That scenario didn't look good, and everyone knew it. If the three of them went, they would leave Sammy and Annabeth unprotected. The wisest thing would be to leave someone to cover them.
"Don't worry. I know you'll do fine without me," Percy said, then added with a cheeky smile, "I can't always hold your hand with you and have to save your sorry asses."
"What did you say!?" Thalia asked, offended and annoyed.
"What you heard, Sparky!" He crossed his arms and gave her a falsely arrogant smile. "You probably can't even kill a cyclops before screaming for help like a damsel in distress."
To give credence to her nickname, light sparks of electricity erupted from Thalia's body, hinting that she was very upset.
"Damsel in distress my ass! You'll see! "I'll bring the leg of a cyclops and kick your ass with it." She turned and gave Luke a fierce look. "Let's go, idiot." I'll show this other idiot what the Amazing Thalia is capable of.
As Thalia walked away, grumbling under her breath, Luke shot Percy an irritated look.
"Did I have to make her grumpy like that?
"She needed an incentive," Percy said, shrugging.
"I think you encouraged her too much," Luke said, watching as Thalia walked angrily towards the abandoned factory.
The abandoned factory looked like any other abandoned factory, gloomy, gloomy, and the place where a pedophile would take a child offering sweets. Dirt and dust accumulated on the cement walls. The windows were broken and the iron pillars supporting the structure were rusted. But even with all that, the place seemed strangely... inhabited.
"Cozy," Thalia commented, looking around the place. "It's the kind of place I would like to move to with my future husband." Have children, grow old... and die having arthritis and diabetes.
Luke looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Do you want to get married and have children?
Thalia shrugged.
"Hell, no... or that's what I think now. Maybe in the future, I will change my mind, although I highly doubt it. There is also the possibility that I may die before I reach twenty.
"You won't die," Luke stated. "At least, not tonight."
"You roared, tiger.
They both stood in front of the factory entrance door and slowly opened it. The door made a small squeak as it opened. The first thing both demigods noticed was a putrid smell of rotting meat. Luke covered his mouth to avoid emptying his stomach, while Thalia wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"We're definitely in the right place," she commented, as she looked at the bones that were scattered across the entrance hallway. Some looked human, while others had small protuberances on their foreheads that Thalia identified as horns.
"Keep your eyes open," Luke said.
They moved slowly through the room that seemed to be the reception. The place was destroyed. Pieces of glass, debris from the ceiling, and destroyed wooden boxes adorned the place. They were careful not to step on anything so as not to alert them to their presence, they wanted to be as stealthy as possible.
On the other side of the room, a wall connected to a large area where I could see some old rusty containers. A faint flickering light came from that place.
Luke caught the attention of Thalia, who was checking behind a battered wooden desk. She nodded and approached him with her spray can turned into a spear and her bracelet ready to release her infamous shield.
As they crossed the threshold that connected to what looked like a container warehouse, a rolling metal door fell abruptly, blocking their way from trying to return the way they came.
Thalia quickly went and tried to lift it up, but the metal wouldn't budge.
"Damn it!" she exclaimed, kicking the door. "We're trapped."
Looking around, she could see the large number of containers that were around the place. They looked old and rusty. They were spread out in a way that looked like a maze, there were even some that were hanging by hooks seven meters above the floor.
"Great," Thalia said, sarcasm seeping into her voice. "This place is a fucking labyrinth, and we don't know how many of those monsters are roaming around here."
"Yes. We better move, Thalia," Luke prompted. "It's not safe to stay here."
The dark maze of containers didn't give him much confidence, but they had no choice. The only light in the place was from a few barrels that were burning inside in a clear area. It looked like a place where homeless people would curl up in the winter, but Luke had a feeling those barrels were used for cooking something, if the various bones scattered around them meant anything.
As they walked cautiously, they could hear heavy breathing that made their hearts hammer hard in their chests. Luke's grip on his knife trembled slightly, and a cold sweat ran down Thalia's face.
"...lia...Thalia..." a whisper was heard in the darkness.
The young teenager remained completely still. That voice... it seemed painfully familiar. She looked around in surprise and anxiety, trying to find the source of the voice. He didn't find anything. Only darkness.
"What...what was that? she asked herself, her voice no more than a whisper.
"Thalia... Help me...
"Who's there!? Show yourself!" she demanded in slight panic.
"Thalia? What's wrong?" asked Luke, who had gone ahead.
"There... there is someone here, but...
"THALIA! BE CAREFUL!" he warned her.
Luke watched everything in a complete state of horror as a container weighing more than two tons fell on top of his friend. Everything happened in less than a second. The container fell, and the look of pure shock on Thalia's face.
A flash of electricity and the container fell heavily to the floor, making a loud crash and raising a cloud of dust.
"Thalia!...(cough* cough*)...Are you okay!?"Luke shouted, with concern.
Luke's fear increased as the seconds passed, scared that his friend had been crushed. To his immense relief, a voice came from the other side of the container.
"Yes, I'm fine!" Thalia replied. "Just a few scratches!" Nothing too serious!
"That's good..."Luke sighed"I don't think we can regroup, this thing is too tall to climb over!
There were a few seconds of silence as Thalia studied her surroundings looking for a way forward. Unfortunately, the container had perfectly blocked any path except the one they had come from, which seemed all very strange and suspicious to Thalia.
"Yes, I don't like the idea too much either, but I think I can find another way if I back off!
"Please be careful!
"Pff, I'll be fine!" Thalia shouted, with mockery in her voice. "It's your butt you should be worried about!"
Of course. Only she would joke in a situation like this¨ thought Luke.
Turning to continue on his way, Luke walked down the dark hallway. The only illumination came from the bronze dagger that was held firmly in his hand, ready to stab any monster that appeared.
As both demigods walked down the hallway between the containers, they were unaware that they were being watched by those very monsters they had come to kill.
"Hahaha. "They fell into the trap, just like the others," said one of them, laughing maliciously.
"And they will die just like the others," said a second voice.
"Shut up!" said a third, much more authoritative voice. "If you have time to talk, then go ahead and kill those demigods!"
The two figures could only cower and nod frantically.
"Yes, big brother," they both said in unison.
As the older brother watched his two younger brothers walk away in fear of completing their task, a sickly smile adorned his face that had a single eye that seemed to shine in the darkness of the night.
Annabeth was worried.
To Percy, that was pretty obvious. She paced back and forth, casting faint glances toward the factory where her closest friends had left just a few minutes ago.
"Calm down, Annabeth," Percy advised, leaning on the hood of the car. Looking at the stars and the moon in the sky.
"I can't help it," she said, very restless while still pacing from one side to the other. "We don't know how many monsters there are there." What if it's more than you can handle?
"I wouldn't worry too much about that. "Thalia is more than enough to take care of them," Percy said, waving his hand nonchalantly. "The only thing they have to worry about is that deceptive ability that Cyclopes have."
Sammy, who was sitting next to him swinging her dangling feet, looked at him curiously.
"What ability?" the girl asked. "From what you told me, Cyclopes are very strong, but they are also very stupid."
"Yes, that's true, but that's not all," Percy said. "Years ago, I faced a cyclops in an abandoned house." He managed to trick me by imitating the voice of a person I love. He lured me into a trap and told me that Cyclops have the ability to see into your memory and imitate the voice of a person you love. This is how they attract their victims. But Thalia and Luke don't have to worry, they already know that, right, Annabeth?
