60% Pokemon professor / Chapter 3: First sponsor or sponsors

章節 3: First sponsor or sponsors

Since my first sell five months have passed. I have made a total of twenty self's since then.

Although they weren't as big I still earned a good amount of profit from them. My account now coming to a total of 200,000.

Days in the labs these days have been busy. Why you ask because I am preparing for a huge event.

Every year three trainers or more will come to the lab. To get there first Pokémon and start their adventure.

But the reason I am most excited for is finally being able to use the sponsor system. I heard the three trainers there are supposed to be here this year will be exceptionally well.

The event that every trainer in their lives wait for I will do in a weeks times. Putting that to the

Thinking over my choices. I went with giant decided to build an area where the Pokémon and human can relax together.

Knowing this is gone to take more than torterra and tyranitar. I went to the other biomes to ask the Pokémon for help.

Starting at the water biome I called out to the Pokémon to bring out the leader. A few seconds later a old looking slowking walked out.

He stared at me for a few seconds as if judging me.

Staring back at him I could his eyes contained wisdom beyond my comprehension.

Who is there I said as I heard a voice in my head. Thinking it was an intruder in the area.

It's me child I am the leader of all the Pokémon in this biome. What business do you want coming over here.

Elder can I have your permission to have the aid of all of you to build a new biome. This biome will be a place where co exist.

Let me think about it child. Hmmmm if you can beat me in a one on one battle I will lend you my aid.

Alright let's get this started. Torterra stand by for battle.


Let's start thing off torterra use vine whip. A long vine appeared from torterra back as it rushed at slowking.

Slowking in a show of impressive strength used psychic to redirect the attack.

Slowking not finished yet eyes glowed momentarily as a huge wave about 8 ft rose up. With great force the wave flew at torterra.

Seeing the incoming danger torterra earthquake to shift the ground. Making a trench in it to catch the water.

Follow up with frenzy plant torterra. Huge thorn like vines rose the ground and rushed at slowking.

Slowking being unable to dodge took the attack head on. Vines began to trap slowking in a giant dome.

The battle is over you lost. After a few seconds I heard a noise as all of the vines were torn to shreds.

Slowking looked very angry. Giving off a menacing aura as his eyes glowed blue.

Summoning up the remaining of his power a giant whirlpool was formed. Using his psychic power the whirlpool started to pick up in speed.

I could feel the pressure of the amazingly strong move as it ripped through the fields.

Coming up with an idea I told torterra to use Gaia power. As soon as those words left mouth many trees were raised from the ground.

Each at the height of 10 ft standing tall and sturdy. All was silent as the imposing forces had a stare down.

The silence was broken as the wave crashed into the trees.

Clenching my jaw as I saw the trees almost about to break from the pressure. But to my dismay they held up.

Alright torterra use synthesis. A greenish aura surrounded torterra as it's energy healed him and boosted his strength.

Torterra follow up with energy ball. A greenish sphere was launched at Slowking.

Slowking thinking he could take the attack stood still.

The greenish sphere slammed into slowking. Pushing him further and further each time.

Slowking not one to give up let out a mighty roar and put all his strength into redirecting the attack.

Being pushed to its limit slowking threw the energy ball in the air. Bursting into a hue of green.

Slowking thinking that it won gave a roar in approval. Until it felt the presence of something alarming.

Looking up in its path slowking saw not one but two energy balls. Thinking quickly slowking used protect.

But while slowking could hold the first attack back he felt the second one. Not just a slight hit but the full on pressure.

Slowking flew into a nearby tree kicking up a cloud of smoke. Once the smoke cleared up I saw slowking laying.

Running over to him and taking out a potion. Slowking you will be okay just take this potion.

Watching him swallow the potion as his wounds slowly disappeared. I guess I one your trust huh.

"Yes you have young one. You have proved your strength."

"You now have the aid of all Pokémon in this biome."

Thank you slowking now I just have to work with the other biome leader. Do you have any idea who it is.

"I haven't seen her much but I know it is a very powerful sceptile. She had to face twenty Pokémon just to earn her rights as leader."

'Thanks slowking I will take heed to your words.'Walking until I reached the forest biome.

'Can I speak to your leader forest pokemon.' Waiting patiently for a few minutes.

Hearing a bristle in the leaves. I looked up to see a sceptile.

What was different from this sceptile was that it was two times larger than your usual sceptile.

There was a menacing scar going down from the eye to the jaw.

Most likely caused from a battle. Not just any battle a tremendous one.

Getting down to business I greeted sceptile. 'Hi sceptile I'm come asking for your help to build this new biome.'

"I will lend you my help but in return I ask for your help. There is a problem I need help with."

'What could I possibly help you with sceptile.'

"I need your help with a injured Pokémon that stumbled it's way upon this land."

'Alright take me to the Pokémon and let me see the problem.'

Sceptile lead the way. We walked for about thirty minutes until we came upon the giant tree in the middle of the lake.

