73.58% Not Your Average Human / Chapter 39: The Adventure Begins (Part 3)

章節 39: The Adventure Begins (Part 3)

Leo walked aimlessly for two hours looking for a place to stay. Suddenly he felt eyes on him. He walked around haphazardly but he was followed nonetheless.

"I know you're following me. Show yourself." Leo commanded.

"Leondre! I knew it was you!" A guy popped out of a tree.

He ran to Leo, "Did you miss me?"

Leo stared at the guy in front of him.

He was tall, about 7ft (213cm) and had blonde hair and green eyes.

"Oh right. You haven't seen this form in a while this should be easier to recognize."

His entire body went black and he began to morph. When his colours returned he looked completely different.

He had black hair, brown eyes with a hint of red above all he had green horns coming from his head and a black tail with a pointy arrow at the end. He was now 6'2 (189cm).

'Those eyes, horns and tails... They're clear traits of a... demon. But these look familiar...' Leo made a guess, "Justin?"

"Glad you remembered." He smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just bored and decided to check out this forest. There's supposed to be lots of cool beasts to fight. I was searching for one of those beasts when I detected a fellow demon. When I got closer I realized he was really strong and his aura seemed familiar so I followed him and he turned out to be you."

"Oh yeah. I haven't been called that in a while."

"No way! Does no one here know you're a demon?"

"Nope. And I like it that way."

"Oh... Well, what are you doing here?" Justin asked in return.

"Looking for potion ingredients."


"A girl I know is... sick."

"Hold up. A girl!?"

"Yeah?" Leo was confused by his reaction.

"You're making a potion for a girl...because she's sick?"


"That's not like you at all!" Justin exclaimed.

"Well, some time has passed."


"I live as a werewolf now. Ten years is a bit of time." Leo explained. "Anyway, I haven't changed at all. She's just... special and quite literally saved my life by putting her own in danger."

"I'm curious about your life being saved but I wanna know more about this girl."

"She's... cool? Considerate, kind and pretty. I thought she was human but seeing how she healed my limbs that were cut off she's probably not your average human. And uhhh I don't know you'd just have to meet her."

"So you've never tried torture, kill or—"

"I'll stop you right there. No. I haven't. I'm not a monster."

"But you are a demon. And you've done it before."

"You know what? Have fun. I'm going to look for a place to stay. Goodbye."

There was a loud rumble.

Leo turned to see what it was.

A large wooden house was now standing tall behind Justin. "Like this one?"

"What do you want from me?" Leo asked.

"Bring me with you," Justin stated.


"Because I'm bored."

"...You made furniture too, right?" Leo asked.

"Of course!"

Leo entered then plopped on the sofa.

"It's soft?"

"I worked on my spell because people kept complaining about my wood furniture feeling uncomfortable."

"Cause it is."

"Not you too," Justin complained.

"We're going to get this stuff." Leo handed him the list.

"...Not to be that guy but..."

"You don't remember them, do you?" Leo asked.

Justin nodded.

"Flobberworm mucus, alternatively spelt Flobberworm mucous or Flobber Mucus for short, is the slimy green mucus exuded from the Flobberworm, often used to thicken potions. A popular potion ingredient, it is used in the Wiggenweld Potion, Herbicide Potion, and the Sleeping Draught.

The Flubberworm is not considered a particularly interesting creature, with a Ministry of Magic Classification of X, or "boring," which is the lowest possible rank. Each end is identical to the other, from which they chewed vegetation and exude mucus. It moves very little and prefers to live in damp ditches. Flobberworms do not possess teeth and thus don't bite. Flobberworms are supposedly edible and Flobberworm fritters are popular at magic events.

The Flobberworm is notable for being one of the few living creatures capable of being summoned with the Summoning Charm, although it was generally not considered worth summoning."


"Really? We had potion and magic classes back at Demon Academy." Leo complained.

"Yeah, that's like 250 years ago and 9 years ago only nerds would remember that," Justin replied.

"Just because I learnt and memorized everything doesn't make me a nerd. Even demons thousand of years old need to remember the basics from DA. Plus you did it twice!"

"Actually yes it does. Those old coots are all nerds too. And so what?"

"Whatever. I can't remember everything I like before. Humans and Wolves have it hard because of all the subjects and useless knowledge they have to study. I mean we have to do a thing called algebra and the math is a thousand times worse." Leo stated.

"What? But all you do is battle calculations, money calculations and other simple calculations that you'll later on in life. How's that hard?" Justin asked.

"You don't understand. Algebra is math with letters. And guess what you won't even use it in most jobs just like most math you learn here." Leo explained.

"Sounds like torture," Justin responded.

"It's not all bad. I found someone whose good at math and she's my friend. My friends and I are getting this potion for her because she got hurt." Leo explained.

