A little boy was chained up to a table in a house, he had pure white hair with black streaks, tiger ears, and a tiger tail. The boy stared at the ceiling emotionlessly, he knew exactly where he was, he had no name, no parents, nothing, all he had was a title 'Slave'. He was pretty smart for a 7 year old, as he knew he would never leave this place, he had been here for a year now and would probably be here for the rest of his life.
A man in a bubble suit walked into the room with a stick and a girl. The girl said "Daddy, he's supposed to be a cat, why doesn't he have whiskers?!" The man gave her a knife and said "Give him some." the girl took the knife and walked over to the boy, he didn't even look at her and she stabbed him and cut his cheeks three times on each side. The boy clenched his fists and the girl said "Did that hurt?" The boy said "No." the girl clapped and said "Daddy he said it didn't hurt!"
The man sneered and said "Maybe this will." as he stuck the stick into a fire and heated it up. It was glowing red as the man came over and said "He's your slave. Where do you want his mark?" the girl said "On his chest!" as she pointed to the spot right above his heart. The man smiled and stuck the brand down on his chest, causing the boy to scream in pain. The man laughed as he branded the boy and the girl clapped and said "Yay! He's screaming now!"
The man took off the brand and revealed a circle with three triangles above it and one upside down triangle below it. The man nodded in satisfaction and said "It came out nicely. Enjoy your slave Claire." the girl took off his collar and put hand cuffs on him before dragging him away saying "Let's go kitty!" The boy followed behind her as they left the room.
7 years passed
The boy had seen some horrible things and just turned a blind eye. He watched emotionlessly as a slave got tortured, and killed. He was 5'8, slightly taller than Claire, his face had scars that looked like whiskers and he had a big brand over his heart. He was extremely muscular and had just the right amount of muscle in the right places, every night he would do 1000 push ups, sit ups, and squats. Claire was 16 years old, she was actually pretty, she didn't look like the rest of her family. She eyed the boy's body out of the corner of her eye and was aroused, she dragged him to her room and took off her clothes. She pointed to her pussy and said "Pleasure me."
The boy didn't even care, he walked over and took off his clothes, she saw his dick and gulped before grinning. He positioned his dick and jammed it inside her pussy, causing her to bleed as she covered her mouth and screamed in pain. The boy thrusted inside of her almost robotically as her screams turned to moans as she said "Faster!" he went faster "Harder!" he went harder.
Claire moaned and had face full of ecstasy as the boy fucked her exactly how she liked. He never spoke a single word, Claire said "I'm going to cum!" she came and the boy stopped, she snapped "More! Until I tell you to stop Slave!" the boy continued as he made her cum over and over again, he came himself. She wrapped her legs around him and said "It feels so good!" as she was pumped full of cum, he stopped and she frowned "I thought I told you to keep going."
The boy said "I came. I need a minute." she frowned and said "No." the boy sighed and thrusted inside her again, she smiled and started moaning again. The boy watched her and thought to himself, he found it weird how he could enjoy something like this with one of the people that enslaved him, although she never killed him, she did make him fight and would whip him when he lost, she was by no means a good person. He watched her every movement and wondered if he could escape while she was unconscious, he looked down and saw that his chains were connected in the middle with a lock. He said "If you unlock the middle part of my chains I can do a better job."
Claire frantically grabbed the key from her desk and unlocked his chains, the boy lifted his arms, he still had cuffs but the chains were loose. They were on all four limbs, he pointed to his exploding collar and said "This too. It gets in the way." Claire unlocked his collar and threw it into a corner and said "Can you do it now?" The boy nodded and flipped her over, he pressed her face into the bed as he thrusted from behind, he needed her incapacitated and he was already in the middle of it so why not enjoy it.
He thrusted his dick inside her from behind and grabbed her hair with his right hand while squeezing her tits with the other. Claire was being fucked so rough she moaned with her tongue out as she said "So... good... Harder!" the boy really went harder, so hard in fact that he hit her womb on every thrust and she came instantly, the boy spanked her as hard as he could, causing her to moan loudly and cum again.
The boy pinched and pulled at her nipples as he thrusted faster and harder, Claire said "Cum inside me! Pour it inside me!" The boy sped up and finally thrusted all the way inside and filled her up completely, her eyes rolled back as she came again, the boy pulled his dick out and she fell forward onto her bed with cum flowing out of her pussy as she twitched with a big smile on her face. The boy was expressionless as he wiped himself clean and wrote down a note telling her to take pills so she wouldn't have a baby.
The boy left the note on her table as he dressed himself, he wrapped the loose chains around his arms and legs so they wouldn't make noise, he noted that they made good weapons too. Fortunately for him they were regular cuffs, not explosion or seastone ones. He snuck outside in the middle of the night and moved towards the gate, he would steal a boat and run away, he would kill them all when he was strong enough but for right now he had to leave.
The boy snuck through alleyways and slowly approached the gate, he observed the guards and watched as they changed shifts. He decided it was now or never and sprinted towards the gate, he vaulted over the fence and caught a lift towards the bottom. He was standing inside the lift and reached the bottom, a guard walked into the lift and the door closed. The boy unwrapped one of his chains and strangled the guard before taking his uniform and walking out the lift. He threw the guards corpse into the sea before pretending to walk around.
