85.18% Nier Automata: Journeys in the 12th Millennium / Chapter 23: Interval 6 PART 2 - Reunited Couple

章節 23: Interval 6 PART 2 - Reunited Couple

The space station known as BUNKER launched three drop pods toward the planet below, simultaneously, Commander White gave the mission briefing to the androids inside each pod via a holographic screen.

"I don't need to emphasize how important this mission is. There is an android on the planet broadcasting on an open channel; you must know whom I'm referring to. After all, watching broadcasts became a popular pastime at the BUNKER." Commander White said seriously, slapping her riding crop against the palm of her hand.

The androids in the pods nodded quickly, trying to hide their nervousness, thinking they were in trouble after watching the broadcasts.

"The android known as Alan presents knowledge of the highest level of secrecy, in addition, there is the possibility that he's a former high-ranking member of the Army of Humanity declared dead in the past. Simultaneously, forces from the Army of Humanity are moving toward Japan, including androids that once served alongside Alan. Your mission is to acquire information about the target either directly or through his former subordinates but be subtle this isn't an interrogation. In addition, try not to antagonize your target, if he's who we believe, I would rather not create a feud between the Army of Humanity and us. Did you understand?"

"Yes ma'am!" All the androids exclaimed simultaneously.

"Understood, this is the end of the briefing, glory to humanity!" Commander White spoke, placing her hand on her chest, above her heart.

"Glory to humanity!" The androids responded, repeating the gesture.

With a low hum and a flash of light, the holographic screen on the pods disappeared except for one.

"16D?" Commander White asked seriously.

"Yes ma'am?" 16D replied hesitantly.

"How do you feel since your model changed?" Commander White asked in a softer tone.

"All systems are working at one hundred percent efficiency, ma'am!" 16D responded.

"Perfect, you remember the orders I gave you, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am, I must approach the target and the people close to him and question them without arousing suspicion. Moreover, if necessary… Eliminate the target and anyone who knows about the classified information…" 16D responded emotionlessly, swallowing hard as she said the last part.

"Exactly, but it's like I said before, don't antagonize him and only eliminate him in the most extreme of circumstances, we don't need to generate animosity with the Army of Humanity."

"Yes ma'am!"

"All right, that's the end of the transmission; I'll wait for your report upon reaching the surface, 16E."

"Yes ma'am…" 16E, replied in a low tone, falling silent as the transmission ended, covering the interior of the capsule in darkness.


-City in Ruins-

"Camellia, are you sure about this?" I asked the android next to me as we walked towards the resistance camp.

"Yes! No! Perhaps! Probably! What were we talking about?" Camellia responded nervously, changing her expression with every word she said.

"Calm down and together we will review the current situation, you managed to contact 16D in the BUNKER and asked to meet her at a specific location, right?"

"Not exactly, I spoke to a resistance android who is friends with a Yorha android who came into contact with 16D." Camellia replied looking away embarrassed.

"Seriously? Did you make a line of intermediaries to talk to your girlfriend? Do you imagine how wrong this could go?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Claim: According to my calculations, the chances of something unexpected occurring are high." POD 000 spoke monotonously, floating next to me.

"Claim: That was a bad idea." POD 001 added, being much cruder in its words.

Camellia cringed in embarrassment at the harsh but truthful words from both PODs.

"Is this how you feel when PODs talk?" Camellia asked me, recovering from the blows given to her morale.

"Exactly, every day of my life since those flying cans started following me around." I responded emotionlessly, placing a hand on Camellia's shoulder, giving her an empty look.

"And how do you deal with it?" Camellia asked, returning the look.

"By accepting that the PODs tell the truth." I replied, taking my hand off her shoulder.

"Can we get back to the original topic; this conversation is making me uncomfortable."

"Yes, please. As the PODs said, what you did wasn't a good idea. At best, 16D will believe your message and go to the marked location, at worst; she will think someone is pretending to be her dead girlfriend. There is also the possibility that someone from the BUNKER knew that you defected and set a trap for you."

