8.33% Re:Hope in Another World(Makoto Naegi x Re:Zero) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Begining of Hope
Re:Hope in Another World(Makoto Naegi x Re:Zero) Re:Hope in Another World(Makoto Naegi x Re:Zero) original

Re:Hope in Another World(Makoto Naegi x Re:Zero)

作者: Jumbo_Ignir

© WebNovel

章節 1: Chapter 1: Begining of Hope

I always knew that my bad luck might bite me really hard in near future but I never expected it to happen that way.

I really failed, failed to protect her from the danger despite my promise…perhaps, I am worthless person with no goal but even so I really do hope to fill her sad eyes with hope and mind you, not only her but others…What should I do to show the people of this world what Hope really is? Die and come back several times?

Those scary yet strange thoughts weirdly entered my head the moment when I was losing my life and giving my last breath.

A dirty wooden floor was filled with crimson, looking as if a red carpet was laid over it, but even that didn't took my attention as I was focused on people who were laying near me as well.

"S-Satella...san…" I weakly groaned trying to extend my hand to the girl who was giving her last breath near me.

My heart was racing crazily like an engine. My breath was hot, warming if not burning my upper lips. I failed…I failed to save them!

As those words filled my lungs I tried to remember how did I get to such a mess.




Chapter 1: Luck and New World!

My heart raced like crazy when I saw the giant school before my eyes.

Hope's Peak, an elite academy which nourishes different talents around the world.

Surely for such a bland and simple guy like me attending this school was something like a dream come true and in fact this dream really came true, but still, I couldn't believe my own eyes.

Me, a talentless fool, was accepted as student in this highly prestigious school and all due to my supposed 'Luck'

But I myself would actually disagree. If all I am anything but Ultimate Lucky student, maybe I spent my life fortune for receiving the letter welcoming me to this school? No I shouldn't chuckle at my own soon-to-come-true dismay like that!

I would be a liar to say that I wasn't freaking out and in fact I was perhaps having a small seizure in my body because of this!

As my thoughts were getting more intense I simply sighed…I am too focused on this school and invitation, but before coming here I received farewells from my family that is why I shouldn't lose myself like that!

"Okay...N-Now I am ready!"

I said fully determined as I stepped forward.

"Here and now my life will change!" I shouted entuthiastically as walked past the gates with bright sunshines blinding me for a moment.

I closed my eyes for a brief second because of sun, as rubbed them carefully, seriously it seemed like a giant torch was pointed towards my eyes up close rather than sun!

Rubbing and clearing my eyes I finally opened them.



The scene which unfolded itself to me wasn't something simple and something for someone to ignore…It was… It was…


Instead of seeing main entrance to most prestigious school in the world I saw something which by all meanms was out of Fairy Tales or fantasy Novels.

A mediavel city filled with both humans and demi-humans as well as ton of carriages being pulled by somekind of lizard-like creatures…

"Am I dreaming?" Seriously , it was the only words I could say at the moment. I clearly remember being one step in Hope's Peak main gates and now what I see is something straight out of fictions.

As my head was messed and thoughts mixed in together I came with only one true answer...True but dumb one.

"Maybe I am in…" I gulped. "...Another world?"




He sighed.

His Theory was indeeed confusing and prepostorous( Even unbelivable and foolish) but that was his only options at the moment.

How many times did he read novels and mangas about plot similar to this?

A completely normal human suddenly gets teleported to a new world where he meets beautiful maiden which asks him to defeat the demon lord, that by all means is definition of a true isekai genre in it's finest.

"But that's impossible…I…"

Makoto was at loss for words, of course idea of a new world was appealing to him but he had a family and sister which made him kinda sad that he might not see them again.

Another factor which freaked Makoto was the fact that despite cliché of the genre he didn't gained any kind of special over powered magic and didn't meet a beautiful princess who summoned him.

Looking at himself Makoto just exhaled as extended his hands.

