4.8% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

章節 2: Chapter 2

After that notification I was transported to a new location, a castle with a large hunting ground. Where various creatures can be seen.

A mushroom with hands, legs and funny face, which mysteriously moves by making small jumps, pink and orange slimes, cockroaches the size of a small cat, caterpillars of the same size, big flies, frogs, little chicks, rabits and a kind of large insect eggs.

Next to me there is a small table that has two weapons: a small knife and a club, I try to take both but I can't so the most probably is that i can only choose one.

Without hesitation I choose the club, the knife only measures about 12 cm, compared to the club that measures about 80 - 90 cm, it will give me a greater advantage against the monsters here.


[Club (3) Rank: Common Type: Blunt Weapon

A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch.

Req. None - Attack - 23 ]

"Well usually the first weapons or whatever you can get to defend yourself sucks, but it could be worse. Now I have to choose my first enemy... since I don't really know how my body will react, the best option is to attack the insect egg, at the moment there aren't any creatures nearby, I should probably be careful though".

I move carefully towards my target when I am close enough to hit it I use my ability


[Thief Bug Egg LVL: 4 HP: 48/48 MP: 4/4 Race: Insect

Small thief bug egg, found mainly in dark and damp places like sewers.

Especial effect: Motionless]

Well that helps me make my job easier

-12 HP

[Thief Bug Egg LVL: 4 HP: 36/48 MP: 4/4]

I turn around to try to see if any creature saw me and tries to attack me, so far nothing, I continue and give it more blows to finish off the egg.

-10 HP, -8HP, -12HP, -18HP.

[You have obtained 40 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Chrysalis, 1 x Sticky Mucus, Money: 8]

[Chrysalis: Skin from a larva that has been shed or peeled off. Price: 8

Sticky Mucus: Mysteriously sticky liquid. Price: 70]

"Wow, it even gives me a little money, well I already tried the easiest, now I have to see how I perform against mobile enemies." I say as I approach the green caterpillar for now I'll save the slime for later and I really don't want to fight a roach.


[Fabre LVL: 5 HP: 53/53 MP: 11/11 Race: Insect

A small, mostly harmless caterpillar, it possesses small magical properties that help novice magicians. If it is attacked it emits a sound that will attract others of its kind to defend itself]

'This creature is stronger than the egg, so it's better to be careful'. I think as I move as quietly as possible behind it.

Critical hit. -20HP Stunned, -10HP, -12HP, -6 HP, -12HP.

[You have obtained 15 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Fluff, 1 x Clover, Money: 10]

[Fluff: A clump of monster fur and fuzz that can be used to make thread and fabric. Price: 8

Clover: A plant with three heart shaped leaves that is plentiful in meadows. Price: 10]

"That went well" I said, as I prepare to take my items when a wild cockroach quickly takes the items and eats them...

"This bastard just robbed me and even has the audacity to stand in front of me to taunt me" I prepare to hit him when I stop. 'First of all'


[Thief Bug LVL: 12 HP: 126/126 MP: 5/5 Race: Insect

They live and multiply extensively in dark places, their name comes from the fact that they immediately steal objects that are on the ground, they generally do not have natural enemies in their habitat, once attacked they will emit a squeal that will attract other bugs to attack you.]

"Shit, it's good that I stopped" I said while I look around and see two other bugs that got closer when the items dropped, it would be dangerous to fight against three and not to mention how fast they are, I couldn't react until everything had been eaten.

While I'm thinking I see how they move again and the cockroach that stole me moves towards the empty area where I destroyed the egg.

"This situation seems somewhat familiar to me..." I feel like I've seen this before but without having memories I can't know why I feel like this.

I proceed to where the egg was, seeing that there are no creatures nearby, I open my inventory and drop the chrysalis, immediately the bug pounces on the item and devours it, after observing a bit the other two do not move in my direction and one of them even moved away, I don't think I will have another opportunity like this so I proceed to hit the cockroach in the back.