"I'm so sorry…"

"I'm not finished yet. On the other hand, I don't have a better idea of how to contact 16D. A2 and the PODs revealed the little information I know about BUNKER to me, and even so, there are things they don't know or have access to. I don't know what the frequency of 16D's POD is, and I don't know of any androids in BUNKER that I can trust. What I'm trying to say is that I'm more likely to screw up because I'm a total stranger with little knowledge about the BUNKER than you."

"Thank you for the encouraging words!" Camellia responded sarcastically, throwing her arms up.

"You're welcome! I pride myself on my dialogue skills!" I responded, striking a pose and pointing both index fingers at Camellia, making her laugh slightly at my display.

However, the joy soon disappeared, giving way to an anxious expression on the android's face.

"Is there problem?" I asked worried.

"No, I'm just nervous. 16D probably thought I died, and now she got a message from me, she must be furious."

"You better prepare to get yelled at and dodge some slaps, because 16D must be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions."

"I deserve this, don't I?" Camellia said in a low tone, smiling faintly.

"No! Never think that way! 16D has every right to be mad at you, but never stoop to the point where you think you deserve some punishment for something that wasn't your fault." I replied, giving a reassuring smile to the worried android.

"Thanks! How do you always know what to say to make someone feel better?" Camellia asked more excitedly, raising an eyebrow.

"This comes with time, first I did a long introspection to find out what my problems were and then try to solve them, although I admit that I asked some friends for help and there is no shame in that. I then used what I learned to help the androids who came to me for advice when I was part of the Army of Humanity. I'm also fucking old, and as much as it pains me to admit it, wisdom comes with age."

"That still doesn't explain how you're so good at giving relationship advice." Camellia asked curiously.

"Meh! I had a few moments here and there." I shrugged.

"You said you haven't had a meaningful relationship in a long time."

"Yes, I said I never had meaningful relationships in a long time, but that doesn't mean I never had sex again." I replied, smiling and moving my eyebrows suggestively.

Camellia stepped back, her face flushed with embarrassment as she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly.

"WHAT?!?" Camellia asked snapping out of it.

"It's true, sometimes people just want to have some fun and go their separate ways. I think the right term is friends with benefits." In addition, I was strong enough to not have my hip destroyed by an android in the past.

Camellia walked beside me in total silence, her face still red, but thinking deeply about my words.

"Do you… Do you mind giving me some advice about… You know…" Camellia asked embarrassedly.

"Well… That depends…" I replied hesitantly, scratching the back of my head.

"Depends on what?"

"It depends on whether 16D and you have the necessary parts in place to have intercourse." I sighed.

"Oooohhh! We… we don't have the parts…" Camellia muttered, adjusting her sunglasses and looking toward the ground as she kicked a rock away.

"Well... That doesn't surprise me, all the androids leave the factory as smooth as a doll, their physical size, appearance, and voice allow the distinction between male and female, but they don't have genitalia or nipples. Many install parts out of curiosity, to advance their relationships, or to feel closer to their creators."

"I understand. I'll have to visit Michelangelo again." Camellia muttered, adjusting her glasses.


"Nobody!" Camellia exclaimed.

"Shit! We talked about relationships and ended up discussing what androids need to get laid!" I exclaimed in disbelief, looking at the floor with my hands on my hips.

"You were the one who brought the subject up to our conversation!" Camellia shouted, pointing at me.

"Don't worry, Camellia, I'm curious to hear more about how Alan knows so much about sexual relations between androids." A familiar female voice spoke out of nowhere.

I felt sweat running down my face as I slowly turned towards the source of the voice, only to come face to face with an angry Anemone staring at me through a holographic screen displayed by POD 001.

"A-anemone?!? How long have you been listening to us?!?" Camellia stuttered nervously as she blushed furiously.

"Don't worry, Camellia, I arrived at the moment he talked about the androids leaving the factory smooth, like dolls. Well, how do you know that?" Anemone asked again, crossing her arms and frowning.

