22.22% Promised (Reluctant) Victory In Remnant / Chapter 2: Arrival - Beacon Academy

章節 2: Arrival - Beacon Academy

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Oddly, this question always comes up in new fics, So I'll nip it in the bud in this one as well. NO HAREM! I REPEAT NO HAREM! RELATIONSHIPS STATUS THINGY DOESN'T GUARANTEE A HAREM MY FRIENDS! ROMANCE IS ANOTHER STORY THOUGH!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

As Alex impatiently glared out the bullhead's window, the scenery crawled by, and he couldn't help but pray for a quicker landing.

A ping rang out in his mind.

A sudden [NOTICE!] accompanied by vibrant, flashing red lights demanded Alex's attention, a transparent panel materializing in front of him.

[SUB QUEST: "Puking Blondie Struggles" IS ABOUT TO REACH ITS TIME LIMIT!] The system called out with a sense of urgency.

Rolling his eyes, Alex decided to check the Sub Quest, 'Let's see. I just hope it ain't anything too bad.'

-Sub Quests-

[NEW!] Puking Blondie Struggles↓

Requirements - Attempt to comfort the airsick blonde on the bullhead, however you can.

Rewards - 300 Lien & Jaune Arc Friendship Status Unlock.

Time Limit - 10 MINUTES LEFT! USER!

Punishment For Failure - 2 Weeks of digestive issues, minor abdominal pain, and a 60% reduction in Monetary rewards for that same period.

Difficulty - F+

The choices for Alex were pretty simple.

Either give a poor sick man a rub on the back and a glass of water.

Or... Suffer for two weeks, physically and financially.

The only choice was obvious as Alex turned around to search for the vomiting blondie.

His steps echoed with a clank as he stepped on the metallic floor of the Bullhead, passing by many prospective Students, all equipped with their own unique style and of course weapons.

Pausing momentarily in his search, Alex asked, 'System. Do I have an inventory?'

As he asked that, he patted the considerable weight on his back.

A Mechashift SpeaRifle.

'This is completely useless.' Alex concluded that his body's previous owner's weapon amounted to nothing but scrap metal.

Now that he had a much better weapon.

[The Savior System does come built with an Inventory. However, the inventory only applies to System-related items. Go carry your own stuff, you peasant!]

'Backpacks and Luggage it is,' he confirmed, his mind dismissing the System's insult. Alex nodded nonchalantly and continued his search, suppressing a sigh.

After a minute of searching, Alex arrives before two girls. He notices his intended target who is isolated and in a rather precarious situation.

At least, socially.

Airsickness passes rather quickly after landing.

"And so, Rubes. How about trying to make friends with vomi-" A blonde-haired buxom violet-eyed girl gestured teasingly to the short redhead beside her, pointing at the vomiting blonde not far away from them, only to be interrupted by Alex.

"Excuse me," Alex mumbled, bending his body to slip through the small opening between the two half-sisters who were in the middle of a teasing conversation.

Coughing, the short redhead, having already understood who her sister meant, continued, "Am not! I'll... Make some other friends!" The redhead added the last part with a noticeable tone of uncertainty, her head sunk in deep contemplation to reevaluate herself.

Much to her older sister's amusement.

"Actually! I don't need friends when I have you!" the redhead's face practically glowed as she presented her enlightenment to her older sister.

Who gained a complicated expression at her sister's social reclusiveness.

Alex, however, had finally found his target.

A bent-over Jaune Arc, who was hugging a trashcan as if it was his close lover.

Puking his heart out.

His steps slow and steady as he arrived before the struggling Jaune, who hadn't noticed Alex, as he was too fixated on getting rid of his breakfast.

'Good thing I had this on hand...' Alex thought with a hint of amusement as he lowered the backpack he had and took out a water bottle, deciding to wait until Jaune finished his wave of puking before assisting him.

Once Jaune could catch his breath.

Patting Jaune on the back, attempting to comfort him, Alex handed him a water bottle.

"Here, drink. It'll help," he said with a tone of reluctant empathy.

Jaune's tearful and snot-covered expression turned to meet Alex's amber eyes.

Jaune's eyes were wide with genuine surprise, turning to look at the water bottle handed to him as if it was a gift from the heavens themselves.

Alex, expression being the dictionary definition of apathy, repeated "Drink, it'll help."

'...Why me.' Alex thought as he was barring witness to the most pathetic iteration of "Jaune Arc".

With a sniff from his nose that had inhaled all the loose boogers, much to Alex's internal repulsion, Jaune was moments away from bursting into tears as he whispered, "T-Thank you!" Proceeding to twist the bottle open and inhale a good half of it.

A minute passes as the shaking of the bullhead ceases, and it appears to have begun landing.

Jaune, having finished the water bottle and calmed himself down, turned his head to meet with the savior of his momentary crisis.

Only to be met with empty air.

"Huh, Where'd he go?" He scratched his head, proceeding to wipe his mouth.