-15 HP

The bug attacks me but I dodge its attack by moving to the left and hit it again, for a creature called thief it is really honest with its attacks, It just try to tackle me, although I still have to be careful I don't want to know what it feels like to be bitten by this bastard.

-12 HP, -8HP, -10HP, -15HP, Critical hit -24HP, Stunned, -12 HP, -15 HP, -6 HP, -10 HP.

[You have obtained 85 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Worm Peeling, 1 x Jellopy, Money: 36]

[Worm Peeling: Shed skin from worms and insects. Price 52

Jellopy: A small crystallization created by some monsters. Price: 6]

'Weird. Really weird, how is it that a creature less than 40cm can eat or store so many things inside it, is it some kind of spatial ability?'

Leaving aside my existential doubts, the fight went really well, I wonder what it was doing before coming here clearly this body knows how to fight and position itself during a fight, it doesn't matter how I moved I always keep my surroundings in mind, even so it's kind of annoying having to attack something so close to the ground but I have to get used to it.

After picking up the items I got and with more confidence I proceed towards the largest creature in the area, the mushroom. Trying to hide behind some bushes that are not really useful since the mushroom turned to look at me and then continue doing its own thing.


[Spore LVL: 18 HP: 510/510 MP: 31/31 Race: Plant

Mushroom-type plant monster, it appears in places with a lot of vegetation, this particular type is distinguished by being docile and does not attack unless provoked, its body contains various types of usable materials.]

"How the hell a mushroom has more HP than me! That thing can kill me 10 times before I kill it, I know it's a plant but it's very unfair" I complain as I leave the place because as far I can see my club will not help much against this creature, I don't think it can defeat me but I don't want to hit it and find out that I only do 2-3 damage because its body is spongy or something similar. Let's see what the slime offers.


[Poring LVL: 1 HP:50/50 MP:0/0 Race: Plant

Know as the looter. The most harmless and extensive creature existing in the world, depending on its habitat its characteristics change adapting to its environment.]

"If this little guy is pathetic, but what am I that I have less HP than him... let's see how he reacts to my weapon"

Critical hit -40 HP, Stunned, -20 HP.

[You have obtained 5 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Empty Bottle, 1 x Apple, Money: 2]

[Empty Bottle: An empty bottle that can be used for carrying liquid. Price: 6

Apple: A round, edible fruit that, when eaten once a day, keeps the doctor away. Recovers a small amount of HP. Price: 15]

Pathetic. That means that I would also end up like this if they attack me.

"He didn't give much experience, the drops are strange, where do it even get that bottle from?" This time an orange slime approaches my position and start to eat the drooped items

"There are only thieves in this place "Observe". I say while activating my skill

[Drops LVL: 2 HP:55/55 MP:10 Race: Plant

Variation of the poring race that inhabits mainly desert areas, due to this it came to possess small fire abilities]

'A little stronger than the pink one, but I still think it will turn out the same' think as I get a little closer to him and proceed to hit him

-15 HP, -20 HP, -10 HP, -18 HP.

[You have obtained 20 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Empty Bottle, 2 x Apple, Money: 4]

I look around and see a frog and a rabbit nearby.


[Lunatic LVL: 3 HP: 60/60 MP: 0/0 Race: Beast

It Is a common kind of rodent with fluffy hair covered all around the body. It likes carrots a lot. It's very soft and fluffy habit in plains without a care.]

[Roda Frog LVL: 13 HP: 133/133 MP: 24/24 Race: Fish

It is a kind of mutant frog usually living in the forest or the grassland. They prefer to be near the water or damp places. In some countries, their legs are a delicacy.]

'I'll kill the rabbit firs... no I'd better go after the frog first, I don't want my name to have rabbit killer' I think as I get behind the frog and hit it on the head

Critical Hit -30 HP, Stunned, -18 HP, -20 HP, Critical Hit -30 HP, Stunned, Critical Hit -30HP, , -10HP.