"Well, would you like to find out?" I asked, taking on a flirty voice as I tried to hide my nervousness.

Anemone stepped back, surprised by my answer, but soon she recovered and answered me with a flushed face.

"Don't tempt me, I might end up accepting." Anemone responded in the same tone.

"Then should I reserve some room or would you rather go on a date first."


"Oh my God! They're at it again!" A male android walking behind Anemone shouted, turning to the screen in surprise before shouting to the rest of the androids in the camp.

"They haven't fucked yet?!?" A female android screamed, poking her head around a corner.

"No!" The male android replied, looking at the screen again.

Anemone closed her eyes tightly and sighed in frustration.

"Listen, your PODs called me for some reason, but looks like it wasn't anything important."

"I'm sorry about that, these two loves to embarrass me, but they're not that bad, no one has ever gotten hurt from their pranks."

"Just keep them under control, okay?"

"But of course! Hey, do you mind if I come over later so we can talk for a bit?" I asked, trying to recover the situation.

"I would love it." Anemone smiled.

"So, I'll see you later."

"Sure, see you later." Anemone responded before ending the call.

I clenched my fist tightly and smiled happily, I would have danced a little, but I had bigger problems now, like the two PODs in front of me.

"PODs, we are going talk a little." I spoke menacingly, drawing my knife flowing with electricity and approaching the PODs with a murderous smile.

"Claim: This isn't recommended." POD 000 spoke, floating away from me.

"Claim: Please, think about what you are doing." POD 001 said, repeating the other POD's actions.

However, before I could enact my revenge, three bright objects fell from the sky in a region far from the city.

"Hm… It looks like your girlfriend has arrived." I said to Camellia, sheathing my knife.

"Yes, and she brought company." Camellia replied seriously, wiping the lens of her sunglasses.


The drop pods door opened and 16D stepped out, carefully observing her surroundings.

"Well, we're alive." A small male android spoke excitedly, stepping out of his drop pod with a POD floating next to him.

The android wore a black coat, shorts, boots, and gloves, the basic clothes of a scanner, and the iconic visor over his eyes, the only distinguishing feature he possessed was his brown hair.

"You say it like this is a surprise, 7S." A female android complained, climbing out of her pod.

The android wore a long black one-piece dress that reached her shins, but with openings on the sides, allowing unrestricted movement of her legs.

The android also had silver hair tied into a long braid that almost touched the ground, and wore a band with a red cross on her left arm.

"What can I say? You never know when something might go wrong, especially when you're falling from space, 13H." 7S shrugged.

"I understand what you mean, but citing how someone can die causes serious moral problems." 13H replied, curiously analyzing the landscape around her.

"I believe you two have talked enough, let's continue with our mission." 16D said, turning to the two androids.

"Yes ma'am!" 13H and 7S responded simultaneously, saluting 16D.

16D smiled slightly at the androids' reaction and turned to the POD next to her.

"POD, mark the resistance camp on the map." 16D spoke.

"Affirmative. Location marked." The POD responded monotonously.

With a series of confirmations, 16D, 7S, and 13H drew their weapons, these being a pair of Type-3 Fists, a Basic Yorha Sword, and a Type-3 Spear, respectively. 

Then the trio headed towards the camp with their respective PODs accompanying them.


"Well, this is a surprise. To what do I owe the visit?" Anemone asked, crossing her arms and smiling slightly at the three androids in front of her command tent.

"Greetings Leader Anemone, Commander White sent us to assist the resistance in clearing the region for the arrival of the Army of Humanity." 16D responded politely, stepping forward and bowing slightly to the camp leader.

"Please, just Anemone is fine, and you don't need to be so formal, this isn't exactly a professional environment." Anemone stepped back disconcerted.

"I understand if that's what you wish. My mission partners, 13H, 7S, and I are ready to assist in any way necessary." 16D spoke as the other two androids introduced themselves after having their names called.

