64.95% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 214: Chapter 214: Baby +1

章節 214: Chapter 214: Baby +1

"Garon, I really dislike its gaze."

The words of the Force Dragon girl were softly spoken into Garon's ear.

At this moment, the Spirit of the Earth was still staring straight at Yuna, its rocky brown eyes devoid of any fluctuation, yet Garon felt a hidden covetousness and excitement.

The Spirits of Nature can be considered embodiments of natural forces to some extent, part of the world's operation.

They have forms and intelligence, a type of energy being.

However, the intelligence of the Spirits of Nature is like a mechanical rationality. Although there are beings that worship them to gain natural forces, these beings' beliefs are insignificant to the Spirits of Nature, dispensable.

Sufficiently powerful natural forces, like the primal forces, are considered a kind of demigod power.

The natural force worshiped by the minotaurs is not actively given by the Spirits of Nature but attracted by their spiritual affinity during the process of worship.

The Spirit of the Earth, which should have been purely mechanical in rationality, looked at Yuna as if it was looking at prey or a delicacy.

"It harbors ill will."

Garon narrowed his eyes and said.

By this time, Yuna could no longer hold back.

She disliked being discovered and stared at by other beings, let alone such a malevolent gaze.

The invisible Force Dragon opened her mouth.

Between the neat dragon teeth, a highly lethal and destructive energy appeared in an instant.

The next moment, Yuna aimed at the Spirit of the Earth and unleashed her dragon breath.

Boom! The air trembled violently.

In that instant, the fine dust existing in the air was crushed by the powerful force into even finer, invisible particles, tearing a pathway through the air.

The dragon breath made of force, like Garon's, was invisible.

But the destructive effect on the surrounding environment made it seem to have a form.

The Force Dragon breath was unstoppable.

The Spirit of the Earth, made of broken stones, seemed to know the formidable power of the Force Dragon breath and didn't dare to resist head-on.

The stones suddenly shattered, and the Spirit of the Earth burrowed into the ground, abandoning its newly formed body to avoid being hit by the Force Dragon breath.

Then, the Force Dragon breath landed on the ground.

Without any sound, snow, rocks, soil, and trees touched by the Force Dragon breath turned into fine dust in an instant, swept away by the cold wind of the far north, vanishing into the air.

"Damn, where do you think you're going?"

After losing its body, the Spirit of the Earth was just a condensed energy, unable to escape Garon and Yuna's perception.

Yuna, not hitting the Spirit of the Earth, did not give up.

The enraged Yuna flapped her dragon wings, flew low, and mercilessly spat out dragon breath, chasing the Spirit of the Earth hiding below the surface.

The ground around her was left with deep, bottomless ravines, like scars, devastating to behold. The bedrock at the foot of the snow mountain was also instantly disintegrated into fine particles by the aftermath of the dragon breath.

Garon's eyelids twitched.

Biological levels are just a rough reference and cannot represent everything.

For example, Yuna's dragon breath's lethality impressed Garon.

Even legendary creatures above level thirty, if hit directly by the Force Dragon breath, would likely suffer severe injuries or even die on the spot.

Not just biological entities, energy beings like the Spirit of the Earth also dared not be hit by the Force Dragon breath.

However, the Spirit of the Earth moved very quickly underground, as if this was its home field, keeping Yuna's Force Dragon breath behind, although constantly dodging, it didn't seem to be in a crisis.

To better hit the Spirit of the Earth, Yuna lowered her flight altitude.

Seeing this, Garon shook his head slightly.

Yuna's combat experience was not rich, and Garon could feel that the Spirit of the Earth was deliberately luring Yuna down from high altitudes.

But Yuna didn't realize this.

The nature of true dragons is quite proud, and they dislike intervention from other beings during battle. So, after Yuna took action, Garon held back, observing the situation without attacking the Spirit of the Earth with Yuna. But now, it seemed he couldn't just stand by.

As expected.

When Yuna descended to less than a hundred meters above the ground.

Boom! The previously solid ground seemed to come to life at that moment.

The ground rose tens of meters high, curling upwards like a surging wave of yellow-brown, covering Yuna's body from all directions. From Garon's perspective, it looked like a giant flower of earth and stone blooming on the ground, with Yuna at the center.

The vision was filled with rising ground, startling Yuna.

From all directions, thick curtains of earth and stone were closing in, as if to engulf her.

Roar! Yuna let out a high-pitched dragon cry, her wings suddenly extending.

The force was unending, emanating from her body, creating an invisible force storm that, from within, shattered the surrounding surging earth and stone.

However, the Spirit of the Earth did not pause in its attacks after Yuna neared the ground.

Countless soil and rocks converged into giant hands rising from the ground, grabbing at Yuna. Some spikes emerged, crisscrossing from different directions, almost sealing all space, stabbing at Yuna.

The storm-like attacks were dizzying.

It seemed Yuna couldn't dodge or shatter all of them.