[You have obtained 30 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Sticky Webfoot , 1 x Empty Bottle, Money: 26]

[Sticky Webfoot: A webbed foot cut from a monster's hind leg. Price: 20]

"Hmm, so critical hits are obtained by attacking specific places" almost all my hits were on his head and the frog couldn't even do anything, the other hits was on the body and the damage dropped by considerably.

"Now I will finish the rabbit"

- 14 HP, -20 HP, Critical hit -24 HP, Stunned, - 20 HP.

[You have obtained 30 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Clover, 1 x Apple, 1 x Feather, 1 x Carrot, Money: 9]

[Carrot: An orange root that is supposedly good for your vision. Despite the Beta Carotene, kids don't care much for it. Recover a small amount of HP. Price: 15]

'Again the creature that just attacked only tries to tackle me and with this I prove my hypothesis that I do more damage according to where I hit it ' I think while I address the fly


[Chonchon LVL: 5 GP: 67/67 MP 21/21 Race: Insect

It is a kind of small fly that is commonly seen everywhere. They move with great speed. Amazingly, they can heal in the presence of fecal matter.]

'Well a typical fly, although if these flies existed in my world I would use a gun to kill them they are huge at least 15 to 20 cm' I think as I proceed to hit it.

-11 HP

I hit it but the fly immediately turns around and hits me.

-12 HP.

So far it is the first time I have suffered damage and I lose more than a quarter of HP, I hit it back and dodge its next attack, after that the fly remains immobile and seems to be preparing something, since a charge bar appears above its head, but I won't give it the time.

-8 HP, -10 HP, -11 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP, - 11 HP.

[You have obtained 25 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Shell, Money: 10]

[Shell: A hard shell that used to protect a monster]

"So flies = bad, they are fast and slippery, the advantage I had is that just like everyone else he tries to tackle me and if he hadn't stopped to try something he probably would have hit me again" I say as I move to the next creature


[Picky (shell) LVL: 9 HP: 83/83 MP: 20/20 Race: Beast

Picky with a egg shell in his head is a newly-hatched baby Pecopeco. The egg shell on its head will eventually fall off and turn it into a Picky.]

"This little guy is adorable, but I'm sorry little friend, you found the greatest nemesis of any creature in existence, a gamer." I want to press F before I hit him.

-4 HP.

"What the fuc...?" I am surprised and while I stand still the chick hits me.

-10 HP.

"Holy crap" I say while dodging this hellspawn attacks, in the next moment this hellspawn pounces on me, I dodge it and manage to knock it down to the ground.

-6 HP, - 5 HP, -10 HP, -8 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP, Stunned, Critical Hit -24 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP.

[You have obtained 25 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Feather of Birds, Money: 18]

[Feather of Birds: A bird's feather that can be used in decor or in fabric creation. Price: 10]

"*Gasp* This bastard is strong, how the fuck something so cute is so fucking hard, the fucker was a fighting cock, I was lucky to discover that his weakness was his legs, otherwise I would have had to fight him for a longer time, i lost half of my HP" I try to catch my breath, and take out a Apple from my inventory and eat it.

+ 20 HP.

"I learned my lesson, not to trust, until now except for the fly that had the advantage of flying, nothing had harmed me and I was losing my head thinking that I was unstoppable."

That's probably the objective of this training area, there are creatures that are easy to beat, others that can work as a team, others that are very fast and finally those that seem harmless but are super dangerous if you get distracted. Basically the basic training that one should have, as expected from an advanced tutorial.

While I'm discovering the purpose of this tutorial and making a promise to never lower the guard again, a cockroach came and stole my item. I think that the best thing to do is to concentrate on hunting bugs and their eggs, mostly the eggs so far are the ones that have given me the best experience with the least danger. I proceed to hit the bug

[You have obtained 85 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Worm Peeling, 1 x Red Herb, Money: 36]

[Red Herb: A weak medicinal herb which heals wounds. Recovers a little HP. Price: 18]

"Hmm... Something moves between the trees" I approach the trees and I see one that moves


[Willow LVL: 8 HP: 95/95 MP: 36/36 MP: 23/23 Race: Plant

Willow is a tree monster. Once a tree fairy had lied within but it seems the fairy's gone crazy now. The fairy had endowed a little magical ability to the monster though... They are usually found on the periphery of the forests, their body contains resistant materials and a little magical conductivity. The feature and the sounds it makes are incredibly eerie..]

