92.3% New Valyria / Chapter 36: Chapter 35: Arc 3, The Battles of the Gates, of Lannisport, and the Fall of Casterly Rock.

章節 36: Chapter 35: Arc 3, The Battles of the Gates, of Lannisport, and the Fall of Casterly Rock.

-King's Landing-

The Commanders of the City Watch, Kingsguard, the Lannister army, and the Hand of the King, looked over the red walls of King's Landing, and the only thing they could see were tents, and an army of six-thousand. An army that was split between six of the seven gates of King's Landing.

Tyrion Lannister, the Hand of the King, was standing over the Lion Gate, and watched as the banners of Houses Targaryen, Lannister, and Reyne flapped in the air. Jaime Lannister, the Commander of the Kingsguard, was standing over the King's Gate, looking out at the army that has the banners of Houses Targaryen, and Blackfyre, something that amazed him, and confused him. Keven Lannister, the Commander of the Lannister Army in King's Landing, looked on at the army that stood against the Iron Gate, with the Stark banner, and new banner, a white three headed dragon, on a gray background.

Bronn, Commander of the City Watch, was leaning against the stones above the Gate of the Gods, with an army carrying a banner that had a ice blue wall covering three thirds of the banner, with the rest being black. At the Old Gate's were the banners of Dorne, and in that camp was a girl, who wielded two skinny swords, which was being guarded by Addam Marbrand. The final gate, the Dragon Gate was empty of any army, leaving the only exit, and entrance, but it was always watched, day and night. But also the harbour was blocked off by three ships the people had never seen before, and when they tried to attack the ship, they found out that it would be complete stupidity if they tried to attack, for the ships shot something out, something round and big. Something that could destroy the city as a whole.

Inside the wall of the city, the smallfolk starved, as the wealthy bought the food, and leaving none for them, making them have to live off of nothing. The poor and hungry screamed out in pain every night as the siege stayed up. But the screams didn't last long for the armies outside the walls were able to enter through secret passageways, feeding the people, telling them that there will be more to come the next day, and slowly the people were turning against their lords, and soon the king.

In the Throne Room, King Joffrey Baratheon sat the Iron Throne with his mother to his side. Inside the throne room, were the lords of the Crownlands, and in front of the throne were Gerion Lannister and Arthur Reyne, wearing armour that matches their house sigil, with them two captains. Both of the men were here to speak of a surrounding, but the only response they got were drawn of sword, and then clashing. The Throne Room was then will with the blood of three Kingsguard, and all of the Lannister men, and Gold Cloaks. They quickly left the city, leaving behind a raging Queen, and King.

In the Black Cells of King's Landing slept a red headed, blue eyes girl, who was crying into a pillow. The girl's back was completely red as her whip marks still bleed from her whippings. She missed her family, she misses Robb, Bran, Rickon, and her mother. But she didn't miss her lying half bastard brother, nor did she miss her little brat of a sister. Deep inside all she wanted was to see Jon and Arya impaled like what Jon did to the Mountain. Sansa was taken from her thoughts as her cell doors opened, and she looked to find the two same Lannister guards as all the last time, and they lead her to the baths, to get wash and then to the king, and once she got there she is ordered to take of her dress and then she is whipped.

On the island of Dragonstone, Stannis Baratheon watched as the Royal Navy came into view, and soon his army boarded the ships. From afar Melisandre watched as the chosen one got onto the head ship, and as the fleet left. Melisandre turned around and placed her hand on her belly, and felt the moving of the shadow within her. Sadly this wasn't of Stannis' seeds.

People continued doing as they would normally ignoring the muffled screams, and as the sunset a shadow was born, and as it turned to the window and like flash it vanished into the night, with only one objective on mind. Kill Daeron Targaryen.

A few hours later the Royal Navy appeared outside of King's Landing, and within seconds the Targaryen ships let lose their rounds, and the loud bangs of their new weapons were sounding. Within the walls of the Red Keep, everyone covered their ears. The men upon the wall watched as the once Royal Navy vanished, and as the rest came into view. Stannis who was following shortly behind watched as his leading felt got shot to splinters, and the yells of his men. Davos who was leading the first row of ships grabbed his son, and jumped into the sea, and as they swam away they heard the shouts, and as chucks of wood went flower their heads.

Stannis turned around and yelled for everyone to stop, and just as they stop the ships now was hit, and slowly the ship started to sink. Stannis ordered some of the men, to lower a boat, and when it was down he jumped into it. Some of his men followed and they rolled the boat towards the ship behind them. And as they thought they were free. Stannis spotted from the darkness more ships, all carrying the banner of House Targaryen, but this time they were different.