"It's not that I'm not grateful for the help, but this is weird, you know? A factory full of Goliaths, strange machines appearing in the desert, Army of Humanity forces suddenly moving to Japan, and now more Yorha androids coming to the surface. It makes me wonder if there is something else going on here, maybe good old White remembered that the resistance exist."

Anemone said thoughtfully, looking up at the sky with a hand on her chin as she gave the androids a teasing smile.

"I don't know what you're implying, but I admit that several strange coincidences have occurred recently." 16D responded quickly, keeping the formal tone.

"Meh! Maybe I'm thinking too much about it! Welcome to camp! But since you guys are so willing to help, I hope you don't mind if I put you to work soon!" Anemone shrugged.

"Great, she's going to make us work until we die, just like Commander Whi… MMMPPPHH!" 7S complained audibly, throwing his arms up, but soon shut up when 13H firmly grabbed his lips, closing them tightly.

16D watched the interaction between her two companions with visible disappointment, while Anemone laughed at the two androids' display.

"Well, given your names, I assume you are a Defender, Healer, and Scanner. 13H will help Florence and the medical droids care for the wounded, 7S will accompany our scouts to update our maps and identify new machine focus points, and 16D will fortify some of our outposts near the camp. I was clear?" Anemone said to the trio.

The three androids nodded in confirmation and walked away from the tent, where 13H released 7S's lips.

"Hey, why did you do that?!?" 7S exclaimed, standing on tiptoe to face 13H.

"If the commander finds out you're talking bad about her, she'll reduce our payments!" 13H exclaimed back.

"With the little she pays us, we will end up working for free!"

13H's response was to slap the android on the back of the head, shutting him up before anyone heard him.

16D placed herself between the two androids, preventing them from fighting, and then the trio of androids split up and headed towards their respective missions.

Anemone watched the three androids disappear through the streets of the camp before turning to the other androids in the tent.

"Keep an eye on those three, there's something wrong here and I want to be ready for whatever comes!" Anemone spoke seriously, slamming her hands on the table in the tent.

The androids in the tent nodded in confirmation before returning to their previous duties but with a new order to carry out.

Imperceptible to the resistance and Yorha androids present at the time, two PODs, an "old android" and a defector watched the entire conversation from the second floor of an abandoned building close to the command tent.

"So, is that 16D?" Alan asked, pointing to the android walking away.

"Yes." Camellia responded, resting her elbows on the building's window frame and her head on her hands as she gave 16D a dreamy look.

"Well, you weren't lying when you said how beautiful she was." Alan replied.

16D was an android of average height and appearance with pale skin and a severe but beautiful face, unfortunately, the distance didn't allow the detailed analysis of her face.

She wore a frilly black sundress that reached her knees, black sandals, and a pair of white gloves that reached her elbows. 

Her visor hid her eyes while her short-black hair covered the right side of her face.

"And at some point did you doubt me?" Camellia asked, keeping a passionate tone in her voice.

"Well, what are we waiting for? If she wants to find out if you are alive or not, she will go to the meeting point!" Alan said excitedly, patting Camellia on the shoulder, snapping her out of her dreamy state.

"R-right, let's go!" Camellia stuttered with a red face, following Alan soon after.


16D assisted several resistance outposts located near the camp to improve their fortifications, and thanks to the updated maps provided by 7S this task was accomplished quickly and efficiently.

They erected barricades and created kill boxes using the various abandoned cars and debris scattered throughout the city, they also cleared and transformed buildings into small bunkers and bases of operations.

16D and the androids spent the day working to clear the area and prepare it for the arrival of the Army of Humanity. Finishing her work, 16D said goodbye to the resistance androids and headed to a remote area of the city.

16D stopped in a large park surrounded by buildings, covered in tall green grass and large trees. You could also see the ruins of the tiled paths, wooden benches, a fountain, a bandstand, and a playground in the square.

The android looked around, fidgeting anxiously as she waited for someone to appear. However, 16D didn't know that someone watched her from inside a building.

