As the sun slowly sank in the western skies, Wang Jingyuan walked dejectedly down the path that winded through Xuanyan Sect. She kicked at a stray pebble that lied in her way, only to miss and stub her toe against the ground, which caused her to stumble forward. A curse word escaped her lips as she righted herself, turned around, and kicked the pebble away into the grass with more force than necessary. Fortunately, no one was around to witness this.
She made her way to the corridor that would take her to the courtyard and sat down on the edge of the short fence that lined either side of the walkway. From here, she had an unobstructed view of the courtyard and the pupils who were bustling to and fro finishing up their chores for the day. Wang Jingyuan sighed.
[1] The new pupils call Wang Jingyuan “Senior Sister” instead of “Little Senior Sister” because they are newcomers and lacking in experience. Also, they are pupils and she is a disciple. The pupils who survived the attack on the sect are not only older than Wang Jingyuan, but were also in Xuanyan Sect longer than her (hence, the “little” in her title).