24.52% Not Your Average Human / Chapter 13: Not Again

章節 13: Not Again

'I should have paid attention when Ryder was carrying me... I think I'm lost.' Kellian wandered around the halls trying to find her next class. 'I've never been here before... This hallway looks like no one's used it in a while... Maybe I should turn back.'

As Kellian turned around she heard a voice from around the corner.

"Who's there!? Show yourself."

'People!' Kellian immediately ran around the corner to ask for directions but was utterly disappointed by the faces she saw.

"Oh... It's... you." Kellian said failing to hide her disappointment.

"Well, well, well... Look what the cat dragged in... Who is this? What did she do? And why's her face annoying me so much?" Amanda asked her girls.

"I think you said her name is Kellian Heart," Cally stated.

"Who? There are too many people who are on my bad side to remember them. She, however, stands out... I can't remember why she's so special."

"Hey! No running away." Sally said catching Kellian trying to sneak away.

They backed her into a corner.

'What does the wannabe clown and her girls want now!?'

"She's a scared little human girl that thinks she's better than us!" Sally shouted.

"Us?" Amanda asked.

"I mean you of course Amanda. You have everything do it only makes sense for her to be jealous of you." Sally corrected.

"Oh, is that it? But her face is annoying me so much it can't be." Amanda stared at Kellian.

"You warned her to stay away from the boys but ignored your advice and is still hanging out with them," Sally added.

"Oh... You're that girl... So mind telling how much you ignored me?" Amanda asked.

"She's been hanging out with them a lot I heard she even went somewhere with them the very day you warned her," Sally stated.

"I heard a rumor going around that the days they were both absent Ryder on her went on a date," Cally added.

"..." Everyone went quiet.

"You've obviously never met a wolf-like me before... I so graciously give you a warning and you just...Ignore it!?" Amanda yelled angrily.

"I also saw Ryder carrying her today. Bridal style." Cally added.

She had enough and threw Kellian into the nearby metal lockers.

'Seriously!? Not again! I just got healed! It hurt almost as much as that metal pipe.'

"Look at me. You damn hussy! You can be as loud as you want. People rarely come here and besides, they should all in class now." Amanda smiled. "Now that you know how scary I can be...I'll warn you again. I'm engaged to Ryder so he's taken. The other two aren't taken but my friends here are interested so would you kindly back off? If not things will get rough. Okay?"

"Yeah... Except even if you were in a committed relationship you do not own them. You have no right to decide who can be their friends or not. I just want to be their friend I'm not the least bit interested in dating anyone right now." Kellian explained.

"Lies! There's no way any girl can resist their charms!" Sally yelled.

"Even so. You two at least need to actually start dating them before you go around acting like they belong to you." Kellian lectured. "And you wannabe clown if your "committed relationship" is as official as you say it is...you should trust your partner more...If you did you wouldn't be here threatening me."

The girls did not take kindly to being lectured.

Amanda grabbed her by the collar and punched Kellian in the face.

'That punch was so weak. The mark it leaves behind will probably be gone by tomorrow.'

"What right do you have to lecture me!? You–"

"Amanda someone's tripped the sensors again!" Cally yelled interrupting Amanda.

"Shoot! To the bathroom."

They ran to a bathroom and dragged Kellian along with them.

"We should be safe for now," Sally said closing the door.

"Just to be extra precautious..." Amanda then grabbed a roll of duct tape from her bag and covered Kellian's mouth and then used it to tie Kellian's hands behind her back.

Kellian didn't just sit there and let it happen. She tried screaming but a small was stuffed into her mouth before it got taped over. She tried struggling and gave them some good scratches but it was three against one and Kellian had never been in a situation like that before so they easily overpowered and restrained her until Amanda was finished.

"I got this girls. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show." Amanda said smiling proudly.

"Now, I have a plan to get you away from the boys and get us closer to them. All you have to do is skip school tomorrow. How does that sound?"

'It sounds like you're insane and trying to ruin my life. Besides, there's no way I'd agree to anything this wanna be clown has to say. How do I communicate this to her? Oh, I know! I'll give her the glare Ryder and Kaila always give me.

Kellian took a deep breath channeling all her built-up hate and anger and put it all into one glare. That glare was so intense it sent shivers up Sally and Cally's spines. It, however, had no effect on Amanda.

"That's an impressive amount of intimidation for a human. Too bad intimidation only works on weaker wolves and are more effective when used by a strong person." Amanda laughed. "However I'm still disappointed you two are so weak to be phased by her gaze."