He saw a merchant ship delivering, he made his way to the boat and said "I'm going to check the goods." as he walked by another guard, who nodded not suspicious in the slightest. The boy landed on the boat and hid before stuffing the guard uniform into an empty barrel, he hid in a corner and regulated his breathing, trying to appear as invisible as possible.
The merchant ship slowly sailed away, the boy watched as his prison got further and further away. He felt strange, it was a mixture of excitement, euphoria, relief, and agitation. He had a straight face but he was extremely excited, he didn't care where he was going but he was happy he was finally leaving.
The boy got off the merchant ship and landed on an island, he didn't know where he was but he ran anyway. He ran into a slum-like area and hid in the alleyways, he made sure nobody noticed him and stole some clothes from a store. He ran back to the alley and changed, he stole a t-shirt and shorts. He was still barefoot but he was used to it anyway, Claire and her father made him crawl around like a cat when he was a slave, he was quite happy to have clothes now. He cut a hole in the shorts for his tail and swayed it slightly before dropping it, he was proud to be a Mink and he would never hide it. He sat down and his stomach rumbled, he bared with it and fell asleep peacefully for the first time in 8 years.
The next morning
The boy was reading a newspaper he stole and saw 'White Tiger half-Mink slave escaped' he read the article and felt strange. The article read that Claire had been manipulated and raped before he escaped, he flipped the page and a poster fell out. It had no picture but said 'White Tiger half-Mink slave' 10 million, he ripped the bounty poster to shreds before throwing it out in the trash along with the rest of the news paper.
He got up and went to steal some food again, he didn't feel bad at all, he was hungry so he took food if they stopped him he would fight, and if they tried to kill him, he would kill them. The boy only cared about himself and his freedom, nothing else. He stole from a shop and the shop keeper chased after him, he ran through the alleys and disappeared.
A year later
The body was stealing from a shop and the shop keep said "You're that tiger brat! Aren't you worth 10 million?" the boy stopped and growled at the shop keep, who backed away and shouted "The tiger brat is the one with the 10 million on his head!" the surrounding citizens snapped their heads towards the boy. He backed away slightly and the citizens grabbed their weapons and shot and him, forcing him to flee. He ran towards the alley but even the people in the slums tried to catch him, he held his food in his chest and kicked a guy out of his way as he ran into the forest, disappearing from sight.
After a few days
The boy collapsed from hunger, he tried going back to the village but the people were ready for him. They set traps with food as if he was a wild animal, he hated them all, even if he had a tail he was still a person. He grit his teeth and stood up, he need to eat or he would die. He walked through the forest and saw a blurry star shaped fruit, he bit his tongue so that he wouldn't lose consciousness as he dragged his body towards the fruit. He didn't care what it was he was hungry, and would figure out what to do about his situation after he ate.
He grabbed the fruit and ate the whole thing in a few bites, he was disgusted by the taste but he still finished it before passing out. The boy's body twinkled and caught fire, the strange thing was the fire was bright blue. It burned everything around him creating a clearing with his body in the middle of it.
The next morning
The boy woke up and looked around him, he was confused by all the ashes but decided to forget about it and find some food. He found some rabbits, he pounced on them and ate it raw, he didn't know how to make fire so he didn't really have any choice. It wasn't bad but he preferred cooked food, he finished his meal and licked the blood off his face before looking towards the village and growling. The boy decided he would train for a year or two and slaughter the village before leaving, they treated him like an animal? He would show them how terrifying an animal can be.
2 years later
The boy was 6ft tall and every inch of his body was full of muscle, and just enough muscle. He was slim and his build was made for fast and sudden strikes, his arms were strong enough to punch a tree in half. He still wore the clothes he stole 3 years ago, they had holes and were extremely dirty. He didn't care, he would get new ones when the rest of the village was dead.
He ran towards the village and hid behind a building as he snuck into the slums, he would kill them first so no one would notice. He growled as he remembered a person he once shared food with tried to fool him into a trap with the rest of the people in the slums for a cut of his bounty. He walked through the slums and saw the people there, he didn't feel bad at all, they were suffering already he would just be giving them mercy. He walked towards them and silently broke their necks one by one before leaving them there, luckily there were no children in this village. He made sure during his scouting yesterday, only greedy worthless pieces of garbage.
He went by a store and picked up a knife, then went back to hiding in the darkness. He climbed up the side of a building and snuck into a house, he saw the man who sold him out to the rest of the town. He growled through his fangs and slit his throat, he covered the man's mouth so he couldn't scream and moved on to the next person.
Eventually he walked into a house, there was on old lady sitting in a chair at a table inside. She smiled and said "Enjoy your revenge?" The boy was silent and gripped his knife defensively, the old lady said "Even for hatred, it's pretty strong to make you kill a whole village, at least you made sure there weren't any children. You would've left the island if there were, right?" the boy nodded and looked around the room, the old lady chuckled and said "There's no trap here. Just little old me, are you going to kill me too?" the boy nodded, he couldn't leave any witnesses. He didn't like talking to her, it make him feel like there was something wrong.