Walking over to the Pokémon I saw that it was not any regular Pokémon. It was quite an exotic one.

Shaymin is a small, white hedgehog-like Pokémon. In Land Forme, it has green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head, which resembles the Gracidea flower.

Running over to shaymin I tried to examine the problem. There was a dark like substance covering its body.

Thinking of any I could due to help until I heard the voice of the system.

Host I can help you out with the problem. There are two solutions you can take shaymin to the sacred flower field to heal.

'Great how far is it system.'

Caculating bzz bzzz the sacred flower field is approximately 15,000 miles away.

'What is the other option system.'

Bzzz bzzz other option is to buy sacred garden from the forest.

'Great how much does it cost system.'

Price of sacred flower field is 100,000 would host like to buy?



'If i were to buy this I would be in favor of a legendary Pokémon. But on the other hand this does cost a lot of money.'

Thinking it over I made my decision.' System buy the sacred flower field.'

After a few seconds a field of flowers appeared. Not just any flower field.

It was a beautiful field of flowers that were all different colors. Bringing a wonderful site to all that gaze upon it.

That wasn't even the best part about it. The field gave off a sacred aura that calmed down even the most ferocious Pokémon.

Nothing could be heard for miles except for the peaceful silence. But it was time to get back to matters at hand.

'Can you go get shaymin for me sceptile.' Watching sceptile leave and return back with shaymin.

'Alright I want you to place shaymin down in the middle of the field.'

Sceptile listening to my instructions places shaymin down slowly.

Pokémon started to gather around shaymin as light started to glisten off its body. Shaymin started to rise in the air as a whitish hue enclosed its body.

It had a slender, canine appearance like that of a small reindeer. The fur on its back becomes a mohawk, and it has a red flower petal on the left side of its neck, resembling a scarf or cape. It has flat, white ears resembling wings, a small tuft of fur on the front of its neck, and a stumpy tail.

"Thank you for saving my life. In return I will owe you a favor."

"Call me any time if your are in need."

With the said shaymin took to the sky and flew off.

After shaymin left I looked back at sceptile and got back to business.

'So do we have a deal sceptile. Will you help me build this new biome.'

"Yes human you have my help."

'Great let's get to work the water biome will also be helping out. We are meeting north of this area.'

1 weeks later

'Ahhh we're finally finished.' Wiping sweat of my head after the long and grueling work we have been through.

Looking at the new biome. I couldn't help but take a moment to admire the view.

The area was based off of Mt silver. There was snow all around the area. The trees had a white color to the leaves that made them stand out from any normal one.

Snowflakes fell from the sky lightly onto the area. If you wanted to know why there are snow flakes on this mountain.

Well let's just say I used that favor from a little friend.

We even added a section for the more dangerous Pokémon. An a area for visitors to have fun.

Bzzz bzzz would host like to buy Pokémon packs.

I would recommend you buy ice packs for the area.

Thinking it over bought a starter ice pack and a intermediate ice pack.

Host has received dewgong, sneasel, swinub from starter pack.

Host has received Glalie, Walrein, Abomasnow, mamoswine from intermediate pack.

I recommend for host to go the lab. Today is starter day.

'Oh my god I got to get to the front.' Running to front as I saw three different future trainers.

One trainer was a girl that was wearing a red shirt and white skirt and stood at the height of 5'3 but the exotic thing about her was that she had Snow White hair.

The next was a male that was wearing a green shirt and khaki pants and stood at the height of 5'5 he had a green necklace that look as if it was made of diamonds.

The last trainer was a male that was wearing a purple shirt and cargo pants stood at the height of 5'6 he had tribal markings all over his body.

'Hello there my name is professor John what are your names'

One by one in order they called out their names serinity, Freire, dracon.

'Today I will be letting you chose your starters. But we won't be doing it the traditional way.'

'I will be letting you walk out into the ranch and finding a Pokémon you will form a bond with.'


Walking out into the area I went to the water biome first. Looking around I saw many wonderful Pokémon.

Wailord the giant whale like Pokémon. Seeing it sprout water from its body into the air.

Leaving a rainbow in its place.

I saw the powerful blastoise that stood tall and proud. I even saw two that were battling to show their dominance.

I even got a chance to see the beautiful Pokémon

milotic. Ohhh how I wish some day I could have a Pokémon as beautiful as that.

Being in Pokémon contest as the judges behold at me and milotic beauty.

But still none of these Pokémon are what I'm looking for. Deciding to search another biome I walked over to the ice biome.

Brrrrhhhh I immediately felt the cold as I walked onto the area. How does professor John even get the area to be so cold.

Taking a look around I saw many snowrunt. I saw menacing Pokémon such as abomasnow.

Even getting to see the rare ice bear Pokémon beartic.

But what took my eyes the most was a lone glaceon walking around with a eevee. Walking over to them I slowly walked up and attempted to talk.

'Hi glaceon and eevee my name is serenity and I would like to know if I can make eevee my starter Pokémon.'