The blonde girl grew paler and paler as she listened to the story. When she finished, she looked at Percy fearfully and spoke slowly.
"They...they don't know that, Percy." When we encountered one of them, Thalia and Luke confronted it head-on until they killed it. We didn't know Cyclops could do that.
Percy looked at her with a poker face, while cold sweat broke out on his forehead.
"Well... shit," he said, before a loud roar could be heard coming from the factory.
"What was that!?" Sammy shouted, alarmed.
"It looked like something heavy fell," Annabeth said, before shooting a look at Percy. "Do you still think I don't need to worry?"
"No, now you should rightly be worried," Percy said, looking at the factory for a few seconds until he made a decision. "Okay, let's go." I think you'll need help, but if something dangerous happens, I want you two to hide.
Both girls nodded.
Percy felt the back of his jeans to check that his trusty knife was there. When he did, he let out a long sigh of exhaustion before heading towards the factory.
"Ah, let's go again.
"Do you think they're okay?" asked Sammy, who was running next to him.
"As long as they don't get separated they'll be fine," Percy said. "Besides, Luke is pretty clever." He will know what to do.
¨Shit...Shit...Shit! What should I do? What should I do!? ¨ Luke thought frantically as he fled in terror.
He dared to glance over his shoulder as he ran.
He immediately regretted that.
Just a few meters away, a cyclops more than eight feet tall was chasing him fervently. Her footsteps echoed across the floor as she ran, and her huge, single eye looked at him with hunger and malice.
"Don't run away, little demigod!" said the beast. "I promise to kill you quickly before cooking you!"
"Hell no!" Luke yelled at him.
He needed a way to confront the enormous monster. He only had a small dagger, and the cyclops was around eight feet tall, quite small for someone of his species, as he had seen cyclops that even reached four meters tall. Luckily for Luke, this one was small and a bit more of an idiot than most.
"I promise you that I will kill you quickly before cooking you!" the Cyclops shouted. "I will even bury your bones properly!"
As he said, an idiot.
Luke was surprised that he knew the word "appropriately." Most of the Cyclopes did not know such complex words, since they had the intelligence of an eight-year-old child.
He needed to be smart, lure him into a trap. Luckily, the old abandoned materials that were all over the factory would help him with that.
As he ran away from the Cyclops, he could see the opportunity to momentarily throw the stupid monster off his trail. There was a small opening between two containers. It was quite small, but big enough for Luke to fit through it due to his small body.
Without thinking much, he ran towards that opening and dove into it. For the first time, he was grateful that he was so small for his age. It made it a little difficult for him to move, but he was able to do so before the cyclops stretched out his arm in a desperate attempt to catch the elusive demigod.
"No! Don't go!" the beast shouted, putting his hand through the opening, trying to catch Luke. "Big brother will punish me if I don't manage to catch you!"
"Not my fucking problem," Luke complained, sliding further out of her reach.
Finally, he was able to emerge from the other side, and as he did so, a slightly feral smile spread across his face. In front of him were old metal shelves where all kinds of old materials rested. Hammers, rusty drills and nails, old welding masks, workman's gloves that had seen better days, and even a pair of power saws that looked like they hadn't been used in decades.
His eyes fell on coiled barbed wire, frayed ropes, and a safety net that looked like it had been chewed by rats.
"Oh, yeah. It's time for the counterattack," Luke said, a plan forming in his head.
As she walked through the gloomy abandoned factory, Thalia could hear her heart hammering in her chest. This whole situation put her on the edge. The dark labyrinth, being separated from Luke, the voice whispering her name in the darkness...she had a strange lingering feeling about all of this.
But that wasn't what was on Thalia's mind right now.
¨ What happened there? ¨she thought, as she walked, holding her spear firmly in her hand. ¨Everything happened so fast. I could almost swear that container would turn me into demigod mush.
She still found it hard to believe that she had somehow come out alive. He thanked his instincts for that, as his body reacted before his brain processed the information. Although she felt a little strange when her whole body tingled and, before she knew it, she was already several meters away from where the container had fallen, slightly out of breath and her muscles a little sore.
That was one of her worries, but she could think about it later. Now she had something else to worry about.
" me...
As? How was it possible that she could hear his voice here? It had to be some kind of trick, because it was impossible to hear the voice of someone who was dead.
Thalia bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from screaming and from breaking down mentally. Not only was it the same voice, but also the way he called her. There was only one person who called her that, and Thalia thought she would never hear that voice again.
"It's not's not real..." Thalia murmured, in an attempt to convince herself.
As she walked, she could see a light ahead, so she decided to go there. They were iron barrels where the fire burned constantly, illuminating a small corner of the factory. She kept her eyes and ears open, this place was a very exposed area. And judging by the bones that were scattered all over the place, it was where the Cyclopes gathered to eat.
"Okay, bastards, where the hell are you?" "Thalia said, inspecting the place"It's time for them to go out and play with Mom Thalia.
It was only through months of being completely alert that Thalia was able to avoid the blow that would have crushed her to the floor like an old tomato. She rolled on the floor before quickly standing up and glaring at her attacker.
"Tch! I failed," said a deep voice, with annoyance.
Thalia was surprised to see a cyclops more than three meters tall. He stood imposingly in front of her, holding with both arms what seemed to be a huge iron beam.
Despite how terrifying it seemed to face this towering monster, Thalia fearlessly stood tall as she looked at the creature.
"So you finally show yourself, huh, ugly?" Thalia said, with a mocking smile. "Although I wish you hadn't so I wouldn't have to see your horrible face."
The Cyclops grunted in annoyance, as he lightly tapped his iron beam against the palm of his hand.
"I will enjoy slow-cooking you while you are alive," the beast growled.
Attacking wildly, the cyclops began to fan his iron beam in an attempt to hit the young demigoddess. Thalia's keen instincts allowed him to dodge the blows, but more than one came too close to ending the fight, he didn't want to imagine what it would do to him if one of those hit him directly. One hit and it would be the end.
"Stay still, little rat!" the Cyclops growled.
"Make me, shit breath!" Thalia spat at him, with disgust in her voice.
In a moment of blind rage, the Cyclops fanned his weapon. Thalia ducked under the beam at the last second and stabbed her spear into the cyclops' stomach, only embedding a few centimeters, but it was enough to push the beast back, who grunted more in annoyance than pain.
"A stroke of luck, that's all," said the Cyclops.
"Then I'll show you how lucky I am," Thalia said, preparing to release her shield. "Aegis!"
Immediately, Thalia's bracelet became her infamous shield with Medusa's head carved into it. The Cyclops' single eye widened in complete fear before he let out a scream of terror. Thalia thought the monster would run in terror, like the Leucrotas did the first time they saw her shield, but she got an unpleasant surprise when she realized that this monster reacted differently to fear.
The Cyclops backed away with his eye closed, stumbling as he waved his makeshift weapon erratically. Thalia wasn't expecting that reaction, so when the beam was about to hit her, she raised her shield in an attempt to minimize the damage. When it hit her, she felt like she had been run over by a freight train. The impact sent her crashing brutally against the wall, leaving a small crack in it. A whimper of pain escaped Thalia's mouth as she landed on the floor.
