"W-we . . . we made it." Cathy exhaled in an exaggerated breath as she eyed the portal that was now closing before her.
"At the expense of others." Ryu got up to his feet and looked at the room they were in.
"Oh shut up, halfbreed," Rosa barked and snapped her fingers. A gust of wind enveloped her and dried her wet clothes within seconds. "It's not our fault that they didn't make it."
Ryu looked her dead in the eyes. He didn't blame her. It was either them or the others. Sacrifices were meant to be exchanged for the exit. It just that . . . there might have been a better way to go about it if they weren't suddenly pressed of time.
Ryu sighed.
"Where are we?" Fifi roamed her sight and found the place like the previous dungeon. It was spacy about two thousand meters in area. But instead of puzzles to solve, they were faced with two doors.
I'm going to change this story's schedule released next month to give way to new novels.
Please continue to support this novel and be patient with my rate of release.
Creation is so hard T_T