"Okay!" He suddenly exclaimed to no one but himself. "It is no use to stay down like this, I guess I should explore the area before getting my conclusions!"

Even so Makoto tried to hide the fact that he wanted to explore the area to set his thoughts off of sudden transport to a new world, he actually did need to go around and find some clues or gather information about this place.

He walked around and was seemingly getting a lot of attention.

"Look at his suit...he might be some kind of aristocrat."

"What a fancy and strange suit…"

He was clearly getting too much attention!

His clothes were brown colored suit which was meant to be worn at school Welcome ceremony.

For him it was a normal suit while for people around it seemed like something a noble would wear, that was kinda uncomfortable for the said luckster as he was the type of person who would rather avoid unecessary attention. It was already miracle that he actually had a lot of friends in his previous schools despite being kind of anti-social.

Leaving his suit aside Makoto was actually mesmerized by the beauty of the place where he was in at the moment. He wasn't sure where it was but he guessed it was something like a kingdom.

"Man, those architecture are surely beautiful." He didn't needed to be a specialist nor an Ultimate builder to appereciate the beauty of this place.

From left and right little shops selling fruits or daily necessities, buildings made either from pure wood or stone, people in mediavel clothes and even Demi-humans whom Makoto saw only in Anime nor Mangas.

He was surprised how sane he stood even so this things would make everyone freak out(in a good sense of this word)

"I get all this but what are my odds? Why was I suddenly summoned to this world?" His face one of the thoughtful ones he was in a little loss for words.

"Hey lad."


A sudden rough male voice took his attention as Makoto turned himself towards the man who said that.

"Y-Yes?" Kinda surprised that people here could speak Japanese language Makoto turned himself towards the source of the voice.

A rough looking man with a well toned body stood looking at him. If not for a stand filled with fruits and his clothes Makoto would have been sure that this man near him was a veteran in war or maybe even a mercenary, odds were little to none, he supposed.

"Are ya gonna buy something, boy?" The man asked.

Makoto still in shock looked down as narrowed his eyes.

Yes, people here indeed spoke in his language which was good but on the other side the letter and grammar in this world was vast different.

'I can't read this at all…' Makoto noted.

He pointed towards the big pile of red apples.

"What is this?" Surely he knew that these were apples but possibility of them being called differently in this world wasn't little.

"That's just Appa." The man brushed off. "So regarding my question, would you buy something or not?"

Makoto nodded as his theory turned out right. He placed his hands into his pockets as handed the man 500 yen coin.

Silence. The man didn't said anything at all as just kept looking towards the clueless boy.

"Sigh...Look, lad, this kind of currency isn't valid in Lugunica y'see so…" The man slammed his hand onto the stand. "Buy something or scram, peniless moron!"




Makoto sighed in exhaustion.

This was way too much for him to handle despite him managing to get some info about this place.

The place where he was in, or better to be said Kingdom, is named Lugunica. Little info but still useful in sense.

But those matters aside there were other major problems for the Ahoge boy.

"I am broke." He said almost in deject.

He was hungry, broke and what all, clueless where he was!

That made him kind of frustrated, even annoyed but there wasn't much he could do about all this.

The things he had were 1000yens, his mobile phone and a wallet with his family picture inside of it.

He missed his little Sister Komaru and his parents as well.

While sitting in alleyway he was just blandly smiling in the thought of them.

His little nap would have lasted longer if not for the sudden footsteps in his direction.

"Well, well, well!" A voice rang as it got closer. "What do we got here?"

A trio of a fat guy, slim guy and a short guy approached the Luckster.

Looking at them and their expressions he understood one thing.

These guys were a bad sign for him.

Countless days of him getting bullied in school gave him a sense for troubles, and the guys near him weren't just bullies, they were akin to bandits.

"I-I'm not looking for troubles, guys, but I don't have anything with me." Luckster waved his hands while nervously chuckling. How bad was his luck to face hooligans on his first day, huh!?

