22.22% One Piece Lemons / Chapter 4: Hot Helping (Hiyori)

章節 4: Hot Helping (Hiyori)

Y/N panted as he tried to maintain the boat against the Climbing Koi Waterfall. It would have been easier if they could have gotten away through the hidden tunnels located behind one of the waterfalls but that was reserved for those affiliated with the Beast Pirates—the very oppressors of the once prosperous Wano—so it was out of the hat.1

"Stay strong and brave the cold waters! I apologize that this route to escape is unfavourable, Hiyori!" Y/N shouted as he navigated through it.

Hiyori smiled in the cold weather and her cheeks were blushed and she was shivering but held firm on their belongings. "Please do not worry about me, Y/N! Right now, we are both escaping so you must make sure that we survive this. I'm the daughter of a samurai, remember? I won't cry so easily," she told him.

Y/N grinned at the strong-willed woman and smiled as he continued to storm the front and the storm, his clothes clinging to him tightly as he felt the cold hands of the storm touch him up but he didn't stop as he continued to row out until they finally could see freedom from Wano. 'So close to freedom!' he thought, as he had no qualms about exhausting himself

Hiyori looked in concern. "You're pushing yourself too much! Take it easy!" Hiyori warned him as looked back to see that the coast was still clear.

Using his Observation Haki, Y/N shook his head. "I feel some presence coming this way! I'm going to go as fast as possible for your sake! Don't forget you are important, Hiyori! Who else can restore Wano?! The Wano your father made prosper, the Wano we love!" he shouted as they continued to travel.

Eventually, a strong whirlwind appeared and both looked in shock as they tried to brace themselves but the pressure of its sucking force was too potent and they closed their eyes and shivered more as they felt the water splash and overwhelm them. Both called to each other until Y/N began to lose sight and things went black after who knows how long.


Y/N groaned and woke up as he felt a ray hit him in the eye and he groaned, twisted and turned before looking up to see Hiyori by his side. He groaned and placed his hand on his head. "H-Hiyori. Where are we?" Y/N asked.

Hiyori smiled and Y/N felt his heart thud. "We're somewhere safe. That being said, I am still unsure. We got lucky with the whirlwind and landed on this beach," she said, then she wiped her face. "Although I'm glad we are somewhere warm, I must admit this heat is too extreme. Can we relax here for a bit? It has a beautiful island and weather," she added.

Y/N sighed. "S-sure but we should maybe get going faster. Just in case something happens, I don't want your safety to be at risk."

Hiyori hugged Y/N, with her breasts squishing against his chest, and Y/N positioned his hand hug with his hands close to her rear. "Thank you!" she told him, pulling back. "However, you should not always be too stressed - you don't want your face to be wrinkly. Try and have some fun," she added as she walked off, her finely-shaped ass bouncing as she went off.

Y/N looked in realization at the fact Hiyori was probably wearing a swimsuit. "Guess I should get mine," Y/N said, getting ready to take off his clothes until he looked down to realize he was already in swimsuit gear. "Hold up! I wasn't in these clothes before!" Y/N told himself until his eyes widened at what that meant. 'D-did Hiyori undress me? If so, yes! I guess... a shame I wasn't awake,' Y/N thought before going out and meeting with Hiyori to enjoy the sun and prosperous island.

Exiting the makeshift tent, Y/N walked out and fully embraced the sun as he took a dive into the pristine waters. He looked at Hiyori once and he soon found his eyes constantly transfixed on her skimpy bikini. 'Thank you, Kyoshiro,' Y/N thought as he looked at her tiny bikini. It was a slim bikini top that was dyed in a glorious green with a rich dark-blue that mixed well, with a golden clasp ring fastening it together. Her bikini thong-panties hybrid held the same colour scheme but it also had pink flowers decorating it around but the colour scheme was more in a stripped formation rather than the free-flowing colour form of her bikini top.

Y/N decided to stop swimming early and went to get ready the food, shaking his head and getting his head dry so that it wouldn't drip and perhaps interfere with the cooking.

Water cascaded down Hiyori's form as she motioned to Y/N, which the male turned back and his dick began to erect at the sight of her. "Y/N! Come join me! This might be the only chance we have to enjoy ourselves!" she told him as she smiled when he relented and stood up to join her but her eyes widened when she saw something pop up. 'Is that?!' she thought. 'I need to confirm it!' she thought.

"Fine, then! You're lucky that I'm so kind!" Y/N complained but smiled right after at Hiyori as he joined her in the water. "Here I come! he told her as Y/N dipped both hands into the water and flung it upwards.