"Your girlfriend?" Justin asked.

"... I can still leave." Leo threatened.

"I'll stop..." He looked sad he didn't get any information.

"...She's the one I'm getting the potion for."

"Oh yeah! This isn't a love potion, right?" Justin asked with suspicion.

"Of course not," Leo replied.

"Then what?"


"She got hurt?"

"Yeah. Because she healed me and my friends." Leo smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, we got off track, classifications?" Justin changed the topic.

"The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, or sometimes known as the Department of Magical Creature Regulation, is the second-largest department in the Ministry of Magic. It is divided into three divisions named after the three categorisations of magical creatures: Being, Beast and Spirit. It also housed the liaison offices for Goblins and Centaurs.

"The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures classified magical creatures on a scale from 1 (X) to 5 (XXXXX) as follows:

XXXXX: Known magic wielder killer / impossible to train or domesticate

XXXX: Dangerous / requires specialist knowledge / skilled magic wielders may handle

XXX: Competent magic wielders should cope

XX: Harmless / may be domesticated

X: Boring." Leo explained.

"I'm all caught up, continue."

"The Chizpurfle is a type of very small magical parasite. Crab-like in appearance, this beast can grow up to a twentieth of an inch including its fangs. They are attracted to sources of magic and are commonly found in the fur and feathers of Crups and Augureys, respectively. The carapaces and fangs of the Chizpurfle were used in Potion-making.

Chizpurfles have a Ministry of Magic Classification of Beast XX. They attack magical objects like wands and cauldrons, gnawing through to the magical core or gorging on the last remnants of potions. They are also attracted to spells, such as the Wand-Lighting Charm. Needless to say, witches, wizards and warlocks aren't very fond of them."

"Billywig stings produce a slime that can be used in potion-making. It is an ingredient of the Wiggenweld Potion. The sting of the Billywig causes giddiness, followed by levitation. Dried billywig stings are used as ingredients in several potions, including the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons and the Wideye Potion. It was also rumoured to be an ingredient in the popular sweet Fizzing Whizzbees.

The Billywig is a magical insect native to Australia but can be found in multiple magical forests including the mystical forest. It is rated Beast XXX and is around half an inch long and of a vivid sapphire blue colour. The speed of the Billywig may be why it was rarely noticed by Humans, and wizards and witches often only spot it once they had been stung.

The Billywig's wings are attached to the top of its head and rotated extremely fast, spinning the Billywig so that it could fly. The Billywig also has a long, thin stinger at the bottom of its body. Anyone stung by a Billywig will suffer from giddiness, followed by levitation, which is what gave the Billywig it's rating of XXX. This is also why young wizards, warlocks and witches tried to catch Billywigs and provoke them into stinging them.

Too many stings, however, could cause the victim to hover uncontrollably for days on end. Sometimes, the victim could suffer from a severe allergic reaction, and permanent floating may ensue."

"A Sloth Brain is the brain taken from a Sloth, which is used as a potion ingredient. The mucus from the brain is a key ingredient in a Dragon dung Fertiliser. You will kill the sloth and I don't want to watch."

"Why are you pitying such creatures they're slow and... It's because they're harmless to those nondemonic fools, isn't it?"

"Don't call them fools," Leo ordered.

"Sigh. Now you're even siding with them." Justin frowned.

"The Unicorn is a white horse with a horn sticking out of its head. An iconic creature of magic, the existence of unicorns is one of the worst-kept secrets of the magic world, as unicorns are inextricably associated with magic in the Human world. These majestic equines possessed potent magical properties. They have a Ministry of Magic Classification of Beast XXXX.

Unicorn foals are born pure gold in colour. They remained so until they were about two years old, at which time they turned silver in colour. At around four years old their horn grows in. They were fully grown at about seven years old, at which at this age they turned a shade of pure white that was so bright that it made freshly fallen snow looked grey in comparison. Their hooves are golden (remaining so from their gold stage, the first two years of their life), and their blood was silver-blue and shone under the moonlight. It was never mentioned if it ever dies of natural causes. For all, we know they could be near immortal.

Unicorns inhabited the forests of Europe and all magical forests including the Mystical Forest. Unicorns prefer a woman's touch, but the young ones are more trusting and do not mind men as much. Unicorns are also so fleet of hoof that they can rarely be caught by humans. They are also fast enough to outrun werewolves with absurd ease. Wandmakers also plucked hairs from the tails of the creatures to use in wands as cores. Not aggressive without cause, but should be treated with great respect.

Unicorns are considered pure and sacred creatures. Drinking their blood to preserve one's life was considered a heinous and immoral crime. Humans were selfish and didn't care so we hid them and made up a rumour that they were fairytale creatures since most humans already knew of their existence. Can't believe it worked. Some of them have actually seen unicorns, but they get treated like crazy people if they mention it to anyone. It made our job to protect unicorns easier."