"Hehe...I hit you...I hit you! I felt it! "exclaimed the Cyclops, full of joy.
¨Yes...I felt it too¨ Thalia thought, as she tried to get up, despite the strong pain in her back.
Her head felt heavy, and her vision a little blurry, and she absentmindedly wondered if this was what it felt like to be drunk. She tried to focus her gaze on the enormous beast that was beginning to approach her, it seemed to have its eye closed for fear of Aegis, but even so, it had a predatory smile on its face.
"Mmm...I can smell you, demigod, very well when I impale you and cook you over low heat.
The cyclops licked his grotesque, thick lips. He reached out with his free arm and began to feel around, seeking to grab Thalia. When the cyclops stretched his arm in her direction, and was only a few meters away from grabbing her, he stopped when he heard a scream coming from above him.
"Keep your filthy hands away from her!"
"What...!?" exclaimed the cyclops.
Thalia's vision cleared slightly, and a gasp of surprise escaped her lips. She watched in amazement as a figure landed on the cyclops' shoulders. When she focused his gaze, his surprise became even greater.
"Who are you!? Get off!" the Cyclops growled in annoyance, as he tried to get away from Percy, who had an arm around his robust and greasy neck.
The cyclops was doing his best to push Percy away with one arm, while with the other he held the iron beam he had hit Thalia with. Percy gritted his teeth in frustration as he maneuvered to avoid getting trapped. Thalia considered for a few seconds helping him, but when she looked at Percy, all thoughts of help ceased.
His expression...was completely different from the Percy she knew. She had seen him before in many ways, cold and indifferent, funny and cheerful... and melancholy most of the time. But she had never seen him with an expression of pure hatred before. If she was honest with herself, it scared her a little. And if that wasn't enough to scare her, what happened next did.
Percy, who was still on the cyclops' shoulders, forcefully grabbed the monster's upper eyelid, forcing it to open its eye.
"GAAAAHHH! What are you doing!? Let me go!" the beast roared, with anger. Then, that anger turned to fear as he saw Percy's knife rising over his eye"Wait! No! PLEASE NO!
Without any hint of hesitation or faltering, Percy plunged his knife into the Cyclops' single eye, passing through it and into his brain. He didn't even have time to scream in pain before he turned into golden dust. Percy fell to the floor, steadying himself with his hands.
Thalia watched everything completely stunned by what happened. Percy walked up to her and shook her shoulders lightly.
"Hey, Thalia, are you okay?" Percy asked.
Thalia looked up, a little afraid to see that hateful expression on Percy, but instead, she only saw genuine concern in his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just... that bastard hit me really hard," she said, putting a hand to her head that was throbbing with pain.
"Let me help you.
Percy grabbed Thalia's arm and slung it over his shoulder, while he held her by her waist.
"What are you doing here, Percy?" Thalia asked, when they began to walk lightly. "You said you were going to stay outside with Annabeth and Sammy, where are they?"
"They're fine," Percy replied. "I told them to hide when we saw the cyclops." We were quite worried about you when we heard a loud noise. I'm glad I came. Your ass would be lost without my help.
"Shut up," she growled, a little amused. "I could have taken care of it myself with one hand tied behind my back."
"Yes, I know, but I can't help but worry about you.
Thalia was grateful for the poor visibility in that place. That way Percy couldn't see the slight blush that graced her cheeks.
"By the way, where is Luke?" Percy asked, relieving Thalia of the change of subject.
"We had to separate. That huge container fell out of nowhere and we had to go different ways," she explained. "Most likely, they separated us on purpose. We have to find it.
Percy nodded in agreement.
They both started to look for their friend, but they didn't take even five steps before someone spoke behind their backs.
"You're not going anywhere," said a booming voice.
Percy reacted immediately. He roughly pushed Thalia to the side, saving her from being hit by the back of a huge hand, but he didn't save himself and was sent crashing into a container more than ten meters away.
"Percy!" Thalia shouted, worried.
She looked at the beast that had hit her friend. A cyclops, even larger than the previous one, stood over her with a malicious smile. He was easily around four meters tall, and his arms were thick like tree trunks.
"HA, HA, HA! How weak!" the Cyclops mocked, with a shrill laugh. "Did you really kill my little brother being so weak?... Although it doesn't surprise me." After all, he was the weakest of the three of us.
Thalia was shocked for a few seconds as she watched as Percy was sent flying like a rag doll and crashed into the container with a loud bang. He fell to the floor and did not get up again. Her mind was blank, she didn't even register the cyclops speaking. Then, like a switch, her body was invaded by a rage that seemed uncontrollable.
With an ear-piercing scream, she aimed her spear at the Cyclops and released thousands of volts of electricity. The attack hit the monster square in the chest, sending it crashing into a cement wall. The wall cracked and several pieces fell on the Cyclops' body, burying it.
Thalia ignored the downed cyclops, not even checking to see if he had died or not. Instead, she looked at where Percy lay. Before he realized it, she was already at his side, with the same strange and insistent tingling throughout his body that he had felt before, but he decided to ignore it in favor of checking if his friend was still alive.
"Percy...Percy!" she was saying, panic seeping into her voice as she pushed Percy awake. "Damn it, boss seaweed, wake up!" Don't do this to me.
Percy's body didn't move. Thalia watched as a trickle of blood seeped down the side of her friend's face. She began to fear worse. She felt the side of his neck and, after a few seconds, could feel his pulse. It was faint, but it was there. Looking at his body, she could see his chest rising and falling slightly. He was still alive.
She immediately felt a little more relieved, but she was still worried. She had to get out of that place, and get Percy to safety.
Thalia carefully picked him up, grabbed his arm, and slung it around her shoulder, while stabilizing him with one arm around his waist. She barely took a few steps before she heard moans of pain. She turned and saw the cyclops slowly standing up, as he moved the debris away from his body. His entire chest and part of his abdomen were badly burned, and he was smoking slightly.
"Damn, he's still alive. He's a tough son of a bitch. "All the other monsters would die if I hit them with lightning like that," Thalia cursed in her thoughts. "I have to hide before he notices us."
She looked around, looking for a place to hide, or that the cyclops couldn't reach them with his bulky body. Thalia's eyes fell on an iron door that was a few meters away. Without much thought, she dragged her unconscious friend away.
"Damn, the butt you're so proud of is heavier than I thought," Thalia complained.
When she reached the door, she didn't even try to turn the knob. Instead, Thalia simply gave him a spartan kick, and entered the forgotten place. It was a supply warehouse. There were a couple of rusty shelves that held various materials, but Thalia didn't pay them any attention. She dragged Percy to a corner and set him down as gently as she could. A slight complaint escaped his mouth, but he didn't wake up.
Thalia went and closed the door. She wasn't about to risk leaving it open, even though it was only eight feet tall and one foot wide. She used an iron bar that was on the floor to jam the door, and dragged a bookshelf to obstruct it.
¨That should stop him for a bit. At least until Percy or I recover to fight again.
She hadn't thought about it, but she felt incredibly tired, and she didn't understand why. The lightning she had summoned was not powerful enough to tire her out like that. She felt just as tired, if not more, than that time when she summoned that powerful lightning bolt from the sky to kill that strange monster in the forest months ago.