Hiyori looked down instead when Y/N was approaching, which confirmed all her thoughts. 'It's so'—Hiyori was too late to respond as a waterfall dropped on her—"big!" she ended out loud.

Y/N snickered. "Thanks for commenting on my ability to create big waterfalls, something I bet you can't do," Y/N teased.

Hiyori realized she had said it out loud but ignored that and thanked Y/N was oblivious as she smiled and splashed water in his eyes. "What were you saying? You underestimate me. I am the daughter of a samurai!" Hiyori countered with a grin as she clashed with Y/N.

The worries of being captured and illegally escaping Wano were lost in their moment of water fighting. However, while Y/N was fully immersed, Hiyori couldn't help but get lost as she saw the rise in Y/N's dick. It grew and grew to a point that Hiyori saw it poke out the trunks, that was the last straw for her!

"Y/N!" Hiyori called him, making him stop splashing on her. Hiyori panted at that and saw his slightly nervous face.

"Um.. did I do too much?" Y/N asked.

Hiyori shook her head. "It's not that. It's just have you not noticed it?" she asked as she pointed down to his erected dick that was highlighted by the wet trunks. "It's been awake for a while but it just keeps on growing and I can't help myself!" she said.

Y/N eyes widened. "I-I didn't even realize!"

Hiyori's eyes turned glazy and lidded as she pushed Y/N and held him close, her hands clutching his face and initiating a kiss. Hiyori moaned and her cheeks were red but she was stead-fast in her desire and moaned against Y/N.

Shocked by it but welcoming the turn of events, Y/N wrapped his arms around her back and pushed his tongue into her mouth as he enjoyed travelling in her mouth and feeling the warm exchange as they disregarded their care for oxygen and moaned and pushed against each other for more until Hiyori needed some oxygen so they pulled away, a string of saliva connecting them.

"Let's do it on the shore close to the beach," Hiyori suggested as Y/N nodded and carried her, making her yelp in surprise but she gave her Komurasaki look at Y/N. "Do you think this will get you more privileges?" she joked.

Y/N shrugged as he dropped Hiyori at the shore and she then pushed him down, her feet being caressed by the calming waters. She raised her body above his and pulled him into another searing kiss as this time her knee caps were rubbing against his cock, making him moan and let his guard down. Seeing the chance for some vengeance and to show her strength, Hiyori dominated his mouth with her tongue and she pushed her hands and intensely admired his physique.

Hiyori gasped when her butt-cheeks were squeezed by Y/N, and it provided the perfect distraction for her to let her guard down in the lewd kissing battle. Feeling a falter in resistance, Y/N didn't need to be told anymore (not that he could be told with how his mouth was sealed by her) and began to fight back and send his tongue out retirement to tease her upper entrance and be enthralled with the moans she sent out on his tongue, enticing him more and making him push his dick against her kneecaps, which kept on grinding against his dick.

Y/N felt his dick throb and pushed Hiyori against the water as he moaned and lavished his tongue against her. His mind becoming obsessed with Hiyori and his hands crawling over her body as he fondled with her soft stomach, the sensitive spot making Hiyori submit to Y/N's wild-tongue action as Hiyori resorted to gripping on his dick to settle him down, making Y/N moan in her mouth and stop as he felt Hiyori also clamp her hand on one mighty meat-ball, which was enough for Y/N to seize.

"Y-you got me good, Hiyori," he told her with a grin as she smiled and then got down on her knees, digging into the soft sands. Y/N gasped as Hiyori jerked at his dick. "I'm surprised you are doing this, Hiyori. Not that I mind!" Y/N told her with a smile that appeared more about love and care than lust.

Hiyori smiled at him. "Thankfully, I never had to give away anything sexual thanks to Denjiro. However, with anything being able to happen while we are on the run, I don't want to waste this opportunity we have right now. I'll give it to you!" Hiyori told him as she got on her knees and opened her mouth, her cool mouth clamping down on the warm rod of Y/N.

The loose sand crunched up in Y/N's hands as he groaned from Hiyori's actions and didn't touch the beauty, thinking it would be a crime, despite the beautiful lady dropping down and performing such a lewd act. The fact of the matter was that Y/N allowed Hiyori to do all the work and show her strength and love while he would allow her first time to be a passionate one in which both of them enjoyed and interacted with each other, almost like a married couple.

Hiyori's blue hair moved against the gentle breeze like a dancer, which made Y/N push his fingers through her hair and thoroughly enjoy the cold mouth of Hiyori as she continued to pleasure his dick, the large meat having already about 40% of it's large girth inside Hiyori, who appeared to be going strong and wasn't struggling.