"So what are you waiting for?" Alan asked Camellia as he lightly pushed her towards the exit of the building.

"N-nothing!" Camellia replied, shaking her head nervously.

"You're not fooling anyone, what's wrong?" Alan asked again, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall.

"I-I don't know what to say! How the hell am I supposed to start a conversation with her?!? Hi, it's me, 11B, your supposedly dead girlfriend!" Camellia replied mockingly.

"It's a difficult situation, but unfortunately I don't have any advice for that, I can only say that it's best to take things calmly…" Alan replied, catching a glimpse of 16D who was about to leave.

"…And go talk to your girlfriend, because she's about to leave." Alan replied, pointing at 16D with his thumb.

Camellia let out a series of incoherent noises as she paced from side to side, opening and closing her mouth. 

Then the android stopped and used the glass of a window as a mirror, where she straightened her hair, rubbed her eyes, cleaned her teeth with her tongue, and adjusted her clothes.

"How am I?" Camellia asked Alan.

"Cool as always!" Alan responded smiling and giving a thumbs up.

Camellia returned the gesture and prepared to leave the building, but before she did so, a cacophony of metallic footsteps approached the park, revealing a small army of machines emerging from the streets and alleys, surrounding 16D.

16D raised both Type-3 Fists and prepared for combat with his POD floating at her side, simultaneously, the machines advanced without saying a word.

"16D! What are these machines doing here?" Camellia shouted in surprise.

"What the hell are you waiting for?!? Go help your girlfriend!" Alan shouted back, pushing Camellia towards the exit.

The android stumbled slightly, but soon recovered her balance and ran towards the park, taking her sword out of her guitar case and cutting down the machines in her path.

Alan left the building through the backdoor with the PODs following him, where he walked through the back streets and stopped near a convenience store overlooking the park.

Unfortunately, some of the machines noticed Alan sneaking away and followed him.

"Well, PODs, it's been a while since I fired a gun, is my aim still the same?" Alan asked, walking into the convenience store and watching the machines approach.

"Claim: This depends on how accurate Administrator Alan's aim was in the past." POD 000 responded.

"I want you to know that I take pride in my aim! I was one of the best shooters before the new generations of androids came out!" Alan exclaimed, jumping over the store counter and pointing his AK towards the door.

"Question: How long ago was that?" POD 001 asked, raising a questioning finger.

"A few millennia ago, I think…" Alan replied thoughtfully, aiming at the approaching medium biped.

"Claim: This is concerning, and Administrator Alan seems far too calm about the current situation." POD 000 spoke, preparing to fire.

"I believe I've lost my fear of machines after so long, the small ones that I can kill with bullets and explosives at least. Moreover, I've you two here with me to help me, right? I feel like my skills are rusty, let's see if I can still deal with the machines."

"Claim: Devola and Popola will be furious when they find out what Administrator Alan is planning." POD 001 responded.

"If they find out! I hope you both keep your mouths shut because my knife is as sharp as ever."

"Affirmative." Both PODs responded simultaneously.

Then the machines advanced with a series of heavy metal steps, simultaneously, Alan and the PODs fired a barrage of bullets and luminous projectiles towards their attackers.


"Come on Camellia, 16D is waiting for you! Let's impress her with a grand entrance! Be cool, be cool!" Camellia exclaimed to herself as she cut a medium biped into two.

Both halves of the machine fell to the ground with a metallic noise, staining the grass with oil.

A group of stubbys quickly approached, spinning their arms like whirlwinds, trying to hit Camellia. The android easily stepped away, and moved between the stubbys, delivering a series of quick and deadly cuts.

Camellia left a trail of sliced machines as she advanced across the park and approached 16D who fought some of the machines.

16D eliminated the machines in her path with heavy but powerful blows. The android in black crushed the machines in front of her, turning them into balls of metal with each punch and sending them flying away, where they collided with other machines in their path.

Simultaneously, her POD offered support, firing at all approaching machines, filling them with scorched holes.