Thalia moved away from the door and sat next to Percy. The room felt a little cold since there was no fire nearby to warm the place. When she saw her friend's somewhat sickly state, her worry began to increase even more.
With the hem of her shirt, she wiped the trickle of blood from Percy's face. It was fortunate that he was no longer bleeding. Percy looked a little pale, and was obviously starting to shiver due to the cold of the place. It didn't help matters that he was only wearing an old T-shirt along with some equally old jeans.
A thought made its way into his worried mind.
¨This is so it doesn't get worse. Yes, he is delicate and it is very cold here. It's nothing strange, not even to take advantage of him in any way," she thought erratically, while her hands trembled slightly as she approached her unconscious friend. "Besides, it's not the first time I've hugged him..."
Not wanting her friend to suffer hypothermia, she moved even closer to him and put her arms around him to transmit her warmth. Thalia felt her own heart hammering harder and faster in her chest. She could feel her cheeks heat up and her black-painted bottom lip trembles slightly.
"You better appreciate what I do for you, and wake up quickly, Seaweed Boss."
Before she knew it, she found herself enjoying the fleeting moment.
On the other side of the factory, Luke could be seen leaning against a cement column, furtively glancing towards the cyclops who had been chasing him, who was looking everywhere in an attempt to locate the elusive demigod.
Remember, stay calm, stick to the plan, and last but most importantly... you must look completely cool all the time¨
Taking one last look at his trap to verify that everything was in order, he clenched his fists decisively.
"Okay, it's show time."
"Hey, you ugly guy!" Luke shouted, making himself known. "Were you looking for me?"
"Oh! There you are!" the Cyclops shouted, turning to where Luke was. "You won't escape from me again!"
"You have to catch me first!
With that said, Luke turned and began to run, making sure the cyclops was following him. When the monster turned the corner, Luke was at the end of a dead-end hallway. The iron shelves prevented it from escaping from the sides. And behind him was a cement wall, so there was no escape.
Or that's what the cyclops thought.
"You have nowhere to run"his putrid teeth became visible as he smiled sickly, "Now, stay still while I catch you and then cook you over low heat.
"Mmm, I don't think it tastes good," Luke said, with a mocking smile. He took out his dagger that they had in his jeans discreetly. "You see, last week I was a little constipated.
¨That's not how I imagined looking cool in my head,¨ Luke thought absentmindedly. ¨Well, never mind. I'll have time to work on that later... if I survive.
"What is constipated?" He arched his single eyebrow in confusion. "I'll eat you anyway, demigod! So get ready!"
"Well, I tried to make sure you brought enough tomato sauce.
¨Ingenious, Luke. Keep it up¨
Three steps. The cyclops took three steps before falling into Luke's trap. When he got close enough, Luke cut a rope holding a net stretched over the Cyclops' head, subtly hidden in a catwalk above them. The net fell, causing the cyclops to take erratic steps, trying to push the net aside.
"What is this!? Take it away from me!" he howled in frustration.
He was so focused on getting free that he didn't see where he was stepping. If he did, he would have seen a barbed wire that was tied between the shelves, with the purpose of tripping the cyclops. Inevitably, the monster stumbled to its knees, its ankles wrapped in barbed wire.
With his legs injured and disabled, and the net that prevented him from moving freely, Luke attacked.
He was not a knife fighter, preferring the comfort and length of a sword as it was his first weapon and he had grown accustomed to it. But now he didn't have a sword, he had a dagger. If it weren't for Percy, who had taught him the basics of knife combat, he wouldn't even know how to attack correctly without looking like an amateur assailant.
First lesson, and the most important for Percy, Don't be afraid to get close to your opponent.
Unlike a sword, which had a greater length, with a dagger you had to get closer to your opponent's personal space, preventing him from making an effective counterattack.
Which leads to the second lesson, Get as close as you can to your enemy.
A knife has a short length, so you need to get as close to your opponent as possible.
And finally, Always aim for vital areas.
A dagger was made to quickly kill your opponent, not for a fight of attrition like a sword. So it had to be fast and precise, because a single second defined everything.
And that's what Luke did. He attacked fearlessly, closing in on the writhing Cyclops in the net, giving him a clear opportunity, and he took it. Quickly and precisely, he stabbed his dagger into the cyclops' head, causing it to explode into a cloud of golden dust. The monster didn't even have time to scream or blink.
Luke looked at his dagger. The shining celestial bronze reflected back at him a look full of fatigue and slightly dead. He wasn't surprised to see his own reflection. As the months passed since he had been living on the streets, he felt more tired by everything every day, the monsters, the mortals, living every day trying to survive. Stealing, breaking and entering, and cheating had become second nature to him. Whether it was because he was the son of Hermes, or because of the life she had been forced to live, he didn't know, and he didn't care either.
None of that mattered to him as long as his friends, those he considered family, were safe.
He wiped the dusty remains of the monster he had just killed on his worn jeans. He felt no remorse for his actions. He had killed a monster that had killed others. As far as he was concerned, one less monster in the world was one more life saved.
They fought to survive. The monsters attacked them with the intention of killing them, so they must have done the same.
And now, he had other monsters to kill.
He was about to go find his friend, or whatever other monster was still lurking around the factory, but a voice above his head made him stop abruptly.
The young demigod looked up. There, on the same walkway where he had tied his net, were Sammy and Annabeth. Both girls were panting slightly, and a light sheen of sweat covered their faces.
"Annabeth! Sammy!" Luke shouted with concern, "What are you doing here!? Where's Percy!?"
"He's with Thalia! "And they're both in danger!" Sammy exclaimed, panic in his voice.
Luke's eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't ashamed to admit that Percy and Thalia were much stronger than him, he even found it comforting to have such reliable friends. So, if both of them were in danger, the situation was not good at all.
"Tell me where they are!" Luke ordered. "I'll go help them!"
"They're not too far from here," Annabeth said. "But you have to be careful! There's a huge cyclops near the place where they're hiding!"
"Okay, don't worry about that. Just tell me where they are.
Thalia felt Percy move, waking up from his unconscious state. She positioned his head against her lap, so the first thing Percy saw when he woke up was his friend's worried face.
"Thalia?" he said, his voice hoarse.
"You're finally awake, sleeping beauty," she said, mockingly, but there was still relief in her voice. "You had me a little worried there."
"What happened?" he asked, as he rose to a sitting position. He put a hand to his head and made a face of annoyance"Ugh! Shit, my head. I feel like I've been hit with an iron pipe.
"Well, it's not very far from the one hit pretty hard there. I'm surprised you're awake after that hit.
"How long was I unconscious?" Percy asked, trying to put his memories in order.
The last thing he remembered was seeing a cyclops behind them, and throwing Thalia aside in an attempt to save her from a blow that could have been fatal. His head was pounding, and he felt a stabbing pain in his side, perhaps a fractured rib.
"About five minutes, more or less," Thalia answered. "I was able to stop the bleeding from your head by applying pressure, but you shouldn't try too hard."
"The cyclops...Is he dead?
"Unfortunately, no," Thalia spat bitterly. "I hit him with one of my lightning bolts, but it wasn't enough." You were unconscious, and I felt strangely tired, I still feel that way. So I thought it was best to hide and wait for us to recover, or for Luke to come help us.
