/ Anime & Comics / Pokemon: Master of tactics

Pokemon: Master of tactics 原創

Pokemon: Master of tactics

Anime & Comics 398 章節 16.5M 流覽
作者: alex02373

4.79 (570 評分)

簡介 目錄 Reviews


If Alex ever got the chance to get transmigrated into a world, he would choose Pokemon World. Since it is relatively safe. It is easy to earn money. Not to mention, such an adventurous and intriguing world. But when his wish somehow came true, he regretted it.

If you want to see the next chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at

(the story has a similar start as Legendary Pokemon Trainer so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar and this story is not a copy.)

editor: JoJo_Soni

Parents Strongly Cautioned
  1. Kyrus
    Kyrus 贡献 1461
  2. ItzXplorer
    ItzXplorer 贡献 1030
  3. ThunderGreen
    ThunderGreen 贡献 948


Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票




  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



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LV 5 Badge

It's Unique and very good. the story tells you that not everything is good like in the anime, but not overwhelms the reader with cruel and disgusting things, also the mc have a decent development and that's rare in fanfics, usually the mc are emos that doesn't give a damn and the authors put the antihero tag as if they are fans of kirito. absolutly recommended


The author wanted some reviews, so here we go: Writing quality: Some errors along the way, but let's be real here: there are more than 200 chapters by now, there will always be some mistakes in such a mass of chapters. All around, the author is constantly getting better at expressing himself, so I'd say 4 Stars here is fair. Stability: We have 200+ chapters, nuff said. (5 Stars) Story Development: The MC is cunning, pretty intelligent. He's fairly cold to outsiders, while being cherishing friends and family. He has a public persona, which means that he is forced to act a certain way in front of others. This is realistic, as everyone has something like this. He is opportunistic, which is good. We see him realistically developing his team, while sometimes facing minor setbacks. He does have some future knowledge, but he is not all knowing and still learns new stuff every now and then. The only thing I'd put as a negative here recently developed positively, so 5 Stars it is! Character Design: I already went into this in the case of the MC. There are supporting characters too, though. And they have a personality! The author mostly succeeds to stay true to the canon characters personalities, but what puts this category into 5-Star territory is the fact, that almost all the OC's actually get a unique personality, this is hard to do and even harder to keep up with. Good Job! World Background: Well, it's a more realistic Pokémon setting, The added parts (Potential system etc) are well implemented and at no point did it feel like we got info dumped on. We got a good package at the start and the rest, we are learning along with the MC. This is a good way of doing things, so once again: Good Job! 5 Stars here too. In conclusion: Whoever finds himself here is most likely a Pokémon Fan. Those who can't stand a bit of blood and gritty reality probably won't like this one. For all those, who can stomach a darker take on this childhood staple: Give it a try! It's a good one! Cheers, fellas, and keep on creating and consuming the written word!


