62.23% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 205: Chapter 205: The Pregnant Dragon

章節 205: Chapter 205: The Pregnant Dragon

"Yuna, I'm going to the south. Would you like to come with me?"

Garon returned to the Immortal Fortress, entered the main nest, and spoke to Yuna.

The Force Dragon girl had already woken up and appeared somewhat lazy, lying there motionless as if she hadn't slept enough.

Upon hearing Garon's words, Yuna hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't feel like it. I sleep comfortably here and don't want to run around outside."

Garon: Yuna's homebody nature was deeply ingrained in her bones, instincts, and soul. Faced with a new environment, she did not think about wandering around to see a broader world but was keen on resting in place.

Garon did not insist.

She liked to sleep, so let her sleep.

"If you really want me to accompany you, I can go with you," Yuna said, blinking her eyes and looking at Garon softly.

Garon was slightly startled, then smiled and said, "It won't take long, you continue to sleep peacefully."

Yuna nodded, then curiously asked, "Why are you leaving? Is there something urgent? Sleeping in the fortress is so comfortable, and no other creatures disturb us."

Garon thought for a moment, then told Yuna about the Black Sun Sculpture.

The dimensional space was opened, and Garon took out the Black Sun Sculpture from it.

"This thing."

The Black Sun Sculpture, now devoid of the evil god's power, was not thrown away or destroyed by Garon but kept as a curiosity.

"It's such an ugly sculpture."

Upon seeing the Black Sun Sculpture, Yuna frowned repeatedly, looking disgusted by its ugliness.

The insulted Black Sun Sculpture had no response.

"The sculpture of the evil god, its attached power has already left, and now we don't know where it is. It might cause catastrophic effects."

Yuna glanced at Garon, then stretched out her claw and scratched the Black Sun Sculpture a few times.

"I see."

"But you don't have to worry. It's just a cowardly evil god. If it dares to show up, I'll ask the ancient Force Dragon senior to help and beat it so it won't dare to cause trouble in the material world again."

Yuna rolled the Black Sun Sculpture around, treating it as a toy.

She obviously did not take the evil god seriously.

"Okay, if I'm targeted, I'll need your help then," Garon said with a wry smile.

Yuna waved her claw confidently, "No problem. When the time comes, just hide behind me and see if it dares to touch me. Hmph, anyone who dares to mess with us legendary dragons will pay a painful price."

Yuna was still unaware that Garon could use Dragon Reverse Flow to summon his future self to battle.

Knowing Garon was an anomalous time dragon without powerful family elders to rely on, Yuna, who was more than a decade older than Garon, felt that as a legendary dragon, she should protect Garon when necessary.

During the conversation, due to some excitement, Yuna's claw cracked the Black Sun Sculpture, causing many cracks to appear.

The sculpture, without the evil god's power, was extremely fragile in the hands of a legendary giant dragon.

Power control was not managed, and it could crush it.


Yuna blinked and looked at Garon.

This sculpture was Garon's, and she accidentally broke it, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"It's useless anyway, no harm done if it's broken."

Garon did not mind.

After all, the sculpture was just a shell, now useless except for viewing.

He tossed the cracked Black Sun Sculpture back into the dimensional space and after chatting with Yuna for a while, turned and left the Immortal Fortress. Yuna lay down to sleep again. If undisturbed, she could continue sleeping until adulthood, absorbing force field energy without needing to eat.

"Sir, can we go back for a visit?"

"I and Krechens would like to see our families."

After learning that Garon was heading south, Fred and Krechens, the two mages, looked at Garon.

They were not alone in existence; they had relatives in human society they missed.

After thinking for a moment, Garon calmly said, "Yes, you should know what to say and what not to say."

Krechens and Fred had always been diligent and responsible. Allowing them some freedom when not needed was no big deal. Bound by contracts, they knew what to do.

In fact, Garon had already drained Fred's knowledge of seventh-level spells.

Having accessed Morden's notes early and learned sculpting spells, Garon was proficient.

Krechens was in a similar situation.

The spells of the curse school were more complex, but Garon was not troubled.

It wouldn't be long before he learned the eighth-level spells from Krechens, and Garon, already a legendary strength, wouldn't really need them if it weren't for easier spell learning.

Golden sunlight shone on silver dragon scales, as if Garon was wearing a golden veil.

He had already left the far north ice field, crossed the Dragonback Mountains, and was flying towards the Timo Kingdom.

The Holy See's main hall is now located in the capital of the Timo Kingdom.