The leading ship was double the size of the ones behind it, and the ones that were behind him. Then the noise came, and this time it was louder, and much more. The men on the walls of King's Landing, and those looking out of the windows of the Red Keep, watched as the Royal Navy fell apart, leaving nothing but splinters.

When the soldiers outside of King's Landing heard the sounds of the cannon fire. The commanders exited the tents wearing valyrian steel armour, and wielding valyrian steel weapons. The men lined up, and within seconds the people onto the walls watched as more men marched towards the form line. And as hundreds of horns blew, the joined arms of Targaryens, Starks, Lannister, and Martel, they started to march towards the walls. Making the six-thousand grow to fifteen-thousand, as more and more men join.

The gates didn't take long to fall, only five minutes all six gates fell. The army continued its way to the Red Keep, killing the Red Cloaks, and Gold Cloaks if they tried to challenge them. While the leading army lead, men from the camps brought food in for the smallfolk to eat, and fresh water to drink. The people cheered as the army moved towards the Red Keep, not harming those that surrendered, having the men stripped of their armour and any weapons.

When they came within range of the Red Keep, the first two rows were shot full of arrows, and to take their place were men wielding shields made from valyrian steel, making all the arrows bounce off. When they got to the walls of the Red Keep, they used ladders, and ropes, well men tried to ram the gates open.

On the other side of the walls, two brothers nodded. The dwarf turned to his one-hundred Lannister soldiers, and nodded giving them the signal, and without a second to spare, they started to turn on the other Lannister knights, and the Gold Cloaks.

The Golden Lion entered the White Sword Tower, down a set of stairs, and to a secret entrance. As he got there the doors opened to show two men wearing Lannister armour and helmet, blocking their face. When they nodded, and moved out of the way to show both Myrcella, and Tommen, unharmed, or scared, the Golden Lion smiled. The Lannister dressed men took off their helmets to show Ser Barristan, and Ser Alliser, and as Ser Jaime stepped out of the way, allowing both knights to join the fight above.

As the gates flew open the Targaryen army charged in, slaughtering those who fought against them, and helping those who fought with them. Joining them were Bronn, Alliser, and Barristan. It didn't take long for the men to fall, and as they continued on into Maegor's Holdfast, continuing to paint the floor red with their enemies blood.

In the city where the Smallfolk waited to see who will win this battle, sat a small group of one-hundred men, waiting for a knight to show them the way to the win against the Others. It didn't take long for the knight to show up, for as they turned around they found the knight wearing golden armour, and had a lion pommel sword standing there. The Golden Knight gestured for them to follow and as they did, they entered a secret entrance in the wall guarding the city. They continued to follow until they came to an opening with jars of bright green liquid.

In the dark sky seven dragons flew over the city, casting a greater shadow over the city. Within those eyes a deep purple can be seen, and the person who owns those purple eyes nodded as he flew upon a pure black dragon, and was leading three other dragons. Dragons of old, and ancient.

Within the holdfast men were being slaughtered and the bodies being piled up. The men protesting the king were dying as the king coward behind his Kingsguard, and Headsmen, as he cried into his mother's dress, as she rages about not knowing where the other two were. They sat in the Throne Room waiting as the army outside screamed in pain, and death.

When the barred doors opened, the mass slaughter continued, within this fight was the Young Wolf who was fighting against the King's Justice, someone who had more experience then he, someone who will kill him if he isn't cautious. Siding behind the throne was King Joffrey, who was sucking his thumb as he cried, moaning as men died for him.

Running away was Queen Cersei, trying to find somewhere to hide, as she waits for her father to come with the army of fifty-thousand. But as she continued, she stopped as she heard footsteps coming from ahead of her, and as the person stepped out of the shadow she smiled as her eyes landed on her twin brother. She ran to him but as she was about to reach him, he pointed their ancestral sword at her neck, and told her to stop.

Inside the Throne Room, cheers could be heard as the Baratheon and Lannister banners fell into the fire, and the Targaryen banner took their place. But as they started to move the bodies, they found the corpse of Robert Stark. The Northerners were the ones to move this body, to the tents where his body will be cleaned, and then dressed in new clothes, with his gifted valyrian steel sword, Snowstorm

The smallfolk cheered as the army came out with the 'Aerys-the-third', the 'Golden Lioness', and the Prisoners of War. As they exited the city they looked on at barrels leaking with a green liquid like substance, and as the green substance was taken by cart heading north. Queen Cersei looked at the substance with wide eyes, and sparkles in her eyes.