'Her hair is so smooth, just like her beauty,' Y/N thought as he ran his hair against the turquoise-golden threads which were so smooth his hands melted in them with even the slightest touch. 'God, she is sucking me off so lovely! I'm so tempted to just make her bounce her head down right away!' Y/N thought as he removed his hand from her hair and dug it into the sand to subside the temptation to skull-fuck Hiyori.

Hiyori bobbed her head up and down as she finally felt her first big blockade and and gagged, with her saliva bubbles falling out of her mouth and sliding down on Y/N's dick, making him coo at the temperature contrast of his hot dick and her icy mouth. 'It's so much but I will overcome it!' she thought in an upbeat tone as she grabbed Y/N's dick and moved—even with her gag reflex trying to warn her—Hiyori's pride would not allow it and she even squeezed Y/N's balls.

"Hey! If you do that, you'll—"

The Kozuki heir didn't bother listening, or she couldn't, as she continued to grip and squeeze his large ball sacks like cushion pillows and the feeling was overwhelming as Y/N groaned and his head fell back as he came inside her mouth. His dick pumped and pumped but he stopped it from fully releasing as he watched Hiyori rise up majestically, except for the fact she had cum in her mouth.

Hiyori smiled as, immediately, she smiled at Y/N and wrapped her large tits against his dick, marvelling as she felt a more intimate part of her body being used against Y/N's private part. She cooed and blew on it as she enjoyed Y/N's twisted face of pleasure from her actions. "I can do much better!" she told Y/N.

"Do what— Oh, YES!" Y/N groaned out as Hiyori worked both her mouth and breasts for a combination of a tit-fuck and a blow-job as Hiyori was easily able to take more than half of Y/N's dick into her mouth as she smiled and her face slowly morphed into one shaped more by pleasure as her head was like reckless waves with how eager she was to show love to Y/N's dick.

The cleavage cage of Hiyori's was also a desirable feeling to Y/N as he couldn't wait and his hands moved to the side and closed and clapped down on her breasts, making her magic mouth moaning's stumble for a moment but the proud daughter of Oden continued on and she found herself reaching the base of his big dick as she allowed Y/N to help her with tit-fucking him while she could work even harder on reaching down and completing the titanic trial of meat that she was working on.

Y/N growled like an animal and flipped Hiyori down as he grabbed her waist and began to recklessly shove and push his dick between her booby bucket, not even caring for sensitive or first times as he groaned and watched Hiyori's debauched face as her face was full and cheeks constrained from his fat dick. "Hiyori! Take it again! I love, love, love you!" Y/N shouted as his balls slapped against Hiyori's chins and added more of an impact on top of the deep-throating she was doing as Y/N could feel Hiyori's skilful craft pushing his body to give her his salty man-cream.

Finally, Hiyori felt her cheeks bulge and she moved up against Y/N's dick but found her mouth almost pinned down to the point that it was telling her to stay on the shore floor and suffer from the hard angle of sucking Y/N's cock. Preserving, Hiyori forcefully pushed upwards and held off Y/N's ejaculation enough that when she got back up, Hiyori was happily struggling against the cum torrents swirling into her mouth as her head continued bobbing, with Y/N's big nut sack slapping her chin as she continued to chug down the man-milk of Y/N.

Semen spilt from the lips of her mouth as Hiyori continued to relentlessly chase down every drop. Y/N was in the clouds at the feeling of Hiyori and he gripped her head and shoved it all down her mouth, a bulge at her oesophagus with Y/N groaning as he kept pressing Hiyori deeper into his musky man-hood and continued to allow his meat hose to fire off until it was completely drunk down by Hiyori, which he then finally pulled his dick out and sat down with a satisfied smile and heaved breaths.

'He's laying down... Perfect,' Hiyori thought, even given a mental purr when she said the last word and she grinned as she straddled on top of Y/N, his still erected penis being painfully pushed down and having Hiyori rub her pussy against it. "It's still so active. I think I need to give it some extra care!" Hiyori said with a more lustful grin appearing on her face and showing a difference from her usual compassionate smile.

Hiyori's face gleefully lit up as she pressed her clit against Y/N's cock and watched it harden with Y/N having his arms pinned down. "No, please. Allow me," she said in an almost sinister voice, harkening back to the cold and callous persona of Komurasaki. Well, fitting her usual name, Hiyori sat up and positioned Y/N's dick on her engorged clit.

"Just put it in!" Y/N begged out as Hiyori kept on dragging out the procedure as well as dragging her pussy against his penis, with her love juices dripping and sending shivers that made Y/N tingle and his body shake at the feeling that spread into him whenever Hiyori seductively shed her juices on his cock.

