/ Anime & Comics / Rebirth of the Forgotten Hero
Title: Rebirth of the Forgotten Hero
After a tragic end in his previous life, a once-legendary warrior awakens in the body of Naruto Uzumaki. As memories of his past life resurface, he discovers the challenges of Naruto's world—a society that despises him for the Nine-Tails sealed within. With his former knowledge and abilities blending with Naruto's inherent strength, he embarks on a journey of redemption, growth, and revenge.
Determined to change his destiny, he uncovers hidden truths about the ninja world, forges alliances, and battles formidable enemies, including those who betrayed him. As he reclaims his power and carves a new path, the reincarnated Naruto seeks to unite the shinobi world and fulfill the dreams of both his past self and his current life.