She had a powerful deflection field protecting her body, so she shouldn't have any problems, Garon thought. But the giant dragon body still couldn't help but move.

The silver dragon, wrapped in cold wind and intangible forces of time, fell from the sky at an incredible speed.

He didn't go to where Yuna was to help her withstand the attacks from the earth.

Garon's target was the Spirit of the Earth merged with the ground.

The Spirit of the Earth's movement speed on the ground was almost teleportation, constantly changing positions, making it hard to catch.

However, it moved fast but couldn't escape Garon's sight, meaning the slow spell could hit it.

His mental power firmly locked on the Spirit of the Earth.

In Garon's vision, it was like a light orb moving through the underground, formless, purely composed of natural forces, very conspicuous among the dead matter below the surface.

The consumption of the power of time, the slow spell activated.

The fast-moving body of the Spirit of the Earth suddenly slowed down a lot.

Its movement trajectory became clearly visible.

Delay leads to change. The Spirit of the Earth's biological level of twenty-six shows it's not weak, much higher than Yuna, on the same level as Garon, so Garon went all out without any reservation from the start.

He and Yuna are not ordinary beings. Even if their biological levels are not as high as the Spirit of the Earth, they can still compete with it thanks to their special abilities.

Taking advantage of the moment the Spirit of the Earth was hit by the slow spell, Garon continued to accelerate, approaching the Spirit of the Earth, then crashed to the ground.

Bang! The earth cracked, soil and rocks tumbled, and the impact site of Garon's powerful force exploded layer by layer, creating a circular shockwave pattern, like an earthquake, lifting countless soil and rocks. The distant forest was affected by the aftermath, and several pine trees were uprooted.

This spectacle only lasted for an instant.

Under the control of the Spirit of the Earth, the soil and rocks in the air paused, then reversed direction, tracing arcs in the air towards Garon. The ground rolled like the sea, wave after wave of earth waves rising, trying to engulf Garon.

The Spirit of the Earth's counterattack was very swift.

It had the same control over the earth, clearly stronger than the Stone City Lord from before, but it didn't have the Stone City Lord's iron-hard elemental body.

However, no matter how swift the counterattack, as long as it was within hundreds of meters around Garon, it was useless.

The power of time erupted.

Centered on Garon, the surrounding river of time stopped flowing.

Thus, the things wrapped in the waters of time also froze in place.

The howling cold wind paused in mid-air, the raging earth froze, including the Spirit of the Earth below, more than a hundred meters underground, also stopped thinking at that moment.

When the Spirit of the Earth was frozen in time, the attacks against Yuna also abruptly stopped.

The earth that seemed to come to life again lost its vitality, becoming ordinary dead matter.

Yuna turned her head, looked towards Garon, saw the bizarre scene in the time stop area, her eyes filled with wonder, then flapped her wings and quickly flew in.

The objects still moving outside, once they entered the time stop area, also came to a halt.

However, it depended on Garon's will.

He let Yuna in, not freezing the river of time around her, so Yuna could still move freely within the time stop area. Curiously, she moved through the frozen waves of earth, approaching Garon and said, "You're really amazing."

The praise and gaze from the Force Dragon pleased Garon.

However, on the surface, Garon maintained a calm demeanor, even as the power of time was consumed in tons, "It's a small matter, just a Spirit of the Earth, it can't stir up any waves."

After a pause, Garon said, "Yuna, it's up to you now."

The Spirit of the Earth was still hidden underground, separated by hundreds of meters of soil, making it inconvenient for Garon to inflict effective damage on it.

Yuna looked down, her gaze following her perception, looking at the motionless energy body in the ground.

"Hmph, it kept staring at me from the start, I'll make it realize that looking directly at me comes with no good end!"

Yuna humphed.

Then, she took a deep breath, her belly slightly bulging.

The Force Dragon breath expelled, silently piercing the ground, turning countless soil and underground rocks into fine particles, landing directly and precisely on the Spirit of the Earth.

The energy body composed of natural forces was overwhelmed by the Force Dragon breath, instantly torn apart.

"The brain of a Spirit of Nature seems not very useful."

Garon looked at the black hole created by the Force Dragon breath, the Spirit of the Earth's orb-like body turned into numerous torn light spots, some completely annihilated under the Force Dragon breath, but half luckily survived.

Yuna stopped the dragon breath.

She extended her dragon claw, an invisible yet powerful attraction force emanated from Yuna's dragon claw.

The shattered light spots of the Spirit of the Earth were attracted, flying towards Yuna's dragon claw.

During their flight, the light spots touched each other, intertwining and merging, and after being sucked up from the ground, they formed a half-meter diameter light orb, surrounded by an invisible force field cage, isolating it from the air.

The Spirit of the Earth was not dead.

Garon and Yuna could still feel the existing vitality and vigor from this energy body.

But this vitality was not much.

Another dragon breath from Yuna, and the Spirit of the Earth would undoubtedly die.

Garon also ended the time stop.