The old lady smiled and said "Well hurry up then, or i'll die before you even manage to kill me." the boy frowned, something wasn't right. He could feel it, it was like he was being watched. His tail stood up straight as he looked around the room again, he threw the knife at the old woman's head and ran through the door. The old woman dodged the knife and said "Now!" two men appeared from their hiding spots and caught the boy in a metal net. The boy growled, he knew something was wrong, he should've left before.
The 'old lady' laughed and removed her costume as she said "I must say, you are quite a good slave. I bet your master misses you very much, maybe I could sell you back at double the price!" The boy growled at the now beautiful woman, she laughed and said "Throw him in a cell on the ship! And burn the town to the ground, they're all dead anyway." the two men nodded and dragged the boy towards the ship while throwing torches at the houses. The boy watched as the village burned to the ground while he got farther and farther.
The two men threw him into a cell and chained him to the wall, they left him hanging there. The boy was hanging from the wall with chains around his forearms, they couldn't take off his old cuffs so they just put new ones. The boy stared forward with an expressionless face as the ship started moving. He looked around and saw that there was a few other captured kids crying in a cell near him, they cried for their parents and for someone to save them. The boy stopped looking at them and wondered what Claire would make him do when he got back, maybe he would have a new master. He knew one thing for sure, he was never escaping again. He sighed and closed his eyes.
A few days later
The boy was woken up by an explosion and yelling, he ignored it and heard his stomach growling. He grit his teeth and hoped that they would feed him soon, or else he would die. He hung his head and counted down from 1000 in his head to distract himself, as the door to the cages was blown wide open. 3 boys and a woman walked into the room and looked around, the woman said "This is awful!" the boy poked him sword at another boy and pointed towards the cage with the tiger half-Mink, the boy who got poked turned and looked before saying "Woah! He has tiger ears and a tail!" as he ran forward.
The boy grabbed the cage and kicked the door out, before walking inside and saying "Hey! What are you doing here?" The tiger looked up and saw the people who walked in before saying "Going back to being a slave." the woman said "You were the tiger half-Mink slave that raped that girl?!" the rest of the group frowned and the tiger said "I guess so. So I would leave if I were you, maybe you'll be next." as he bared his teeth and growled. The woman backed away in fear and the boy standing in front of him said "You don't look like a bad guy to me."
The tiger looked at him and was silent, the boy standing in front of him said "Zoro get the keys." Zoro unhooked the keys from the wall and threw them towards the boy, who caught them and got the tiger off the wall. The tiger slammed into the floor as his stomach rumbled, the boy threw the keys to the woman and said "Nami, free the kids." Nami went and freed the kids who were crying, the boy crouched down and said "I'll get you some food, come with me." as he stretched out his hand.
The tiger looked at his hand and slapped it away before standing up and shakily walking away, he passed the rest and stopped before the door saying "Where are the rest of the people on this ship?" Zoro said "Passed out on the deck." the tiger nodded and left. The group followed after him.
The tiger found the woman and the two men who captured him. He slapped the woman awake before grabbing her neck and tightening his hand as she struggled to breathe, she pleaded with her eyes but the tiger was emotionless as he broke her neck and dropped her on the floor, lifeless. He killed the other two men in the same way and stared out into the sea, one of the kids said "I want my mommy!" The tiger said "Are you from that village, where I was?" the kid nodded and the tiger said "I killed everyone in that village. You're parents are dead." the kid started bawling his eyes out, so did the rest.
Nami snapped "Why would you say that?!" The tiger said "It's true. The sooner they get over it, the sooner they can live regular lives." Nami snapped "Because you killed their parents!" The tiger said "They treated me like a wild animal, they were all trying to cash in my bounty. I almost starved to death, between life and being a kind person, I will naturally choose my own survival." Nami was stunned and the tiger said "Plus they would've died either way, when people steal kids to sell into slavery.. They don't leave witnesses." the boy who freed him said "What about you? What are you going to do now?"
The tiger was silent and said "Find another island, survive." the boy said "I'll bring you to another island." the tiger nodded and the group left. He landed on a small ship and sat down in a corner as he watched as Nami calmed the kids down, the kids quieted down and glared at the tiger as they said "Stupid slave! I wish you died instead!" another boy said "Tiger freak, I hope you die!" Nami was shocked and the tiger closed his eyes, ignoring them as they called him a freak, monster, slave, trash, and told him to die.
The crew frowned as they looked at the kids, if the kids were like that then what about the parents. They looked towards the tiger, who was just ignoring them and sighed. The boy who freed him, walked over and said "I'm Luffy! What's your name?" the tiger opened his eyes and said "I don't have one." the other three frowned and Luffy said "Do you want one?" the tiger said "I guess so. It would be more convenient." Luffy thought for a moment and said "What about Thirteen?" the tiger was confused and said "13? A number?" Luffy nodded and pointed to his shorts and said "You have the number 13 on your shorts. So your name is Thirteen now." Thirteen nodded and said "Alright."
