33.33% RE:2 Redfield's True Route / Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - The Wreck

章節 2: Chapter 1 - The Wreck

"Come on!" The guy commands her as he run towards an open police car. He sprints for it and skillfully dodges out of a zombie's lunge. The girl attempts to do the same but her heel from earlier prevents her from moving fast enough. Instead, she redirects the force and pushes the zombie off of her. "Get in!" He yells as he closes his door and revs the engine. The girl does the same and practically throws herself into the police car. "Hold on!" He quickly shifts the gear to reverse and floors the accelerator. He skillfully makes a reverse U-Turn and shifts the gear the drive and floors the car out of the station, passing the sign "WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY HOME TO UMBRELLA".

The the guy maneuvers the car with great skill, the girl couldn't help but admire his skills and get a little moist from the stunt he pulled. Its not everyday she gets to see someone like him everyday, let alone be able to preform all of that under all that stress. She sweeps her head away from him to hide her burning cheeks from him. She shifts her legs unconsciously but catches herself for thinking so inappropriately especially in a situation like this. Shaking her head she looks back at him a bit more composed and actual logical questions flowing through her head.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks him while eyeing his facial features passively.

"I don't know..." The guy shakes his head still trying to wrap the situation around his head as well. In his confusion, he thinks of the only place that might be able to help them. "Hopefully, they'll have some answers at the police station."

Something flickers in the back of her head as she tries to piece things together. "Wait, you're a cop?" Her voice a bit hopeful.

"Yeah, Leon Kennedy." Leon says as he turns his attention from the road to her. "You are..."

"Claire- Claire Redfield." Claire blurts out a little too eagerly and quickly faces away a bit flushed. There is an awkward pause as both of them look away from each other. Oh God. I hope that wasn't too weird. She thinks to herself as she mentally facepalms herself. Oh No! And now I made things awkward! What am I going to do!

Leon breaks the silence. "Live around here?" Claire's heart jumps a bit as she silently thanks him for either ignoring it or not noticing it at all.

"No, looking for my brother. He's a cop too." Claire instantly regrets saying it as memories of Chris (Her older brother) alpha-male-ing her previous male friends out of the house plays inside her head. Leon looks at Claire with a mysterious look on his face. Something she couldn't read. Almost like deer in headlights but not that... She couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well, it's a good thing we found each other." He says as he focuses on the road again. His knuckles go white as he grips the steering wheel more intensely. "I don't know what to expect anymore." Leon's words linger with Claire as the sudden though of finding Chris scared her. Her fears plagues her mind as she thinks of all the worst case scenarios in her mind. Little did she know, it was a lot worst than she could ever imagine.

The police car drifts through the rain as they near Raccoon city. The rest of the drive was filled with silence as none of them had the heart nor hope to comfort each other. Their hearts drop as the sound of an automated public announcement echoes through the streets. "Attention all citizens: Due to the citywide outbreak, you are advised to take shelter at the Raccoon City police station." As the message plays, the pair drive pass rows of empty cars on both sides. "Free food and medical supplies will be provided to everyone in need." Claire surveys the area for any life through the vast sea of cars, but there was no movement.

Claire finally breaks the ice like silence. "Oh my god, this is so unreal." She leans back against the chair, giving up on her futile search. Her head no longer able to think of any scenario worse than what her eyes are showing. She looks down at her feet crushed at the thought of what might have happened to Chris.

"The police station's not much farther." Leon tries to lift the dreaded mood up. "They'll know something."

Claire looks down, however, she was not weak. She will not let this demoralize her. She met this hot guy after all. A light returns to her eyes. "Yeah, but..." Her mind goes to her dark place, doubting every piece of hope she held as she looks up at Leon but as she looks up, countless corpses litter the street with flesh and guts missing from every parts of their body. "What if..." She gulps down trying to swallow down the scene they had just passed by. "What if we're the only ones? What if there's no survivors-"

Leon cuts her off. "No." He says firmly as he snaps his head towards Claire. "There's survivors. It's a big city..." He looks back at the road with an expression Claire is too unfamiliar with. "There has to be." Leon's voice cracks a bit as he croaks at those last words. Claire looks at him, studying for what he truly thinks. She can feel his doubts in his words but decides not to press it. After all, Leon did save Claire back at the gas station. There was no telling what could have happened to her if he hadn't come by.

Her thoughts wander back to the feral man that killed the cop. She remembers visibly that she not only shot him in the head, but she shot him in the head 3 times. Yet that man still stood. The events in that freezer flash back in her mind. The crazed man pinning her down facing her face to face with a great chuck of his face missing. His bony fingers clawing desperately at her crotch, rubbing those bloody fingers against her tender pussy. Her tight fit jeans offered little protection as the feeling of her panties digging into plays in her mind again, stimulating her again. Her legs rub against each other instinctively and her fingers slowly crawls down. The car shakes, jolting her out of her weird trance. She looks over towards Leon and can't help but feel lucky he came to save her from whatever those crazed people were going to do to her. Lady luck as delivered Claire an angel, there is no telling what she might give her next. She stands up a bit more hopeful than before, after all, this is a big city, there has to be survivors.

