79.54% Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight / Chapter 69: The Awakening of Lamech

章節 69: The Awakening of Lamech

With an alert mind from the upcoming danger, and from the awakened Ego, Vecna anticipated the impending disaster, and with a single incantation, he triggered the activation of his 'Blood World.'

In an instant, the world around Veradin and his group distorted and dissolved into a deep, crimson haze. A seismic shift rippled through the fabric of reality itself. It was as though the world itself recoiled at the dark magic being woven into existence. 

A vortex of crimson energy swirled into being, emanating from Vecna's body and rapidly expanding outward, enveloping everything in its path.

In the blink of an eye, the entire environment around them seemed to unravel and distort. The walls of the Venomtongue Tribe, the eerie glow of the sinister mushrooms, and the goblins themselves dissolved into a crimson haze. The boundaries of space and time were blurred, and the very concept of up and down lost all meaning.

The group of elite players led by Veradin found themselves caught in this nightmarish transformation. The world they had known only moments ago was replaced by a surreal, blood-hued realm that defied explanation. Their surroundings were an indistinct crimson abyss, and their senses struggled to make sense of this new reality.

[You have entered the 'Blood World' Sanctuary. User doesn't deem you an enemy. No penalties will be added to the user.]

Veradin and his group saw the new notification greeting his eyes, and the intrigue he received increased. For the Necromancer this Blood Abyss was a delight to his eyes and his edgy mind, and instead of being nervous he watched everything with a curious mind.

Veradin's group, their weapons still at the ready, exchanged bewildered glances as they grappled with the disorienting transition. Kiki showed some panic on her face, as uncertainty clawed at the edges of her consciousness.

Veradin, ever the vigilant leader, scanned the strange and unsettling surroundings. His sharp eyes flicked from one group member to another, assessing their state of readiness. The unease in his voice was unmistakable as he addressed his comrades.

"What just happened?" 

His group of players exchanged confused glances, struggling to comprehend the surreal nature of their new environment.

Meanwhile, Rax and Tusor, who were locked in a bizarre ritual just moments ago, found themselves also drawn into Vecna's Blood World. Rax's evolution was at a rapid transition that would make any scientist scratch their heads on how it happened. And Tusor just stared around himself not affected by any emotions, his ghostly form gradually turning dimmer in this strange space.

"This much does the job. Good one Vampire, or should I call you Blood Lord since you have those powers."

Tusor spoke out without caring about the players hearing Vecna's conversation. They were beneath his attention, just ants in the grand schemes of things. Yet, Vecna was different, he was a being with unlimited potential in his eyes.

Vecna, draped in his ominous black robe, stood at the center of the crimson realm. His crimson eyes shimmered with slight curiosity now that he regained his calm. The drain on his magical reserves was evident, but he stood resolute in maintaining the protective sanctum.

[You have lost 1000 MP.]

"Are you by chance hiding from the guy who defeated you?"

"Hmph, defeat? I was backstabbed by a dirty rat who couldn't even reach my waist. If you're going to taunt me, forget it. I'll rather focus my consciousness on this ritual."

"Not interested in taunting you. How long do you say it would take you to finish your voodoo ritual?"

"Why ask? Are you thinking about backstabbing me too? Forget it, you're still too weak for that."

"Well, if you word it like that, you sound like an asshole. That isn't the tone you speak with your benefactor."

"... Again, why do you ask?"

"I can only maintain this for about one minute."

"Right. I guess the consumption for a Sanctuary was high. Drink that Brew already. It would save a lot of your resources."

Vecna opens his inventory bag while keeping on an inquisitorial talk with Tusor, trying to dig more from this mysterious figure that was in a clash with a God. 

"Stop trying. I'll not tell you anything sensible yet. There's a certain Causality Law in this World that you're not ready to meet."

{This goblinoid isn't wrong, it's better you keep yourself dumb to certain subjects. The more you know about the God's the bigger your target will be on your back.}

Hearing both of the comments, one from Tusor and another one from the Book of Night's Ego, he started shaking around the contains of the ceramic cup sealed shut. Opening the lid, he took a sniff out of curiosity and his superhuman sense of smell felt assaulted by the odious miasma of this brew.

He waited some 'Long' seconds, unsure if this potion whose description was nothing much to know, but he frowned when he heard a voice into his mind.

{How long are you going to torture me with that stench? Gulp it down and be done with it. You bring a shame to our Master's Legacy.}

'Go sleep. You seem like an annoyance.'

{Don't worry, you Thrall. That's the first thing I do after I will clean after your mess.}

'Fuck off. I would have used the 'Blood World' without you screaming into my ear. The fact you have to raise your voice to make a point doesn't make you smarter or stronger.'

