories for all sorts of textiles, luxury goods, and mountains of steel.

Everything was being stored for future use, if not immediately taken away to produce an item.

Using artistic knowledge and visual presence, Carter managed to create various items into imaginative pieces, easily capable of drawing the attention of any who'd come upon.

For example, a range of suit jackets were made with a mixture of polymers and fabrics to create a new and unique textile with weather resistant capabilities.

Another set of plans focused on introducing Legends, Myths, and Media forms from other lifetimes that could be recreated for humanities enjoyment.

Funnily enough, Superheroes had a large presence in a great number of lifetimes, some of which Esmond desired to release worldwide.

These ideas along with others offered by Ruby and Daniel became part of a long list to aid their business enterprise.

Yet the most important of them all was the Spatial Ark Land and its progress.


"The amount of crap you have stocked up in the chain of warehouses astounds me, young man!

I have raised you better than to horde so much that could be given to many others who require aid."

Ruby was furious when she learnt about the insane amount of goods stored in the warehouse's region set up near the industrial zone organised by Carter.

When she asked to hear about the number of goods stored so far, never had the thought come up that Esmond would have goods stored in the high hundred thousand tons.

Immediately, Ruby reprimanded Carter for storing so much without considered for those less fortunately, while Esmond received far more of her wrath and anger.

She couldn't blame Carter so much as Esmond, since he was the one to tell Carter that the goods needed to be produced in the first place.

Thankfully, their reasoning for the decision made her understand what both sons were planning for the future.

Yet hearing the stored goods could create their own mountain made Ruby question Esmond's behaviour for such actions.

"Regardless of the mountains of gold bars, and increasing sums of processed food produce, capable of feeding who knows how many people…

Why the hell haven't either of you thought about starting a charity of some kind?

Use this opportunity to affect the world and its people, not through your control over the market, but kindness and generosity." Ruby was firm with her resolve to educate Carter and Esmond to do the right thing.

"Mum… we've thought about it before, but neither of us has the time to build up a charity from the ground up.

It's possible to run alongside the business enterprise by directing resources and goods as needed, but even so, we need people to aid us outside of Spatial Ark Land." Groaned Esmond, hoping it would be enough to keep his mother from discipling him any further.

Carter decided to step in and added, "I've already identified half a dozen or so charities we can purchase overtime and broaden in operations to extent globally.

Only problem I've found so far is dealing with certain governments who are trying to imbed their own influence, mainly in the hopes to expand operations on an international scale.

Funnily enough, the United States of America recently took over the management and control of a charity focused on helping regional communities in South America.

The sad truth is American Senators and military commanders believe a strong presence within the regional villiages and communities would unravel cocaine farms and the operations of criminal syndicates.

Unfortunately, there is not point to all the madness they've unleashed in secret, since the American government is highly involved in the profits gained through drug trafficking.

I'm actually trying to takeover this specific charity, so we can promote the goods we release into the global market are from South America…

It might even improve our relationship with nearby nations to our main base of operations for the charity."

Ruby listened, and understood the decisions of both Carter and Esmond, however it didn't ease the frustration from knowing about the vast goods and products stored in warehouses.

Eventually she sent the two away, with Esmond leaving the Space for the City Business District to conduct an interview process for an assistant position.

Esmond worked alongside Carter, making him essentially an Artificial Intelligence Assistant, but their needed to be a physical presence to ensure everything was seen to outside of the Spatial Ark Land.

Earlier on, Esmond recommended to Carter that he should purchase the next stage of the Artificial Intelligence Programming, unfortunately, the price was far too much.

At a staggering cost of ten billion System Credits, it exceeded Esmond's current System Credit Account, which left the conversation mute.

Yet it also left Esmond with little choice on what to do in his spare time, so he decided to work on creating new code to improve the processing pace of Carter.



Esmond arrived at the Hilton Hotel in Adelaide for the interviewing process Carter organised by booking several adjoining conference rooms.

On arrival, a temp agent Carter organised met with Esmond upon his arrival at the hotel.

When the temp agent saw Esmond, he felt the man in front of him exuded a royal aura, full of immeasurable strength and authority.

For a moment, the temp agent was speechless until Esmond greeted him and asked to be led inside of the hotel.

Squirming around, stuttering and a little embarrassed, the temp agent raced ahead with Esmond having to speed up to keep up with the man's pace.

Esmond wasn't bothered by the man's actions because he was practising the Imperial Xoplis Training Manual.

When practising the Training Manual, all of the surrounding space around the user would sharply become turbulent.

People without a strong mental resistance could easily resist the force and aura pushed down on their being, yet the average person would easily be affected.

Thankfully the Energy in the atmosphere wasn't refined enough to aid the development of Esmond's training, which stopped the affects of the force and aura from being largely reduced.

Esmond didn't doubt that if the same sort of Energy in the Spatial Ark Land was available on Earth, his practise of the Imperial Training Manual would cause everyone across the city to kneel.

Thinking of the Imperial Training Manual, Esmond remembered a lifetime where he was born in a Martial Cultivation World.

During that lifetime, Esmond was fortunate enough to stumble upon a legacy of a strong Martial Cultivator who'd ascended to a grander plane of existence.

Using the knowledge found by mistake, Esmond dove straight into educating himself with the legacy and its power.

With time, power and knowledge became Esmond's own strength, which led to the development of the Martial Cultivation Universe.

Esmond used mathematics, physics, and modern sciences to help enhance society through various products and goods.

Much of it was believed to be absurd and rather wild for the cultural times of the world, yet it brought change in a scale unseen or heard of ever before.

A big difference brought by Esmond to society, especially Martial Cultivators was eating meals and enjoying food, instead of relying on pills to deal with hunger.

Fast food like burgers and fries took the world by storm, with a franchise appearing in time that had its own drive through feature for Martial Cultivators.

In time, Esmond's actions, while unknown by all, had changed the world until the Status Quo of power moved to developing society.

Games, especially boardgames, sparked a revolution in the entertainment field, leading to bars and taverns appearing around the world, who solely focused on storing such games for its patrons to play and enjoy.

Eventually, Esmond left the world, though not in peace when a dear brother killed him through an ambush that contained powerful figures, angered by the push forward in improving the world.

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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