The car slowly comes to a stop as barricades and cars are littered out in front of them. Leon cranes his head around to look for a possible spot to snake the car around but finds none. Her turns to Claire with a grim expression on his face. "Looks like we're walking from here." However, Claire is too distracted to reply to Leon. Her eyes are focused on the side walk three people are on the ground, 2 of them seemingly have their heads buried in on the third guy. She leans a bit closer and the sound of distant grunting, chewing and tearing makes its way through the window. Then, the two of them stop. They lift their heads up and slowly twist them over towards Claire. Drool like blood dribbles out of their teeth as little bits of flesh plops out of their mouths.

"More like running." Claire quips back as she uncomfortably turns towards Leon to sees the scene for himself.

"Yeah, good call." Leon says with a twinge of fear. Without alarm, a blood soaked woman bashes against Leon's window."Jesus Christ!" Leon jumps back towards Claire as she also finches away from her window as a rotting hand slams against her window. She yelps in horror as the police car get surrounds by a swarm of zombies.

"Leon! We gotta back up!" She yells out as she looks back behind to car, looking for a ideal place to drive towards. Then, not so far out in the distance, a pair of lights shine towards them. Claire looks towards Leon for clues but he is just as confused. In unison, they both look back again and make out a giant truck heading full speed at them. "What the-!?" Claire says out but the sound of a body getting slammed and crushed under the wheel of the truck cuts her off.

Leon finally grasps the situation they are in. "Holy shit!" Backing out is no longer an option. He looks towards Claire and then the zombies surrounding the banging up against the car. "Claire, get out!" He commands. "Get out NOW!" He yells out as they both slam their bodies against their doors. The zombies the shoved back but their craving for flesh forces them to quickly recover and push against the doors.

"I can't!" Claire grunts out through her teeth as she pushes with her whole body weight. The sound of the truck barreling towards them grows louder and the tires begin to slip from under it.

"Hold on!" Leon grunts out as he grabs the wheel again. At the last second, the truck swerves into a near by car but it ricochets off of it and slams directly behind the police car. Claire and Leon both had their bodies tensed up ready for the hit, but were unprepared for the sheer force of the crash. Their heads bang onto front as the police car spins wildly out of control, crashing its rear end into another car passed the barricade.

Claire stumbles out of the car, her head rattling from the crash. She stumbles back on her ass as she tries to shake off the concussion. The sound of oil spilling from the car does not register and the only noise that rings inside her head is the piecing high pitch blank ring. Its only when the car explodes does she head noise again. The shock wave pulses past her body as she forces her sense back into gear. Her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness and her brain accepts everything that is happening. She tilts her head to the right and notices the big oil tank the truck was carrying. It has broken off the truck and is now leaking gas as well.

"Oh, shit...!" Claire doesn't have time to react as another explosion erupts right in front of her, sending her back flying towards a car. The pain is sharp and agonizing as she forces herself back up to her feet. Adrenaline works its magic as she harshly stumbles back to her feet. She looks back at the fiery inferno hell in front of her. She looks back at the police car, it consumed with hot molten oily fire. There is no way anyone could have survive the first explosion inside the car, let alone a second one right after. The shock finally settles in as she knows, Leon is dead. There is no way for anyone to survive that. Not even those zombies should be able to survive that. She curses out a silent insult to lady luck for taking away the only strand of hope she was holding onto.

"CLAIRE!" A familiar sexy voice shouts out her name not so far away. She snaps her head to see Leon a few feet away from the fire, looking for her. A wave of relief washes over her as she quietly retracts all her curses she had swore at lady luck. "CLAIRE, YOU OKAY?" Leon shouts once more over the roaring fire.

"YEAH! I'M ALRIGHT!" Claire fails to notice a trickle of blood rolling down her cheek and completely ignores the cry of pain her back is sending to her nerves. "HOW ABOUT YOU!?" She shouts back.

Leon opens his mouth ready to respond but something catches his attention in the corner of his eye. He sweeps his head over to see the dead bodies slowly rising up with a loud groan. "I CAN'T STAY HERE! IT'S NOT SAFE!" He shouts at Claire as he notice an alarming increase in zombies.

"Oh, shit..." Claire says to her self as the previous zombies emerge from the flames slowly stumbling towards her. She turns her head to an ally way and see more zombies coming in waves. A flash of the gas station incident flashes in her mind as she connects the dots. Noise. They are attracted to noise. She quickly turns her heels from the horde of zombies working their way out of the fire towards her. "GO ON AHEAD! I'LL MEET YOU AT THE STATION!" She yells out as she starts sprinting away. Right in front of her is a female zombies with a witch like blonde hair. The female zombie roars at her trying lunge after Claire. Claire manages to slip out of her reach as she runs down the street full of waking bodies. She cannot dwell here for long and god knows what they will do to her if they catch her.