Normally, if there's nothing to handle, the Pope would always stay in the main hall, serving the God of Light. So, Harlis lay in wait for a long time until the Pope left the main hall to search for the Black Sun Sculpture's traces and began his actions.

Then, unfortunately, Garon was also trapped.

In the thousands of meters high in the sky, Garon flapped his wings, speeding through the sea of clouds, leaving a long trail behind.

He did not deliberately hide his tracks. If any creature looked up, they could see the dragon speeding through the sky.

On his way to the Timo Kingdom, Garon passed through Mosha.

In a bustling area of the Mosha Duchy, a tall and majestic dragon statue stood.

Made entirely of silver and adorned with mithril, the metal dragon spread its wings, looking up at the sky, exuding an awe-inspiring presence, lifelike.

"It's 80% similar to me. The sculpture craftsmanship is good."

Garon praised in his heart.

He could see many people gathered around the dragon statue, with Mosha soldiers maintaining order nearby, preventing these people from getting too close to the statue.

Now, the Mosha Duchy's situation was quite good.

Due to the demise of the Golden Alliance army, many duchies that formed the alliance were severely weakened. The Mosha Duchy, having not participated due to its weakened national strength, fortunately escaped disaster. In a relative comparison, it became one of the stronger duchies again.

Due to the war, many people were displaced and suffered various hardships, naturally craving a stable and peaceful life.

Thus, in the post-war recovery, the relatively peaceful Mosha Duchy became a choice for many.

Moreover, the Mosha Duchy had the protection of a powerful true dragon.

Especially since there were rumors that the silver dragon protecting the Mosha Duchy was a time hatchling dragon, one of the legendary dragon species. The terrifying and evil legendary lich died because it provoked the powerful time dragon.

The title of Eternal Dragon also fits the identity of a time dragon.

On the dragon statue's neck, a black scale ring made of obsidian, amidst these rumors, conveyed an extraordinary meaning.

Many believed the rumor, thinking the Mosha Duchy's protective dragon was indeed a time dragon.

But more people were skeptical, treating it as idle gossip.

After all, the existence of time dragons was hard to believe.

But regardless of the truth, the Mosha Duchy gained more attention. Many traveled long distances to witness the splendor of the Eternal Dragon, including many of noble status.

All this greatly stimulated the Mosha Duchy's economic recovery and development.

If the current trend continues, the Mosha Duchy could return to its peak national strength in less than half a year, even surpassing it. The Grand Duke of Mosha, who experienced ups and downs, often reflected on the whims of fate.

Garon only briefly stopped to observe the general scene of the Mosha Duchy.

He did not stay long, merely glancing a few times before continuing his flight towards the Timo Kingdom.

With his current physical and mental energy, Garon did not need to rest from the Immortal Fortress to the Timo Kingdom.

The Bone Wasteland, under the cover of gloomy dark clouds, the air darkened, devoid of any brilliance.

A silver light flickered in the clouds.

Garon frowned and looked down.

Skeletons, corpses, and countless undead creatures roamed the Bone Wasteland, aimlessly, emitting unconscious deep growls, searching for traces of the living.

"The aftermath of the Blood Sacrifice God-Sealing Ritual."

Garon shook his head.

In his view, the Bone Wasteland had become one with the Blood Sacrifice God-Sealing Ritual, turning into a persistent problem on the Noah Continent, hard to eradicate.

Garon saw defensive fortifications built around, with soldiers from many duchies and people from the Holy See patrolling and guarding the edges, preventing the spread of the Bone Wasteland.

Ssss... The necrotic aura touched Garon's magical shield, making a hissing sound, like acid corrosion.

If ordinary creatures wandered here, they would be turned into bones by the deathly aura in an instant, becoming part of the Bone Wasteland.

Garon disliked the rotten, decaying smell here.

He flapped his wings, tearing open a path through the gloomy necrotic clouds.

The clouds of deathly aura parted before Garon and slowly closed behind him, his entry and exit leaving no impact.

As Garon ventured deeper into the center of the Bone Wasteland, his previously unobstructed view was almost completely obscured by the murky gray aura.

The lives of nearly a million people, the Blood Sacrifice God-Sealing Ritual, and Harlis's legendary magic power together created this gray wasteland. From its birth, it seemed destined to seek revenge on the living, surrounded by ominous and necrotic scents.

"When I decide to delve into necromancy, this will be an undisputed necromantic holy land."

The Bone Wasteland now hid many necromancers.