The consumption of time stop had always been the highest, but as Garon's control over the stoppage of time became more refined and his own power of time increased, time stop gradually became a technique he could use frequently.

The moment the time stop ended, the Spirit of the Earth struggled.

Clearly, it didn't understand what had happened, but it didn't prevent it from realizing it had been pulled from the earth and captured.

Yuna's force cage was very sturdy.

Not so easy to break open.

And the Spirit of the Earth itself didn't have much strength, so it couldn't break free, but the earth below started to tremble violently again, rolling upwards, attacking Garon and Yuna.

"Struggling in vain."

Garon shook his head.

He and Yuna flew high together.

The Spirit of the Earth's control over the earth, its attack speed compared to before, significantly decreased, unable to affect Garon and Yuna. When Garon and Yuna flew into the kilometer-high sky, the Spirit of the Earth had no way to reach them.

From the Spirit of the Earth's appearance to now being captured by Yuna's force cage, it was less than ten minutes.

The minotaurs that worshiped the Spirit of the Earth witnessed this scene unfold.

Their faces were pale, blood cold, limbs numb, their entire world seemed to be crumbling, unable to believe their god-like Spirit of the Earth was so easily captured.

Some minotaurs, deeply rooted in their beliefs, couldn't withstand the shock of their faith shattering and fainted on the spot.

"There are powerful gods and demons to believe in, yet they choose to worship a Spirit of Nature with uncertain strength."

Garon saw the reaction of the minotaur slaves and scoffed.

Spirits of Nature do possess demigod powers, but they are rare, and those with demigod powers are the best materials for making divine artifacts, usually ending up as materials upon discovery.

Garon couldn't understand the faith of the minotaurs.

"Garon, how do you plan to deal with this Spirit of Nature?"

"My heritage mentions that Spirits of Nature are a very precious magical material."

Yuna, holding the Spirit of the Earth, asked.

Spirits of Nature exist between the tangible and intangible, usually not showing their forms but dispersing into nature, making them hard to capture. But this Spirit of the Earth was attracted by Yuna's force, condensed into an energy body, able to mobilize more powerful natural forces, but also making itself capturable.

"I'll think about it."

Destroying it directly would be the least profitable.

The Spirit of the Earth could still live because Yuna restrained herself after severely injuring it, not intending to annihilate it with the Force Dragon breath. Yuna also knew the rarity of Spirits of Nature.

Garon took the Spirit of the Earth from Yuna, carefully examining it.

This thing no longer struggled or resisted in the high sky away from the ground, or perhaps it wanted to but had no strength.

The combat power of a Spirit of Nature, ninety-nine percent relies on the corresponding natural geography. In the earth, the Spirit of the Earth can exert its real power. In the cold high skies of the far north, it's just a cluster of powerless energy.

"Yuna, give this Spirit of the Earth to me, I have a use for it."

"Of course, it was captured by us together, and it was you who lured it here, I won't let you suffer."

"I'll give you enough magic gems and gold and silver."

Garon, after thinking, said.

Yuna trusted Garon wouldn't shortchange her, didn't bargain, and nodded, "Okay, I'd only keep it as a collection otherwise, and without you, I might not have been able to defeat it."

Yuna's biological level was currently twenty-one.

When Garon first met her, her biological level was twenty, growing one level in over a year, a clear gap with the Spirit of the Earth.

Garon, holding the Spirit of the Earth, tried communicating with it in different languages.

However, the Spirit of the Earth gave no response, as if it couldn't understand Garon's words.

It was attracted by the force, harboring some malice towards Yuna.

Garon guessed it was Yuna's use of force affecting the earth's gravity that disturbed the Spirit of the Earth, but the exact reason was unclear due to the Spirit of the Earth's lack of response.

"What do you want it for?"

Under the night sky, Yuna curiously asked.

Garon smiled, "In my collection, those numerous elemental stones are the bodies of legendary earth elements, as you know."

"Using this Spirit of the Earth and the elemental stones, I think I can create a legendary construct."

Spirits of Nature are also mentioned in some books on the Noah Continent.

Besides being used to craft magical items, they have a better use, which is creating magical constructs, with Spirits of Nature serving as the soul of the constructs.

The specific crafting methods of constructs have long been lost on the Noah Continent, and Garon hasn't delved into this area.

But this doesn't prevent Garon from preparing the materials first, waiting for a future opportunity to use them.

"I see."

Yuna nodded.

Yuna reinforced the force cage, Garon added many more enchantments and seals, then placed it separately in a dimensional space.

Unable to touch the earth, the Spirit of the Earth couldn't cause any trouble.

Then, the two dragons flew and soared through the high clouds of the far north ice field, penetrating the continuous clouds, creating a series of through-and-through marks, forming a strange tapestry.

Taking Yuna out for a turn, Garon didn't expect to gain a Spirit of the Earth, putting him in a very good mood.

After more than two hours, Garon and Yuna had almost toured the entire far north ice field, then returned to the fortress.


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