The first sentence was for Kellian and the other was naturally for Sally and Cally.

"I knew it wouldn't be easy so let's make you reconsider." Amanda grabbed Kellian and tossed her into a bathroom stall.

"Are you still going to defy me?"

Kellian nodded.

"Fine let's see how long you last."

Kellian was already kneeled on the ground in front of the toilet. So all Amanda had to do was push her in but Amanda didn't want to get that close to the toilet and instead placed her foot on Kellian's head. The heel of her heels dug into Kellian's skull as she resisted being pushed into the toilet.

You may be thinking at least the water won't be that dirty since no one uses anymore, right?

Wrong. It was even more filthy. It was already bad enough Kellian was kneeled down on the disgusting floor. The only "clean" things in the entire bathroom were the floor and things outside the stalls but even those were not very clean.

The bathroom stalls looked like they hadn't been cleaned in twenty years...And the smell...The smell was absolutely putrid once you entered a stall and opened the toilet.

'This water looks like I would contract five different diseases just by touching it and this girl wants to dunk my head into this? Hell no! But it's really hard to resist without my hands plus that heel of hers feels like it'll pierce my scalp if I resist any harder... I need to think of something and fast!...That's it.'

Kellian struggled less and got pushed closer but before she could be pushed in she clasped her hands that were still being her back together and with one swift motion hit Amanda in the calf.

This gave Kellian the perfect opportunity to escape. And escape she did. She quickly ducked and crawled away backwards.

Amanda lost her balance and fell face-first into the toilet itself. She broke the toilet and that disgusting water was all over her unconscious body.

'Ouch. That's got to hurt. I didn't mean for that to happen... I'm sorry clown girl... This would never have happened if you didn't try to do that but...you did not deserve that... I am truly sorry.'

Her girls ran to her aid. As much as Kellian felt bad she knew these girls were bad news and they would not appreciate her help and decided to leave. She kneeled down on the ground and brought her hands from behind her back to in front of her.

She did this by first bring her hands down to her feet while bending down then stepping over them and then getting up.

She tried to open the door but it was locked. She turned around and found both girls facing her.

"I thought you were nice... How could you do something so vicious and walk away!?" Cally yelled.

Kellian bit through the duct tape and was finally able to speak after taking out the rag, "Don't misunderstand. I feel really bad and would love to help her but...What do you think she'd do if she found out that I helped her?"

"She'd absolutely hate it... But you could have at least tried to help! So what if she beats the crap out of you and ruins your reputation afterwards!? It would be your punishment for hurting her!" Cally yelled.

"She would have killed me!? I'm terrible at holding my breath! I would have drowned! ...Besides would she do the same for me?" Kellian yelled back.

"That sounds like a you problem. And no she wouldn't but she's the future Queen of werewolves you can't expect her to treat us, peasants, the same. You could have at least checked on her!" Cally rebutted.

"She's not queen yet. Ryder's father isn't even the King yet. You might let her do whatever she wants with you...I won't. I admit she got more hurt than I expected and I feel horrible for leaving her like this but... I'd get myself an even bigger target on my head if I helped her. And I don't need to check on her... I know exactly how bad her injuries are and they wouldn't exist if she had minded her own business and left me alone." Kellian explained.

"None of this would have happened if you hadn't done something wrong. You would have had such terrible luck to get hurt and bullied if you didn't do something wrong! So you should have just taken it because you probably deserve it." Cally stated enraged.

"...What...did you just say to me?" Kellian asked getting extremely irritated.

"You wouldn't get hurt if you didn't do something wrong. You being hurt is something you deserve because of something you did!" Cally repeated.

"What do you know about that!? What do you know about me!!? Huh!??" Kellian broke through the duct tape walked up to the girl and lifted her up by her collar.

"What the hell!? This is why you were going to be punished! You're a bad person!?" Cally yelled.

"Shut the hell up! What do you know about punishment for being bad!? What did I do that was so bad!??! Huh!? What did I do that caused my father to be murdered!??!!?!? What did I do to be abused both verbally and physically by my own freaking mother!?!??!? Is me being a human that bad!?! Or is my existence itself that's such a horrible sin to make my life so bad!!!!! Can you answer me that!? Huh????"

Cally tried to headbutt Kellian but was knocked out instead.

"Wow. You wouldn't have gotten knocked out if you weren't so bad... tsk tsk. Naughty girl." Kellian tossed her unconscious body away.