'A tree, well, it's more like a dry trunk, due to its shape it probably has problems turning around and standing up once that it's falls, let's try it.' I think as I get behind his back, pounce on him and manage to knock it down

I proceed to beat him up without him being able to defend himself, it even makes me feel a little bad, but I remember the fight with the chick and I know what is necessary.

Critical hit-30 HP, Stunned, -13 HP, -13 HP, Critical Hit - 30 HP, -13 HP.

[You have obtained 25 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Tree Root, 1 x Resin, 1 x Fine-grained Trunk, 1 x Solid Trunk, 1 x Barren Trunk, 1 x Potato, Money: 36]

[Tree Root: Some roots from trees can be used as medicine, but most of them are fibrous enough to be used as rope. Price: 12

Resin: A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods. Price: 120

Fine-grained Trunk: A tree trunk of wood with an excellent grain. Price: 5

Solid Trunk: A tree trunk of wood that is nice and solid. Price: 5

Barren Trunk: A tree trunk of wood that is pretty low quality. Price: 2

Potato: A tuber that can be fried, baked, boiled, mashed, and even eaten raw. Recover a small amount of HP. Price: 15]

"I'm sorry tree-man, but I need to get strong fast to avoid that other creatures like you or even worse that can hurt me." I say while I am surprised by the number of items that he gave me, the description does not lie, it really gives several materials.

Again one of those cockroaches arrived, I hit it and while I gave it the second blow I heard a sound like wind, I move and try to position myself in a way that I can see where I could hear the sound comes from and there I see a cockroach glowing faintly with a loading bar slowly completing above its head.

Critical Hit -24 HP, -14 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP, Stunned.

I proceed to hit the cockroach in front of me again, which was a critical hit, now I must prepare for my new enemy who finished his charge and something happened that surprised me.


Some kind of light wind covers the cockroach and it proceeds to try to tackle me with faster speed than I've seen them use at least twice as fast, although I was surprised I managed to dodge it and hit it.

-14 HP, Critical hit -24, Stunned.

I managed to stun it and immediately turn to attack the first cockroach that attacked me.

-15 HP, -14 HP, -14 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP.

[You have obtained 85 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Worm Peeling, 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Red Herb, Money: 36]

I immediately turn around to dodge the second roach that managed to recover from the stun and proceed to hit.

-12 HP, -10 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP, Critical Hit -24 HP, -18 HP.

[You have obtained 85 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Worm Peeling, 1 x Jellopy, 1 x Iron Ore, Money: 36]

[Iron Ore: An impure ore that forms Iron after being refined.]

I released the breath that I was holding the situation was not entirely dangerous but I avoided getting into trouble. I get ready to go on my way when I notice something behind one of the trees, another insect egg.

[You have obtained 40 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Chrysalis, 1 x Sticky Mucus, 1x Phracon, Money: 8]

[Phracon: A metal that can be used to strengthen, create and upgrade Low level Weapons.]


[Name: Leonhard Hausner

Age: 25


Job: Novice - LVL [2/10] [Exp: 20/900]

Level: 2 [Exp: 20/900]

HP: 42/42 -> 47/47

MP: 11/11 -> 12/12

STR: 5 -> 6

VIT: 5 -> 6

AGI: 5 -> 6

DEX: 5 -> 6

INT: 5 -> 6

LUK: 5

Stat Point: 5

Skill Point: 1

Money: 239]

'Nice, every novice level gives me 1 in every stat except LUK. Even so, this will take a while. For now I think I'll refrain from placing points, it's always better to have an ace up your sleeve in case you need a quick power up.'

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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