93.35% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 308: Chapter 308: Diverse Dragon Species

章節 308: Chapter 308: Diverse Dragon Species

True dragons enjoy the feeling of looking down on all creatures.

Thus, aside from a few dragons with special preferences, nearly all true dragons prefer to build their nests on high grounds, standing tall on peaks to look down upon the ground below, relishing the feeling of having all things under their dominion.

Normally, dragons are solitary creatures, and it's rare for multiple dragons to share a region.

However, during this unique period where a large number of true dragons gather in the same mountain range, the dragons choose the location of their temporary nests based on their own strength and status, with the height of the nests reflecting their hierarchy.

Yuna brought Garon back to her dragon nest here.

It was located in the Carvol Mountain Range, the most towering and majestic mountain among the current territories of the true dragons.

The overall oval-shaped, irregular dragon nest was examined by a huge silver dragon, which noticed almost no treasure present.

The walls of the nest were merely rough rock without any of the gemstones dragons typically covet, and the ground was covered with a thin layer of metallic ore, interspersed with sparse coins, barely covering the floor without much depth.

After a brief glance at the simple nest, Garon turned his gaze towards Yuna.

Yuna seemed to understand what Garon was thinking.

She explained, "I was worried that the territory where our nest was previously located would fall, so I collected the treasures and stored them in the Eternal Hall. This place is just a temporary nest."

Garon nodded slightly and said, "I see."

Saying that, the silver giant dragon extended its claw and made a gentle swipe.

The space moved like ripples on water, opening a deep fissure.

Shimmering with faint light, cores of various colors, containing tremendous magical power, metals from the Carra planet never seen before, and a vast amount of high-quality equipment, poured out from the dimensional space like ordinary objects.

Soon, the simple and rough dragon nest was transformed, filled with an air of wealth.

"What are these?" Yuna asked, picking up a yellow core several meters in diameter, her face showing surprise.

In the perception of the strength dragon, this core contained an immense amount of power, not magic power, but a more special force connected to the universe.

It was a kind of divine-like power, similar to her own strength.

And there was more than one of these cores that Garon had taken out.

Looking down, Yuna saw dozens of these strange cores, each radiating a powerful divine-like force.

Garon smiled slightly and said, "These are gifts I brought back for you from other timelines."

"Eat them, and you will grow rapidly. After a period of hibernation, you might reach the demi-god level like me."

In the Valoran continent, in the Freljord region, Garon and Volibear had cleared nearly all the beasts.

For Garon and Volibear, who had become demi-gods, consuming beasts of the same level was at best a good source of nutrition, satisfying a craving but no longer considered precious.

Moreover, some beasts had divine-like powers that would condense into crystal cores similar to elemental cores.

For Garon, they could serve as collectibles or be brought back to the main timeline for Yuna to use.

Thus, Garon brought these demi-god beast cores back.

Volibear had no objections, preferring to collect the skulls, skeletons, and teeth of beasts as trophies, rather than fancy glowing cores.

Yuna looked up at Garon, whose size now far exceeded her own, and nodded slightly.

When Yuna first met Garon, he was even smaller than her by several sizes. However, as time passed, the gap in their sizes closed, and now Garon was ten meters larger than Yuna.

Yuna did not want the gap between her and Garon to grow too large.

And since dragons do not refuse treasures given by other dragons, in dragon culture there's no such thing as feeling ashamed, so Yuna happily accepted the demi-god cores.

Crackling, she swallowed a core whole.

Immediately, Yuna felt as if warm currents were sprouting within her, as the divine-like power in the core was absorbed and transformed in her dragon-like furnace of a stomach, becoming Yuna's own divine-like strength.

Her eyes lit up, looking at the remaining cores.

"How did you get these cores?" she asked.

"They seem to all come from exceptionally powerful beings."

Yuna was not a dragon without insight. Just after swallowing, she sensed the extraordinariness of these cores.

Having even one or two of these treasures would be impressive, but Garon had poured out dozens at once, not to mention the batch of equipment that was clearly of exceptionally high quality and unusual.

"Yes," Garon nodded and said.

"They come from a kind of physicalized primordial chaos gods, each one a genuine demi-god creature."

Garon explained his experience in the Valoran continent after being attacked and seriously injured, ending up in the lava semi-plane, and then gradually told Yuna about his adventures.

To dragons, who view years as mere moments due to their longevity, six years is not a long time, and not much noteworthy happened, so Garon quickly finished recounting his experiences in the Valoran continent.

After hearing Garon's story, Yuna's face showed surprise, and then she said with relief, "Such a dangerous world, with so many demi-gods roaming the earth."

"Fortunately, you didn't come to harm and even became a demi-god."

"Otherwise, I would have made those detestable elves pay, never to find peace again." Yuna gritted her teeth and said.

At this moment.

Garon became somewhat silent.

At first, Garon deduced that the attacker was the life goddess of the elf pantheon due to the type of divine power used in the attack. However, upon further thought, he felt the attack didn't quite match the elves' style.