A silence settled between the two young demigods, both immersed in their own thoughts. Finally, it was Percy who decided to break it.
"I'm sorry," he said, surprising Thalia.
"What? Why?" she asked, her voice and face reflecting her disbelief, "You have nothing to apologize for." In fact, I should be the one thanking you" she said that last bit in a whisper and reluctantly.
"No... this is my fault, my fault for not having told you what a Cyclops is capable of. I assumed you already knew, it's my fault," he finished saying, with regret in his voice.
"Do what? What did we not know?
Percy leaned his back against the wall and looked at the cracked ceiling above their heads.
"A cyclops is capable of imitating the human voice, but that's not all" he answered slowly, capturing Thalia's full attention, "They can see in your memory. More specifically, memories of those you love or appreciate. They imitate their voices, luring you into their traps until it's too late.
Thalia opened her eyes wide in surprise. He never knew a cyclops was capable of doing that. If he thought about it, it was a truly terrifying ability.
"So... the voice I heard...
"It wasn't real," Percy said with a hard voice. "It was just a fake to make you lower your guard, and thus make you an easy prey."
Thalia wouldn't recognize it, but she felt a little disappointed that the voice, his voice, wasn't real. But that disappointment was overshadowed by anger that made his blood boil.
"Damn sons of bitches," she spat out the insult with barely contained rage. "How dare they...?"
"Yes... I understand how I felt the same way when I first found out.
"Then you also heard the voice of someone you appreciated.
"Yes," Percy admitted, regretfully. "I knew it was impossible to hear her voice again, but I was so surprised to hear it again that I didn't think that at the time." I just wanted to find her, but she led me right into a trap. I was stupid and careless.
There were a few seconds of silence before Thalia decided to break it with a question she had been curious about.
"Who did you listen to?
From the way Percy was talking, that person, a woman, was not only someone he was very fond of, but also someone who was apparently dead or he would never see her again somehow.
Percy tensed a little at the question, and Thalia feared she had asked something too personal. He looked down at the floor and frowned slightly, as if remembering something painful. When she thought he wouldn't answer her, Percy did, his voice no more than a whisper that she barely heard.
"My mom. I listened to my mom.
Thalia remained silent. Assimilating Percy's response. Obviously, he loved his mother very much, but there was one more question he had to ask in order to confirm his own theory.
"Is she...?" She didn't finish the question, leaving it hanging in the air, but the message was clear.
Percy closed his eyes and, unwillingly, nodded slowly.
"Yes...she is.
His voice sounded so tired and melancholic that Thalia felt sorry for him. She regretted causing that feeling to her friend. She wanted to talk to him. Sharing the same sorrow as she confessed to him that she knew what it felt like to lose a member of your family that you loved, but when she opened her mouth to do so, the words didn't come out. They got stuck in the throat, refusing to come out.
"Percy! Thalia! Where are you guys?" A voice was heard calling urgently.
Thalia perked up when she heard Luke's voice. She was about to call him, but Percy covered her mouth with one hand and with the other told her to keep quiet. She gave him a questioning look, until his eyes widened in understanding.
"Come on, friends, get out! There's no danger anymore!" Luke's voice continued shouting.
Thalia gritted her teeth in anger. That monster was trying to trick her again.
"He's right, we're all safe!" shouted another voice, which they recognized as Annabeth.
"Percy, where are you?" Sammy's trembling and scared voice could be heard. "Please, don't leave me alone."
Thalia saw Percy visibly tense. He clenched his fists and glared in the direction where the voice came from. She also felt upset. That thing imitated the voice of her friends, and they couldn't do anything because they were still very weak. But if that wasn't enough to make her blood boil with anger, the voice Thalia heard next did.
"Thals... please... oh, we would always be there, why did you leave me alone that night?
Hearing those words, his body began to tremble. Whether it was from shock or anger, she didn't know. What she knew was that she wanted, needed, was for that monster to stop imitating her friends' voices.
She was about to open that door and attack the cyclops, but she was brought out of her reverie by a firm hand on her shoulder.
"Thalia, stop," Percy said in a firm voice, "Don't do it."
"That's what he lured you into his trap.
"Then what do you want me to do?" she asked angrily, "Just sit here while I imitate the voices of the people I care about?"
"Just ignore it...
"Percy... Where are you?" a new voice called"You don't have to be afraid, darling...Come with me.
Unconsciously, Percy's grip on Thalia's shoulder tightened, causing her to wince.
"Like I said..."Percy repeated"Just ignore him...
It was easy for Luke to move through the dark factory. With Annabeth and Sammy on the walkways several feet above the ground, they were able to guide him smoothly through the maze of containers. When he came across the container that had previously separated him from Thalia, it wasn't difficult to find a new path.
It didn't take him long to reach the same clear area where Thalia had arrived earlier. But instead of looking for any sign of his hidden friends, his sight was fixed on the enormous cyclops that was prowling the place. Luke could easily tell that it was the largest cyclops he had seen to date. It was so big that he barely reached a little past her knees with his height of five feet two inches.
For a second, Luke felt unsure and unable to face such an imposing creature, but that thought disappeared as quickly as it appeared. His friends depended on him, and he would not fail them. He would not fail them the way others had failed him.
With that thought, Luke crept into the shadows of the night like a ninja, the kind that Thalia liked so much and had tried to convince him to see them together, and had failed each time. Doesn't that woman understand? He doesn't like ninjas, he likes robots! And the bigger the better! Everything was better the bigger it was. And I wasn't thinking about boobs when I said that. No, definitely not.
When he was able to overcome his teenage hormones, at least for now, he was able to get close and hide behind a container. The cyclops was several meters away, looking for something with his only eye, but he couldn't seem to find it, and that made him angry. He walked from one side to the other, stomping his feet in frustration.
¨Okay, how do I face a monster that is almost three times my size and could crush me like a cockroach? ¨
Luke looked at his hand. He was only holding an eight-inch dagger. It would be almost useless against such a large cyclops. If only he had another weapon that was bigger, or with greater length like Thalia's spear, that would help.
In your pocket...
"What?" Luke murmured, surprised and a little afraid.
Check your pocket. What you need is there.
A little hesitant, he did. He could feel a weight in his pocket that he could swear wasn't there before. As he extracted the strange object, he raised an eyebrow in confusion. It was with a necklace. A bronze chain holding a symbol too familiar to Luke, a caduceus
Just press it in your hand and you'll know what it does. I hope it helps you. And please be careful.
Luke pressed the pendant and immediately found himself holding a double-edged sword that seemed to be made of two different metals. It was a little over a meter long and like any weapon that was made of Heavenly Bronze, it cast a faint glow in the darkness of the night. Despite it being the first time he held it, it felt strangely familiar with its weight, as if it had been made especially for him.
He could almost see the bright smile his father gave him.
With his new weapon in hand, he felt flooded with confidence. He looked at the cyclops who had his back to him and, perhaps it was his newfound confidence, or his new weapon, but he didn't look as imposing as he did just a few minutes ago.