She runs past several burning cars and waking zombies before a pretty empty and secluded ally way. She looks behind her to see the rising zombies almost completely up. Without a moment of hesitation, she ran into the ally way, hoping they did not and will not follow her here. Her previously injured heels finally sends enough signals to her brain to over ride the adrenaline pumping all throughout her body, causing her to wince in pain after every other step. She leans against ally wall and lifts up her injured heel. A small painful sigh escapes her lips as she feels it tenderly.

"This pain is nothing. I've been through worse." She says to herself as she plants both her feet down firmly. She looks back at the ally way to see it curves down to a flight of stairs. However, right by the stairs is a zombie, leaning against a dumpster. Its motionless body lays there lifeless. Claire cautiously slides her feet towards the stairs while trying to leave as much distance from the corpse as possible. She has her handgun out aimed at it just in case. She knows very well these things are hard to kill, maybe even impossible. Making it to the steps, Claire lets out a sigh of relief and puts her gun back to her hip. As she steps down the stairs, the heels on her boots make a light but audible clacking noise. As she does so, the body leaning against the dumpster slowly rises. Its milky white eyes lock onto Claire's figure, observing the way how her hips sways ever so slightly as she walks down. Her slender but curvy body, her scent of sweat and fear, and a mixture of something, sweet. Something... lustful. Yes, the zombie could smell the sweet feminine fragrance emitting from Claire's womanhood. Although it was very weak, it never the less urged the zombie to fulfill his baser instincts: Breed.

Claire makes it to the bottom of the steps and looks to the corner to find another flight of steps going up, however, in the corner of her eye, she sees him. The zombie lunges at her from above the steps, completely ignoring the fact that he is at least one story higher than her. Claire dashes into the corner, managing to dodge the incoming projectile. However, she over exerts her injured heel, hindering her from recovering her footing after her burst of speed. Claire collapses down by the foot of the steps, her hands desperately trying to drag her back to her feet. A loud thump can be heard as the zombie smashes himself onto the brick wall. Before Claire could stand back up again, a heavy weight pushes her flat down onto the ground. The zombie groans with excitement directly into her ear, causing her to shutter in fear. His hands wander towards her breasts, grabbing them but the side.

Claire yelps at the sensation and quickly elbows the zombie in the face with little success. "Get off me!" She hisses at the zombie. The zombie's understanding of words were lost a long time ago and the only thing he remembers is his basic instincts to hunt, and multiply. And right now, his mind was dead straight on multiplying. His schlong is hard as steel and pushes against his rough pants like a pole in a tent. With one quick motion, he pushes it against her plump bum. The feeling of his member grinding against Claire's ass brings him sensations lost to him, quickly bringing him near his edge. Claire lets out an unconsented moan at the surprising turn of events. The zombie's rock hard erection forces her tight jeans and panties to dig into her lower lips, giving her a nice silhouette of the tip of his throbbing manhood.

Claire struggles harder as she lifts her chest of the ground, attempting to roll the zombie off of her. However, this allowed the zombie to get full access to her breasts. His hands savagely slaps onto her breasts as they leave the ground, sending waves of pleasure into Claire's mind. Instinctively, the zombie pinches where her nipples should be, forcing electric like ecstasy up her nerves. She moans out in protest from the forced pleasure, but the zombie took this as a good sign. His hips buckled back and forth even faster, grinding itself against her soft ass cheeks. He lowers her head to her neck, dragging his rotting tongue over it and leaving behind a trail of blood and saliva. With one final grand thrust, the zombie attempts to push itself into Claire's slick pussy, managing to spread her drooling lower lips apart with a small portion of his tip before he finally explodes with pleasure. The zombie's dick erupts inside his pants, drenching it with white think fluids. Claire's eyes roll back as his fingers pinch brutally on her nipples, pushing Claire over the edge as well. They both collapse onto the floor with the zombie still lazily on top of her. Both their crotches are soaked in sexual fluids though their pants separates the two.

It takes a few seconds before Claire recovers from her rough orgasm. Her legs are still weak from the pleasure but she manages roll the zombie off of her and crawl up the steps just enough to separate the two. She looks down at the zombie and is surprised to notice that he looks too exhausted to move. Or maybe he experienced so much pleasure that it overloaded him. Claire shakes her head and reminds herself that now is not the time to be analyzing them let alone let one take advantage of her like this. She needs to get to the police station before she really gets cornered. She gets back on her feet and tries to walk up but her legs are too weak from the orgasm she just had. Claire curses herself for getting off with this rotting pile of flesh. She grips onto the Stair railing and slowly makes her way up the stairs.

By the time she makes it up, her body recovers from the orgasm. Though some of the zombie's semen may have gotten onto her tight jeans, she is confident none got past it. She wipes the mess off of herself before looking up to see something off in the distance: RPD! "The police station...! Almost there..." She says to herself as she finally leaves behind the stairs and the rest of the nightmare filled horror behind her. Little did she know, the outbreak was far worse than she could ever imagine.

next chapter
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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C2
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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