"Don't give me this bullshit!" The slim guy shouted. "Look at ya fancy clothes, you are defenitely somekind of noble!"

Again with this nonsense, are nobles in this country wear something like school uniform?

"I am by no means noble, in fact I don't know what is the currency of this world!"

While stepping back he noticed that the trio was stepping forward, he wanted to run away but he just knew he would be caught, his PE teacher was right, he is way too weak with sports!

"Let's get ya naked and see." The shorter guy snickered while others just nodded.

So beside getting robbed he was going to get stripped!? Great, just his luck!

There was no way to get out of this situation, he just silently prayed to Allah, God and even Budha to send even a spec of help upon him.

And funny enough just at the moment he prayed for this, he heard another loud footsteps towards him.

"S-So this is who will save me!" He mused excitedly only for footsteps to stop near him.

A blonde haired girl looked at him confusedly.

"… "

She smiled a bit taken aback as showed him thumbs up.

"I think you hit your head but well wish ya luck as I am in a hurry, so see ya, be well or something similar to this, haha!"

She said jumping up from wall to wall like a ninja.

It was so cool to see someone jump like this in real life but the fact that she just left him there made him hurt like by a lot!

"Th-This moment dosen't happen to soften your heart towards me and let me leave does it?" His face getting all full of sweat he was proven, again that his luck was moronic.

The trio looked at eachother as laughed.

"No, It is just a complete opposite…"

Makoto while fakely laughing sighed, he hated his luck.

Closing his eyes he was ready to feel pain from being hit, and was mentaly preparing himself for the mocking which will come after he will be stripped.

As long as he remembered Hope's Peak wasn't really strict about school uniform so students were allowed to wear their casual clothes but NO his ahh needed to wear this damn uniform! The only thing that calmed him was the fact that he had no idea that he will be sumonned to a new world.

So back to the matter, he closed his eyes as clenched his fists, he just hoped that won't hurt badly.

The slim guy smirked as he was ready to deliver his fist to kiss Makoto's face.

"Halt this instance thieves!"

A sudden female voice exclaimed surprising even Makoto who after being summoned here was sure that he won't be surprised with anything at all.

A beautiful lady stood sternly with a serious expression on her face. Her skin smooth and pure white while eyes innocent yet angry about something.

"Thieves? We didn't steal anything from you tho." One of the hooligan trio asked confused.

The girl in white shook her head.

"Don't try to fool me! I saw the girl who stole my insignia run this way so you won't get away with this!"

Makoto could only gaze in awe at how brave this girl seemed to talk in the face of three, probably armed, men. Even so it didn't concerned him Makoto didn't wanted this girl to face this guys...Not like he could do anything but he will try regardless.

"I-I think I saw the blonde girl run that way!" Luckster blurted with his hand pointing towards the way the blonde girl from earlier ran off to, it was probably the only way to make this girl to avoid trouble. He had a little tear from how heroic he acted.

The girl narrowed her eyes but soon let them loose as if she heard someone say that Makoto told the truth.

She bowed a little to this information.

"I humbly thank you, sir."

As she said that she hurriedly ran past the trio and the boy, their eyes meeting for the first time.

As she saw her run he sighed in relief as his attention was back to the beating stage of him.

"We are strangely having a lot of damn distractions on the way of beating the hell out of ya, no?"

"I m-mean maybe it is the sign that I should be left alone, haha…"

He closed his eyes, clenched his fists and was ready to receive a punch already, this time for sure he supposed.

"Now here comes the right hoo-"


"Oh c'mon already!"

Seems fortune was really on Makoto's side.

The girl from before despite her claims got back with a serious expression.

"What d'ya need this time, girly?" This time it was a buff one of the trio who asked the question.

The girl in question however did not answer as just sternly looked at the trio.

"I know that it doesn't concern me but this guy bellow helped me by giving me a valid information so…" She extended her hand forward as the blue light started to shine from it.