It looked like the two androids would reunite, but that vision became more distant thanks to the new group of machines that approached.

Small flying machines descended from the sky and fired spheres of energy towards the androids, as if that wasn't enough, two medium bipeds with spider-like legs and two quadrupeds with machines mounted on their backs joined the fight.

Camellia dodged the spheres that rained towards her, leaving scorched holes in the ground, but this left her open to one of the spider machines that advanced at great speed.

The machine slid along the ground leaving trails of upturned earth in its path and spun its body in mid-run, trying to cut Camellia in two with the blades on its legs.

Camellia dodged the attack but was cut in the stomach, tearing her jacket and shirt, and leaving a small bloody cut.

She didn't had time to check the status of her wounds, as the second machine approached like a runaway car, creating a cloud of dust wherever it passed.

Camellia moved out of the way without thinking twice as the flyers continued shooting, leaving a trail of destroyed ground behind the android.

As she ran, the android heard the sound of machines with spider legs approaching from behind. Stopping her run and turning towards her enemies, Camellia formulated a plan.

The android ran towards the spider machines at full speed, the machines didn't seem to mind and moved faster.

When both parties were a few meters away from colliding with each other, Camellia jumped, stepping on the head of one of the spider machines and using it as a springboard to propel herself upwards, towards the flying machines.

Camellia pierced the first machine with her sword and spun in the air, flinging the machine towards a second flyer, where they both collided and exploded in a shower of fire and metal.

Soon after, she cut down all the flyers in her path as she fell before the machines could fire.

Camellia landed on one knee with her sword raised sideways, meanwhile, the flyers remained static in the air, but soon a series of boiling cuts appeared on the metal of the machines, releasing sparks and exploding shortly afterward.

Camellia quickly stood up and turned to her remaining enemies. Raising her sword with determination, the android prepared to face the two approaching machines.

The first spider machine advanced, spinning and trying to cut Camellia with its legs moving like a saw, but Camellia precisely parried the machine's attack, sending it sliding away.

The machine slid across the park while spinning wildly, but soon stopped and shook its head, reorienting itself. The second machine did the same as its counterpart and advanced towards Camellia, using the same attack.

Moreover, just like before, Camellia deftly parried the attack, sending the spider machine away. The two spider machines stopped and stared at each other for a moment before returning to the fight.

Camellia stood her ground and raised her sword, parrying the first machine away in time to parry the second, but the first machine returned as soon as the second moved away.

This bizarre game of ping-pong continued for some time, where the machines would increase their speed and attack Camellia tirelessly while the android would send the machines away with powerful blows, but with the window of opportunity decreasing with each advance.

However, imperceptible to the machines, its spider legs deteriorated with each blow, and dents formed in the metal, followed by cuts, the cuts exposed the wires and parts and soon the parts stopped working.

With a particularly powerful blow, Camellia cut off two of the front legs of one of the spider machines, forcing her enemy to stand on the back legs to avoid falling, allowing Camellia to pierce the machine's chest.

The machine struggled, shaking the stumps of its legs frantically, trying to break free as the light in its eyes flashed repeatedly. Unfortunately, the end of the machine didn't come via Camellia, but rather from the other spider machine that approached.

The machine advanced without caring about its ally in the way and spun like a tornado, hitting its companion and trying to hit Camellia.

The android planted her feet on the ground and withstood the attack, using the dead machine as a shield as sparks and metal splinters flew everywhere.

With a cry of effort, Camellia thrust her sword forward, throwing the dead machine at her attacker, causing the machine to stop for a moment, more than enough time for Camellia to pierce the remaining machine through the center of its head.

The machine's eyes blinked for a few seconds before going out, indicating that it died.

Camellia removed her sword from the machine and ran towards 16D, letting the machine explode harmlessly.


16D raised both fists, blocking a sphere fired by a flyer. The sphere exploded against her gauntlets in a cloud of smoke, singeing the metal and forcing the android back.