¨I'll finish this quickly,¨ he thought determinedly, as he tightened his grip on his new sword. ¨Then we can leave this damned place. I'll drive the car, while Percy eats his fries in the passenger seat. And Thalia sings her punk songs on the radio at full volume while Annabeth and Sammy try to calm her down... Yeah... that sounds good¨
He approached the careless cyclops. His feet made no sound as he moved forward. When he was close enough, with fluidity and precision, he swung his new sword with an ease unknown to him. The sword cut through the Cyclops' Achilles tendon like a hot knife through butter. The monster bellowed in pain and fell to its knees, unable to support its own weight.
He turned around abruptly. His eye glowed with murderous rage.
"Who dares to hurt me!?"He placed his only eye on Luke, narrowing it menacingly"You! Are you still alive!? What happened to my useless little brother?
"He seemed eager to go on a one-way trip to Tartarus, so I decided to help him," Luke said, tightening his grip on his sword, "Maybe you want to accompany him?"
He looked at the Cyclops' chest and could see the burning, smoking flesh. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He recognized the wound as one of Thalia's lightning bolts. If the cyclops was able to survive one of his friend's attacks, then he shouldn't underestimate him.
"He was too weak if he was killed by a pathetic demigod like you," the Cyclops growled, while trying to stand up with his two legs and failing in the process. "But I am the strongest."
"And just like him, you too will die.
The cyclops took a large step and stretched out his arm, trying to catch Luke off guard, but he saw the attack and quickly responded accordingly. He stepped aside at the last second and with a single swing of his sword, he slashed the cyclops's wrist. His hand fell limply to the floor as blood quickly spilled out.
"AAAAGGGGHH! MY HAND!" the beast howled in pain, while holding the amputated limb"I WILL KILL YOU!
With his only good hand, he tried to crush Luke, but he had already moved inside his guard, and in one quick and accurate movement, he stabbed his new sword into the cyclops' chest, directly where his heart was.
A fleeting expression of utter shock graced the creature's face before Luke abruptly withdrew the sword from its chest. The cyclops took a step back erratically, before collapsing backwards onto the floor. Luke thought he would turn into gold dust, like all monsters when defeated, but his surprise was enormous when the Cyclops' lifeless body began to fade, like a mirage, until nothing remained, not even the residual gold dust. It was as if the creature had never existed.
Luke stood there motionless for a few seconds, staring at the spot where the cyclops had previously been. He was breathing heavily, unable to believe what he had done. It felt so natural for him to swing a sword, as if it were an extension of his body.
"Luke?" A voice brought him out of his reverie.
He turned around and there he saw Annabeth, looking at him worried. He briefly wondered how she got off the catwalk they were on. He looked behind her and saw Sammy climbing down from the top of a container. His short legs flailed comically as he dangled from the edge of the tall container.
"Are you okay?" Annabeth asked.
"Yeah, I was just…thinking about something.
She looked for the first time at the sword he was holding and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Where did you get that sword?
"Well..." he looked at his new sword, verifying that it was still there. "It was my father. He gave it to me."
"It's a little strange," the girl commented, studying the sword. "It seems to be made of two different materials."
"It is. One part is made of Heavenly Bronze, the other of tempered steel." Luke frowned at that. He thought it was a little strange that she knew that.
Annabeth's eyes widened a little in surprise.
" can hurt both monsters and mortals?" she asked, with a little fear.
"Yes...I think so.
"'s a little wonder why your father would give you a weapon like that.
Luke was wondering too, but if he was honest with himself… he didn't care. In his experience, mortals were equal to, if not worse than, monsters. If his father gave him a weapon to protect himself not only from monsters but also from mortals, he would honestly thank him. Although he still couldn't get out of his head the strange way in which the cyclops had disappeared without leaving a trace of his existence.
"Woooww! That's a cool sword!" Sammy exclaimed, excitedly seeing Luke's new weapon. "Does it have a cool name too?"
"Huh?" was his intelligent response.
"Well, you know, Thalia's shield is called 'Aegis,'" Sammy explained. "So I thought your sword had a cool name too."
Luke studied the sword for a few seconds, becoming fascinated by the strange glow that the combination of both metals seemed to emit.
"Backbiter," he answered, again wondering why he knew that. "That's the name."
"Does he bite back?" Annabeth said, curious. "That name is...
"Great!" Sammy interrupted, her eyes shining with childlike excitement.
Luke chuckled. He looked at the sword and wished it were a necklace again. Immediately, the sword shrank and returned to its caduceus necklace shape.
"Yes, it's very cool," he said, placing the pendant around his neck, displaying it proudly. "Now, I think we have to leave this pigsty." Damn, I'm only now realizing how bad this place smells. Where the hell are Percy and Thalia?
"They're hiding over there"Sammy pointed to a rusty door that was closed"Thalia dragged Percy there when he was knocked unconscious by the surprise blow that the cyclops gave him.
Luke nodded and walked towards the door. When he was in front of her he began to hit her excitedly.
"Thalia, get out of there!" Luke shouted. "I've already killed that bastard!"
"Hey, Luke...I don't think that'll work," Sammy said.
"Huh? Why not?
"Cyclops can imitate a person's voice," Annabeth explained. "If they hear you, they'll most likely think you're the cyclops trying to trick them."
"Besides, Percy is probably still unconscious," Sammy added.
Luke raised an eyebrow. He didn't know a cyclops could do that. So how would he convince them that it was really him?
"Percy, Thalia, it's really me, damn it!" he shouted again, while banging on the door furiously.
"Luke..." Sammy began.
"Wait a moment, let the elders take care of that.
Sammy frowned, but said nothing.
"Let's see..."Luke racked his brain, looking for a way to convince his stubborn and temperamental friend. It was with that thought that he had an epiphany"Oh, I got it! Thalia, it's really Luke! How many guys who love big breasts do you know!? And I know Percy isn't one of them, he's more of a legs and butts man!
Still nothing. The three of them frowned in annoyance, although the girls did so at their friend's shameless confession.
"Very well, Thalia, you wanted it..."he murmured, before shouting again"Oh, now I understand! You don't want to go out because you actually want to spend more time alone with Percy!"He cleared his throat before speaking again, with a voice that imitated Percy" Thalia, I'm really cold. Please, come closer¨ You get closer, but he is still very cold. Then both of them will take off their clothes and hug each other naked so they can feel each other's warmth. Then, slowly, they will bring their faces closer until their lips are on each other...
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH, CASTELLAN!"Thalia's furious voice emerged when she opened the door abruptly.
Before Luke could react, he found himself bent over and gasping from the hard blow Thalia delivered right to his stomach. Luke collapsed to the floor, moaning pitifully.
"See?... I told you I'd take care of it..." he said, weakly.
"Shut up!" Thalia shouted, kicking him in the ass, causing another moan from Luke.
"Thalia, is Percy okay? Sammy asked, concern evident in her voice.
Thalia ignored Luke, who was slowly standing up, and walked back into the room from which she had emerged.
"He's fine, just a little weak," Thalia explained. "That bastard hit him pretty hard."
"But he'll recover, right? Percy is very strong," Annabeth asked, just as worried.
"Of course, I will..." answered a cheeky, although somewhat tired, voice.
They all watched as Percy was sitting in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall. His eyes looked cloudy, they seemed to go between consciousness and unconsciousness, and the bags under his eyes looked deeper than usual.
"I have suffered worse injuries, this is nothing.
"Just don't die, buddy. Just think about all the fries you have left to eat. And all the sexy women's legs and butts out there," Luke said, in a joking tone, but you could still see the concern in his eyes. eyes.