Glaceon looked at me as if sensing my intentions.

After making sure everything was alright glaceon looked at eevee and gave a nod of approval.

Taking eevee and walking back to professor John lab.


Walking to the forest biome I saw many cool bug and grass pokemon.

I saw menacing Pokémon such as ariados the spider like Pokémon.

Seeing beautiful Pokémon such as buterfree the butterfly Pokémon. Flying around different type of flowers.

Looking around I kept seeing a variety of Pokémon. But none that I really wanted.

Coming to a halt as I heard the screech of a Pokémon. I saw a budew being surrounded by other budew.

The difference between this one and others was that it was diffrent in color. The budew was green and purple in color.

Running over to group I scared the other budew away. 'Get way from budew you bullies.'

Looking over at budew I asked her was she okay. Hearing the response of budew I let out a breath of relief.

Getting ready to walk away on the search for a Pokémon again. Until I felt a tug on my leg.

What is it budew. I could feel that budew had something important to tell me.

Studying budew closely I asked her do you want to become my Pokémon. Getting a nod in approval I told budew we'll come on.

We have a great adventure ahead of us. Walking back to professor John lab to tell him the news.


I will go to the water biome first. Walking to the water biome I could not find any Pokémon that peaked my interest.

All I saw were Pokémon that weren't my type. I couldn't a connection to any one of them.

Walking over to the jungle biome I traveled deeper and deeper until I heard a voice.

"Closer child closer I know what you seek a powerful companion to be by your side."

'Yes that is what I seek do you know how to help me with my problem.'

"Journey to center of this jungle you will find a lake. There will lay the Pokémon you seek."

'Great this will be a piece of cake.'

"But heed my warning child the will be many obstacles you have to face to reach there. The biggest challenge of them all will be the lake only those with a true heart shall have the strength to enter the lake."

'Thanks for the help I will pay attention to your advice.'

Journeying deeper into the jungle I came across a nest of ariados and spinarak. Sneaking through these parts as not to get caught.

Coming across a bridge I walked up to it to go across. But a huge sceptile appeared in my face.

"Halt child what reason due you have for entering this sacred area."

'I come seeking a Pokémon that will be my partner I was lead his by the voice of a stranger.'

Sceptile looked me over with calculating eyes that pierced my very soul.

"Alright child you may pass. But if I catch you doing anything harmful nothing will stop from my rage."

'Thank you sceptile I will heed your warning.'

Walking into the sanctuary I gasped at the amazing sites.

'Wow look at the beautiful garden over there. But to top it all off I saw a crystal clear lake in the middle of the forest.

Taking a deep breath as I placed my foot into the water. Seeing the water glow a light blue in approval of my heart.

Feeling a pull towards the middle of the lake. I swam for a few minutes until I reached the center.

Looking I saw a dratini. Not just any regular dratini the Pokémon was black in color.

Swimming over to dratini I asked him due you want to be partners. Dratini being the curious Pokémon swam over to me and nudged its face on my shoulder.

After a few minutes dratini started to happily swim laps around me. Taking that as a sign of approval I told dratini let's go back to professor John.

Professor john:

Looking at the time I saw it has been two hours. Waiting for the kids to return.

First I saw serenity return with a rare Pokémon. She had a eevee by her side.

Next to return was Freire he had a budew by his side.

Last but not least dracon returned but what shocked me the most was that he had a shiny dratini.

'Great I see you have all returned with great Pokémon.'

'Give me a few minutes and I will return with your items.'

Going to the back I picked up three of the new prototype Pokédex I have been working on. It is based off of the system I have.

It comes in the form of a watch easy to carry and use. This invention I call the poke x will be ready to launch in a years time.

If every thing goes as planned this will be a multi million dollar idea.

Grabbing 10 poke balls for each trainer I came back out.

'Alright hear is your ten poke balls. But I also have something special for you.'

'Due to me having high hopes for you I will sponsor you. Me sponsoring you comes with many perks such as being able to going into restricted area others couldn't go into.'

'I also have a prototype Pokédex I made called poke x to give to each of you. The poke x adapts with the trainer that uses it.'

'I hope each of you live up to my expectations and become great and have people know your name in this world.'

Watching each of them walk out the door. Blowing out a sigh of relief after they all left.

Host now has new function for sponsor system.

Sponsored trainers

Serenity- Fame level:unknown

Freire-Fame level:unknown

Dracon-Fame level:local

Surprised at already seeing one of my sponsored trainers already having fame.

System can you tell me the levels of fame a sponsored trainer can have.

Host sponsored trainers levels are the following:




D list

C list

B list


A list

S list

World wide

Host also has rewards still not open.

Secret quest complete- Befriending shaymin Reward: shaymin's flute

System what is the use of shaymin'a flute.

With this flute host can summon shaymin when in time of need.

Quest complete: getting first sponsor reward: 20,000 poke dollars

Total balance now: 120,000

Taking in all of this information has made me tired. Walking back home and hopping into bed.

To be continued

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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