Claps- and such.
The curtains opened.
And within a second, all the noise died down.
"In the era of old- far far away- there lived a princess!" A dramatic voice chimed in with the music.
Mild cheers from the crowd.
Stage lights!
Straight onto a girl on a chair-
Dressed in a nightly gown with silver strings and lots, and lots of makeup; with vibrant red lipstick she sat there, staring in to the distance, melancholically.\
Red eyes, blue hair; almost like a doll.
"Ah… lady Zerin!"
"Lady Zerin!"
The crowd cheered.
"But-!" the dramatic voice ensued. "Lately, her heart had been stolen. Stolen by a being of darkness. Alfanzo the great Demon of the Ire!"
More stage light-
Straight onto a guy dressed in fancy black. On the other side.
Cape here, buttons there- red eyes, two horns; a demon.
Rather good looking, with that smile.
Got accepted to my dream Uni today.
Sadly can't afford it though.
Kinda sucks...
Anyway, I'll work a little harder from now on and save up. Who knows, maybe someday I'll have enough cash for something important?
Thanks for reading; have a nice day.