But that didn't stop him from being hit in the back of the head by Thalia, elbowed in the stomach by Annabeth, and receiving a kick in the shin from Sammy.
"Gods, Luke... You should be a motivational speaker," Percy said.
He tried to get up, but winced in pain as he did so.
"Hey, take it easy, brother," Luke said, he approached him and helped him up. "Leave me a little nectar in my drink and you'll be as good as new."
"Just give me a double cheeseburger, with an extra large soda and bacon fries.
To affirm his statement, Percy's stomach growled loudly, causing a chorus of laughter among those present.
"You always think with your stomach," Luke said, with a loud laugh, as he put an arm over her shoulders.
"If he didn't, he wouldn't be the Percy we know," Thalia said, placing a hand on his shoulder and raising a raised eyebrow in amusement, "And I would have been worried that he might have hit his head too hard."
"You're right, he's not Percy if he doesn't think about food or his fries.
"At least I don't think with my penis like you, pervert," Percy said, with an amused smile.
That comment earned him a smack to the back of their heads from a slightly blushing Thalia.
"Hey!" they both exclaimed in unison, more surprised than hurt.
"And why are you hitting me?" Luke exclaimed, annoyed.
"Shut up!" Thalia said. "I'm still upset about everything you said."
Percy raised an eyebrow in confusion and curiosity.
"What did he say?" he asked.
Thalia looked away abruptly, unable to look at his face.
"It's nothing!" she said abruptly. "Now let's get out of this place. It smells like a public bathroom used after a music concert."
By the time they made it out of the ramshackle old factory, Percy was already able to walk on his own, although he looked a little pale and clutching his side with a slight grimace of annoyance, but nothing he couldn't stand. He denied any help, downplaying the condition he was in.
As they walked, Luke told them how he got his new weapon and killed the huge cyclops with it. He also told them how the Cyclops disappeared completely without leaving any trace, which seemed strange to everyone, especially to Percy who had killed countless monsters and always left a residue of golden dust. Everyone attributed it to him that perhaps it was a quality of his weapon, as well as Thalia's shield that was capable of producing true terror to those who looked at the image of Medusa.
When they left the factory, the sun was already beginning to appear on the horizon, illuminating and warming everything in its path. It was an encouraging thought for Percy to know that the sun would rise over the horizon every day. It was, in a way, a gift, and something beautiful that happened every day and many people ignored it. That's why he always liked to get up a little earlier to watch the sunrise.
"It's dawn," Luke commented. "Damn, I wanted to go to sleep when I was really tired."
"Me too," Sammy said, with a nice yawn. "I'd like a little ten-hour nap."
Annabeth nodded wearily and followed them both, intending to bang her head against the pillow, or in this case, any slightly comfortable surface.
Percy stared at the rising sun for a few seconds, the light it emitted seemed to warm his soul. When he was about to accompany the others, he was stopped by Thalia, who grabbed him by the wrist.
"Wait, Percy..." she began, somewhat hesitant.
Percy raised an eyebrow at her meek tone, something unusual for her.
"Hmm? What's wrong Thalia?
"I just wanted to tell you that...well...I know how you feel..." As she spoke, she didn't look Percy in the eyes, that showed how uncomfortable she felt.
"About what?" Percy's confused frown deepened.
"Back there...when we heard the Cyclops try to trick us, you told me that they once used your mother's voice to do something similar with me," Thalia explained, her voice becoming a little more confident as she spoke, "When I separated from Luke, I heard the voice of someone who was also important to me. When I heard his voice, for a moment, just for a moment, I really thought it was him.
Percy listened to everything carefully and with growing sympathy. Catching the way Thalia spoke. Talking about a time past. He also knew that he shouldn't say anything until she finished speaking, understanding that it can't be easy for her to open up like that.
"I knew it had to be some kind of trap, but I was so surprised that I didn't really think about it"Thalia looked up and Percy saw for the first time since he had met her a look full of sadness and pain, "The voice that I heard was my little brother, Jason. He died when he was only seven years old" she squeezed her eyes shut, making an obvious effort to prevent the tears from falling down her face"I loved him, more than anything. It was the only light in my life. The only thing that was worth my miserable life. When he died... the home I cherished so much changed completely. It became a real hell. With an unstable, alcoholic mother, I ran away from home and vowed never to return.
They were both silent for a few seconds. Percy absorbed the information with surprise and sadness. He knew what it felt like to lose someone in your family, in which case, his only family. So he didn't blame Thalia for being secretive about her life. In fact, he understands her, perhaps more than anyone.
"A long time ago, a man once told me..." Percy began slowly, making sure Thalia heard his every word, since what he had to say was very important, "He told me that the only way I could people can come to understand each other, is to have gone through the same pain.
"Who was it that told you?" Thalia asked, genuinely curious.
"A man I met a few years ago taught me a lot of things, how to fight, rob people without them realizing it... hell, he even taught me how to play poker, and who gave me this" he took out his serrated knife of hellhound and showed it to Thalia.
"Sounds like someone great," she said with a light laugh that Percy found very cute.
"Yes, he was a jerk sometimes, but he helped me a lot. And I will be eternally grateful for that," Percy said, with a wistful smile, "What I want to say, Thalia, is that I also know what it feels like to lose someone you loved." love, I can understand you, and there is nothing wrong with talking about it. After all, talking can ease the pains of the soul.
Slowly, lovingly, and gently, he wiped away the tears she had shed. Thalia did not reject the act. Instead, she just stood still for Percy to finish.
Percy expected Thalia to be impressed by his words, perhaps even moved by them, but what he didn't expect was the teasing smile that slowly spread across her black-painted lips.
"Now you're quoting Shakespeare?" she asked, with a mocking voice and her cheeks flushed with tears.
She couldn't help it anymore and burst into laughter, much to Percy's annoyance and embarrassment, who for a moment he thought said something extremely cool.
"Shut up," Percy said, embarrassed. "And how do you know it's from Shakespeare?"
"Mmn, Mmn," Thalia hummed, as she moved her index finger from side to side. "Girls have their secrets."
Letting out a tired sigh, Percy turned and walked towards where the others were. He never noticed the grateful smile Thalia gave him behind his back.
Upon arriving where the others were, Percy watched strangely as Luke, Sammy, and Annabeth stared at the car they had affectionately called "The Evil Machine." Obviously, it was Thalia who baptized it.
"Hey, what are you looking at? Percy asks, standing next to Sammy.
"We think there's something inside the car," Annabeth answers, looking suspiciously at the vehicle. "Or someone..."
"Why do you say that?" Thalia asks this time.
To answer your question, the car shakes slightly, as if someone is moving inside the car.
"Maybe an animal got inside," Sammy suggests, hiding behind Percy like she always did when she was scared.
"Oh! A peanut butter sandwich!" exclaimed a jovial voice coming from inside the car.
"I don't think animals talk..." Percy said. "Unless they're some monster."
"I don't care if it's a monster, mortal, god, or Mia Khalifa herself, no one messes with my peanut butter sandwich!" Luke said, with a tone of voice that everyone found sinister.
Releasing his new sword, Luke advanced towards the car, ready to slice up anyone who dared touch his food without his consent.