[User has ingested the contents of the 'Goblin's Brew'. A mystical effect that will bolster the user's mana temporarily will happen to the user.]

[Reduces the resources consumed by magic or a skill by half for 15 minutes.]

Vecna was pleasantly surprised by the effect of the 'dull' potion that dropped in the past against one of the many Goblin Warrior's he slayed. 

"It seems you're in luck, greedy goblin."

"Of course it's good. That's one of my creations, it uses some highly potent hallucinogens. There's a side-effect that you'll trip out after its effect runs out."

"... How bad?"

"Nothing that puts you in danger is akin to a dream. I used to drink those Brews to go to sleep."

"Not interested in what creational ways you've used this potion."

Outside the Blood World, the world itself seemed to react to this supernatural event. The once-serene night sky transformed into a chaotic maelstrom of thunder and lightning. The Venomtongue Tribe, already on edge due to the intrusion of humans, now cowered in abject fear.

Lightning struck all around, igniting the heavens and casting an ominous glow over the tribe. The goblins, who had been bewildered by the arrival of Rax and now Veradin's group, now had a new, much greater cause for concern.

Vecna, in his haste, had forgotten to communicate with Viper and Davian, who were still inside the Venomtongue Tribe, clearing out goblins. Viper was mid-battle, his weapons slicing through the goblin ranks, while Davian used his formidable Imperial Swordsmanship to cleave apart a goblin scout that returned home.

As the world outside descended into chaos, all the players online in Satisfy received a global announcement that sent shivers down their spines.

[System Announcement: A Calamity has triggered inside the Travian Mountains]

[System Announcement: The Anger of a God can't be contained by the boundaries of Middle-Earth]

Viper's heart sank as he saw the notifications. He had a sinking feeling that Vecna had gotten them all into something far beyond their expectations. 

#Vecna: Man, you better use your Return Scroll and return to Summit Crest. Shit's about to happen. And, don't forget to give one to Davian.

#Viper: What's going on? Was that Goblin Ghost an Hidden Boss? Are you fighting him or something?

#Vecna: Don't ask, it's worse.

Viper's heightened senses, always on edge during intense gameplay, picked up on something that transcended the ordinary chaos of a gaming world. A deafening, maniacal roar echoed through the Venomtongue Tribe, tearing through the air with an otherworldly quality that was impossible to ignore. Panic and urgency surged within him, etching themselves on his face.

And then, he heard it, a name he had never encountered before - Tusorgorbaeyag. The voice, laden with an otherworldly rage, reverberated through the heavens and struck deep within Viper's soul.



Viper understood the words only because of the System's translation. They weren't in any language he could register, but their intent was all too clear. The voice that spoke them was colossal, and Viper's gaze was drawn upward to the night sky, illuminated by bursts of thunder and lightning.

And there, against the backdrop of the chaotic storm, he saw it - a colossal goblin. It was like a nightmarish apparition, a towering behemoth with skin as black as the void and eyes that burned like twin suns in the inky sky. 

The goblin held a massive battleaxe in its formidable grip, and its presence alone was enough to invoke sheer terror.

'Gosh, could this be how the God's of Satisfy are presented in VR? Haven't the Dev's overdone themselves in this matter?'


The voice carried a weight of authority that left Viper's breath stolen. But there was no response from Tusor, no hint of submission to the entity that confronted him. 

Instead, Maglubiyet's fury only intensified. Viper's quick mind raced to understand the gravity of the situation, his combat instincts taking over.

With a desperate urgency, Viper activated his Ultimate Ability, a Stealth Skill that allowed him to meld seamlessly with the shadows. As he disappeared from sight, his heart pounded with a heady mix of fear and trepidations. The situation had escalated far beyond any expectations.

Remembering Vecna's earlier words of warning, Viper utilized all of his movement skills with precision. He tapped into every advantage his character possessed, pushing himself to reach the pinnacle of his abilities, reaching a breathtaking 250% movement speed. 

It was a feat he had rarely accomplished because he wasn't required to go all-out, but the dire circumstances demanded nothing less.

He materialized beside Davian, who stood in stunned silence, his mouth agape, as the deity-like goblin continued to bellow with anger and accusation.

"Sir Davian, change of plan. We're to return to Summit Crest."

Davian, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and dread, finally managed to speak.

"What about Vecna? Isn't that thing in the air roaring because of something he did?"

"Shhh! That might be the case. Here, take this Return Scroll, rip it, and you'll return to Summit Crest."