Alright, everyone, I assume you all are familiar with the process by now for those who are new, let me tell you how this will go down. First, we will discuss the plot of the story; the things that are happening within the story, etc. Second, we will move on to start rating the novel on multiple categories; furthermore explaining the pros and cons of this novel. And finally, I will express my thoughts about the novel. Let's start now; first and foremost, our main character's name is Alex. He is an OG character in the alternative world of pokemon, he is an orphan with an affiliation with Team Rocket. There is a fairly well-described ranking system within the criminal organization and our MC starts at the very bottom of the food chain. Alex (Author) has shown a high level of creativity while making the various details in the ranking system, he has also introduced a talent ranking system for pokemon which is described using a simple (SSS, SS, S, A) system. The Mc currently has shown no interest in tackling gym owners and is solely focused on strengthening his team which is a good route in my opinion. The Mc is not overpowered in any way and even has to struggle to move forward, he has fairly common pokemon on his team with fairly good potential ranking. The pokemon on Alex (MC) team are not the best but very original and believable. The story starts sloppy and feels a bit out of pace but with each progressive chapter, the writing, and world-building improve, as of yet, it has reached a good level; shoutout to Jojo_Soni (Editor). And believe me, when I say good, I am very critical while writing reviews; those who have read my previous reviews know that. Back to the review, so as I was saying, the story starts off at a decent level with Mc having a decent personality, though a bit naive which isn't really a problem. The budding attraction towards a girl (OG character) is also believable since our Mc is just a teenager though it did irritate me in the beginning. Let me clarify that Mc is not an idiot neither a lovestruck fool, one of the reasons why I am willing to overlook his initial interaction with the girl. Anyway, this story is more focused on the adventure aspect rather than romance which I like and support very much. The Mc has his own struggles and is capable of losing which means the plot armor is well balanced given this development is a weak-to-strong type. Alex (MC) is quite smart and a resourceful guy who's sole purpose is to become strong to increase his standing in the world, Alex (Author) has done a good job in expanding the world of pokemon by introducing more believable things in the story like the black market, murder, etc. Currently, not OG pokemon protagonists are seen in the novel even though the side characters like Brock and Steven (Future Champion) are present in the novel. Mc is ruthless well he needs to be but acts cautiously which I support. He doesn't trust anyone to a plausible level as of yet, not even the potential female lead which I also support. (Hell yeah!) Anyway, so yeah I have explained the basic details of the plot without spoiling anything major, there are things I haven't added in the review because I don't want to spoil the plot for new readers. Moving on, we need to discuss the stats. Release rate:-(4.7/5.0) The author releases a whole chapter which contains a proper schedule containing the release date of the upcoming chapters, I haven't seen anyone do this as of yet which is the reason why I am rating it so high! World-Building:-(4.3/5.0) The author is new to writing stuff but has a strong base, much better than when I started off with my own writing style. He has done a great job in introducing the world-building and other aspects but all of that needs more refining and detailing which can be done in the upcoming chapters. You should expand more on the working of the various organization that you have introduced unless you want them to be a secret for now. Character design:-(??/5.0) The Mc starts off ok, not too smart, not too stupid, not too naive, not too mature; rather well balanced I must say. There are times when I want to smack him on the back of his head and there are times when I want to give him candy. (No, I am not a pedophile, Fuck off!) Overall, I don't really have an opinion on his personality as of yet, I will wait and see how he grows. Though I hope, you work more on his romantic side of the personality, it needs to be better defined. Plot progression:-(4.3/5.0) The direction of the plot is good and well-paced but we have no idea about where is the plot heading to, like what does Mc want to achieve or what are his goals and plans to achieve his goals, this needs to be defined in the upcoming chapters as I would like to know what is he aiming for? He wants to become strong and leave Team rocket but what then? And how does he actually plan to leave Team Rocket? But this also works in your favor as you can keep on fantasizing about various things that the Mc can do and it also gives the Author a much wider range of actions. Finally, since we have finished the stats discussion, now it is time for my personal thoughts on this novel. My thoughts:-(4.8/5.0) This novel has a very high potential to exceed the most popular pokemon novel on this platform, the only criticism I can do is that this gem needs a lot of polishing, both by Jojo_Soni (Editor) and Alex (Author). The highly recommend this book and have even added this to my public collection known as "Legendary Novels", this is also the only pokemon novel I am actually interested in reading as of yet. I have been following this novel since it had only 4 chapters and am very proud of my fellow author and Editor. Even so, being as critical as I must be, I have explained all the stuff that needed to be explained. Once again, shoutout to Jojo_Soni and Alex for presenting this site with such a wonderful and refreshing read. Alright, this is it for now; you guys know the drill if I find a novel with good potential, I am always leaving a legendary review. Peace and love~ Legendary person~


I fell in love with the novel, nothing more to say, but please do not end up as the Chinese author, it is a more readable, interesting version and finally the blessed names of the pokémon are understood. I love Pokémon fics, so I've already read all kinds of fic, from disgusting stuff to readable fics. I wish you health and that you develop well the pokemon universe and the characters. I would give it a 10 out of 10, my ratings are from a raw reader, so my requirements are minimal for a pokemon fic.

