Those words came out of his mouth.
And the moment they did-
She- Armi just stared.
Heart racing, breath hastening… and- yet, she just stared.
Of course, she did.
She'd been waiting.
Ever since that day-
Seven thousand years ago.
That day, when Gerar rejected her feelings. When he just- turned his back on her.
She ran-
She cried-
She rebelled.
At first it was out of sheer rage but then that rage turned to regret as days went by.
It took some time but things with Gerar did calm down.
And though his dream was to take over the world, Gerar stopped outright and things became standstill for the demons.
He could have killed all the gods, he could have ruled the universes but he didn't.
Instead- he shut himself up in his castle, complaining of boredom.
And Armelia knew that.
But there was no way she could go back to him.
This novel is mostly about Mihael growing as a character and actually becoming a better guy.
But no, he'll only be like that to the people he considers family.
As for outsiders, you saw what happened with the kids from his class.