Thunder crackled between the two as soon as Y/N got his wish when Hiyori, without hesitation but with the lube from sucking his cock and her own love nectar, smacked her pussy down onto his cock and it opened up like a candy wrapper before absorbing and shutting down onto the pole of pleasure, making Hiyori throw her head back with Y/N's head trying to sink in the ground to replicate the head physics of Hiyori as both members moaned from the fucking feeling that made both of them want to cum in that magical moment.

Hiyori felt the enlarged man meat shot through her pussy and into her womb, filling her insides up and reshaping it to fit his accommodation. Y/N was grunting and gritting his teeth as he felt the oiran's pussy grip him tightly; and Hiyori wasn't faring any better, her head thrown back as her arms and legs wrapped tightly around the male in front of her, grunting and moaning slightly at being filled.

Hiyori's head turned skyward as she panted and tried to prepare her body for the sore sex state she was going to be left in by the end of this scenario, but it would all be worth it. She just really hoped that they wouldn't run into any more trouble before her body recovered. Finally, after taking some well-needed rest while situated on the great meat sword stuck in her still cunt, Hiyori found a rhythm and followed through with it as she bent forward and her breasts were swinging in Y/N's face.

'They're like hypnotic milkies,' Y/N thought as he tried to lick and suck her breasts as it came to pass but Hiyori grinned as an idea came to mind.

The sister of Momonosuke smiled as she moved back and winked at him. "You're gonna love this," she said. Taking a few deep breaths, Hiyori made a sharp turn and gasped as she turned her back away from Y/N and was now in a reverse cowgirl position. Y/N had also let out a small nut burst in shock at what she did. It was unexpected... and Y/N was aroused from the sudden sex shift status she took.

Y/N grinned at her and slapped her ass, a red mark imprinted on her doughy ass cheeks. "That was a sudden move. Who knew you could do such things?" Y/N asked as he continued to feel up her big buttocks.

"I can show you more... this should teach you a good lesson on why I became the highest Oiran in all of Wano!" she declared.

The two gazes would harden as Hiyori would move first, rolling her hips a bit and bouncing slightly as she groaned at the feeling of the large cock thrusting in her sacred area. Though her pace would quit quickly, as Y/N gripped her ass and began to pound into the female with such force that the sand behind them was becoming a large crater; however, the two didn't really care, as Y/N continued fucking her and the Kozuki woman was enjoying the whole lot of it, though holding it back.

Pounding into her, Y/N's pace and force would increase by the second until Hiyori's chest and ass jiggled, clapped, and rock with each and very thrust, her pussy leaking juices as precum sprayed about in her pussy. Speaking of which, her pussy squirting went everywhere as Y/N roared as he felt this own end coming. That said, it appeared that Hiyori hadn't ended all her load in one go as she smirked and continued to ride Y/N. She pulled her arms back and intertwined it with Y/N as she used him like a horse to rampage and ride on his dick with all her lust.

The constant slamming down of Hiyori's ass and the fact of the matter that she was also pressing down on his balls as she did that didn't help Y/N at all as he bit his lip and continued to thrust into Hiyori, while trying to abstain from splashing his gooey cream into Hiyori's womb until he made sure that she climaxed first. It was a challenge, always from the beginning but his last interactional clash with Hiyori cemented it as so. "Fuck! Just cum already!" Y/N shouted out at her as he found him bobbing his head and smashing his hips into Hiyori, who looked to be stuck on a rod and bouncing with the rod if it wasn't for the fact that her arms were hanging limp out and her toes curled but, despite that, she did not give in as Hiyori's vaginal walls were squeezing Y/N's dick and she let go off of Y/N's hands and pressed her fingers onto his titanic tankers, making Y/N grunt in pain at the sensation that coursed through them.

Hiyori felt her body hit her limit after she felt Y/N's cock smash and punch her womb in a consecutive chain that appeared to get stronger and faster each moment, leading her to be more shaky with her head. "I can't hold it back any longer!" Hiyori shouted as she felt her body give into the pleasure.

Y/N smiled in relief as he had finally overcome the resistance of Hiyori. 'Still, although she says she gives up, I have to make sure her body does, so it counts as a victory for me.' So, with one final thrust into her womb, Y/N would cum, filling her up with so much of his semen her belly would probably begin expanding a bit and the cum overflowed from her pussy and onto the shore floor, as Hiyori's head dropped back and she was left panting as Y/N grins at her with satisfaction.

He patted her head and combed his fingers through her head as they relaxed in the heat. 'Relax well. We might not get a chance like this,' Y/N thought as he allowed the sun to shine on them.

  1. Kouzuki Hiyori

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