LV 4 Badge

Warning!!!!!!!.....This novel has a major flaw. Its so entertaining to read and I finished it in no time. Now I'm frustrated waiting for the next chapter. 😂😂


TL;DR - pretty great writing, quality author Story starts off well with a very logical mc. Has a realistic world view and makes decisions that those with actual common sense would in his situation. Has a system but it is not invasive or controlling, he essentially has a non-physical pokedex he can use (no personality of its own, thankfully). I didn't give it full stars because at some point the pokemon stop acting like pokes and start acting like human people for some reason. They act like teenagers following an uncle they don't really like but listen to anyway. Mc is still great, pokes for the most part are still great. It doesn't seem to have any over arching story to it, more slice of life, but fun enough to keep reading. If you read through the chapter comments you will find that the Author really does care for his readers and addresses even my own petty complaints. Quite rare on this site to be sure. Definitely worth the read :)


Mixed feelings. That's how I'd describe reading this fic... The beginning is rough. Poor grammar/dialogue, cringey character development, and overall average story structure. I dropped it several times in the first few chapters. I came back to it later on due to some readers' saying that it got better, which it did (in some ways). At first, the MC is insufferable, well, depending on your taste he remains that way for the entire story. He is a mix between ruthless, pragmatic, greedy, vain, prideful, arrogant, and cruel. He disdains the naive, admires the strong, and is so lost in his own ego that he is a ignorant hypocrite. He has almost no empathy for humans and a limited but higher amount for Pokemon (though he often exploits them knowingly if it'll advantage him). He does not actively enact sadistic behavior patterns for pleasure but is not above hurting or causing the death of others if it will benefit him. This is true even when he does not need to hurt them to achieve his goal but will do so if it makes it easier for him. This never really changes. What does change (slightly) is his ability to form somewhat genuine friendships and emotional bonds with humans. Granted he still sees everyone except for those closest to him as tools to exploit when needed. He is phenomenally privileged (due to his meta-knowledge and cheat-like system) but spends many chapters moralizing/grandstanding other characters or in internal monologues that are meant to display his superior mentality. It is gross and pure delusion. What is enjoyable is the limited character growth and the development of his Pokemon both in their personalities, bonds, and strength. The Rookie Tournament arc is solid and there are plenty of enjoyable moments to be had. Worldbuilding is above average in some ways and below it in others. Overall I'd give it a 2.5 / 5, but for a Pokemon fic on this site a 3/5. There are parts to enjoy but also lots of cringe, hypocrisy, excess violence, cruelty, and gross themes and behaviors that are repulsive and tiresome to read through.


I really like this story and everythink abaut it the setting is cool not everthink is good anf happy the mc has emotions that are somewhere comprehendtif he is not op without a reason. I saw a lot of peaple saying there is a story exactly like this which is likley the inspiration for this one but nothink more I mean even the first chapter is diffrent even if it s only a little detail ( diffrent Team Rocket Frontspeaker ) but the biggest diffrence is quality of style (the hole eastern writing style is in my opinion pretty taxing to read) and the grammar is made by human instead of maschine so this story will as it contiues only outperform the inspiration


One of the best Pokémon fanfics I've seen. Keep it up (Need to hit 140 character minimum.......................................)


I'm going to make my review simple. Overall, I like the novel, from the story development, the pokemon battle, and the Pokemon's personality. I especially like the pokemon battle the most. But this novel has one fatal flaw. THE ROMANCE. The romance in this novel is so cringe. I feel like the romance ruins the novel, so I think that the author shouldn't even try to include romance in this novel. But if he insists, at least try to learn from other novels where the romance is their specialty. Honestly, I skipped all the romance scenes in this novel, because they're so cringe. Aside from that flaw, it's a good novel


I like the realistic point of view of the pokemon world, especially when the mc isn't op and the system only serves for checking stats/potential/moves.


it's a great concept and a unique journey for our mc. He's also not not some "hero" or "bad guy" but just use's the opportunity he is given. Its well written and the characters a great, love the pokemon and it's very funny overall great read


Really like this story, MC is not a goody two shoes, but also not stereotypical evil. Although I didn’t like the random love at first sight development, it thankfully doesn’t divert from the main plot.💕


This story is very good. Just wish the MC didn't fall for a chick the second he sees her...................................................................