Without wasting another moment, as lightning strikes painted the landscape with fiery fury and the agonized screams of the goblins filled the air, Viper handed Davian a Return Scroll. The urgency in his movements reflected the direness of the situation, and he made it clear that hesitation could be their undoing.

Activating the Return Scroll, he disappeared from the scene of calamity, leaving Davian to marvel to the interesting effect. But he froze moments later when the attention of the humongous goblin in the sky was shifted to him.

'Fuck!' He ripped the Return Scroll with shivering hands, disappearing just in time to evade an attack that pulverized a big part of the Venomtongue Tribe.


Within the eerie confines of Vecna's Blood World, an otherworldly atmosphere prevailed. The crimson mists swirled around the assembled beings, the maddening howls of a goblin deity reverberating even here, albeit muffled. Vecna's thoughts, however, were as sharp as ever, unaffected by the draining of his magical power.

[User has learned about the existence of the High Chief Maglubiyet]

[Intelligence has raised by 2]

'An interesting turn of events. By chance because we are inside the 'Blood World' our presence is vanishing from the outside world?'

'Hey, Book of Night, mind answering that curiosity of mine?'

{I have a name, don't call me by an empty shell? Learn some manners, Thrall.}

'You think so? That's what you say to the person you have tortured mentally and spiritually?'

{Huh? What do you mean, Thrall?}

'Don't call me a Thrall, you sadistic molded book. You know fully well at what am I referring.'

{And? Obviously, you need to sacrifice something for power. Tsk, Thrall… No, what was your name again?}

'It's Vecna, you arrogant thing. You better learn the name of your new Master.'

{You barely qualify for my Master's Legacy, get off from the high horses. It also took you an eternity to barely wake me up. That's some dedication right there, don't you think Thrall?}

'Is not as if there was an instruction manual left on how to use you. Was it? Were there? I doubt it, since I scoured the entire book on a daily basis, so shut up.'

{Hmph, stupid Thrall. I will return to my slumber once that Goblin Parasite leaves the scene, here are some 'kind' words for you.}

'You got something like this? Then, I'm all ears.'

{First, you better not get into contact with those Parasites and try to show off your powers. From the information you have gathered, the current vampires are Third Generation Vampires, all of them being created from our Great Master's Divinity.}

'If you're referring to Beriache and her spawns, that's also what I concluded after gathering the available information.'

{Indeed, listen up. Before you go into collecting the lost Divinity Fragments that have been stolen by the Parasites who defeated our Master, you have to wake me up completely.}

{While I don't like your personality, since you're an arrogant little shit, we need to work together to reclaim the Legacy of our Dark Father, Caine Sanguinarius.}

'Agreed. You've been of help… at times. Not as of late. So, tell me the method of speeding up your awakening.'

{Huhuhu, simple. Commence a Mass Sacrificial Ritual for me, I'm not picky, it was because of the Goblin Blood that you kept on sucking that I managed to open my eyes.}

Vecna, hearing that in his head, shifted his glance at the cover of the Divine Artifact and saw how the Blood Eye on the book cover blinked sleepy. 

'You need more Blood to wake up?'

{Of course, afterall, keeping the remaining Divinity of the Master exhausted me that I had to enter into slumber. I became slightly aware of my surroundings when you have picked me up from that Cursed Specter's hands.}

'Understood. But, I'm more curious now. What are you, sure, an Ego, but who were you before turning into the Guardian of this Artifact.'

{Ahh, I can pick some respect in your tone. I shall tell you, but don't be flustered.}

'I'll not…'

{I'm myself a First Generation Vampire.}

'I kind of guessed that in my head. That you are connected with that person Caine. Mind continuing? Maybe tell me your whole identity, of course, if you don't mind? Depending on how grand your identity is, I might change my approach with you.'

{Why should I tell you? The more you know, the worse it will be for you. It's better if you remain stupid on certain matters.}

'Well, I was just asking. In case you wanted me to be… more respectful with you.'

{That. Haha, you remind me of a funny incident back in the days. Sure, since I hate the fact I can't disfigure your body when you talk arrogantly with me.}

'Likewise. But I myself am inclined on some roughing. That will heal up, disfigurement leaves scars. It's something only barbarians do.' 

{Good, good, Vecna was it? You better ingrain this information in that useless brain of yours. My name is Lamech, descendant of Enoch of the Land of Nodus, first disciple under Caine Sanguinarius.}

{I'm among the first people to be gifted by a Master with the Blessing of Immortality and his Endless Knowledge about the World.}


[The Ego of the 'Book of Night' has revealed his name to the User. Lamech the Shadowborne, has made his appearance to the New World.]

next chapter
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