Having made his timely escape upon completing his task, Alex viewed the alerts at the edge of his vision, in peace, without anyone bothering him.

Just how he liked it.


[Sub Quest - "Puking Blondie Struggles" Complete!]

[Issuing Rewards...]

[300 Untraceable Lien sent to Alex Andrite's Bank.]

[Jaune Arc Relationship Unlocked!]

[Would you like to view your new Relationship?]

[YES] [NO]

'Do these relationships even get me anything useful anyway?' Alex asked bluntly.

[Of course! Loyal comrades! Eternal friends! Perhaps even lov-]

'That's all I needed to hear.' Alex locked eyes with the obvious choice.

As he clicked [NO]

No response.

[Erm... You could always view it when you're bored?] The System suggested

'Hmm, you're improving, System. Yeah, I ain't viewing that mess unless I really have nothing better to do.' Alex mentally hummed, as he subtly praised the system.

Having firmly decided not to view that section unless he was agonizingly bored.

[Oh come on! It's no fun with you!] The system whined.

'Yes. You'd best leave. I strongly suggest of you, even.' Alex nodded sagely, patting himself off and grabbing his luggage from where he left it.

It seemed the System lacked a retort for that one.

A moment passed and Alex posed a question that had been bugging him.

'System. Are these quests always so punishing, leaving me no better alternative than to do them? I need to mentally prepare myself for another bout of thinly veiled slavery.' He asked bluntly.

[A keen observation, Master~! Only the Main Quests come with penalties so severe that surrendering to them becomes the only viable option. The Sub Quests, however, grant you the freedom to decide whether to pursue them or not, striking just the right balance between difficulty and reward, adjusted to you, dear Master! The one you've just completed was intentionally challenging, designed to provide an obligatory hands-on experience with Relationships and Sub Quests for your initial encounter! ...Although, it seems you've overlooked the Relationship aspect like a dummy~!]

'Oh, how gracious. A twinge of freedom!' Alex thought sarcastically.

[The best slaves are those with the illusion of freedom~!] The System cheered.

'Okay, buddy.'

"Attention initiates! We've landed on Campus! Please exit the Bullhead!" An announcement rang out through the speakers inside the Bullhead.

"That's my cue." Alex huffed, shifting his focus to the other initiates.

He sighed and followed the stream of fellow initiates, all eager to navigate their way out of the cramped Bullhead.

-Scene Change-

Exiting the Bullhead without incident, Alex trailed behind the awed and excited crowd of fellow initiates. Each step echoed on the paved road as he absorbed the grandiose and breathtaking view of Beacon Academy.

His gaze swept left and right, observing his surroundings - always a fan of impressive architecture.

To call it giant would be an understatement.

Gargantuan perhaps would be the preferable adjective.

A tower that tried too hard to look like the Tower Of Babel as it pierced through the clouds - Also known as Beacon Tower.

The tower itself was surrounded by Academy buildings so large and volumetric that they could hold a small country's worth of people and still have room to spare.

The campus's vast expanse was nothing to scoff at, its territory extending as far as Alex's eyes could see.

The architecture itself, artificial pools, and much more, hinted at how well-off this institution was.

The alleged riches of this institution had awakened Alex's deep-seated greed.

Alex wanted to be rich.

Why would Alex want to be rich?

'Being rich means I can give less of a fuck about a whole lotta stuff!' Was the kind of dumb thought that echoed through our protagonist at this very moment.

"...That big monetary reward for saving the world seems to be more attractive upon second thought," Alex mumbled to himself.

[Everyone has a price~!] The System chimed in.

'Nah, I'm mostly not doing it for the money. You'd have to add like six more zeroes for me to consider that. "Eternal Damnation" is motivating enough.'

[Do you even realize how much money that is?] System asked skeptically.

Ignoring it, Alex's attention shifted as the sound of an explosion came from behind him, momentarily halting his steps.

'Dust probably.' He nodded to himself, continuing his walk unperturbed towards the Amphitheater where all initiates were to wait.


[Sub Quest - "Fixed Impressions" has been issued!]

-Sub Quests-

[NEW!] Fixed Impressions↓

Requirements - Sourcing from the explosion Alex just heard, a young aspiring huntress is on the receiving end of a bitter scolding!

Save her bitter first impressions of Beacon with a warm smile and conversation.

Rewards - 200 Lien & Ruby Rose Friendship Status Unlock.

Time Limit - Before someone else does it.

Punishment For Failure - None

Difficulty - F

Unsurprisingly, Alex only looked at the Punishment Section to deem whether not doing the quest would result in suffering - Basically forcing him to do it.

'Wow, no penalty. Neat.' Alex thought, pleasantly surprised.

Alex made his decision without a moment's hesitation.

"Not doing it though," Alex mumbled, continuing his pace, relishing the clean air and sunlight on his face.

Alex being a simple man, enjoyed these simple things.