Most of the Noah Continent's necromancers had come to the Bone Wasteland, studying necromantic spells that manipulate corpses and souls, enhancing the Bone Wasteland's power while receiving its aid.

Garon had no intention of staying.

However, as he passed a deep crater created by a ninth-level Meteor Burst, he showed a surprised expression and paused.

A pale, gaunt giant beast rested within, turning the magical crater into its nest, surrounded by bones drained of necrotic aura.

"The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon's favorite food was undead.

After mating with Ulbis and becoming pregnant, it left and then returned to the Bone Wasteland.

Even before the Bone Wasteland formed, it was certain this place would become an undead paradise. In this regard, the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon was an expert.

At the same time, the sensitive Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon noticed the gaze from above.

It immediately bared its fangs and looked up.

A pregnant mother dragon, more irritable and dangerous than usual, would kill all living creatures invading its territory, and even the dead would be killed again to prevent any accidents.

Upon seeing Garon, the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon paused slightly and quickly retracted its fangs.

"Lord Garon, why are you here?"

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon spoke in a raspy dragon tongue, its body slithering into the air to meet Garon.

"I was just passing by and saw you."

Garon nodded slightly.

"Ah, there are many undead here, suitable for nurturing offspring, so I built my nest here."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon liked the environment of the Bone Wasteland.

It wished the whole world were like this.

"Would you like to stop for a moment and visit my dragon nest?"

"I haven't had a chance to thank you for finding me a mate."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon warmly invited.

Mentioning a mate, Garon thought of the terrifying relationship between serpent dragon species.

"No, I have things to do."

Garon glanced at the pit filled with skeletons and decisively declined.

Invite him as a guest?

Was it to offer him bone frames to gnaw on?

Garon found it unacceptable.

"That's a pity. I still have half a Death Knight left, seemingly transformed from a Paladin."

"Are you sure you don't want to try? A Paladin turned Death Knight is an unparalleled delicacy."

Paladin. Garon's gaze sharpened.

He was sensitive to the term Paladin now.

"Death Knights roaming here were corrupted by necrotic aura?"

Garon found it unlikely.

Paladins were not exclusive to the Holy See.

It's a career similar to spellcasters, with Paladins having different power types.

If it were Paladins from other sects, it wouldn't matter much, but Holy See Paladins were undead slayers, sworn enemies of evil undead. Transforming a Holy See Paladin into a Death Knight was nearly impossible.

"It wasn't corrupted by necrotic aura."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon smacked its lips.

"Do you remember that great illusionist mage?"

"She became a ghost, calling herself the Ghost Queen, the most powerful being in the Bone Wasteland."

"This Death Knight is somehow transformed by her."

Aisaya. Garon recalled her figure.

Though they didn't interact much, Garon had a deep impression of this rare illusion school great mage.

Garon remembered she died under Harlis's sneak attack.

Speaking of Harlis, he was incredibly cunning and despicable, possessing legendary strength yet stooping to sneak attacking a ninth-level mage, acting without scruples.

Among all enemies Garon encountered, Harlis left the deepest impression, making him feel the shadow of death for the first time. If given a chance, Garon would love to personally kill this legendary lich again.

"Now the Ghost Queen is gone, and I took the opportunity to eat many of her high-level undead subordinates."

"When she returns, I guess she won't be able to beat me."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon licked its lips, looking satisfied.

Hearing the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon's words, Garon examined it carefully.

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon, previously similar in size to Ulbis, had now grown over forty meters long, becoming more sinuous and slender. Its pale scales became thicker and larger, with sharper claws and teeth.

Such growth was unusual.

Garon cast a creature level detection spell, looking at the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon.

Creature Level: Eighteen.

Eighteen was not far from legendary.

"Your strength has improved rapidly."

This creature level was comparable to a mature red dragon.

Garon was surprised.

If Ulbis came to fight the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon again, he might doubt his life.

"Yes, the undead here are even more delicious than those in the Abyssal Plane."

"They seem to contain an extraordinary power. After consuming them, my strength grew rapidly."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon licked its lips again.

Perhaps due to the influence of the Blood Sacrifice God-Sealing Ritual, Garon thought.

With such a growth rate, the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon wouldn't take long to become a legendary creature. Benefitting from the Blood Sacrifice God-Sealing Ritual, its luck was quite good.

The future looks promising.

"May you achieve legendary status soon."

Garon said.

"Thank you for your blessing. If you need me, I will offer my strength to you."

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon bowed its head.

Though close to legendary, it still showed enough respect in Garon's presence.


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