Makoto's eyes shot opened as he saw this magical display. He already had few guesses but never actually believed them, but seeing this now he was sure that this thing was definetelly magic. Cliche of cliches in fantasy novels, the actual Magic.

"Don't get full of yourself, bitch!" The slim one shouted as got out two knives out of his sleeves.

Makoto's eyes now were focused on him, a blood rushed to his brain as he jumped at the slim guy.

"The fuck are you doing, brat!?" The guy screamed at Makoto who was trying to take away the knives he was holding.

"You c-can harm me however you want but you won't touch the lady over there!" He wanted to die from embarassment after saying those cringe words but still what he said held the truth regardless.

"Pft! Don't try to act like a her-OOOMPHHH!?!?!?"

Makoto's eyes opened wide as sudden block of ice blew the man to the nearest wall.

Standing atop of two other bullies the girl in white let a small chuckle.

"I am sorry but I believe I can take care of myself."


He really wanted to erase those words he said from existance at this point!




"I am really thankful to you, Miss!" Luckster bowed down respectfully towards the pointy eared girl in question.

The white robed woman just shook her hands.

"I really didn't do anything at all, plus I would be no quee- I m-mean I would be no good person if I wouldn't have helped you after you told me where the thieve went to."

Looking up close Makoto was able to just notice how beautiful the girl looked like.

His cheeks reddened as he backed down a bit, this didn't flew unnoticed by her.

"You are suddenly all red you know?"

"W-Well I just has th-the…"


She lowered herself towards him seeing his crimson red face which was fuming with steam out of it. Truth be told and might be obvious but Makoto Naegi was bad with dealing with girls and not only that...beside his little sister he never actually had any conversation with girls close to his age.

"You seem red…Maybe you got a fewer?" She gasped trying to put a hand on his forehead.

Makoto tried to back down however the girl was insisting on this. Despite how she acted she was really gentle in heart and in fact was bad at hiding her emotions.

"Stop it, Lia, his maiden heart will explode if you do it."

A sudden sound came from the girl's direction.

Makoto confusedly stared at her as suddenly from under her hair a cat got out with it's paws making a *puff* sound.

"Whoah!? T-Talking cat!?"

Makoto's eyes were wide opened he thought that he won't be surtprised again but this world just keeps tasking him with loads of Information at it's finest.

"How rude~! Even after Lia and me helped you?" The cat shred fake tears from it's eyes which made Makoto look guilty.

He looked down a bit ashamed with his poor manerism, dammit his mom would scold him if she ever finds out, he certainly hoped she wouldn't.

"I am sorry for my bad manners, Mr. Cat…" He bowed down still red from his shame.

The talking cat certainly didn't expected that from the boy.

«Mr.Cat? I was called many things but this would be the funniest nickname I had heard!" The said Mr. Cat patted Makoto's head lightly. "But I will forgive you since strange enough you seem like a pure-hearted person~! Lia, don't worry he is really a good person, I assure."

Makoto gasped at how cutely the furred cat showed his thumbs up.

"W-Whoah to think that Puck out of all people would say that...You are very lucky to be praised by high spirit."

Unconsious herself the girl brought herself to pat the boy's head which made him, the already red boy, a tomato boy of a crimson color.

"Th-that's kind of embarassing…" Makoto concluded. "Wait, shouldn't you chase after the girl who stole something from you?"

The girl froze as the sudden revelation hit her.

"No, wait…I completely forgot! My insignia! That blonde girl stole it from me, I should run after her!"

With that said the girl with the cat on her back sprinted towards the way which was shown by Makoto several minutes ago.

"I think you should come along with us." The cat named Puck said to Makoto.

"M-Me? But wouldn't I hold you back?"

"Don't worry~! You are by no means hindrance and beside it is not everyday I meet a person with pure heart like yours, is it?"

Makoto wasn't sure what to say and beside he wouldn't get chance to say it as Puck was already pulling him with himself towards the silver haired girl.

Makoto wasn't sure what to say but something within him just told that it was a way of repaying the girl her kindness.