-Tyrell & Baratheon Army-

The Tyrell and Baratheon army marched south, towards the capital of Westeros. The Tyrell men knew of the plan, and kept their ears open waiting for sound. Leading the army was, 'King', Renly Baratheon, and his group of Rainbow Guards. Beside the called King was Lord Mace Tyrell, a useless and pathetic lord, which is why his men were eager to listen to his heir. They all knew that the Targaryen King would turn out on top.

The soldiers of House Tyrell listened to the sounds of loud bangs, and as the army stopped, the Tyrell soldiers quickly drew their weapons, and without a second to spear, they all yelled out, "Hail King-Emperor Daeron Targaryen!" And without a bat started stabbing the Baratheon soldiers in the back.

At the front of the army Renly looked behind him and watched as the Tyrell soldiers slaughtered him, and with them out numbering them to 4 to 1. The Rainbow Guards stepped in front of him, but as he noticed that the Knight of the Flowers, wasn't protecting he turned around and saw him with his sword drawn, and with a quick swing, the Rainbow Guards watched as their king's head rolled off his shoulders, and down onto the ground.

The Baratheon men surrendered as they watched as their king fell headless. But the Rainbow guards weren't still for long, for after a few seconds they drew their blades. The reaction they got from the Tyrell knight was not what they expected, for as they drew their blades he grabbed the dagger at his waist and threw it at one of them, it went into the visor and into the skull of the knight.

And as they went to charge at him, they were stopped as the Blue, and the Hound, cut off the rest of their heads. Leaving all of them to fall down from their horses headless. The Tyrell soldiers collected the rest of the prisoners, and one of them happened to be the Lord Tyrell. When they made sure everything was done they continued towards King's Landing and as it came to view they looked to see the Targaryen banners falling from the walls.

-Lannister Army-

The army counted fifty thousand strong as it marched towards King's Landing, ready to save the throne from the Targaryen bastard. But as they continued the sound of whistling came from in front of them, and the sound of a horse hooves hitting the ground. As the sound came around the corner they watched as a man with deep purple eyes, with a ring of red around it.

The road was filled with the drawn of swords, as the man stopped facing them, and spoke, "I'm going to make this simple." The man raised a hand, "In my name, Daeron Targaryen, King-Emperor of the Empire of New Valyria. Surrender, lay down your weapon and bow." At that moment eleven pairs of giant eyes opened, "Or suffer a worst death, then you would if you continued."

The Old Lion watched as most of his men dropped their swords, and bowed. But the rest of the others stayed, and just as he was about to say something, some of the men charged at the boy, and as they got within ten feet, he watched as the dragons breathed their fire onto them, and the rest of the men followed and kneeled before the dragons, and then Tywin followed. Knowing there was no way past this.

The Northern Dragon smiled, "Good." The man looked to the man who was leading the army, and asked, "Lord Lannister. How many men did you leave behind at Lannisport, and your home?" The Old Lions eyes widened only for a second, but the man grinned, "From the looks of it. You only left…" he shrugged, "A hundred at Casterly Rock, and only twenty at Lannisport."

-Casterly Rock-

Genna Lannister stared out the window of Casterly Rock as the Knights of the Vale, and as the Targaryen army marched through her birth home, like they owned the place. She warned Tywin of this might happen and what did he do? He ignored her and took most of the Lannister men and went to King's Landing. Leaving only a hundred-twenty Lannister guards. Not only that but they were all green, at their mothers tits, and as they saw this army coming they surrendered.

And now the army is taking all the gold, and removing all of the Lannister banners, and putting the banners of Targaryens, and Reyne. She heard a knock at the door, and as she answered she watched as a man walked through the door, and she immediately recognized as a young Robert Baratheon.

The man nodded, "My Lady." He moved from the door, and gestured to the door, "We have a carriage waiting for you. If you could come peacefully I promise no harm will be brought upon you."

Genna nodded, and went to the door, but as she walked past the man, "Who are you?"

"Gendry Baratheon. Legitimized Bastard of Robert Baratheon." He answered.

She nodded, "Is Lannisport captured?" She asked as she left the room, and she heard him follow.

"Aye." He answered, "A battle without casualties. A good battle." He continued.

Genna nodded, as she exited and found a carriage waiting for her, the Baratheon opened the door, and helped her up the few steps. As Gendry went to close the door, she spoke, "What will happen to me?"

