Astaroth brought his attention back to the discussion in front of him, as Grit Herman was finishing his spiel of commercial equality between the two future sibling kingdoms. The Half-Orc was a good salesperson at heart, and it impressed Nalafein.
It was rare for Orcish descent people to go in other branches than fighting. It was citizens of other races that had handled the trade in their countries, usually, that either descended from freed slaves or migrants.
But Mr. Herman put a lot of them to shame, selling his plan to Nalafein like there was no better option. Grit had played a lot on the fact that their king was giving him the resources necessary for him to start his takeover, and the possibility of even having a beachfront from which to launch said takeover.
Of course, Nalafein was well aware of this point. But Mr. Herman did not once take advantage of his powerlessness. The deals were fair, if slightly slanted, in favour of Stellar Woodlands.