With that in mind he ran towards her.




"Wouldn't you be just in the way?"

Such a pure question packed such a punch to the Luckster who just wanted to help the girl in need. He was sure that he was useless and he wasn't even denying it at this point but this still hurted him badly.

"I kn-know that I might be useless but at least I saw her and how she looked so maybe I would be little of help to you, haha…"

"I am not sure about that…"

Makoto was really hopeless at the moment but if not for Puck he would have long gone.

"Lia, let's give him a chance, believe me it is advice given by the mighty me." Puck said with a toothy grin.

"Really…what is wrong with you all of a sudden? Weren't you the one saying that all boys around me are just useless good-for-nothing comedians?"

Makoto's sweat dropped after hearing such a menacing words, so this girl thought of him like that!? It kinda hurts…

Puck just shrugged at her words.

"I mean, we great spririts can see the very core of human soul and when we say that a person is trustworthy we really mean it so yep if all this guy over here might be the person with the purest heart you will ever find."

Makoto wasn't sure whether the cat was meaning his words or not but it certainly did worked on the silver-haired pointy ear girl.

"W-Well if it's you, Puck, who says that than I would be glad to welcome...err…" She looked towards the Luckster with the gaze clearly saying 'Tell me your name please.'

"Makoto Naegi." The luckster gave in to her gaze and said his name himself.

"Great! I will be glad to welcome Makoto-kun to help me finding my insignia!" She exclaimed going forward past the boy.

Puck sighed.

"Please, don't hold hard feelings on Lia she is just too shy to ask someone for help with finding that insignia of hers." Puck confronted the Luckster.

Makoto wasn't really a type of person who would get offended by harsh words so he didn't mind it at the first place but hearing that his savior was a bit shy to ask him for help made him sigh with relieved.

"And here I thought she hates me...I am kinda grateful to hear that."

"Hmm…" Puck placed one of his paws on his chin. "You are a bit strange you know...But oh well I like your attitude like this, hehe~! Are you sure you don't have a speciality of a spirit tamer or something?"

Makoto answered Puck with a confused face which the cat immediately recognised.

"Ah, I see, nevermind than let's just move on."

With that their search for Insignia started.




They looked everywhere, they asked everyone and they did everyhting they could but it didn't seemed to work.

"I am e-exhausted…" Makoto whined begrudgingly.

"If you are so weak than Lia wouldn't fall for you, young man!" Puck mocked the Luckster.

"I wasn't even trying to make her fall for me!" Makoto exclaimed all red. "And what's a deal with this 'Middle aged lonely father' tone!?"

Puck shrugged those accusations off.

"I have no idea what you are talking about~"

While talking with Puck, Makoto realized one important thing...He never really asked this girl of her name! He certainly heard Puck call her Lia but he guessed that it was a pet name of sorts so he didn't had any rights to call her that.


The silver-haired girl turned towards him with a questioned look.

"What's the matter Makoto-kun? You got some news on my insignia?"

"A-Actually no but…" He was abit nervous but a light pat from Puck's side made him man up. "C-Can you tell me your name please?" He exclaimed with a courage.

Silence fall over them as mood was completely changing in the air.

"Pft!" Suddenly the girl let her emotions loose. "Hahahahaha!" Laugh, a pure laugh came from her as she struggled to keep herself straight.

"Did I do something wrong, Puck-san!?"

The cat shrugged grinning.

"Who knows."

"Don just 'who knows' me! So you tricked me to saying that right?" Makoto felt like a fool while the girl in question was laughing twice harder.

"Hahaha, I can't…" She patted his back. "Sorry for laughing at you like that, Makoto-kun, I just...Haha...J-Just all the time you just walked around not remembering to ask my name...that's certainly funny."

Makoto's cheek grew red, he was certainly laughed at.

"Anyway!" The girl exclaimed in a vctorious pose which was strange looking if he was honest. "My name is Satella, care to remember, Makoto Naegi."