16D swung her arms, clearing the smoke in time to punch the side of a quadruped machine sending it skidding across the ground, but the machine planted its feet on the earth, stopping its momentum.

The machine turned to 16D soon after, letting out a whinny-like noise and slamming its front legs defiantly on the ground before charging forward at a powerful gallop.

Simultaneously, the flying machines prepared to fire, but 16D's POD acted faster and pierced one of the flyers with a hail of energy projectiles, turning the machine into a pile of debris on the ground.

Once their target was eliminated, the POD focused on the remaining flyers while 16D dealt with the quadrupeds.

The two quadruped machines advanced in a straight line with a medium stubby mounted on each, but they soon ran in opposite directions, trying to approach 16D from the flanks.

16D analyzed her situation with a serious and thoughtful face, formulating a plan in her mind.

The android raised both fists and hit the ground with all her strength, creating a cloud of dust. The machines that moved too fast to stop collided inside the cloud of dust.

The machines looked around in confusion when they didn't find 16D when the dust settled, but they soon looked up when they noticed a shadow forming above them.

The machines had no time to react as 16D landed on the back of a quadruped machine and punched the medium stubby hard enough to turn the upper part of its body into a shower of fragments.

The remaining stubby tried to punch 16D, but the android quickly turned around and slapped the machine with the back of her gauntlet, sending the stubby flying away with half of his body crushed.

The android raised both fists again, preparing to crush the machines beneath her feet, but both quadrupeds struggled violently, causing the android to lose her balance and jump away, avoiding falling to the ground.

16D's eyes widened slightly and she quickly raised her left gauntlet, blocking a kick from one of the quadrupeds as soon as she touched the ground.

The force of the blow pushed 16D back with her feet sliding across the ground, but the machines continued on the offensive and galloped towards 16D, stopping in front of the android and supporting itself on its hind legs, delivering a barrage of blows with the blades to its front legs.

16D raised both fists in front of her body, using them as a shield against the machines' offensive.

Metallic cracks echoed across the park as the machines attacked incessantly, creating a shower of sparks and slowly wearing away the metal of 16D's gauntlets.

With an irritated growl, 16D opened her arms, pushing both machines amidst its blows, and causing them to lose their balance.

16D quickly grabbed the first machine in her reach by one of its legs and threw the machine over her head, pinning it to the ground, then 16D raised her other fist and violently punched the machine's head.

The android crushed the machine's head and most of its torso with punch after punch, each blow creating a loud bang as it cracked the ground and sank the machine into a hole in the earth.

16D set the machine aside after reducing it to a ball of crushed metal and focused on the second approaching quadruped machine.

The machine swung both legs towards 16D, but the android easily stopped the attack, grabbing the machine's legs with her gauntlet.

The machine struggled, trying to free itself from 16D's grip, the android responded by tightening her grip on the machine, applying absurd tons of pressure similar to a hydraulic press.

The machine struggled even more after realizing its fate, but 16D gritted her teeth and applied more pressure, crushing the machine's leg, followed by its massive torso and finally its head.

16D released the machine and stepped back, watching as the machine staggered in confusion on its hind legs before falling motionless to the ground.

Sighing in relief, 16D looked around, spotting her POD and an unknown android approaching from different directions.

"All flying machines have been eliminated." 16D's POD spoke in a monotone robotic voice.

"Understood, POD." 16D replied before turning to the approaching android.

The unusually dressed android stood next to 16D and looked her up and down, making strange gestures as she opened and closed her mouth, then the android took a deep breath, adjusted her sunglasses, and smiled at 16D.

"I see you didn't need my help." Camellia flirted, approaching 16D.

Only to step back as 16D raised both fists threateningly and stomped towards her.

"Who are you and why are you here?" 16D demanded.

"Wait, wait! I just want to talk to you! You got my message, didn't you?" Camellia responded nervously, taking a step back.

16D had a moment of confusion before her eyes widened in fury behind her visor.