One of the kids snapped "Why are you naming a slave?! He's scum! He's better off dead!" the rest of the kids agreed and spouted insults at Thirteen, another kid said "If you wanted a pet you can get a normal cat!" Nami slapped the kid as she breathed heavily and seethed "Shut up!" the kid who got slapped started crying and another kid said "You're just like him! You should all just d-"
Thirteen grabbed his throat and said "Let me make this clear. You can insult me all you want, I don't care and nobody else does." he tightened his grip and growled "But you cannot insult the people who just saved me. You fucking brats are lucky you weren't sold off. I promise you if you insult any one of them again, I will kill all of you myself. Even if they throw me to a marine base. Do you understand me?" the kids nodded in fear and backed away, Thirteen threw the kid on top the ground and kicked him towards the rest before saying "You're trash just like your parents were. People who try to sell a 14 year old back to slavery don't deserve to live." he walked back to the corner he was in before and sat down.
Nami felt complicated, he protected them and her but he threatened a child. Zoro grinned and Luffy smiled, the boy with the long nose was just shocked and a little scared of Thirteen as he backed away from him, Thirteen sighed and closed his eyes. The sooner they reached land the sooner he could leave these people alone, maybe they were fooling him as bringing him to a marine base, with that thought he put his guard back up and watched them closely.
A while later
Nami walked over and sat down next to him, he laid his tail in between them as she said "Thanks for defending me, and the rest." Thirteen said "It was nothing. I'm in your debt." Nami sighed and said "Do you need some new clothes?" Thirteen said "I don't have any money. I'll just steal some when you drop me off." Nami frowned and said "You can't just walk around like that." Thirteen said "I've been wearing these clothes for 3 years. I think a few more days will be fine."
Nami got up and left, he watched her go and retracted his tail, his ear switched as he heard the long nosed boy say "Nami! Why were you talking to him! He's a killer!" Thirteen shut his ears and stopped listening, if he didn't he would've hear Nami say "He was a slave Usopp! Did you hear what those kids were saying?! Their parents were probably much worse!" as she stomped off.
Nami came back with shorts and a t-shirt, she handed them to Thirteen and said "Go clean yourself, the shower is below the deck." before walking off. Thirteen held the clothes and went to shower. He came back out with the new clothes on, they fit nicely. He was going to return them after so he just poked his tail out the back of the shorts. Nami looked at him and noticed he was actually very handsome and muscular, she frowned when she saw the cuffs and chains on his limbs. She walked up and said "Do you want me to try and take them off?" Thirteen said "You need the key."
Nami grinned and said "I might be able to help!" as she took out a lock picking set and started playing around with his cuffs, Thirteen watched her try and pick the locks as he said "Why." Nami was confused and said "Why what?" Thirteen said "Why bother with a slave? Your friend with the long nose was right. I am a killer." Nami stopped and said "I don't care what you did before. Everybody has things they wish never happened. I guess you can say I sympathize with you." Thirteen said "I don't need your sympathy or pity. I might be a slave and I might be alone but I'm not weak, nor am I helpless."
Nami said "I just feel like helping you. It has nothing to do with you being a slave. I'm head over heels in love with you, how's that for a reason." Thirteen said "Right, and I'm actually a marine." he had a completely straight face and Nami giggled before sighing "I can't get them off, sorry." Thirteen said "They're the most secure cuffs in the world, It could be worse. I could still have the exploding collar on." Nami said "Exploding collar?" Thirteen said "They have exploding collars for slaves, in case they escaped. One click and their head explodes." Nami gasped and said "That's horrible." Thirteen shook his cuffs and said "Sometimes it's better than living." as he walked back to his corner, Nami watched him go with a complicated expression.
A few days later
Thirteen watched as two men got on the ship and started shouting, one of them obviously had scurvy and Nami gave him some lime juice. He watched as the two recognized Zoro and called him big bro, Thirteen watched on and wondered what it would be like to have a brother, maybe he would hate him. The two men saw Thirteen and freaked out about the 10 million on his head, Nami punched the two in the head and the duo quieted down as they glared at him before telling the group that there was a restaurant on the sea and that they might be able to find a chef there.
A while later
The ship sailed to a fish-like ship that was supposedly a restaurant, Thirteen saw a marine ship and wondered if this is where he would get taken back, maybe they would sell him and pose as bounty hunters. A man on the marine ship said "You're the captain?" Luffy nodded and said "Yup! I just painted my flag yesterday!" the man sneered "A bunch of rookies" he raised his hand but one of the kids on the ship screamed "Help! The tiger slave worth 10 million is on this ship! He killed our parents! Please save us!" the man paused and squinted at Thirteen in the corner of the ship and said "Go get the kids and bring back the slave, then sink the ship." The marines nodded and jumped from the marine ship on to the ship Thirteen was on.
The marines grabbed all the kids before charging at Thirteen, he stood up and unfurled the chains on his arms and charged at the marines. He grabbed one end on the chain and flipped over the marine, catching the chain on his neck as he twisted it around and pulled the marine's gun. He used the marine as a meat shield and fired at the other marines, he killed a few and ran out of bullets. He snapped the marine meat shield's neck and kicked him towards a group of them before grabbing his chains and spinning them, using them like whips as he lashed out at the stunned marines. He caught another gun and fired it, killing the rest before he threw the gun into the sea and sitting back down.