He just softly smiled at her.

"That's a beautiful name, Satella-san!"

Puck meanwhile had a bewidred expression as he looked towards the girl.

"You have terrible tastes, Lia…" Cat sighed.




As the search continued Makoto noticed that Sun was yet to get down and they still didn't found a single clue.

Looking at despaired Satella he couldn't help but wince a bit, this insignia really held this much of a value to her.

He wanted to say 'Everything is going to be okay.' or 'Don't worry we will find it!' but those words didn't dare to leave his lips as suddenly his eyes caught a crying child.

"She seems to be lost." Satella commented in worry looking at the girl in distance.

She looked towards her side seeing that Makoto was long gone.

Looking forward she saw the very same Ahoge boy helping out the lost kid.

"What happened?" He softly asked the girl as she spared him a glance.

"My...sob…I am lost and I can't find mommy and…" She was yet again to burst into tears if not for Makoto suddenly patting her head.

Seeing her, she reminded him of Komaru and how crybaby she was in her childhood, he confronted her a lot to the point of getting the title of 'Best Onii-chan ever'

"Don't worry everything will be alright." He said as showed her a 1000 yen coin on his hands.

She curiously looked towards it stopping her sobs.

Makoto closed his hands and opened them again to show that coin was gone.

Girl's eyes opened wide.

"I wonder...where did my coin go though?" Makoto asked playfully as extended his hand towards the girl's ear. Puff, the coin appeared back on his hand again. "Oh, here it is!"

The girl laughed and than smiled at him giving her this coin.

"This is a coin from the place from where I come from, I too am lost so how about we go and find your mother?"

His tone soft and smile genuine the girl couldn't help but nod her head embarrassed.

"Your magic trick was cool, Onii-chan…" She smiled as Makoto nodded by petting her head.

Satella who was watching the scene near her couldn't help herself either but smile at kindness of this boy.

"Isn't he a bit of a dummy, Lia?" Puck asked playfully.

Satella giggled.

"He really is a dummy, a big dummy with a kind heart."

While he was talking to the girl he apologetically looked towards Satella's side.

"I-I am sorry for acting on my own when I promised to help you find your insignia but I can't leave her alone in here…" He pleaded Satella with his eyes as the silent Silver-haired girl just sighed at this.

"Well, it is not like we can do anything about it so okay let's go find her parents than."

The girl seemed a bit scared of the Satella at first but soon after Makoto saying that she is a good person she took her hand.

Walking side by side while holding the girl's hand Satella and Makoto looked more like a newly wed pair if anything else.

"Come to think of it, we never asked for your name, young lady." Satella asked curiously.

Tho the girl was scared of this silver-haired girl she actually was kind of calm near the kind onii-chan near her.

"P-Plum...my name is Plum Risch."

Makoto kindly smiled at that.

"That's really a beautiful name, Plum-chan, your parents must be worried a lot about you by now?"

Makoto said with a genuine smile of his.

The girl just nodded with a smile.

"You are surprisingly good with children, Makoto-kun."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yes, it is like you are born to be someone like teacher or caretaker."

Luckster rubbed back of his hair.

"Haha, might be true...Maybe."




Makoto seriously had no idea of where to go or look for, so he decided to go towards the only person with whom he spoke from the very beginning.

The green haired fruit seller who told him to scram.

After all he seemed like someone who knows everything of what's happening around.

"Huh??? Again you?" He sharply said with a malice in his tone and a bit of annoyance.

Makoto quickly shook his head.

"W-Wait please! We need your help with something."

He narrowed his eyes.

"And what's the 'problem' you need my help for? So you know, it's quite gutsy of you to ask me questions while not buying anything."

"Well…I need a help with a lost child."


By that time Satella and Plum approached the brown haired boy and a green haired seller.

"You see, this girl got lost and we have no idea for whom to look for so-"


The man suddenly exclaimed running towards the girl.

The girl did the same and also ran towards the man.