"You! You called me here! Was that your plan?!? Pretend to be 11B and lure me into a trap full of machines?!? What's the point of all this?!?" 16D demanded, trying to punch Camellia.

Camellia screamed in surprise and stepped back, dodging the punch.

"Stop! It's me, 11B!" Camellia screamed, dodging the series of blows sent towards her.

"Shut up! 11B is dead!" 16D shouted her voice cracking with sadness as her professional facade slowly disappeared.

"You're wrong! I survived thanks to some friends and I'm here talking to you! I changed my appearance, but I'm still the same 11B as before!" Camellia shouted back, removing her sunglasses and looking 16D with a sea of emotions shining in her irises.

16D stopped her attack and stood still like a statue with an emotionless face. Removing her visor with trembling hands, 16D returned Camellia's gaze, exchanging a look full of sadness and anticipation.

16D raised her fists again, opening and closing her gauntlets with loud clicks, as Camellia prepared to dodge the next attack. Slowly, 16D lowered her fists and faced Camellia.

"11B is that you?" 16D stuttered in a low tone, approaching with hesitant and shaky steps.

"Yes, it's me 16D, but my name is Camellia now." Camellia responded in a similar tone, approaching with open arms and a sad smile on her face.

The android couple finally closed the distance with hurried steps and found comfort in each other's arms in a long, calming hug.

"*HIC*, *HIC*, I missed you!" 16D whispered in Camellia's ear as tears fell from her eyes.

"*HIC*, *HIC*, I know and I'm sorry about that!" Camellia whispered back, stroking 16D's hair as she cried too.

"I thought you died!" 16D shouted, pulling her head from the crook of Camellia's neck and looking deep into her eyes.

"I also thought I would die, but I was saved in the end, and I'm grateful for that because now we meet again." Camellia responded, gently, holding 16D's chin and bringing her lips towards hers.

16D blushed at the action, but she didn't resist and let herself be guided towards Camellia's lips.

I've been alone with you inside my mind

And in my dreams, I've kissed your lips a thousand times

I sometimes see you pass outside my door

However, imperceptible to the two androids lost in their emotions, a song came from somewhere nearby.

Finally, their lips met in a long, passionate kiss.

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I can see it in your eyes

I can see it in your smile

You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide

The two androids remained like that for a long time, completely focused on the kiss, exchanging their emotions and showing how much they missed each other.

'Cause you know just what to say

And you know just what to do

And I want to tell you so much, I love you

Eventually, they got even closer in their embrace, deepening the kiss, followed by audible noises and moans.

I long to see the sunlight in your hair

And tell you time and time again how much I care

Sometimes I feel my heart overflow

"Oh! Young love! What I wouldn't give to have that again?" Alan asked himself, wiping away an imaginary tear as he watched the couple with the PODs next to him.

Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are

And I wonder what you do

Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?

"Question: Shouldn't we move before more machines appear?" POD 000 asked pointing to the trail of machines pierced by projectiles as POD 001 played the song.

Tell me how to win your heart

For I haven't got a clue

But let me start by saying, I love you

"Let them enjoy the moment, POD. Machines can wait, but love cannot."

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

'Cause I wonder where you are

And I wonder what you do

Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?

"Claim: This makes no sense."

"That's the funny part, POD. It doesn't need to make sense, love is something abstract and difficult to understand, it's something that simply happens."

POD 000 remained silent, watching the couple in front of it and thinking about what Alan said, meanwhile, POD 001 continued the song.

Tell me how to win your heart

For I haven't got a clue

But let me start by saying, I love you


2?: Well, that was interesting.

1?: What do you mean?

2?: The android fought more than usual, but why?

1?: Maybe to protect her loved one from the machines you sent?

2?: Probably, thanks to the human feeling known as love.

1?: Love… Human feelings are illogical and confusing; they force people to do stupid things.

2?: And they also help them do the impossible.

1?: Should I write down the results of your experiment?

2?: Yes, please, I feel like I'm one step closer to understanding the mystery that is humanity.


next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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