Luffy was stunned and said "So cool..." Usopp said "He just killed a whole group of marines!" Zoro put back his swords and smirked and Nami was seething at those damn kids. The man on the marine ship said "Sink them! It better be done when I get back." as he turned around and left with a woman on a boat towards the restaurant. The marines readied the cannons and one of the kids sneered and said "Die! Worthless slave!" Thirteen sighed and raised his arms in the air as he said "Don't shoot. I'll come with you." Nami said "But you'll have to go back to being a slave!" Thirteen said "You saved me from that already. I'm not like those trash that bites the hand that fed them. I'm in your debt, and I was going to get captured again anyway. Whether it's by you or someone else on another island."
Nami said "We won-" Thirteen said "Doesn't matter it will happen eventually. Today, tomorrow, or years from now. I'd rather it be now before I have people who I care about." he stepped forward and said "By the way, if you really want to know. I didn't rape her, she would've killed me if I didn't have sex with her." a marine shot at Thirteen as he sighed and closed his eyes and mumbled "Better than going back I suppose."
Thirteen frowned and opened his eyes, he saw Luffy standing in front of him. He said "Why." Luffy grinned and said "I said I was going to get you to an island." the marines fired the cannon at them and Luffy blew up like a balloon causing the cannonball to fly away into the top of the Baratie, blowing a hole through it. Thirteen said "You have a devil fruit?" Luffy grinned and said "Yup." Thirteen said "I've heard about them before." the marines were shocked and one of the kids grit their teeth and lit the cannon again.
Another cannonball came flying at them, Thirteen pushed Luffy out of the way and grabbed the cannonball with his hands. His hands twinkled and he was pushed back across the deck, stopping with his back at the railing, there were two blood tracks from where he was standing to where he stopped. He held the cannonball with his hands as he looked towards the kids, they reeled back in fear, he threw the cannonball back at the marine ship as he said "Die." the cannonball flew through the air before smashing into the ship obliterating the kids. The marines went pale and all ran away, Thirteen watched them go and said "I'll leave." as he walked off the boat, leaving blood foot prints as he went.
The crew was shocked and Luffy stared at the blood footprints silently, he didn't even care what happened to those kids. A bunch of chefs came out of the restaurant and said "Who shot the cannonball at our ship?!" Luffy opened his mouth and Thirteen said "Me." the chefs grabbed him and dragged him inside, leaving Luffy staring at him as he left. Nami sighed and said "Let's go inside." the rest nodded and walked into the restaurant.
Thirteen was standing in front of a man with a long mustache, the man said "You threw the cannonball at my restaurant?" Thirteen nodded, the man said "You're the Mink slave who escaped aren't you?" Thirteen nodded again, the man said "I'm Zeff. You're going to work here until the roof is paid for." Thirteen said "You could just sell me to the marines and have more than enough." Zeff said "Do I look like a greedy piece of garbage to you?" Thirteen shook his head and said "No but most people do. I don't think i'm suited to work in a restaurant." he lifted his arms and rattled his cuffs.
Zeff said "I don't care what you're wearing, what you look like, or what kind of person you are. As long as you do a decent job, you can stay. Wrap up your feet and get to work serving tables." as he walked away, Thirteen watched him go before cleaning up his feet with medical supplies and wrapping gauze around the middle of his feet. He finished and walked towards the kitchen, the cooks gave him an apron and a tray of plates with numbers on them, he nodded and walked out and started working.
Thirteen was serving tables and getting looks from everyone around him. He placed a table's food and went to the next one as the person at the table stuck out his foot and tripped him, causing him to crash into the ground. He held up the tray with one hand as he face planted into the ground making a loud sound, the restaurant quieted down as everyone stared at him. He got up like nothing happened and continued on his way as he heard "Isn't that the tiger slave?" another voice said "I heard he raped a girl before escaping." and another "I guess he got sold to the restaurant. Look he still has his chains on."
Thirteen did care they could say whatever they wanted at the end of the day he knows what he did and he was free. He had already caused enough trouble, maybe working here wouldn't be so bad. He wondered if Zeff would ever turn him in and send him back, he didn't think so but maybe marines would surround the restaurant and he wouldn't have a choice. Another voice "I can't eat with this freak walking around! Hey half-breed get out of here you're ruining my meal!" Thirteen continued serving the customers without even batting an eye-lid.
The crew watched as more people started throwing insults at Thirteen, Luffy clenched his fist. A blond haired waiter was paying attention while serving customers and Zeff watched from the kitchen window as Thirteen finished serving the customers. A man stabbed at him with his fork, drawing blood, the crew, the blond haired waiter, and Zeff tensed up. Thirteen looked down and said "Would you like a new fork?" the man stuck the fork into Thirteen's stomach and said "Yeah, it has slave blood on it." Thirteen nodded and took out the fork before walking away, the man sneered and dropped his glass on the floor and said "Half-breed! You forgot to clean up the glass."
Thirteen stopped and turned around, he walked forward and started to pick up the glass off the floor, the man stomped on his hand, crushing it into the glass and cutting his hand up completely as he said "I'm sorry, I slipped. Hopefully your owner doesn't throw you away." Thirteen didn't even flinch and picked up the glass that was on the floor before ripping off his sleeve and cleaning the blood off the floor. He stood up and picked the glass out of his hand before walking away, the man seethed that he got no reaction and threw the plate of food at him and snapped "Get the fuck out of here animal freak!"