LV 15 Badge

This is the best Pokemon fanfic I have read. Both the character and the background of the world are well developed and the story follows a very interesting line of thinking.


First the best. The world. Author did a good job at turning the pokemon world into a xianxia-like world. Or a litrpg world. You have your levels and then your stages where your pokemons are much more stronger. Then he built a good enough world around it. It's good how the pokemon world was transformed to fit into that xianxia mold. The power progression could be better but at least it feels good enough. It gives you that power up fix constantly. Now, the bad. Author is just writing whatever comes to his mind. He is very creative with the way he transformed the pokemon world but the way he conveys the plot is really bad. He contradicts himself often but that's not the worst part. The telling. He is telling us a story and doesn't let us read it for ourselves. I'm pretty sure that at least half of the contents could be thrown to the trash and story would still be the same. He is constantly making MC ramble about facts (that many times are not logical or contradict another fact he previously went on to ramble about as well). That is the worst part. We get like 1 fifth of plot and progression and the rest is info dump. Some times there are several chapters of info dumps. He also tends to show the characters doing something and then goes on to explain to us what they did. he writes: "I hate you very much." Said Alex. Alex felt a lot of hatred towards that person because the way that person has been acting is really dumb." He writes like this when he has already written about how that person acts. This is obviously an example and not exactly how things are written but you get the idea. I feel that the author would benefit tremendously of watching youtube videos about writing and reading a little about it. The story is pretty good and he has show he is very creative and can make fun and interesting concepts and events but he just regurgitates them as they come and doesn't try to polish what he writes. I get it that he is "writing just for fun" or "doesn't care if you like it or no" or whatever but I feel that if he has put so much effort into this that it would not be a waste of his time if he tried to get a little better. His creativity has progressed a lot since the earlier chapters. There are no longer so many plot holes or stupid character or plot developments but his writing has remained stagnant. he could do better. Author, if you read this, check Brandon Sanderson's lectures on youtube. They are very enlightening and can help you a lot with your telling problem.


Great take on Pokemon, Very different from any other story you find based on Pokemon, I would like to see more of this. Character design is good though it needs a bit of improvement, story development is what stands out for this story, Unique and fresh. World background is pretty neat. Stability of updates is good, I just hope the chapters are longer. They are getting too short, I hope the author works on this. More updates and longer chapters please.

LV 3 Badge

There are three main elements to write a good story: - Background: This story is a fanfic of pokemon thus it has a solid background to work with. The author has original ideas that are implemented along with the original work. It's pretty good, sadly there are few descriptions of the environment. Plus, the MC hasn't explored much of the world after almost 300 chapters. - Characters: The characters are each have their own personality and it's really good that the author has also provided personalities, habits and quirks to the Pokemon. The author has made some good effort on this and it shows. The only personnal drawback for me is that I don't like the MC personality. - Plot: This is main weakness of the story. For the simple reason that there is none. The MC arrived in the Pokemon world from our modern society but the MC doesn't seem interested in knowing how or why. The MC doesn't seem to have a long term goal, we don't know why he raises pokemon, why he invests 24h of his time catching and training pokemon while risking his life. Conclusion: The story seems more of a slice of life where each chapter is about the daily life of the MC and his pokemon. There are few exciting events happening while most fights are skipped. It has solid characters and background and thus is a pleasant read. However, there are many infodumps that interrupt the pace of the story and destroy the immersion.


An intellectual writer's mindset can be shown in his/her story ... and this story is an example ... so far I love it just a little slow for my liking...


作者 alex02373