He then proceeded to blend into the crowd as he made his way towards the Amphitheater.

The System Alerts echoed in his mind.


[Sub Quest - "Fixed Impressions" Failed!]

'No alert for that one?' Alex noted neutrally.


[Issuing Punishment...]

Nothing happened, as expected.

-Scene Change-

The rest of the day blurred for Alex.

After arriving at the impressive Amphitheater, he went to the closest men's restroom to finally relieve himself.

'Squeaky clean men's restrooms in a School?! Impossible! Are all Universities like this?! ...Maybe I should've studied harder in my past life.' Alex was stumped, completely astounded and bewildered at the "Impossible" sight and experience in front of him.

Showing more emotion in that one reaction than when he discovered he died and was about to reincarnate.

Again, Alex is a simple man.

After the mind-blowing revelation and the subsequent best damn piss of his life, thanks to the spotless restrooms, Alex strode his way back to the Amphitheater.

Finding a nice spot - His specialty. He stood still as a statue, resisting the urge to doze off while waiting for Headmaster Ozpin.

Upon arrival, Ozpin began a motivational speech akin to those of self-improvement scam gurus from Alex's past life.

Something about knowledge.

Something about self-discovery.

All generally correct information, as far as Alex cared to listen.

Only reinforcing Alex's suspicions of Headmaster Ozpin being a con artist trying to sell his virtual course, in this case, physical courses to his "Ozpin" gang.

Or so went the internal joke in Alex's mind.


Being a person of sound mind, he chose to ignore the questionable advice, deciding that gazing listlessly at the expensive ceiling was a better idea.

Completing his motivational speech, Ozpin made his stylish exit on a good note, leaving Professor Goodwitch to dismiss everyone to the ballroom, informing them of the forthcoming "Ability Test" the next day.

Not before sending them to eat dinner, and placing all their luggage and weapons in the lockers.

Alex had deposited his pointless SpeaRifle there, thinking of selling it secondhand when the opportunity presented itself.

Only then, did they all go to the ballroom for the day's proper closure.

This brought us to Alex's current situation...

"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?! Sleep neighbor? Hello?! Heelooooooooo? Oh no! Are you deaf?! Did I make you deaf?! Rennyyyyyyy! I killed him!" An orange-haired, happy-go-lucky girl currently pestered the reclining Alex, who tried to catch some sleep.

Jumping from one mood to another, giving Alex a mental whiplash from the attention of the hyperactive chipmunk.

'At this rate, I'll definitely die. Avalon doesn't regenerate brain damage, I think.' Alex thought, his tone dry, with a hint of concern.

The black-haired teenager to Nora's right got up from his bed, offering a hint of sympathy. "I suggest you respond with something simple, ignoring Nora doesn't work. Trust me, I tried."

With a giggle, Nora met eyes with Ren, "Silly Renny! I can hear you! Don't make me smack you!"

Alex cracked his eyes open, meeting his amber eyes with Nora's emerald ones.

A surprised expression on her face as she gasped, "H-He's alive! Ren loo-" She pointed at the deadpanning Alex, his sharp amber eyes contrasting with the insanity of Nora's emerald.

"Name's Alex Andrite. Alive, unfortunately," he said in lightning speed, without stuttering. He closes his eyes and hides behind his blanket. "Please leave me alone, I want to sleep. Thanks." He added with a tone of finality, his face hidden by the blanket.

"Think I went too far?" Nora chuckled nervously.

Ren's expression was both troubled and impressed. "Never knew you could annoy someone to the point they'd consider death. Nora."

Alex was caught between a rock and a hard place.

If he had known Nora would be this persistent, he might have relocated earlier.

Yet, after enduring 25 minutes of her nonsense, he faced a dilemma...

He was too deep into it.

A clash between his pride and logic.

Pride in his ability to not give a fuck and not give up against Nora.

Logic that suggested he'd have talked to her earlier to leave him alone and or left this spot for another.

Truly, troubles of the century.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey people! Need your help!

I have a dilemma in regards to Excalibur itself - I'd like to see what a majority of you guys think about the options I present.

Would you rather...

(1) Those who catch sight of Excalibur can only notice that it is a "Pretty Sword", pretty being an understatement, and has a calming and majestic aura. And its TRUE Value and Weight as the Sword Of Promised Victory be revealed when its True Name is unleashed.

(2) Those who catch sight of Excalibur have it's Titles, Weight, purpose etc... be inserted into their psyche at first sight?


"Sword Of Promised Victory - forged by the planet as the crystallization of the wishes of mankind stored and tempered within the planet"

"Holy Sword That Saves The World"


In either case - I have a direction I want to take the story.

This decision simply dictates how quickly Alex gets the spotlight.

Anywho's hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Also, feedback on how I wrote the Canon Characters thus far would also be much appreciated!

Feedback is the method to improve, people! Yeah!

Have a great day!

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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