Gendry shrugged, "Don't know, My Lady. It depends on the King-Emperor, and if you harmed House Targaryen."

"Is he fair?" Genna asked.

His answer didn't take a second to think, "Daeron Targaryen is fair and just. He only wants revenge for his family. But I know that when it comes to the main branch, he will be just as ruthless as Maegor the First." Genna nodded, and allowed him to close the carriage door, and then she felt it move.


Jon followed as his army marched towards the capital of the seven kingdoms. Above in the sky were the dragons all seven of the new and all four of the old. Jon grinned as he made his promise to Bloodraven come true, "The old is with the new." He whispered to himself.

But then something clicked in his head, a familiar feeling but there was a small difference. Jon closed his eyes, and as he felt his body shift, Jon opened his eyes to see Bloodraven, and Bran. Jon went to smile, but as he looked at Bloodraven he saw the look he had, and the smile that wanted to be on his face vanished. Jon knew that face, it was a face Bloodraven used when he knew he should have been shown something much earlier.

Jon glared at Bloodraven, "What is it this time?"

Bloodraven looked to his brother, "There is something you must know before you claim the throne." Bran walked over to Jon, with a smile, and placed his hand on his shoulder. Jon felt a shift, and now he was standing in a room. He looked around and as he did he spotted a beautiful tanned skinned, with dark shoulder length hair, with matching black eyes, and a flat chest. But the woman was still beautiful, but the more he stared at her the feeling that he knew her grew. The woman was sitting on a chair beside a bed, who had a sleeping body on it.

But then he sobbing, a light sob, a sob that came from a little girl's throat. Jon walked over to the bed, and looked down at the body, and he felt his heartbreak for he knew where he was and who he was with. On the bed was his older sister, Rhaenys, when she was three. Jon looked back to Bran and Bloodraven, and watched as the older man motioned for him to watch.

As Jon looks back he watched as his oldest sister shot up, with tears running down her cheeks. He watched as his stepmother, if she lived, embraced her daughter. Jon heard Rhaenys mumble, and he went closer to listen, and as he did he heard her explain the extents will happen soon. Robert's Rebellion. The betrayal of House Lannister. The birth of Daeron Targaryen.

All the while this was happening Jon watched as Elia's eyes moved about, and he knew that look it was a look of deep thinking. Rhaenys continued to explain until she fell asleep. Then another shift came, and this time he was watching a meeting between Tywin Lannister, Doran Martel, and Elia Martell Targaryen. Elia asked for help, but that was all. He listened as the three talked, and as Tywin tried to make a deal where if Elia gave birth to a boy, an heir, that he would be betrothed to one of his granddaughters. But just like Aerys, Elia denied, making Tywin fill with rage, and he left knowing that they would plan something.

But what happened next, shocked Jon to his core. For Doran and Elia made a plan for when King's Landing is being taken by the Lannisters, there will be fakes in their place, for all three of them Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon. Jon listened as Doran and his stepmother made plans to sail to Naath, where they will live in peace. Jon felt another shift but this time it was a death, the death of his brother.

When Jon felt his surroundings change he stared at the empty space, taking in all of the information he just absorbed. Away from him were both Bloodraven, and Bran. They watched him, as he stayed still, thinking of something. When he remembered where he was Jon's eyes snapped toward Bloodraven, and for the third time in his life his eyes turned to the crimson red of one of his bonded beasts.

Jon walked towards his ancestor, and he watched as Bloodraven took a step back. The only reason why he stopped, and why he didn't punch the old man, was because of Bran stepping in his way. Jon pointed a finger towards the old man, "What made you think now was a good time to tell me that my sister, Rhaenys, and my stepmother, Elia, were still alive?" The old man didn't say a word, and as the crimson of his eyes glowed, he yelled out, "WHY!?" Jon felt his body tremble, and he fell to his knees, "Why?"

Bloodraven placed a hand on his shoulder, "Because I thought it was best for you. You already have enough to deal with, and I didn't want to add onto that list. But now with Westeros in your hands, and the dragons of old and new are together." Jon thought of it, and as he was thinking a thought came to mind.

"What do they look like?" Jon asked as he looked up at Bloodraven, and as the older man nodded. Within a second he was standing in front of a beautiful young woman with mid spine long black hair, with a small patch of silver over the ear, the woman had light velvet eyes, with a tint of blue, she also had a nice set of tits. She was wearing a dress that allows one of them free. He smiled at the vision of beauty his older sister is. Beside her was their mother. Elia looked like she was in her thirties, she looked like she barely aged as the years passed.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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