"Who is Mia Khalifa?" Sammy asks Percy innocently.
"...I don't know," Percy answers, although from the slightly annoyed look, Thalia was giving him, he knew she didn't believe him. Which, begging another question, how does Thalia know who he is?
Luke approached the car and quickly opened the door, causing a body to fall and crash to the ground with a loud hiss of pain, spilling a couple of bags of chips along with many crumbs.
¨My secret supply of potatoes! ¨ thought Percy, with growing anger ¨ That's it, I don't care who he is, I'll kill him! I will kill him and sell his organs to the black market and with the money I will replace the potatoes he ate.
Percy walked over and stood next to Luke as he unsheathed his trusty knife.
"Say your last words, you thieving rat," Percy said, in a dark tone of voice.
"Wait! Please wait a minute!" the food thief shouted, waving his hands erratically.
Everyone could see the thief. It was a boy, a teenager about his age. He looked slightly dirty. His jeans were worn and had dried mud stains, hinting that he had been wandering in the forest, along with his brown hair he had a couple of dry leaves and branches. He looked a little scared, although no one could blame him since he was under the glare of an armed Percy and Luke. And it didn't help matters that it had chip crumbs and a peanut butter sandwich.
"I didn't want to steal anything from anyone!" the boy continued explaining, with terror, "I've been looking for you for weeks, but I didn't think the car and the food were yours, but...but...I was so hungry! I haven't been eating anything but berries and fruits I found in the forest. I've even eaten acorns from some squirrels! I feel like a vile, heartless monster!
The boy looked so pitiful as he spoke quickly. With trembling lips and tears forming in the corners of the boy's eyes. Luke unconsciously lowered his sword upon seeing the boy's overwhelmed expression, but Percy narrowed his eyes and took a step forward.
"What do you mean you were looking for us?" he asked, to everyone's surprise when they realized that. The boy quickly opened his mouth to speak, but Percy interrupted him. "Be brief and clear if you don't want to lose your fingers."
From the look he gave the boy, and the firm grip on his knife, it didn't seem like he was joking. The boy turned pale as a sheet of paper and took several deep breaths before speaking calmly, although still slightly afraid due to the threat.
"I think I should introduce myself first," the boy said, making an effort to keep his voice from shaking. "My name... is Grover, a satyr from Camp Half-Blood."
Oh yes. Things slowly start to take shape, and that's how I like stories. Where each character develops slowly and their evolution and history can be appreciated.
For those familiar with the Percy Jackson universe, you'll notice that some things are very different, like Jason "died" at age seven instead of two. The fact that the Cyclops can see into one's memory, Percy's age difference compared to the others, the fact that Luke got his infamous sword much earlier, among other things. That's the wonderful thing about FanFics, that you can shape your story however you like, as long as it makes sense, IMHO.
With the appearance of Grover, the plot wheel begins to move forward. Monsters, gods and goddesses, Camp Half-Blood, and much more are to come. Stay tuned.
Special No. 2, Even tough men cry.
"...Calm down, fool... Haku is dead, what does it matter?"Zabuza snapped.
"That!? "So you can stay there and watch him treat him like a dog?" Naruto exclaimed, full of disbelief and anger. "You and Haku were together for years, that doesn't mean anything!?"
"You don't understand the way, I just used it, just like Gato used me...
"...Now, it's over...His uselessness is over. The loss of his strength and abilities...yes, that means something to me, but the boy...nothing.
"If you feel that way, you're more disgusting than I thought," Naruto said with disgust.
"That's enough," said Kakashi in a reproachful tone, placing an arm on Naruto's shoulder. "Calm down, Naruto, he is no longer our enemy." Not for now.
" Silence! As far as I'm concerned it's enemy number one! "Naruto shouted, abruptly removing his Sensei's arm and pointing at Zabuza, "You're a... an ungrateful." After everything he did for you... Haku lived for you!
¨ Is there someone you appreciate? " Naruto remembered Haku's words.
"You were the most important thing to him!
¨There is only one person I care about and appreciate. And I live to protect and serve him. That is my purpose, and it is what gives me strength.
"And it didn't mean anything to you!? Nothing at all!?
"It was not my desire to be a shinobi."
"While he sacrificed everything for you, you felt nothing for him? Nothing at all?
¨ That's my dream! And for the love of that dream, if I have to, I'll act like a shinobi! ¨
"And if I get stronger...does that mean I become cold-hearted like you?" he remembered the moment Haku died. He died protecting the person he valued most, even more than his own life. And he did it with a smile on his face, "He put his life aside, and why!?... For you and your dream!
"This way his dream can become a reality."
"That's my dream"
"You never let him have a dream of his own, but he didn't care.
"I was happy"
"And you just push him aside, as if it were nothing," said Naruto, with his fists clenched tightly while tears fell down his cheeks. "A... broken tool." That's bad, very bad.
"...You talk a lot," Zabuza said slowly after a few seconds.
Naruto watched as small droplets hit the floor. He looked up and saw tears streaming down the fog ninja's face. The one they called the "Demon of the Mist"
"Your words cut me deeply, more than any knife," Zabuza said, pain seeping into his torn voice. "As he faced you, his heart broke. Haku was always very kind, and very gentle. He felt sorrow and pain. And now... because of him, I feel that too!... and something else. I'm glad it ended that way.
"Damn," Percy said, blinking to prevent tears from falling down his face, and failing miserably, "This is too sad."
"Yes, I thought the same thing the first time I saw it," Thalia said, her eyes red from tears.
"How can he be so...sad and cool at the same time?" Percy asked, shoveling a handful of chips into his mouth as he watched Zabuza slaughter all the mercenaries with nothing but a kunai in his mouth.
"That's the magic of it, don't eat all of them," Thalia said, reaching into the bag of chips that Percy had.
"Hey! You ate the whole bag before!
"Well, I wouldn't have done it if someone hadn't eaten all the cookies!
"They were MY cookies!
"I didn't see your name written on them!
"What the hell are you doing!?" Luke shouted, visibly panting trying to catch his breath. "We're being chased by a pack of hellhounds and three cyclopses!" We have to go! Now!
Percy and Thalia looked at each other fiercely for a few seconds.
"Don't think this is over, Chief Seaweed," Thalia said, narrowing her eyes.
"Don't think about it for a second, Sparky," Percy said, with a mocking smile.
"Will you shut up?"Sammy, who was sitting next to them, but with a different computer, shouted at them. "Don't you realize that you're bothering others?
"Yes!" agreed Annabeth, who was sitting next to Sammy on a different computer. "I can't watch my documentary in peace!
Percy and Thalia turned and watched as the people looked at him disapprovingly. Percy had the decency to look embarrassed and bowed his head in apology, while Thalia just scowled at anyone who looked at her, daring anyone to say anything.
Once again, Percy was surprised at what a simple glance from Thalia was capable of doing to mortals. Everyone turned to their respective computers and said nothing to the two demigods.
"If you're done wasting time, we have to go!" Luke shouted, urgency and annoyance in his voice.
"Ah, yes...the monsters," Percy said, as if he had forgotten that he was a demigod and that the monsters were chasing him to kill and eat him.
[T/N: God damn! Thats a long chapter. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, drop some stones, and write a review! If you want to read some advanced chapters then check out my Patreon!]
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