She hugged the buff ruffian as he patted her head.

"Wait, she is your daughter!?" Makoto said in bewilderment seeing first the man and his innocent daughter.

Man just shrugged off those words as looked at the boy.

"She got lost while walking with my wife and I was anxious for quite a while…but to think that fate would lead both of you to this store, huh, maybe that's a sign from heavens?" The man concluded being thankful to both of them. "I am in your debt penniless boy so tell me what do you want."

Makoto sweated at the title which the man gave him.

"Actually we were looking for-"

"We are looking for blonde girl who stole my insignia." Satella said quickly. It was obvious that she didn't wanted to waste any more time than was actually needed.

The man had a thoughtful look for a moment.

"Hmm I would say you will get more info from the slums since all criminals are scattered on that place but since you are the saviors of my daughter I will say something else." He leaned closer towards Satella and Makoto. "I heard that in slums there is a thieve girl named Felt and she is being protected by the old man Rom, highly likely that she is the one who stole your insignia."

"Wait, but where can we find that Old Man Rom?"

"Ask people in slums, but be wary though. They might be criminals but they are protective of their own kin."

"I see, thank you for your information, Mister." Satella bowed her head as started running towards the place.

Makoto who sighed at energetic girl bowed to the Appa seller himself.

"I will be sure to buy those Appas from here next time, Mister." He bowed his head as well as started to run after the girl himself.

The man also softly smiled.

"Be back safe, lad."




Slums. One word was enough to describe this place.

It was rather dirty and dusty area with many if not all people looking tad to suspicious.

Makoto remembered the fruit seller's warning about them so he tried his best not to look suspicious himself.

"Do you know where we can find old man Rom?" He asked one of the people in the area.

"You seem out of place in this slums you know?" The man laughed.


"But you seem harmless so I might help." He pointed his hand towards the end of the road. "Go straight and don't turn anywhere, there you will find a bar which is run by Rom, though dunno why you are going there but I would recommend you to be a bit cautious, especially when you look like a harmless kid."

With that the man left leaving Makoto wis a word arrow stuck in his chest. Since ever coming to this world he was called weakling by quite a 90% of people here.

He deceptively looked at Satella who chuckled at him.

"Who thought that your harmless looks might be of such a great help Makoto-kun."

It was final blow.

"I w-would prefer to not be called weakling tho!"

Puck and Satella laughed while going forward.




By the time they reached their destination the sun was already nowhere to be seen and night unfolded itself before the whole Lugunica. 

Standing before the very bar they needed Satella and Makoto were looking towards Puck.

"It seems my time has ran out yawn~" The smug looking cat said with a sleepy face.

"Your time is up?" Luckster asked confused.

"You see my contract with Lia lasts till the sun is down so...yawn...I won't be much of help so take care of Lia for me, Makoto."

Makoto wasn't sure what Puck meant by those words but nonetheless nodded towards the high spirit.

"I will surely do."

With Puck disappearing the only thing left to do was to enter the bar.

"Shall we go in?" Satella suggested only for Makoto to stop her.

"I don't have a good feeling about this, Satella-san." Makoto told the pointy eared girl. "Let me enter there first."

Satella was wary of this as she herself wasn't of a good impression from the aura this bar was giving off.

"You helped me out already so I think it would be better that you left, Makoto-kun."

"After all we have done together? Sorry, but I am a person who likes to take work till the end." Although he was smiling both Satella and Makoto knew that they didn't exactly wanted to separate their paths with each other.

For Satella it was rather strange to grow fond of someone other than Puck while for Makoto the silver-haired girl became someone of whom he would care for. It was unknown bond they had developed during such a short time but it was a pleasant one at that.

Feeling that Makoto wouldn't back down from his words Satella gave up and just let him inside first, though she was against it by all means.

"If something will happen, scream, and I will be sure to help."

"You know this makes me look even more weaker than I am at this point…"

"I am serious."

Though it was night Makoto could swear that he saw a glint of worry in girl's eyes.