Although elves always claim to be noble and kind, positioning themselves as a force for good.

But they indeed belong to the good alignment and wouldn't rashly start a war with a powerful force like the dragonkind, as almost all worlds' elves dislike war.

"Yuna, actually, I'm not sure it was the elves who attacked me," Garon said after some thought.

"Ah?" Yuna blinked, confused.

"Wasn't it the life goddess of the elf race? That's the message sent by the immortal dragon," Yuna said.

Garon pondered for a moment and said, "When I was attacked, the Dragon Mother came to my aid immediately. Because of her appearance, I was able to escape safely."

"At that time, the Dragon Mother had a brief clash with the attacker and had the chance to identify them."

After a pause, Garon earnestly said, "But the Dragon Mother only possesses a weak divine power. Although her combat power is not inferior to that of a strong divine power, if the strong divine power deliberately pretended to be the life goddess to attack me, the Dragon Mother might not be able to see through the disguise."

Or perhaps, the Dragon Mother was lying, Garon thought to himself, not voicing it out.

After all, even now, when the war has fully erupted and cannot be reversed, the life goddess of the elf pantheon still insists she never attacked Garon.

But since

 the Dragon Mother saved him and as a deity of the dragon race, Garon tends to believe the Dragon Mother more in his heart.

But he did not fully trust her.

On the other side, after hearing Garon's words, Yuna thought for a moment and said, "If it wasn't the elves, then who could it be?"

As she spoke, the strength dragon's long tail gently swayed, lost in thought.

A few seconds later, Yuna's eyes flickered, and she said to Garon, "Could it be the work of the primordial chaos gods?"

"If the war between elves and dragons led to more pantheons being involved and the powers of various deities weakened, the chaos gods would certainly be pleased."

Garon nodded slightly and said, "I've considered this possibility."

His expression calm, he continued, "No matter who attacked me, whether they wanted to kill me or use me to provoke a war for some unspeakable purpose, I will find them and personally avenge this attack."

This young time dragon's wings are growing fuller, and his reverence for deities is gradually decreasing as his own power increases.

Currently, it's unclear whether the life goddess was the attacker, but the war with the elves has already started, and Garon stands with the dragonkind. He has never had a good impression of the elves and has received favors from the Dragon God, so he will fulfill his duty as the Lord of the Dragon Court, helping the dragon camp gain the upper hand in the war.

This is possible.

In the outer planes where gods battle, they actually restrain each other, making it difficult to truly kill an enemy deity.

The key to victory lies in the prime material world.

As the followers of one's own faith kill more and more of the enemy's followers, the enemy deity's power will weaken due to the decrease in followers. At that time, it will be possible to truly kill the enemy deity.

As a demi-god, Garon is almost unstoppable in the prime material world.

"I will stand by your side and fight alongside you," Yuna said earnestly after hearing Garon's words.

Garon smiled slightly and said, "Once you also become a demi-god and master giantification, we together will be able to sweep through the prime material world."

Controlling the power of strength, Garon felt that Yuna also had the opportunity to learn giantification.

"Then teach me," Yuna said.

"I also want to become super big!"

Upon mentioning giantification, Yuna's tone suddenly rose several notches, filled with excitement.

However, in front of the eager Yuna, Garon shook his head slightly, his tone serious, "There are certain risks in learning giantification. I plan to wait until your power increases a bit more, approaching the demi-god level, before teaching you."

Garon also fully mastered giantification after becoming a demi-god.

The threshold for this ability is not low, and it's not so easy to learn.

"Risks? What risks?"

"I'm not afraid of risks. I want to learn it now," Yuna persisted.

Faced with the temptation of giantifying to the size of a mountain, the young strength dragon girl found it hard to resist, eagerly wanting to master it.

Then, Garon explained the dangers of being eroded by divine-like power during the learning process to Yuna, emphasizing how he almost lost his own consciousness and merged into the river of time.

After hearing about the significant risks, Yuna shrank her neck and said, "Then I'll listen to you."

"Let's wait for the right time to learn."

Garon smiled gently, pushing more demi-god cores towards Yuna.

"Eat them and then enter hibernation."

Yuna blinked, looking at the pile of demi-god cores, and said, "What about the elf army on the Carra planet? I won't be able to help you after I hibernate."

Yuna showed a hesitant look.

Garon laughed heartily, his voice confident and decisive, "You've seen the power I now possess. Since I've returned, the elves on the Carra planet only have two choices."

Saying that, the silver giant dragon's eyes gradually sharpened.

"Either, close the portal and all roll back to their elf kingdom."

"Or, be buried on this planet belonging to the dragonkind, becoming nourishment for the land."

Looking at the domineering silver giant dragon, Yuna's eyes brightened, and she nodded obediently.

"Alright, when I awaken from hibernation, let's go kill their deities!"