"That idiot. But do you really have such a horrible life that you'd get that mad over an idiot's words?" Sally laughed. "I wonder what the world will think." She said waving her phone around.

"Give me that phone," Kellian commanded.

"No way, this is too juicy! Abused human snaps and attacks werewolves in our territory! Humans are even more disgusting and terrifying than we thought! It's a great headline, right?"

"Give it," Kellian commanded in a more serious tone.

"I said no!"

Kellian charged at her aiming for the phone.

"I see so you're actually a softie. You just become dangerous when you're mad." She laughed. "You're not going to take this phone from me without fighting me head-on!"

Now pinning Kellian to the ground and re-stuffed and taped Kellian's mouth.

"That rag was too small and your feet weren't tied up so you escaped. I fixed you up real good now. Now I'm going to punish you for what you did to my friends" As she said that she looked at her friends and noticed that both girls were bleeding. She passed out.

'This is such a mess what did I do..? I can't help these people they kidnapped and tried to kill me! I can't leave them here either...' Kellian thought. 'Forget about helping them I can't even leave this room myself!'

Kellian inched her way over to the door and began banging on it with her head and screaming loud enough for her muffled voice to be heard.

"Kellian?" Ryder asked shocked near the other side of the door.

'I have never been so happy to hear his voice!'

Kellian screamed as loud as possible.

"So you were in this room?" Ryder tried to open the door and realized it was locked. Kellian realizing he was now at the door inched away from it.

"Locked huh? You might want to stay back Blueberry." Ryder broke down the door and was flabbergasted by the scene in front of his eyes, "What the hell happened!?"

Then he saw Kellian tied up and shock and confusion turned to anger.

He took out his claws and ripped open the duct tape on her mouth and removed the handkerchief from her mouth. Then he stopped.

"Did they do this to you?" He asked angrily.

"Why does it–"

"Answer," Ryder commanded.

"Yes." She answered.

"Did you do that to them?" He asked.

"...yes." She replied.

Ryder... burst out in laughter.

"Serves them right!"

"W-what?" Kellian was confused.

"They deserve it. This is the kind of thing they do to people it's nice to see it happen to them for once." Ryder examined each one of the girls.

"Oh... That's disappointing. You didn't hurt them nearly enough!" Ryder complained.

Amanda was most hurt but it was only her face and left arm that was injured but it was nothing serious although she was bleeding. Cally's head was burst but it wasn't anything serious. And Sally wasn't hurt at all.

"I– What?"

"You only really hurt Amanda and it's not even that bad," Ryder complained.

"But they didn't do–"

"Do you think they would hold back if they were doing this to you? These girls have sent people to hospitals and driven people to end their lives! They are ruthless. People like them... sigh. You're a nice person I get it but look at yourself. Does it look like they were just trying to scare you?" Ryder asked frustrated.


"Sigh. I'll deal with this. Let me undo that tape." Ryder walked over to her then stopped. "After you tell me exactly what they did and were going to do to you."

After Kellian explained everything.

"And you still feel bad for hurting them!? They could have killed you!" Ryder sighed. "You really are like her," Ryder mumbled under his breath as he cut her free.

"How do you plan to get the duct tape out of your hair?" Ryder asked.

"I don't know."

"I'll do it sit still..." Ryder commanded.

Ryder began to use his claws to try and get the tape out without cutting her hair. He decided to make conversation, "Do you have anything to change into?"

"No... I'm probably just going to go home."

"The teachers already hate you for being smart and a human. I don't think it's a good idea to skip." Ryder stated.

"I'm dirty and I stink there's no way I can go to class like this," Kellian replied.

"Take a shower I'll get you something to wear and someone to deliver it. I'll take care of this mess." Ryder stated.

"Please don't hurt them anymore," Kellian begged.

"Fine, I won't. Just know if you're this soft you'll never get any respect... Also, this doesn't make us friends! I only helped you because you're weak."

"Okay... Thank you." Kellian thanked despite Ryder's words.


"I hate that she's right I can't hurt them anymore because the principal would put all the blame on her... What's this?" Ryder picked up the phone and saw there was a video of Kellian on it.

He remembered Kellian saying that one of them recorded her saying some sensitive stuff about her life and deleted the video then destroyed the phone.

'This is still amazing. She was able to overpower them all. And Cally's head became like this from a headbutt and being tossed away. Kellian is pretty strong for a human. And quite smart too. But she'd be in trouble if I never decided to look for her to give her this bracelet.' Ryder thought examining the girls once more.

next chapter
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