The plate smashed against Thirteen's head, causing him to bleed and breaking into a bunch of pieces. Thirteen grabbed a napkin from a near by table and caught the food before it hit the ground, he picked up the plate pieces and said "Please don't waste food. Would you like another dish?" The man grinded his teeth and said "Yes. Preferably without a disgusting half-breed serving it to me." Luffy seethed and was being held back by the rest of the crew, the blond haired waiter came over and Zeff came out of the kitchen.
Thirteen nodded and said "I'll tell the kitchen." before he walked away, passing Zeff, who patted his shoulder. Thirteen wasn't bothered at all, it wasn't anything different than usual. 'Atleast he didn't have a gun' he thought as he brought the tray to the kitchen window and said "I need a new fork, glass, and a new dish for the man over there." the cooks frowned and said "I don't think that's necessary." Thirteen was confused and the cooks pointed behind him. He turned around and saw the blond haired waiter say "Sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. This table's been reserved." as he kicked the man in the face sending him flying through the doors. Zeff kicked the man sitting with him outside too, and Luffy stretched his fists and punched them both in the face on their way out.
Thirteen turned back and said "Then I need new table settings for two." as he cleaned off the tray and put the man's food aside before throwing the rest of what was on the tray into the garbage. Thirteen wiped the tray dry and pointed to the food and said "Can I eat that?" the cooks nodded and Thirteen ate the food quickly and silently before wiping his mouth and cleaning the napkin. He grabbed the table settings and a new napkin and walked back to the table, he put the napkin back on the table he took it from and said "My apologies." before clearing the table the two men were at and putting down a new set and walking back to the kitchen.
Zeff walked up to him and said "You alright?" Thirteen nodded and said "Nothing new. Can I go wrap my hand?" Zeff nodded and he left to go wrap gauze around his hand, everyone watched him go and Zeff sighed, he heard some customers whispering "That was disgusting." another one said "I know I had to watch it eat. I lost my appetite." another person said "I think there's some half-breed blood on me." Luffy punched the man who said 'Half-breed' and Zeff snapped "Restaurant's closed! Leave!" the customers were shocked and one of them said "Just because of a filthy half-tiger rapist?! Hmph, I won't come back if that's the case." Luffy punched him, sending him flying through the air.
Thirteen came down and caught him, he put him down on the ground and said "Are you okay?" the man backed away in disgust "Ugh, gross. He touched me." Thirteen nodded and said "Sorry." before passing by him. Luffy snapped "Why don't you stand up for yourself?!" Thirteen said "I don't want to cause trouble for Zeff. It's not my restaurant, I broke the roof so now I work here." as he picked up a tray that was ready before Zeff told everyone to leave. Luffy said "But I broke the roof! It wasn't even you!" Thirteen said "You saved me before, i'm still in your debt. It doesn't bother me." he was about to serve the tables when Zeff stopped him and said "Restaurant's closed. Take a break." Thirteen nodded and put the tray down, before sitting on a stool in front of the kitchen window.
Zeff said "All of you leave, now." the customers grumbled and cursed "Damn slave.." another said "Let's go, i'll call the marines. We'll see where that half-breed rapist will run to." another man said "Maybe they'll just kill it so we won't have to see it anymore. Damn freak.." Thirteen closed his eyes and just sat there as the customers hurled insults at him before leaving. All the customers left, leaving only the crew and bounty hunters, the cooks, the blond haired waiter, Zeff, and the man from the marine ship with the woman, who accompanied him.
Zeff said "What are you still doing here?" The man said "I'm a marine lieutenant. I have to leave because of a half-breed?!" the woman sitting with him frowned and glanced at Thirteen. The blond haired waiter said "Fuck off!" as he kicked the man into a wall. The woman stood up and walked towards Thirteen, she held his hands and said "I'm sorry you had to go through that." Thirteen lifted his eyelids as she continued "I don't know what you've been through, but obviously no ordinary person would just sit there and take that." Thirteen said "You're not afraid i'll snap and kill you right here? Or grab you and rape you in front of all these people?"
The woman smiled and said "If you were really a rapist, or a killer then you wouldn't have cared if this was your restaurant or not. I believe there would be a pool of blood here right now if that were the case." Thirteen stared into her eyes, and the woman stared into his bright blue eyes and was enchanted before snapping back to reality and blushing slightly as she said "Anyways I'm sorry for my friend's behavior. Don't let them get to you. See you around." and walked out of the restaurant, leaving the man there.
Thirteen watched her go before closing his eyes again and standing up as he said "I think I should leave. You won't get very many customers with me hanging around, sorry Zeff." Zeff grabbed him and said "You haven't paid for your damages yet. You're not going anywhere." Thirteen said "There's a marine lieutenant right there. Just turn me in for the damages." Luffy punched him in the face and said "You're not going back to being a slave!" Thirteen ripped off the other sleeve and wiped the blood off his face as he said "Eventually I will be caught. I've seen it happen hundreds of times. The girl who was my owner liked me a lot, I've seen them send admirals and vice-admirals after slaves. Even government agents sometimes for the stronger ones."