"Humans sure are dumb," Justin commented.

"No comment."

"Anyways. Didn't you say you didn't remember everything?"

"Yeah isn't it obvious? My explanations were so brief I probably left off like 20 things each."

"We have different definitions of the word brief."

"Maybe you're just dumb." Leo shrugged.

"Maybe you're just a nerd." Justin shrugged back.


"It won't take long to get these things right?" Justin asked.

"Indeed," Leo explained.

"What!? But this can be done in 24 hours if we fly fast enough and in under a week otherwise." Justin stated.

"Yeah but one of my friends is a werewolf and the other I don't even know what he is but he can't fly I don't think," Leo explained.

"Right you've been living here for a while right," Justin asked eating berries he picked from a bush earlier.

"Hey! You shouldn't eat strange fruits." Leo scolded.

"They're just blueberries want some?" Justin asked holding out a hand full of orange berries.

"No thanks,"

"Suit yourself. Wanna waste time filling each other in other things we missed out on?"

"Got nothing better to do."

"You start."

"I can tell you what happened from when I first got here?"

"Alright." Justin got comfy and ready to listen.

"So, I came with mother and Lia. We were still just getting used to the world so mother would be home a lot and you know I can't talk to Lia when she's home so I was wandering around and got lost." Leo started the story.

"I can bet she didn't come looking for you. Ever since you betrayed your father she's hated you just like everyone else. She might hate you even more because you replaced her–"

"Can we not talk about that. I don't like thinking about my previous life." Leo said sighing.

"... But how? Your strength and power–"

"I don't use them. I don't want to be the person I was... I don't regret what I did because it got me rebirthed and made me the person I am. I am extremely glad that I got caught too because being a king is not something I want to do." Leo said cutting him off.

"I see. But you would make an amazing king." Justin complimented.

"Thanks but no thanks," Leo replied.

"Anyways on with the story," Justin said wanting to hear more.

"Yeah so I got lost in a park and decided to sit by a pond and wait to be found and that's when I met the werewolf. His name is Ryder Rhodes and he is basically a Tsundere puppy." Leo explained.

"A... What?" Justin asked wanting to make sure he heard that right.

"A Tsundere puppy you know. The puppies that love attention but pretend to hate it." Leo explained further.

"Sure, whatever man." Justin didn't grasp the term very well.

"Since we were in werewolf territory we made ourselves smell like them but I hated the feeling of ears and tails because they are very sensitive. So Ryder was impressed that I could already hide my ears and tails, we talked for a bit and he knew the entire area so he showed me the way home." Leo continued the story.

"That's lucky," Justin stated.

"I know right. Every time I went to the park, I saw and hung out with Ryder, so we became friends. After a few years of us being friends we met Dexter but he was nameless at the time." Leo continued.

"What? How?" Justin asked confused.

"He's a complete mystery but Ryder helped him, gave him a house and a name," Leo explained.

"Didn't you say Ryder was just an ordinary wolf?" Justin asked.

"He is a wolf yes. Ordinary I'm not so sure something is different about but I don't know what. Anyways the house was easy to get since his entire family is rich." Leo replied.


"He and Ryder became good friends and we're friends too I guess. He doesn't talk much but he's been opening up a lot more recently." Leo continued.

"Do they know that you are a demon?" Justin asked.

"No, I've been keeping it a secret," Leo replied.

"Why?"Justin asked.

"You know the whole not using my power thing plus the other kingdoms aren't too fond of us. Especially humans and we're currently friends with one." Leo replied.

"What?" Justin asked shocked.

"Okay so it's been a few years with just us but then she appeared at our school. At first, I got a sudden urge to talk to her then we actually became friends. Although I should have done a better job protecting her." Leo explained.

"Protecting her?" Justin asked.

"Werewolves don't get along with humans. They want to kill them on sight or call pest control and let them kill them. But the wolves in school would rather bully her to death instead. And about her being a girl... I'm still not used to it... I can't get too close but I can talk to her." Leo explained.

"I see. But weren't you tempted to you know? Or at least eat her?" Justin asked.

"Nope. I don't like eating people or their souls and I can't possibly get that close to a girl! No matter how special she is." Leo replied.

"Can't believe that woman did this to you. She's a-"

"Don't insult my mother," Leo said cutting off Justin.

"You used to be so cool. Even after your rebirth, you were still cool... and you were a toddler! But after that woman, you began to be scared of girls and your powers. I kind of lost some respect for you back then." Justin said honestly.

"Whatever I'll tell you how I met her and what we've done so far then I'll educate you about the differences between here and the demon realm," Leo stated.

"Okay," Justin replied.

next chapter
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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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