He sighed.

"I will. It is a promise."

And just like that Luckster entered inside the bar.

"It is dark in here…" He commented to himself.

The bar wasn't really that big but the atmosphere seemed omnious, it was like looking under your bed to make sure whether you will see a boogieman or not.

"Is anyone here?"

No answer.

He asked again.

No answer.

The room was very dark and there was this ugly *Fchhh* sound coming under his feet, as if he was stepping on something warm and liquid.

Feeling that he will get no answer he got out his phone trying to turn on the torch in it.

"Man why nobody answer-HUH!?"


He fell.

His face curled in disgust and fear as he saw the horrible scene of a blonde girl and a giant old man laying dead with their guts wide opened.

"Wh-Wh-Who...Wh-Why!?" He asked no one apparently.

The horrible smell of rotting corpse entered his nose as he wanted to burf.

What was going on? Why? How could someone do this to a girl and old man? His questions were getting intense as his head started to ache.

He touched those corpses to understand what happened only for the answer to come up immediately.

"My~ My~"

A female voice. A soft and womanly voice covered his ears as he felt a hot breathing on his ear. It wasn't Satella...but who?

His head slowly turning towards his back he saw a black haired woman with a wide smile.

"I wasn't expecting guests you know~?" She placed her hand on Makoto's cheek. "Especially cute one~"

Her head got closer to his ear as Makoto was still in shock.

His body was trembling, his bones, his muscles his brain seemed to stop their functions.

"W-Why?" Was the only question he muttered as girl just smiled even more mischeviosy.

"Why? Why what? Ufufuf~"

"Wh-Why did you killed them!?" He wasn't sure why but he was angry. He didn't knew those people yet he was angry, he was frustrated and what's more he was weak...to weak against the threat near him.

"How cute of you young man~! I would like to spare your life but I am afraid my client will be displeased...How sad the life is, no~?"

"What do you mean-!?"

He felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Looking down he saw a dagger being burried onto his stomach.

A blood spilled from his mouth as he was about to fall only for the woman to catch him.

"My oh My~!!!" She exclaimed. "Such a beautiful color of blood...it is so tempting to try~"

She licked his mouth, tasting his blood.

He would have blushed if not the fact that he was dying.

"M~! Such a wonderful taste! Nameless boy, I would be sure to savor this moment in myself, fufufu~"

His hert was pumping slower by every second as his vision was getting blurry.

He finally closed his eyes as fell down to the floor.

His blood spilled all over the floor he felt warmth and coldness in the same time…his so called luck was really horrible.

As he was giving his last breaths he saw a fein white figure fall near him. He instantly recginised the girl...He recognized Satella, he failed to protect her...he failed Puck and promise he gave.

His hand sowly reaching towards the girl he could only mutter her name.


Those word being his finale Makoto Naegi finally died...died failing everyone to whom he gave promises.


Phew, finally done~! Seriosly it is a crazy idea but none impossible one! It might seem absurd and in fact it is I admit but why not? We all write fanfictions for our own pleasure so why not make something like this? I know that Danganronpa fandom is long dead and to get at least one view nor vote will be something impossible or highly unlikely but I still pray and have hopes.

The whole idea of Making this fic was born from boredom and a bit of curiosity. I mean Subaru and Makoto are very similar as they both are powerless and their only weapon is their tongue and the way they would bind words to hep people near them.

Since it's Re:Zero world poor Makoto will surely suffer but with sufferings comes character development. 

Also please excuse my poor grammar and English, I know that it sucks but still wanted to write this story so please be mindful with your critique dear Grammar dick sucking people.

And would say it now, this fic will kind of follow original except with some minor changes and actions from characters. I on my behalf would try to not make characters OOC since it is not really welcomed with my tastes and...Yes, it will be a harem story, and going a bit forward it will be a polygamous relationship because why choose one when you can choose many!

I said everything which is needed, with piss and a bit of care yours truly…


next chapter
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