Luffy said "Then why did you escape?" Thirteen said "I was a slave for 8 years. I escaped 3 years ago, I wanted to hide and run away somewhere they would never find me. I didn't expect to be labeled as a rapist and treated as a wild animal." he told them about Claire and his 3 years of freedom in the village, all the way up to getting thrown into a cell, he finished "I was careless, and I got caught. Everywhere I go marines will chase me, even here. I don't think Zeff will give up his life fighting a marine fleet for a single slave, and I won't let him either. It's better if I just disappear." as he walked out of the door and left.
The rest were silent and Luffy clenched his fist and said "How can they do that to a person?!" Zeff said "The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows brat, it's filled with trash too." the blond haired waiter walked outside, following after Thirteen. Luffy watched him go and left as well as he said "Stay inside." the crew nodded and Usopp said "I don't suppose we can eat, can we?" Zeff chuckled and said "Sure kid. Seems like there's some food leftover from guests who had more important things to do and left early." the crew chuckled and Usopp grabbed the tray full of food.
Thirteen passed by a man in a head band and said "Restaurant's closed." the man chuckled and said "I heard. Apparently some rapist was there or something." Thirteen shrugged and said "I guess so." the man laughed and patted Thirteen's shoulder as he said "You saved me from the marines. Thanks for that, you don't seem too bad to me." Thirteen said "Not intentional." the man shook his head and passed him saying "Doesn't matter. You have my thanks. Cool tail by the way." Thirteen froze before continuing to a small boat.
The blond haired waiter passed the man and followed after Thirteen with Luffy behind him. The man walked into the restaurant and the duo caught up with Thirteen outside. Luffy said "I said I would bring you to the next island." Thirteen said "Change of plans." The blond haired waiter said "What's your name tiger boy." Thirteen said "Thirteen." the waiter lit up a cigarette and said "Sanji, nice to meet you." Thirteen nodded and said "Likewise. If there's nothing else, I'll be going." Luffy stopped him and said "Thirteen. You haven't paid your debt back, I saved you from going back. I want you to stay here and let me take you to the next island, then you can consider your debt cleared." Thirteen stopped and said "You don't get anything from it, why would you help me?" Luffy grinned and said "I like you. I have an idea, and I won't let you go without your debt cleared."
Thirteen stared deeply into his eyes before saying "Okay. I like women though." Sanji choked before laughing, and Luffy chuckled and was confused "What does that have to do with it?" Thirteen said "It seems I misunderstood. Never mind." as he walked back to the restaurant, Luffy followed after him and Sanji was still laughing as he followed the two.
Thirteen caught the man with a bandana, who came flying out of the restaurant and said "Seems like you're not welcome. Are you a rapist as well?" The man chuckled and said "No, but I didn't have any money. I am starving though." Thirteen said "Me too." before putting him down on the floor and walking back into the restaurant, Sanji stared at the man and said "What's your name?" the man said "Gin." Sanji said "I'll be right back, we recently had a couple of pests. There's a lot of food left over." as he walked back into the restaurant, Luffy said "I found my cook." as he followed after him.
Thirteen walked back into the restaurant and sat down at a random table before saying "Is anybody going to eat this?" Zeff shook his head and said "If you're hungry I can make something new." Thirteen said "There's no need. I ate raw animals for 2 years a little bit of cold food won't be a problem. I don't want to be a bother." as he started to eat from the tables, like a hungry ghost. Nami sighed and watched him.
A few days later
Thirteen was waiting tables again and ignored the insults again, when a huge man barged into the restaurant with Gin. The customers stopped insulting Thirteen and looked towards the man, as he said "Please give me some food!" and fell to his knees. Gin said "Don! You can't kneel!" the man said "We were attacked and our food supply was lost, i've been starving for days." Sanji walked up with a plate as another cook said "Sanji! He's Don Krieg! What are you doing?!" Sanji said "He's also starving." as he placed the plate down in front of him, Krieg immediately inhaled the plate of food and punched Sanji through the air. Thirteen caught him with his tail and placed him on the ground, Sanji said "Thanks." Thirteen nodded and started waiting tables again.
Krieg was surprised there was the 10 million bounty tiger here and said "Listen up! I want food for all my 100 men! And hand over the tiger kid!" Thirteen ignored him and served customers. The cooks snapped and took out their weapons before firing at Krieg. The dust settled and revealed Krieg in a golden suit of armor, he laughed and said "My armor is invincible!" Zeff walked out with a big bag and said "Here's your food, now get out." Krieg caught the bag and said "You're red leg Zeff?!" Zeff said "Yeah." Krieg said "You sailed the grandline before! You must have a log book, give it to me!" Zeff said "I won't. Now leave."
Thirteen watched for a bit and didn't find it interesting, the man was wearing golden armor but he obviously couldn't handle the grandline and ran back with his tail between his legs. He turned to serve tables again but all the customers ran away, he sighed and sat down focusing back on the conversation.