Just as Yuna was about to consume many demi-god cores, Garon stopped her, saying, "Go to the Dragon Court semi-plane to hibernate. Coincidentally, I need to make a trip to the Dragon Court semi-plane."

From Nehemiah, he learned that the Dragon Court semi-plane, after being expanded by the Dragon God and many legendary giant dragons, was no longer the size it was at the beginning. The scale had expanded many times over and had become the hub for the mobilization of the dragonkind's legendary giant dragon forces.

Taking the equipment obtained from Ornn, Garon opened the portal to the Dragon Court semi-plane, with Yuna entering one after the other.

A blue light brushed past.

Stepping through the portal, the next second, Garon and Yuna arrived at the Dragon Court semi-plane, where clouds roiled like the Elemental Plane of Air.

Garon gently flapped his wings, his huge body hovering among the flowing clouds, looking far into the distance.

In his view, besides the familiar Eternal Hall, there were countless new constructions, palaces, castles, mountain nests. A large number of buildings filled with dragonkind's characteristics were scattered among the clouds, easily floating without the constraint of gravity.

Within the construction cluster surrounding the Eternal Hall, numerous portals stood tall.

Legendary giant dragons with body sizes reaching thirty meters passed through the fixed portals, coming and going, due to the wartime situation, the entire Dragon Court semi-plane seemed hurried. Many legendary giant dragons' auras were unstable, and their bodies bore mottled wounds, clearly having just ended difficult battles.

After whispering a few words to Yuna, she directly flew into the dragon nest inside the Eternal Hall.

In the coming period, the strength dragon girl will undergo a leap in strength.

Meanwhile, Garon remained in the outside world.

He had business to attend to in the Dragon Court semi-plane.

At the same time.

Upon seeing the silver giant dragon suddenly appearing above the Eternal Hall, the legendary giant dragons in this cluster of buildings stopped their ongoing tasks, their gazes unanimously focusing on Garon.

In the Dragon Court semi-plane, aside from those with special relationships like the white dragon lady, nearly all were members of the Dragon Court.

After Garon's return, through the Pact of the Dragon Court, he had already conveyed to the Dragon Court members that he had safely returned and reached the demi-god level.

However, knowing is one thing, but seeing the Lord of the Dragon Court with their own eyes, the giant dragons couldn't help but become excited.

Boom boom boom!

Due to many giant dragons simultaneously flapping their wings, a storm-like sound arose.

Countless true dragons gathered, surrounding the Eternal Hall.

"Ancient black dragon Garalah, congratulating the return of the Lord of the Dragon Court!"

"Ancient red dragon On

ien, congratulating the return of the Lord of the Dragon Court!"

"Ancient multi-headed dragon, celebrating the return of the Lord of the Dragon Court!"

"Ancient red zircon dragon, celebrating the return of the Lord of the Dragon Court!"

"Ancient lava dragon, congratulating the return of the Lord of the Dragon Court!"

Among the rising and falling congratulatory voices, the silver giant dragon's unfazed gaze fell on some dragon species he was seeing for the first time.

Dragons respect strength above all else.

The true dragons that spontaneously gathered around Garon were almost all ancient dragons, and besides the most common dragon species, there were many rare ones.

The red zircon dragon, amber dragon, and pearl dragon, belonging to the semi-precious stone dragons.

Even the yellow dragon, orange dragon, and purple dragon, belonging to the exotic dragons.

At a glance, the legendary giant dragons here were not limited to these.

The stocky lava dragon with a layer of magma-like armor on its body.

The multi-headed dragon with three heads and three forked long tails, looking quite grotesque and fierce.

The fear dragon, whose wings were covered in worms and whose scales revealed purple-red rotting flesh through the gaps.

The mithril dragon, resembling the silver dragon in elegance and nobility.

This was the first time Garon had seen so many dragon species.

With the development and growth of the Dragon Court, some rare and rarely seen dragon species had gradually become members of the Dragon Court.

Although surprised inwardly, the Lord of the Dragon Court remained composed on the surface, simply retracting his wings, allowing his huge body to land at the outermost tip of the Eternal Hall.

After surveying his surroundings.

The silver giant dragon, with a deep gaze, said, "In these six years, as the Lord of the Dragon Court, I was absent from this grand war."

"But now, I have returned."

"As the Lord of the Dragon Court, as a dragon of time, I promise you all, in this war, we true dragons will emerge victorious!"

Saying that, the silver giant dragon roared towards the sky, its roar echoing through the Dragon Court semi-plane like thunder.

"The name of the Dragon Court will resonate alongside me and all of you across myriad worlds."

"The celestial mountain, the bottomless abyss, hell, the myriad beast garden, these outer planes, will also tremble at our roar!"

After a moment of silence, thousands of legendary giant dragons also let out earth-shaking dragon roars, tearing apart the clouds in the sky, and then, these overlapping roars and declarations even passed through the planar barriers, forming faint echoes in many worlds.


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