"Do they feel nice?" Mia asked, staring down right at my face with her lust-filled eyes. Yet, despite how intense her stare was, she somehow managed to hold herself back, refusing to increase the momentum of her plan.
"How should I answer this?" I muttered, squeezing down at the softness of her chest. Feeling my fingers sinking into her delicate skin, I kept this constant urge to feel her up, a desire that even actually feeling her up wouldn't sate. "They are the most divine pillow, the tastiest mouthpiece, the most efficient stress-ball," I muttered several ways to describe how I felt while playing around with her boob.
"Stress ball?" Mia cutely angled her head, puzzled by the words I used.
Damn, writing smut can be fun, but there is a limit to how much I can write it in one go. Starting with next chap, we are back with the story proper!