78.94% New Alpha in Town / Chapter 15: Waverly Place?

章節 15: Waverly Place?

Long ago when witches and warlocks still roamed the earth freely, unrestrained, was called the era of magic. Magicians and the like passing on their knowledge and techniques to their descendants who would then form groups of their own. These places where witches and warlocks gathered later became known as Leys. The Leys absorbed their magic and in return sent it back out through nature. Changing some of the plants and animals in the areas.

As time would pass the era of magic would continue to decline as more and more people were born, after all if one person knows magic its controllable, but as the population grew magicians were no longer able to practice their craft freely. Instead of going into hiding the witches of that era did something else. They would infuse their magic into seeds and plant special trees around the world, at least three on every major continent. These trees would later be named Nemeton and it had one purpose. To keep Mortal eyes off of our secrets.

After the age of Nemetons, witches and warlocks saw new hope to continue their practices, which they did. During this time of unrestrained magic led to the rise of more questionable decisions made by these magicians. Especially since the plants and animals around had already started changing bit by bit. However too much of a good thing was never a good thing.

The first supernatural creatures were born at that time. The Wendigos opened up a new door to their magic, but obviously Wendigo weren't considered a successful creation, after all they needed human flesh to survive. So they kept going until eventually they created the first Alpha werewolf. Stronger and Faster than normal, with an infectious bite. These wolves went unrestrained during that period were packs would run openly.

Yet as I said, too much of a good thing, the witches weren't done yet, different witches, in different areas, doing different things with the same result, creating predators of man. The Cold ones were born, hard skin, no heartbeat, fast, and lethal with their only weakness being the sun. With the advent of vampires now the night was no longer safe for anyone. The native shaman at that time would use his magic to mimic the forms of the packs running freely and became the first generation of shapeshifters, yet some would denounce those ways and return to their magical nomadic roots and would later become skin walkers.

The Vampires and Packs would later go to war with each other for centuries leading to massive declines in both races and eventually peace treaties carried out in secret. Usually Packs and Vampires don't inhabit the same state in large numbers, however that's mostly due to the territorial instinct they have. As these wars would later die out the original Vampires would later go on to destroy all of the White oak trees in the world as they were quite fatal to them and it would also be around this time that everything changed.

Hunters. Regular ordinary people who were tired of being afraid of the beasts in the dark, families such as Argent and Calaveras would stand up and start organizing themselves to fight back. Going so far as to cut down Nemeton trees forcing magicians back into hiding, while at the same time making supernatural creatures themselves start learning to hide or be hunted. After all a vampire during the day is limited and a werewolf who hasn't transformed isn't lethal enough.

These times would continue up to present day with supernatural creatures getting lower and lower in number and power while hunters continue to become more organized. The average alpha today is the same as betas back then used to be and even most alphas cannot even fully transform after centuries of suppression and silence. Yet that doesn't mean they gave up living and even some have thrived in their environments.

I took a breath as I look towards the quiet Lydia sitting beside me, "As of today the number of supernatural continues to decrease, however in some areas are still protected such as Beacon Hills which has part of Nemeton left, or London which still has a whole tree, either way the world has never been simple, nor do I see it ever truly being simple. So.....what do you think?"

The redhead was lost in her thoughts, the story was true, after all she felt there was no need for me to lie to her, plus considering the strangeness of our group, obviously not related but closer than family. Her mind was racing trying to piece it all together, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't fit one particular piece into her puzzle. "Where do I come in, in all of this? I mean you telling me this as much as I'd hope it was the case, but I don't think you're telling me because of how good I am in bed are you?"

Her eyes locked onto mine as if saying 'If you don't make it clear for my old lady, don't even think about snu snu' of course that's my personal opinion, yet if you want to argue back then square up, an Alpha ain't never been afraid.

"The witches I told you-"

"Am I a witch? Do I have to learn magic? Am I like Selena Gomez? Oh my God! I'm a teenage witch, hiding an ordinary life, in school and I even have the werewolf boyfriend?! OH MY GOD WHERE DO I GET A WAND!"

I, WAS DUMBFOUNDED. What the hell is this chick on? "Lydia!" I scream at the girl still waving her hand in the air "You're not Selena Gomez, and can I please finish Ms. Waverly Place."

She sat down reluctantly muttering 'See how I hex you in the future hehehe,' completely unaware that my ears caught everything she said.

"Lydia, remember how I said some of them created Nemetons? Well they weren't completely side effect less. Some of the witches at that time lost their ability to channel magic, yet at the same time they gained other powers and a connection to the Earth's Ley Lines that would later be passed down from mother to daughter. They could eventually predict deaths, hear the voices of those close to them, some could even read minds via eye contact. And they all had one very noticeable feature and that was their scream, which would channel the energy of the planet through their voices. They would be called Banshee later on."

"So I'm a Banshee? So wait why is it me and not my mom? You said its mother to daughter but my mom is normal."

"First you'll always be normal until you as a Banshee greets death. It could be something as simple as a panic attack to a gunshot wound, but only when a banshee meets death will he give her powers."

She processed for a minute before speaking slowly "So youre telling me this? Are you trying to recruit me?"

"Yes and No. Banshee are very troublesome and useful at the same time, not useful enough to kill you to activate your abilities, but useful enough that I'd rather you know about it than not, especially since you're hanging around my pack."

"Are you guys dangerous?"

"Not to you, however being around us will make other supernatural in town believe you're apart of my pack, so if they ever want to do something to me, they'll aim at the weakest link, which is"

"Me," with a heavy sigh Lydia got up from the spot she was sitting in as she spoke "Well this is, a lot, to take in. I need some time to adjust to this, and of course you sprung this on me right before sophomore year starts. Typical guy waiting til the last minute for important things."

"What can I say, I aim to please Madame. Cmon I'll drop you home and give you a copy of the beastiary, whether it's supernatural or history it's a complete guidebook for novices."


Oddly enough the two of them left the cave, a bit closer than ever, as the day began to break.

Meanwhile on the other side of these woods three figures stood outside a somewhat burnt house.

"Dont worry we can get it fixed."

"I wasn't worried Laura, I was wondering why this lazy guy didn't already start on it?"

"I was busy surviving Cora, if Laura didn't come back I'd still be an omega."

"Alright you two quiet down," Laura told her siblings "As of now the Hales are back in our territory. Derek you notify Satomi and arrange a meeting with the new Alpha. As for Cora you're signing up for school. No arguments, it's for your good and ours. We need to rebuild the pack and some young high schoolers are the best bet to train up alongside us. Cora can look at the school while Derek looks around town."

"What about you?" Cora asked still a little miffed for going to school.

"Me? I'm going to meet our Druid."

"Deaton? Well tell him I said hey!"

"Derek you big man can't walk yourself? Still want a woman to do it for you?"

"Cora, one more word"

"Or what?"

"ENOUGH YOU TWO! Sigh, this is going to be a long night."

next chapter
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  • 世界背景

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