Krieg said "We were taken down by one man alone! A man with Hawk eyes and a giant sword!" Zoro gripped his swords and Zeff said "Mihawk eh? Maybe you disturbed his sleep. He's a weird one for sure." a man ran in and said "Don! That man! He-He's back!" Krieg's eyes widened as he ran out the door just in time to see his ship split in two. Luffy said "The Merry!" as they ran outside too, Thirteen followed them out and saw the two bounty hunters saying that Nami stole the ship, he turned his head and saw Nami staring at him, he waved and said "Bye." she waved back and turned around before sailing away.
one of the bounty hunters said "She seems like she's going to Cocoyasi island! Me and Yosaku know where it is!" Luffy said "Okay Usopp, Zoro, and Johnny are going after her. Me and Thirteen will wait till we get Sanji to join the crew before following you with Yosaku." Zoro saw Mihawk and walked towards him. Thirteen watched as he challenged Mihawk and earned his respect, before getting slashed by Mihawk's Yoru.
Mihawk blocked Luffy's punch and said "He's still alive." before turning and staring at Thirteen and said "A Mink in the east blue? You wouldn't happen to be the runaway slave would you?" Thirteen nodded and said "I am." Mihawk nodded and said "Good for you. I'm surprised you have that fruit as well. It's very fitting." Thirteen was confused and said "What fruit?" Mihawk said "You don't know?" Thirteen shook his head and Mihawk said "Maybe you should fight someone and see." as he jumped on the coffin boat and said "Roronoa Zoro! You're journey does not end here! Surpass me!" as he sailed away.
Thirteen watched him go and wondered could it have been that star-shaped fruit from the forest? He was barely conscious when he ate it, all he remembered was waking up, surrounded by ashes. He opened up his hand and focused on it, he watched as his hand twinkled and hardened before bursting into bright blue flames. He focused on the flames and controlled them to dance around his fingers, he willed them away and focused on his shiny hand, it sparkled like a star, he tried moving it and his whole arm became shiny and twinkled. He released it and went back to normal, without changing his expression once. He decided to test it against someone in the near future.
Luffy brought Zoro to the boat and watched as they sailed away towards Nami before turning around and saying "You have a devil fruit too?" Thirteen said "I guess so. I must've ate it when I was semi-conscious because I don't remember." Luffy said "What's it called?" Thirteen said "Star-Star fruit." as his hand twinkled and burst into blue flames. Luffy said "Cool! You're a star-man!" Thirteen nodded and undid the star power.
Krieg said "Damn bastard! I guess I'll just take the restaurant then!" Luffy said "Hey old man! If I beat him, can I take Thirteen and Sanji?" Zeff chuckled and said "Sure kid." Luffy grinned and proceeded to beat the shit out of Krieg, a man with pearl armor stepped out and Thirteen star punched him, breaking his armor and sending him flying. Gin fought against Sanji and Sanji beat him too. It really didn't take long for the Krieg pirates to take Krieg and run away.
Luffy grinned and said "Let's go!" Thirteen returned his apron to Zeff and said "Thanks." Zeff smiled and said "No problem kid. Don't go getting caught again." Thirteen nodded and said "I'll try not to." before walking over to a boat and sitting down in it. Luffy and Sanji went inside the restaurant after Sanji vehemently denied to join his crew.
A while later
Thirteen was sitting on the boat and Sanji and Luffy came out of the restaurant together as Luffy laughed. The cooks loaded up the boat with tons of meat and Sanji thanked Zeff for taking care of him for all these years, declaring that he was a father to him. Thirteen watched him and wondered to himself what it would be like if he had a father and a normal family, maybe he wouldn't have been a slave. He tried to remember what his father looked like but drew blanks, he knew he had to have come from somewhere.
Maybe his father had died before he was born, he remembered his mother. She was a beautiful woman with white hair, she died shortly after he was born when he was still a child. He remembered her last words "I will always be with you, I love you my sweet angel." Thirteen was taken shortly after by some relatives and sold into slavery a few years later, he wondered what his mother thought of him now, maybe she would be disgusted by his actions, perhaps she would applaud him for escaping hell.
The small boat sailed towards Cocoyasi island while Thirteen was lost in his thoughts.
(Author's Note)
Hey guys! Here's the new one! It's kinda dark but I like it! It's a smooth change of pace from the last one. Viper and Reiju live on in our hearts! Also I stole Sora's fruit heh heh I made it up anyway!
Star-Star fruit: Become a star man. Further abilities to be revealed soon!
Thirteen is a half-human half-Mink. BUT I added legendary Minks to the lore so technically he is a White Tiger Mink. He won't fight any Legendary Minks, and i'm not adding any new OC's for enemies or crew mates.
-He won't get electro for a while but it will be special when he does, and his Sulong form is gonna be BADASS!
Leave a comment/review if you liked it!
Hey guys! Here's the new one! It's kinda dark but I like it! It's a smooth change of pace from the last one. Viper and Reiju live on in our hearts! Also I stole Sora's fruit heh heh I made it up anyway!
Star-Star fruit: Become a star man. Further abilities to be revealed soon!
Thirteen is a half-human half-Mink. BUT I added legendary Minks to the lore so technically he is a White Tiger Mink.
-He won't get electro for a while but it will be special when he does, and his Sulong form is gonna be BADASS!
Leave a comment/review if you liked it!